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ollie1reppert: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 0 views

  • Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      Wow, this is certainly a sentence loaded with many educational concepts. It would take me a week just define those concepts!
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      I need to add a few more words to explain my interest in this passage. This passage indicates why teaching and learning aren't only important, but they can be difficult, too.
    • jorge malagon
      Online instruction is growing across the nation, the main reason in the lower cost, compared with the traditional classroom; experts indicate there is not enough evidence online instruction is indicated to all teenage students. I have seen many of them dropping online classes in Plato; kids need to socialize.
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      Hopefully, that is a aspect that can be achieved through online quizzes and tests. I wonder how else it coud get done?
    • Doug Gaul
      Can also get consturctive feedback through google docs where you could make comments right on the document the student is working on.
    • Mike Adair
      I'm hoping to see the benefits of Google docs as my district pushes their use this school year. I the idea of a comment area.
    • Deanna Tegeler
      I am looking forward to providing immediate feedback to students using some of the assessment programs.
    • Deb Richmann
      There is a service called that allows you to mark student work, written work I should say. This will be another alternative to marking. Glogster & kidblog allow you to make comments for the students.
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      Last year my son had an English class that made use of googledocs and online comments. The teacher didn't always get back to him in a timely manner. Plus, even though they saw each other everyday in class, they didn't talk about the issues on writing the essay on googledocs.
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      This concept could be much more difficult than what it appears, especially when it comes to typing conversation back and forth between people.
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      I find it interesting that this concept is somewhat buried in the list of items. To me, it is the most important one.
    • Mike Adair
      Your first point is well-taken, Brian. Add to that the difficult task of a teacher trying to communicate with their elementary-aged students in person and now attempting to do the same thing online. Not for the faint of heart!
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • Assists students with technology
    • Doug Gaul
      Teach students where to find help rather then spending all of your time showing them exactly what to do. This is where the real learning from technology comes from
    • Mike Adair
      If I might add to your astute thought, Doug, to also guide the students in determining how the information they found will be used to assist in their learning. More times than not, kids seem to grab information for the sake of possessing it without taking into consideration their intentions on how to utilize it.
    • Deb Richmann
      I agree with you, they really lack that thinking skill. They are very accustomed to the grab & go answer and find it hard to take risks in delving deeper into a topic.
    • susan strube
      I find that some of my students end up teaching/showing me! They are all so good natured about helping me when they know something I don't! My favorite part of teaching however, is collaborating WITH my students on research projects and sharing in theri excitement when they discover great resources in unfamiliar places.
  • different needs of students, including different learning styles
    • Doug Gaul
      A different set of challanges in an online course. Harder to find out different student needs.
    • Deb Richmann
      Yes, but I think this will open up more alternatives for students to learn & get more involved in the learning process which should help eliminate behavioral issues.
    • Jason Endress
      This is a great opportunity to incorporate youtube videos for visual learners, "guest lecturers" available through podcasts for audio learners and various "hands on activities" for the tactile learner. Having instant access to such a wealth of multimedia information/activities should make it easier to accomodate multiple learning styles. However, this will require additional research and time on the part of the teacher to find appropriate resources to include.
  • student feedback data to improve the course
    • Mike Adair
      This is an area I wish to improve this school year. Instead of a basic exit survey that doesn't tell me much, I'd like to either find or create something in the way of feedback that I could actually use to improve my lesson or unit in the future.
    • Deb Richmann
      I could improve in this area as well Mike. I don't like using tests because they are a quick view of what they know. Much of what my students do is very open ended projects and it's hard to grade these until you figure what a student is capable of.
    • susan strube
      I have created a course evaluation that I use for students at the end of the year and I find it to be valuable. I'm sure there are better ones, but I would be happy to email/share a form I have created for students. Obviously it could be edited and should be to fit the changes I make each year to my class.
    • Deena Fries
      Sue it would be great to get a copy of that evaluation. It could be put into your moodle class as a survey through survey monkey.
