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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Paul Merrell

Paul Merrell

First working draft of W3C HTML5 - 0 views

  • HTML5 A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML
  • This specification defines the 5th major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In this version, new features are introduced to help Web application authors, new elements are introduced based on research into prevailing authoring practices, and special attention has been given to defining clear conformance criteria for user agents in an effort to improve interoperability.
  • The W3C HTML Working Group is the W3C working group responsible for this specification's progress along the W3C Recommendation track. This specification is the 24 June 2010 Working Draft snapshot. Work on this specification is also done at the WHATWG. The W3C HTML working group actively pursues convergence with the WHATWG, as required by the W3C HTML working group charter.
Paul Merrell

Dr. Dobb's | Other Voices: An HTML5 Primer | June 03, 2010 - 0 views

  • With Google and Apple strongly supporting HTML5 as the solution for rich applications for the Internet, it's become the buzzword of the month -- particularly after Google I/O. Given its hot currency, though, it's not surprising that the term is starting to become unhinged from reality. Already, we're starting to see job postings requiring "HTML5 experience," and people pointing to everything from simple JavaScript animations to CSS3 effects as examples of HTML5. Just as "AJAX" and "Web 2.0" became handy (and widely misused) shorthand for "next-generation" web development in the mid-2000's, HTML5 is now becoming the next overloaded term. And although there are many excellent resources out there describing details of HTML5, including the core specification itself, they are generally technical and many of them are now out of synch with the current state of the specs. So, I thought a primer on HTML5 might be in order.
Paul Merrell

RDFa API - 0 views

  • RDFa APIAn API for extracting structured data from Web documentsW3C Working Draft 08 June 2010
  • RDFa [RDFA-CORE] enables authors to publish structured information that is both human- and machine-readable. Concepts that have traditionally been difficult for machines to detect, like people, places, events, music, movies, and recipes, are now easily marked up in Web documents. While publishing this data is vital to the growth of Linked Data, using the information to improve the collective utility of the Web for humankind is the true goal. To accomplish this goal, it must be simple for Web developers to extract and utilize structured information from a Web document. This document details such a mechanism; an RDFa Document Object Model Application Programming Interface (RDFa DOM API) that allows simple extraction and usage of structured information from a Web document.
  • This document is a detailed specification for an RDFa DOM API. The document is primarily intended for the following audiences: User Agent developers that are providing a mechanism to programatically extract RDF Triples from RDFa in a host language such as XHTML+RDFa [XHTML-RDFA], HTML+RDFa [HTML-RDFA] or SVG Tiny 1.2 [SVGTINY12], DOM tool developers that want to provide a mechanism for extracting RDFa content via programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, Ruby, or Perl, and Developers that want to understand the inner workings and design criteria for the RDFa DOM API.
Paul Merrell

Microsoft to Shut Down Bing Cashback - - Business Technology Leadership - 0 views

  • Microsoft (MSFT) plans to shut down Bing Cashback, the service that offered online shoppers cash rebates for buying products after searching for them on Bing.
  • Microsoft attracted more than 1,000 merchant partners who offered cash back to shoppers, said Yusuf Mehdi, senior vice president for Microsoft's Online Audience Business Group, in a blog post. "But after a couple of years of trying, we did not see the broad adoption that we had hoped for," he wrote.
  • Cashback was once central to Microsoft's push to position its search engine as one that was ideal for shoppers. It was also a service that Microsoft founder Bill Gates seemed particularly fond of. He often spoke about the potential for the offering to draw people to Microsoft search.
Paul Merrell

Red Hat's CEO: Clouds can become the mother of all lock-ins | Cloud Computing - InfoWorld - 0 views

  • Cloud architecture has to be defined in a way that allows applications to move around, or clouds can become the mother of all lock-ins, warned Red Hat's CEO James Whitehurst. Once users get stuck in something, it's hard for them to move, Whitehurst said in an interview. The industry has to get in front of the cloud computing wave and make sure this next generation infrastructure is defined in a way that's friendly to customers, rather than to IT vendors, according to Whitehurst.
  • The cloud certification program was announced last year, and Amazon Web Services was the first cloud provider to get certified. Since then, NTT and IBM have been added to the list of certified partners and more are on the way, according to Whitehurst.
  • To be able to move a workload from a data center to a cloud or between two clouds, a connecting API (application programming interface) is needed, and there are a plethora of different ones being developed. Fewer would be better, according to Whitehurst. However, the real challenge isn't the API, but ensuring that the application will run with the same performance when it has been moved.
Paul Merrell / Technology - Google ditches Windows on security concerns - 0 views

  • Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees.The directive to move to other operating systems began in earnest in January, after Google’s Chinese operations were hacked, and could effectively end the use of Windows at Google, which employs more than 10,000 workers internationally.
  • Employees said it was also an effort to run the company on Google’s own products, including its forthcoming Chrome OS, which will compete with Windows. “A lot of it is an effort to run things on Google product,” the employee said. “They want to run things on Chrome.”
Paul Merrell

The Cover Pages: Alfresco Enterprise Edition v3.3 for Composite Content Applications - 0 views

  • While CMIS, cloud computing and market commoditization have left some vendors struggling to determine the future of enterprise content management (ECM), Alfresco Software today unveiled Alfresco Enterprise Edition 3.3 as the platform for composite content applications that will redefine the way organizations approach ECM. As the first commercially-supported CMIS implementation offering integrations around IBM/Lotus social software, Microsoft Outlook, Google Docs and Drupal, Alfresco Enterprise 3.3 becomes the first content services platform to deliver the features, flexibility and affordability required across the enterprise.
  • Quick and simple development environment to support new business applications Flexible deployment options enabling content applications to be deployed on-premise, in the cloud or on the Web Interoperability between business applications through open source and open standards The ability to link data, content, business process and context
  • Build future-proof content applications through CMIS — With the first and most complete supported implementation of the CMIS standard, Alfresco now enables companies to build new content-based applications while offering the security of the most open, flexible and future-proof content services platform. Repurpose content for multiple delivery channels — Advanced content formatting and transformation services allow organizations to easily repurpose content for delivery through multiple channels (web, smart phone, iPad, print, etc). Improve project management with content collaboration — New datalist function can be used to track project related issues, to-dos, actions and tasks, supplementing existing commenting, social tagging, discussions and project sites. Deploy content through replication services — Companies can replicate and deploy content, and associated information, between content platforms. Using powerful replication services, users can develop and then deploy content outside the firewall, to web servers and into the cloud. Develop new frameworks through Spring Surf — Building on SpringSource, the leader in Java application infrastructure used to create java applications, Spring Surf provides a scriptable framework for developing new content rich applications.
Paul Merrell

Kohl Wary Of Comcast-NBCU Deal - Tech Daily Dose - Tech Daily Dose - 0 views

  • An influential Democratic senator urged federal regulators today to only approve the proposed $30 billion merger of Comcast and NBC Universal if they determine that "sufficient conditions" are "unlikely to cause any substantial lessening of competition," CongressDaily reported.
  • Kohl detailed his views in a letter to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski and Assistant Attorney General Christine Varney. The lawmaker recommended 11 requirements, including the divestiture of NBC's stake in the online video site Hulu, a ban on Comcast shifting marquee NBC content to cable for a decade and restricting Comcast from blocking or degrading competing video services online. Kohl weighed in after Congress held four hearings earlier this year on the merger and as lobbying over the transaction continues to intensify. The companies have said they're expecting a regulatory decision in the fourth quarter.
Paul Merrell

U.S. Is Said to Scrutinize Apple's Online Music Tactics - - 0 views

  • The Justice Department is examining Apple’s tactics in the market for digital music, and its staff members have talked to major music labels and Internet music companies, according to several people briefed on the conversations.
  • But people briefed on the inquiries also said investigators had asked in particular about recent allegations that Apple used its dominant market position to persuade music labels to refuse to give the online retailer exclusive access to music about to be released.
  • The inquiry is one of several by the federal government involving Apple. The Federal Trade Commission is moving ahead with a separate investigation of Apple’s rules for developers who create applications for the iPhone operating system, according to a person familiar with that discussion. That inquiry, initiated by complaint from Adobe Systems, the maker of the Flash format for Internet video, is said to be in its early stages as well.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The Justice Department has also reportedly been investigating the hiring practices at Apple and other top technology companies, including Intel, I.B.M. and Google, asking whether the companies have improperly agreed to avoid hiring each other’s employees.
Paul Merrell

MPEG-LA Considering Patent Pool for VP8/WebM | John Paczkowski | Digital Daily | AllThi... - 0 views

  • A new era of Web video without the patent-encumbered formats that have defined the Internet to date. That seems ideal. But like many ideals, it may prove to be unattainable. As a number of observers have already noted VP8 isn’t free from patent liability. And now that Google has open-sourced it as part of WebM, that liability is likely to become an issue. And quickly, too. Indeed, Larry Horn, CEO of MPEG LA, the consortium that controls the AVC/H.264 video standard, tells me that the group is already looking at creating a patent pool license for VP8.
  • It would seem, then, that VP8 may end up subject to the same licensing issues as H.264. If MPEG LA does create a patent pool license for the standard, the free lunch Google promised yesterday may not be free after all.
Paul Merrell

