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Contents contributed and discussions participated by tech writer

tech writer

O&O FileDirect - Send files. Easily. Securely. - 0 views

    O&O FileDirect makes it possible to share an unlimited number of files without having to load them in the cloud. This way your confidential files are never out of your hands. You maintain complete control over who gets to see them. Using a simple interface, you indicate the file that should be shared. O&O FileDirect then generates an individual link that you send to the contact. The recipient doesn't need to install O&O FileDirect in order to download the file. The only thing needed is a current browser running on an ordinary device [send files, secure filesharing, download big files, unlimited upload]
tech writer

O&O Software GmbH - Home - FR - 0 views

    L'entreprise O&O Software GmbH a été fondée à Berlin en 1997 par Oliver Falkenthal et Olaf Kehrer. L'idée du nom « O&O » remonte à 1991, alors utilisé par O&O Systemtechnik GbR qui, alors que les deux fondateurs faisaient leurs études, proposait des systèmes PC et des logiciels aux étudiants. Le nom « O&O » s'est en fait décidé naturellement, puisque les prénoms des fondateurs commencent tous deux par la lettre « O ». La publication de O&O Defrag V1.0 en 1998, plus précisément le 10 février, marque la naissance de l'entreprise actuelle.
tech writer

O&O CleverCache 7 - optimizes your file cache management in Windows. - 0 views

    O&O CleverCache optimizes your file cache management in Windows. This results in an enormous performance boost, sometimes doubling your original system speed without any additional hardware purchases or restrictions to your system's stability. [optimize windows cache, cache performance, fast cache, write times cache, cache stability, accelerate cache, accelerate windows, free cache performance]
tech writer

Datensicherung für alle Fälle. Einfach mit O&O DiskImage 18 - 0 views

    Datensicherung und Backup mit O&O DiskImage 17 für alle Fälle. Sichert und klont Ihren Rechner, einzelne Festplatten und Partitionen. Jetzt kostenlos testen! Mit O&O DiskImage 17 können Sie schnell und komfortabel eine Datensicherung des ganzen Computers, Ihrer Festplatten und Partitionen erstellen. Auch einzelne Dateien und Verzeichnisse lassen sich einfach als Backup sichern. Oder klonen Sie Ihre Festplatte einfach auf eine Reserve-Festplatte um für alle Fälle abgesichert zu sein. Selbstverständlich werden auch SSD (Solid State Disk) Laufwerke, GPT-Datenträger sowie aktuelle UEFI Systemkonfigurationen unterstützt. Ein Backup in Form einer Vollsicherung ermöglicht die Wiederherstellung des gesamten Computers, inklusive des Betriebssystems. Bei Bedarf kann das Backup auch auf Rechner mit anderer Hardware wie der Originalrechner wiederhergestellt werden. Es war noch nie so einfach für die Sicherheit Ihrer Daten zu sorgen! [Datensicherung, Backup, Festplattenimage, Festplattensicherung, Wiederherstellung, Festplatte sichern, Image]
tech writer

O&O DiskImage 18 for Corporate Customers - Overview - 0 views

    Data backup is a matter of survival for every business. Once data is lost, it's not only customer or company data that disappears, the very essence of a business relationship can also be permanently damaged. There may even be heavy fines to pay. The demands placed on today's IT Departments are enormous, all part of the daily challenge to keep company operations running smoothly without interruption. O&O DiskImage offers you just the right backup and recovery solution. It not only protects your company against data loss and downtime, but it's also scaled to fit whatever requirements you have and so help you to actively reduce costs.
tech writer

Defragmentieren und optimieren: O&O Defrag 26 - 0 views

    O&O Defrag 25: Festplatten und SSDs optimieren: PCs werden im Laufe ihrer Nutzungszeit durch viele Faktoren langsamer. Der Hauptgrund ist die fragmentierte Speicherung von Dateien auf Festplatten und SSDs. Das neue O&O Defrag 25 nimmt sich dieses Problems an und sorgt für einen deutlichen Geschwindigkeitszuwachs, eine verlängerte Lebensdauer und komfortableres Arbeiten am PC. Defragmentieren Sie Ihre Festplatten und - jetzt neu - SSDs mit O&O Defrag 25, um dem wirkungsvoll vorzubeugen und Ihre Arbeit am PC wieder zu beschleunigen. Beim Defragmentieren werden Dateifragmente auf der Festplatte oder SSD logisch neu angeordnet, so dass Dateien wieder schneller von der Hardware erkannt und verarbeitet werden können. Neue Defragmentierungsmethode SOLID/COMPLETE: SSDs speichern Dateifragmente über mehr Speicherzellen verteilt als notwendig. Die ressourcen- und hardwareschonende Methode SOLID/COMPLETE defragmentiert diese Dateiteile, so dass in Zukunft nur noch so viele Speicherzellen wie benötigt gelesen und geschrieben werden müssen. SOLID/COMPLETE kann sowohl für SSDs als auch Festplatten eingesetzt werden.
tech writer