    • Jason Endress
      Our principal has begun to create a student exit survey that could be used school or department wide. This was created using survey monkey. The science department "field tested" it in the spring. The way that the questions were worded and the feed back provided was able to give us great insight into what was working and not working as well as what the students appreciated in terms of learning activities and levels of rigor.
  • standards for student behavior
    • Mike Adair
      Our district unveiling a new district-wide student-use policy this August. Though I know they're needed, the problem I see with these policies is that after you've spent the time agreeing on and writing up the rules it can already be considered outdated due to the rapid expance of technology.
    • Deb Richmann
      We also have a newly written AUP and it is hard to keep them updated so if well written it should be able to adjust for the times. Many districts don't revise these very often. I think they should be revisited a minimum of every 2-3 years to allow for changes.
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      I might be wrong, but the policies probably need to be updated every six months to sort of keep up with new technology. That or the policies will have to be very broad, which has positives and negatives, too.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • Kristina Greenfield
      This is interesting. There is definately things to consider in an online classroom that you don't in a face-to-face classroom. However, as a classroom teacher, adding an online compenent to my course has required me to be more thoughtful, organized, explicit, and available. All of which have helped me meet more of my students' needs.
    • susan strube
      I don't know how to be an online teacher yet....I love what I do in my classroom and I think I'm a really effective teacher, but I'm always eager to improve. I think I have more to learn about the difference between the two. This is the first on line class I have taken and though it is frustrating when I don't understand, it is forcing me to stick with something longer/ problem solve more on my own!
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      The more that I discuss online learning, the more I think about the face-to-face teaching. I feel that this tows a fine line as we all have a variety of learners in our classroom. Balancing the face-to-face and online instruction is an element of teaching that also depends on the age level you are teaching. I think that the older the learners are, the more content they be exposed to online.
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • Deanna Tegeler
      This is why I am taking this course. I want to enhance my students learning and I feel that greater incorporation of meaningful/appropriate technology use will allow me to do that.
  • Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused
    • Deanna Tegeler
      This is one of the items that I am most excited about using with Moodle. I want to have a way other than my classroom observations to see how students are working through problems and learning from each other. Wiki's, Google docs and forums will allow me to see who is sharing their ideas and how other students respond to them.
  • Creates a safe environment, managing conflict
    • Deanna Tegeler
      This is one of my concerns about online learning. I have found that students often are willing to say things in print that they would not have the nerve to say to someone face to face. I feel that I will have to devote some time in training the students on what appropriate feedback would include and not include.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.) (SREB B.3, Varvel III.B)
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.) (SREB B.3, Varvel III.B)
    • Deb Richmann
      Are some school districts going to have to open up the restrictions on chat and remove some of their filtering to allow teachers access to some of these capabilities.
    • Jason Endress
      Deb, I think that you are correct, school districts will have to "loosen up" a bit. The other concern is access to technology/internet for students that come from low income families or families that might be homeless and do not have regular access outside of normal school hours.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.) (SREB B.3, Varvel III.B)
  • uses techniques to engage students
    • Deb Richmann
      This will require many teachers to loosen the grip they feel they need to have on their students. Teachers need to learn to be more of a supportive role for students.
    • susan strube
      I love being a facilitator, mentor and collaborator and not just a dispensor of information!
  • techniques for dealing with issues arising from inappropriate student technological use
    • Deb Richmann
      Teachers need to know the AUP and what administration will do when inappropriate action is discovered. All teachers should be in agreement with the course of action.
    • susan strube
      I think the biggest obstacle for out district is Catching the little perps in their misconduct. lol --is that appropriate in an anotation?
  • Provides and communicates evidence of learning and course data to students and colleagues (SREB J.6, ITS 1.a)
    • susan strube
      I suppose this was one of the purposes of teacher portfolios, but I think evidence is growing in importance as NCLB continues to drive education and there is more pressure to prove student proficiency. This is going to require more use of technology, I suspect, to gather and maintain the data needed.
