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Contents contributed and discussions participated by tech writer


O&O Software GmbH - Creating Solutions for Windows™ - 0 views

    O&O Software develops award-winning windows software for PC-optimization, data imaging, backup, secure data deletion, data recovery and administration.

Gelöschte Dateien wiederherstellen mit O&O DiskRecovery 14 - 0 views

    Gelöschte Dateien einfach wiederherstellen. Dokumente und Bilder Schritt für Schritt von Festplatten und Speicherkarten retten. Jetzt kostenlos testen! [datenrettung, USB-Stick, USB Datenrettung, datenrettung software, wiederherstellungs software, gelöschte partition wiederherstellen, gelöschte daten wiederherstellen, daten rettung, gelöschte daten retten, gelöschte fotos, gelöschte videos, fotos wiederherstellen, mp3 sammlung gelöscht, datenverlust]

O&O PowerPack: Get your PC fighting-fit again! - 0 views

    Get your PC fighting-fit again and save over 55% now! Backup your PC, delete data safely, get up to 100% more speed and Save your valuable data [bundle security, performance pack, security tools, bundle, pack, toolbox]

O&O BlueCon 16 Admin Edition - 0 views

    O&O BlueCon offers a wide range of programs for repairing systems, searching and correcting errors, restoring lost data, resetting passwords. Disaster recovery when a pc or server no longer starts: for 1 administrator to use on an unlimited number of computers in one company.

O&O Software GmbH | PC-Performance-Optimierung, Datenwiederherstellung, siche... - 0 views

    O&O Software ist der Hersteller von Programmen für PC-Performance-Optimierung, Datenwiederherstellung, sichere Datenlöschung und Administration unter Windows.

O&O PowerPack Enterprise: Everything you need for your servers & workstations in 1 Pack - 0 views

    The O&O PowerPack Enterprise is the complete set of programs for your servers and desktop PCs. It contains award-winning O&O programs that take care of all your important IT needs at once: Imaging and Backups, Data Protection, Performance, and 24/7 monitoring. Get your servers and workstations fighting-fit and data-protected and save 70% now!

O&O DiskRecovery 14 for Corporate Customers - Overview - 0 views

    O&O DiskRecovery can quickly come to the rescue whenever you or anyone else in your company suddenly loses data as a result of inadvertent deletion or a system crash. With help from its unique combination of three different scanning and recovery algorithms, O&O DiskRecovery tracks down any data that can be restored. Thanks to O&O DiskRecovery, data you thought lost forever can be yours again - even if lost on formatted disks or as a result of a destroyed file system. Data restoration with O&O DiskRecovery saves you the valuable time you'd otherwise need for reentering missing data - if that were even possible.

O&O FileBackup - Sofort. Verlässlich. Schnell. - 0 views

    O&O FileBackup ist die einfachste und komfortabelste Möglichkeit, Ihre Daten zu sichern. Nutzen Sie die automatische Erkennung wichtiger Dateien zur Sicherung oder wählen Sie selbst die Verzeichnisse aus, die wichtige Daten enthalten. Einmal eingerichtet, müssen Sie in Zukunft nur noch die Sicherung starten und es werden automatisch alle neuen und geänderten Dateien zu bestehenden Sicherungen hinzugefügt. [filebackup, backup drive, dateien sichern, archiv]

O&O DriveLED 4: hard disk monitoring and crash prevention - 0 views

    O&O DriveLED permanently monitors the status of your hard disks and warns you of any impending problems. With it, you'll always have time to backup your data and so avoid losing any of it when exchanging a hard disk.[monitor HD, prevent crash, smart, hdd statur, hdd light, hdd overload, prevent overload, drive crash]

O&O AutoBackup 6: Automatic synchronization of backup copies of your files and folders - 0 views

    O&O AutoBackup 6 will backup your files automatically and keep them fully in sync. Backup your photos and videos onto an external HDD or USB in no time! O&O AutoBackup copies the original files and syncs any future changes to them. The backup process is 100% automatic and begins like a plug and play whenever a portable device such as an external HDD or USB Stick is connected to the computer. The files are copied 1-1 and put on the target disk drive. This means they can also be accessed without O&O AutoBackup simply by navigation in the usual way over Windows Explorer.