Google pounds the open standards drum during I/O keynote - 0 views

    Separately, Microsoft and Apple have announced that both company's browsers will boycott VP8 in favor of H264, which is encumbered by more than a thousand patents.. But if VP8 becomes ubiquitous on the Web, that's a hard position to maintain.  
Paul Merrell

NEC announces video checking technology - News - PC Authority - 0 views

  • NEC has announced that its video content identification technology has been incorporated in the upcoming Mpeg 7 video standard The technology creates a signature that is compared against one from the original file to determine whether the video has been altered. According to NEC this will allow the owners of the video to automatically "detect illegal copies" and "prevent illegal upload of video content" without their consent. NEC claims that each frame has its own signature, meaning that even minute changes to the file such as adding subtitles, watermarks or dogtags, and of course cutting out adverts, will alter the overall signature of the video.
Paul Merrell

7Gbps WiFi Wireless Networking Hardware Could Launch in 2010 − ISPreview UK - 0 views

  • The Wireless Gigabit Alliance™ (WiGig), which seeks to advance the worldwide adoption and use of 60GHz wireless networking technology, has published a unified specification for its approach and opened an Adopter Program. The move means that WiGig members can now begin developing Wi-Fi (802.11) kit that delivers wireless networking speeds of 'up to' 7Gbps (Gigabits per second) over the unlicensed 60 GHz spectrum.
Paul Merrell

Social networking boosts legal, regulatory compliance headaches - Computerworld - 0 views

  • Popular social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, are causing a stir in the financial services community as well as other highly regulated industries as companies seek ways to control how the sites are used to communicate with potential clients and colleagues. Social networking sites have proved valuable for sales-lead generation, marketing and general broker-client relations, but regulators have been quick to take notice and to offer the same warnings they did more than a decade ago when e-mail and instant messaging (IM) became common.
  • The same patterns are emerging with social networking, experts say, and seeding a cottage industry of vendors offering software and services to control and capture corporate social networking traffic
Paul Merrell

FCC Reclaims Powers Over Internet Access Companies (Update3) - BusinessWeek - 0 views

  • May 6 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski claimed power to regulate companies that provide Internet access, opening a fight with cable and telephone companies and sparking opposition from Republicans. Comcast Corp., Time Warner Cable Inc. and Cablevision Systems Corp., cable operators that sell Web connections, fell more than 6 percent in New York trading.
  • Genachowski’s plan requires commission approval, and two fellow Democrats have signaled they will support the chairman, giving him a majority. The FCC will vote following a comment period, spokeswoman Jen Howard said in an interview.
  • The FCC had censured Comcast, the largest U.S. cable provider, for blocking customers using the BitTorrent file- sharing software that can send and receive videos. Comcast said it acted to alleviate network congestion. The appeals court sided with Comcast.
    I wouldn't read too much into the drop in ISP stock prices. NYSE stocks plummeted over-all today, with investors reacting to bad economic news from Greece. The article can be a bit confusing in regard to the FCC move following its court loss to Comcast. That court case did not involve the FCC's telephony regulatory powers. The FCC is now rebuilding its prior position on a new legal foundation, a separate title of the enabling legislation that deals with telephone regulation rather than broadband regulation. 
Paul Merrell

Durham Statement on Open Access to Legal Scholarship | Berkman Center - 0 views

  • On 7 November 2008, the directors of the law libraries at the University of Chicago, Columbia University, Cornell University, Duke University, Georgetown University, Harvard University, New York University, Northwestern University, the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, the University of Texas, and Yale University met in Durham, North Carolina at the Duke Law School. That meeting resulted in the "Durham Statement on Open Access to Legal Scholarship," which calls for all law schools to stop publishing their journals in print format and to rely instead on electronic publication coupled with a commitment to keep the electronic versions available in stable, open, digital formats.
  • Particularly now, with growing financial pressures on law school budgets, ending print publication of law journals deserves serious consideration. Very few law journals receive enough in subscription income and royalties to cover their costs of operation. The Statement anticipates both that the costs for printing and mailing can be eliminated, and that law libraries can reduce their costs for subscribing to, processing, and preserving print journals. There are additional benefits in improving access to journals that are not now published in open access formats and in reducing paper consumption.
  • Call to Action: We therefore urge every U.S. law school to commit to ending print publication of its journals and to making definitive versions of journals and other scholarship produced at the school immediately available upon publication in stable, open, digital formats, rather than in print. We also urge every law school to commit to keeping a repository of the scholarship published at the school in a stable, open, digital format. Some law schools may choose to use a shared regional online repository or to offer their own repositories as places for other law schools to archive the scholarship published at their school. Repositories should rely upon open standards for the archiving of works, as well as on redundant formats, such as PDF copies. We also urge law schools and law libraries to agree to and use a standard set of metadata to catalog each article to ensure easy online public indexing of legal scholarship. As a measure of redundancy, we also urge faculty members to reserve their copyrights to ensure that they too can make their own scholarship available in stable, open, digital formats. All law journals should rely upon the AALS model publishing agreement as a default and should respect author requests to retain copyrights in their scholarship.
Paul Merrell