(English) O&O DiskImage 18: Backup Software for Windows - 0 views

    O&O DiskImage vous permet de sauvegarder un ordinateur entier ou des fichiers simples quand vous voulez - même lorsque l'ordinateur est utilisé. Dans le cas où vous devriez perdre vos données personnelles, il peut être rapidement restauré avec seulement quelques clics de souris - même lorsque Windows ne est plus en mesure de commencer. Il prend également en charge les disques SSD et le dernier système UEFI. O&O DiskImage vous permet d'effectuer une restauration du système et de reproduire ou de cloner un PC entier ou disque dur. Vous pouvez même restaurer cette sauvegarde sur un ordinateur dont le matériel est différente de la machine d'origine, par exemple, où vous avez changé une carte mère sur la machine cible ou avez acheté un nouveau PC et que vous souhaitez restaurer une ancienne sauvegarde sur elle. (English) O&O DiskImage 17 will backup data and whole computers. If you lose data, simply restore the backup and your computer or files are back just as before! [(English) Backup, HDD Image, Data recovery, Data Backup, Hard drive imaging, easy HDD image]
tech writer

O&O Defrag 26: Increase productivity for your business - 0 views

    Fragmented files slow servers and desktops in your organization. Their availability to you decreases. Depending on the degree of fragmentation, disk accesses become much slower, meaning that valuable time is unnecessarily lost. O&O Defrag 25 for servers and O&O Defrag 25 for workstations streamline hard drives and SSDs and efficiently prevent fragmentation. The resulting reduced physical wear on the optimized storage media will extend the life of your hardware too. O&O Defrag protects your business against premature hardware wear, increases the hardware lifecycle, is extremely scalable, and so proactively helps you save business costs.
tech writer

O&O Defrag 26: Increase productivity for your business - 0 views

    Fragmented files slow servers and desktops in your organization. Their availability to you decreases. Depending on the degree of fragmentation, disk accesses become much slower, meaning that valuable time is unnecessarily lost. O&O Defrag for servers and O&O Defrag for workstations streamline hard drives and SSDs and efficiently prevent fragmentation. The resulting reduced physical wear on the optimized storage media will extend the life of your hardware too. O&O Defrag protects your business against premature hardware wear, increases the hardware lifecycle, is extremely scalable, and so proactively helps you save business costs.
tech writer

O&O DiskImage 18: Backup Software for Windows - 0 views

    O&O DiskImage lets you back up an entire computer or single file whenever you want - even while the computer is being used. In the event, you should lose your data it can be quickly restored with just a few mouse clicks - even when Windows is no longer able to start. It also supports SSD drives and the latest UEFI System. O&O DiskImage lets you carry out a system restore and duplicate or clone an entire PC or hard drive. You can even restore this backup onto a computer whose hardware is different from the original machine, for instance, where you have changed a motherboard on the target machine or have bought a brand new PC and want to restore an old backup onto it. [Backup, HDD Image, Data recovery, Data Backup, Hard drive imaging, easy HDD image]
tech writer

O&O BlueCon 19 for Business - Disaster Recovery for your company - 0 views

    O&O BlueCon offers a wide range of programs for repairing systems, searching and correcting errors, restoring lost data, resetting passwords. A blue screen usually means a lot of work for administrators. When things get really bad, there's no other choice but to configure a new system setup. And this is where O&O BlueCon comes in. O&O BlueCon is at an administrator's side during the course of a daily routine as well as whenever disaster strikes. Based on Windows PE, it offers a wide range of programs for, among other things, repairing systems, searching and correcting errors, restoring lost data, resetting passwords, and the list goes on. O&O BlueCon is an administrator's IT first aid kit for day-to-day use. O&O BlueCon starts all programs directly from a bootable medium (CD/DVD or USB stick) and can so avoid the risk of data loss caused by overwriting data on the computer, which might be the case with a new installation. Seamless integration of all O&O BlueCon components saves the user the time-consuming job of collecting individual programs.
tech writer

O&O SafeErase 17 securely deletes confidential files - 0 views

    O&O SafeErase deletes confidential files, drives, and computers under Windows quickly and permanently so that even file recovery software has no chance. Your personal photos and confidential documents can easily fall into the wrong hands when you sell, give away, or dispose of your old PC or hard drives. Identity theft is now a widespread security threat. This is because clicking on "Delete" does not mean your files are permanently deleted. Even formatting the hard disk is not enough to permanently delete data. O&O SafeErase permanently deletes your confidential files using recognized methods so that a recovery is never possible, not even when using the best file recovery software. O&O SafeErase 17: Stop identity theft with secure data deletion!
tech writer

O&O DiskImage 18 for Corporate Customers - Overview - 0 views

    O&O DiskImage offers you just the right backup and recovery solution. It not only protects your company against data loss and downtime but it's also scaled to fit whatever requirements you have and so helps you to actively reduce costs.
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