O&O DriveLED 4: überwacht Ihre Festplatten und warnt vor einem Ausfall - 0 views

    O&O DriveLED überwacht permanent den Status Ihrer Festplatten im Hintergrund und warnt Sie vor drohenden Problemen. Wann ist es Zeit, Ihrem Rechner eine Pause zu gönnen? Ist er zu heiß? Überbeansprucht? Stehen wichtige Teile kurz vor dem Versagen? Festplatten gehören mit zu den am meisten beanspruchten Komponenten Ihres Rechners. Diese starke Beanspruchung kann zu einem Ausfall im laufenden Betrieb führen, der dann oftmals ohne Vorwarnung eintritt. O&O DriveLED überwacht permanent den Status Ihrer Festplatten im Hintergrund und warnt Sie vor drohenden Problemen. Ihnen bleibt Zeit, Ihre Daten zu sichern und einen Datenverlust durch das Austauschen der betroffenen Festplatte zu vermeiden. Zeit, die Sie normalerweise bei einem plötzlichen Ausfall nicht mehr haben. [festplattenüberwachung, smart, crash vermeiden, festplattenmonutor, temperatur der platte, festplattenlaufwerk, Festplattenaktivität]

O&O FileBackup: Instant. Reliable. Fast. - 0 views

    O&O FileBackup is the simplest and most convenient way to back up your data. Use the automatic detection of important files for backup or select the directories containing important data yourself. Once set up, all you need to do in the future is to start the backup and automatically add all new and changed files to existing backups.

O&O MediaRecovery 14: Daten-Rettung für gelöschte Fotos, Videos und Musikdateien - 0 views

    Daten-Rettung für gelöschte Fotos, Videos und Musikdateien. Egal, ob diese Dateien versehentlich, durch Virenattacken oder Programmabstürze gelöscht wurden. Wenn unwiederbringliche Erinnerungen versehentlich gelöscht wurden, so bedeutet dies noch nicht, dass sie wirklich verloren sind. Mit O&O MediaRecovery können Sie Ihre versehentlich gelöschten Urlaubs- und Hochzeitsfotos und auch die ersten Videos von Ihren Kindern wiederherstellen. Auch wenn Ihre Lieblingssongs verloren gegangen sind, können Sie auch diese mit nur wenigen Mausklicks einfach und schnell wiederherstellen. [fotos rette, Video wiederherstellen, Multimedia Recovery, wiederherstellung, einfache Datenrettung, Datenrettungsprogramm kostenlos]

O&O SSD Migration Kit 7: Simple migrations to SSDs - 0 views

    The O&O SSD Migration Kit enables easy and convenient migration of your partitions (drives) from conventional hard drives to SSDs (Solid State Drives). This leads to the creation of a duplicate of the selected drives on the SSD or a drive of the SSD. If a partition or an entire hard disk is duplicated on an SSD, the partitions need to be adapted and aligned to the structures of the SSD. If this doesn't happen, the SSD is simply overwritten with information from the old hard drive and the misalignment of the partition might cause a performance loss of up to 50%. Also, the life span of the SSD is shortened, since you now save new data on the SSD, which needs more space than necessary in deleting and rewriting than normally. The O&O SSD Migration Kit automatically checks whether the target drive is an SSD and realigns the partitions of the image on this type of data volume during the duplication of a partition. Without data loss. For 100% performance. Note: Migrations with the O&O SSD Migration Kit can also be reversed, because the information on the source drive is not deleted, but only made unrecognizable.[ssd hard drive, SSD drive migration, SSD windows 7, migration windows 8, move to new windows, ssd move]