FCC Prepares to Re-Regulate Broadband Providers | Epicenter | - 0 views

  • Reversing a controversial deregulation decision made by the Bush administration, the FCC will seek to force broadband internet providers to adhere to some of the rules that have long applied to the nation’s landline phone providers. The decision will be announced officially tomorrow by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, according to a senior FCC official’s statement Wednesday, and will likely set off a firestorm of protests from the nation’s well-connected telecommunications industry. The FCC says the move is a response to a recent court ruling that called into question whether the FCC had authority to regulate how the nation’s broadband providers run their networks, including whether providers can block content. The ruling came in a case where Comcast appealed an FCC order that forbade the carrier from blocking peer-to-peer file sharing.
Paul Merrell

Official Google Blog: Alis volat propriis: Oregon's bringing Google Apps to classrooms ... - 0 views

  • Things have changed since I was in middle school of course, and there are people working hard to bring technology into classrooms to help students learn and teachers teach. Today Oregon is taking a huge step in that direction — they’re the first state to open up Google Apps for Education to public schools throughout the state.Starting today, the Oregon Department of Education will offer Google Apps to all the school districts in the state — helping teachers, staff and students use Gmail, Docs, Sites, Video, Groups and more within their elementary, middle and high schools. School funding has been hit hard over the past couple of years, and Oregon is no exception. This move is going to save the Department of Education $1.5 million per year — big bucks for a hurting budget.With Google Apps, students in Oregon can build websites or email teachers about a project. Their documents and email will live online in the cloud — so they’ll be able to work from a classroom or a computer lab, at home or at the city (or county) library. And instead of just grading a paper at the end of the process, Oregonian teachers can help students with their docs in real time, coaching them along the way. It’s critical that students learn how to use the kind of productivity technology they’ll need throughout their lives, and Oregon is helping students across the state do just that.
Paul Merrell

Cover Pages: Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) - 0 views

  • On October 06, 2008, OASIS issued a public call for participation in a new technical committee chartered to define specifications for use of Web services and Web 2.0 interfaces to enable information sharing across content management repositories from different vendors. The OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) TC will build upon existing specifications to "define a domain model and bindings that are designed to be layered on top of existing Content Management systems and their existing programmatic interfaces. The TC will not prescribe how specific features should be implemented within those Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems. Rather it will seek to define a generic/universal set of capabilities provided by an ECM system and a set of services for working with those capabilities." As of February 17, 2010, the CMIS technical work had received broad support through TC participation, industry analyst opinion, and declarations of interest from major companies. Some of these include Adobe, Adullact, AIIM, Alfresco, Amdocs, Anakeen, ASG Software Solutions, Booz Allen Hamilton, Capgemini, Citytech, Content Technologies, Day Software, dotCMS, Ektron, EMC, EntropySoft, ESoCE-NET, Exalead, FatWire, Fidelity, Flatirons, fme AG, Genus Technologies, Greenbytes GmbH, Harris, IBM, ISIS Papyrus, KnowledgeTree, Lexmark, Liferay, Magnolia, Mekon, Microsoft, Middle East Technical University, Nuxeo, Open Text, Oracle, Pearson, Quark, RSD, SAP, Saperion, Structured Software Systems (3SL), Sun Microsystems, Tanner AG, TIBCO Software, Vamosa, Vignette, and WeWebU Software. Early commentary from industry analysts and software engineers is positive about the value proposition in standardizing an enterprise content-centric management specification. The OASIS announcement of November 17, 2008 includes endorsements. Principal use cases motivating the CMIS technical work include collaborative content applications, portals leveraging content management repositories, mashups, and searching a content repository.
    I should have posted before about CMIS, an emerging standard with a very lot of buy-in by vendors large and small. I've been watching the buzz grow via Robin Cover's Daily XML links service. IIt's now on my "need to watch" list. 
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