O&O DiskStat 4: finally get an overview of hard disk usage - 0 views

    O&O DiskStat 2 offers a Windows-Explorer type interface and a whole range of options to track down sources of wasted space. Generally speaking, there are two distinct types of people: some simply cannot throw things away, whereas others have no problem getting rid of stuff they don't need and that is just taking up space. Only one of these approaches can be applied to modern computers - no prizes for guessing which one! And that is where O&O DiskStat comes in. Regardless of whether at home or in a company network, ever-increasing amounts of data can severely slow down the time needed for accessing files and making backups. You'll be amazed at how much disk space you can win back simply by getting rid of the ballast. O&O DiskStat 2 allows you to analyze used space on your hard disk with the help of interactive graphics. Once identified, you can get rid of the space-wasters on your disks, gaining space for new programs and data, and saving money you might have spent on a new disk. [wasted space, find hard drive space, more space, unused files, disk usage, analyze disk usage, hard drive space, more space, free]

O&O Defrag 26: Optimize Hard Disks And SSDs - 0 views

    Don't let a slow computer spoil your work or fun! Let O&O Defrag optimize your hard disks and - New! - SSDs and you can experience speed increases of up to 100%! Regular disk defragmentation optimizes your PC performance! When you defragment, the files that Windows splits up when saving documents across the hard disk or SSD are put back in order again so that files can be quickly recognized and found by the SSD or the read and write heads inside your HDD. Speed increases of up to 100% are not uncommon, and your hardware suffers much less wear and tear! The new defragmentation method SOLID/COMPLETE: SSDs save file fragments on more memory cells than needed. The resource and hardware friendly SOLID/COMPLETE method defragments these file fragments so that only the number of memory cells required will be used for reading and writing in the future. SOLID/COMPLETE can be used on both SSDs as well as harddisks.

O&O MediaRecovery 14: Recovers lost, deleted photos, music and video files - 0 views

    With O&O MediaRecovery you can recover deleted photos that captured those precious moments; last year's vacation, the day you got married, or the first pictures of your children. If those irreplaceable memories are deleted it no longer has to mean they are lost forever. And O&O MediaRecovery doesn't stop there: it can also recover your favorite songs and videos, simply and quickly, and all with just a few clicks of the mouse! [(German) fotos rette, Video wiederherstellen, Multimedia Recovery, wiederherstellung, einfache Datenrettung, Datenrettungsprogramm kostenlos]

O&O DiskRecovery 14 - Professional data recovery at the push of a button - 0 views

    O&O DiskRecovery reconstructs deleted data. O&O DiskRecovery supports all popular file formats, hard disks, memory cards, or digital cameras. O&O DiskRecovery functionality begins where other programs leave off. This software combs every sector of a hard disk, memory card, or digital camera to find lost files. Even when file systems are formatted or destroyed, it is possible to reconstruct once deleted data. Over 400 file types and version can be recognized and restored, including Word documents, Excel workbooks, Access databases, and virtually every sort of commonly used graphics, photo, movie, and music formats (SVG, MP4, BLEND, AUP, JPEG, AVI, MPEG, MP3, WAV, BMP, TIFF, Corel Draw, Photoshop, Framemaker, Adobe Illustrator, and many more) [recovery, data restore, recovery software, restore hard drive, USB stick recovery, recovering deleted files, data recovery, restore lost data, deleted data, lost data, recover photos, hard drive recovery, deleted data, data loss]

O&O BrowserPrivacy: Protect your privacy - 0 views

    The history and data saved in your browser can reveal a lot about you and your internet activities. Cookies, for example, make it easy for websites to identify and follow you. With just the push of a button, O&O BrowserPrivacy destroys all the data collected in the browsers you use. It lets you set the level of security at which your data should be destroyed. This gives you complete control over which data in the respective browser O&O BrowserPrivacy should permanently delete for you. This applies, of course, only to those browsers supported by O&O BrowserPrivacy. Thanks to O&O Software's brand-new O&O SolidErase, data on SSDs can now be totally and securely shredded while going easy on the hardware itself.

Festplatten sicher löschen mit O&O SafeErase - 0 views

    Festplatte sicher löschen. Sichere und vollständige Löschung Ihrer Daten. O&O SafeErase löscht Festplatten, Dateien und Ordner. Jetzt kostenlos testen! [daten löschen, persönliche daten löschen, partitionen löschen, ganzen PC löschen, Datenvernichtung, Festplatte löschen, windows sicher löschen, Daten vernichten, gelöschte Dateien, Browserhistory löschen, Cookies löschen, SSD löschen, Daten Schredder]
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