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning
    • susan strube
      This is the area I am struggling with. I am not a technology native and I am not well read or experienced with technology. I get overwhelmed by so many options, I freeze up. I need to have someone help me identify one or two tools that I can understand and use effectively in my curriculum and then focus on just those 2 pieces of technology until I gain more confidence.
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies (SREB B.5
    • susan strube
      I think that is the purpose of this class.
  • iNACOL
    • jorge malagon
      Stands for International Association for K-12 Online Learning
  • Online Teaching
    • jorge malagon
      There is a broad spectrum of independent studies and diverse mediums to channel them; distance learning, correspondence, hybrid classes, computers, teleconference, cell-phones, educational television, etc. I guess standards would need to be adapted to each type of class.
    • Jason Endress
      Jorge, I agree with you that the phrase on-line teaching incorporates a broad spectrum of courses/means of delivery. Each type of course whether hybrid, distance learning, etc is going to have its own unique intereactions and pedagogy. As a result, it might be necessary to visit and re-evaluate these standards as times and technology change.
  • Incorporates social aspects
    • jorge malagon
      I like the rewording from "classroom management" to "incorporate social aspects", mostly behavioral ones; there is a lot less need for classroom management in the online instructional process; in eithe setting, it is crucial to count with the elements of engagement and social skills in order to accompllish the academic goals.
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation (Varvel IV.A, ITS 3.b)
    • Jill Schany
      I think this is so important. I am curious how many district require this in a syllabus or something similar at the beginning of the year?
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      That is a great point! My guess would be that there are not many requirements, yet. If there are, I am sure they are rather vague at the moment and will be getting more in depth in the upcoming years. Speaking from the standpoint of my district, I can say that most technology "extras" or resources are not required, but many are encouraged.
  • Continuously 2uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
  • Continuously 2 uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
    • Jill Schany
      I think the key word here is the word continually. This means that we have to look at more than tests and venture further into ancedotal assessments and similar ongoing classroom checks--such as checks for understanding.
  • Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well (SREB E.5, Varvel I.B)
    • Jill Schany
      I feel that this is not always done and will be essentail when technology becomes so common--such as with a 1:1 initiative. An understanding of these fair use policies is necessary for educators also.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • Marcia Jensen
      I am finding a whole different point of view as I use Moodle as a student rather than as a teacher. I find I have more questions about where components of the assignments are, and kind of worry about keeping all the tasks straight. I really want to think about this as I design my own course.
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      I'm struggling with those issues just for this one class. I couldn't imagine trying to keep more than one online class going on at a time. That may be the product of my non-digital native bias. Maybe for the present youth it will be no big deal. I struggle with the different technologies I'm expected to use as a teacher: Powerschool, gmail, igoogle, google docs, google class web site, Smartboard, etc. On the other hand, maybe having to learn and use new technology will help to prevent or slow Alzheimers. : )
  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessment
    • Marcia Jensen
      This is an area of interest to me. I know how to teach face to face, but want to learn techniques that are appropriate to online learning and that actually help the students learn.
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • Sandra Campie
      We teachers can learn so much from each other! I believe an online course can be set up to facilitate that well.
    • Jason Endress
      There are so many resources available to include to allow for the social compnent. Ideas include googledocs, wikis, chats, etc as we learned in the first unit of this course.
  • Creates or selects multiple assessment instruments that are appropriate for online learning (SREB H.1, Varvel VI.C)
    • Sandra Campie
      This is an area I would like to develop. How can we be sure our students are learning during the course so that we are able to address any misconceptions?
  • University
  • Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance
    • Jason Endress
      A key phrase in this is "to enhance academic performance". This means that we, as teachers, need to be utilizing these online strategies to help students learn and perform better than they would without access to these resources. Many times teachers attempt to try something new simply to say that they've tried a new activity, but our goal with doing something new should be to improve student learning over where it has been previously.
  • including rubrics for student performances
    • Jason Endress
      Moodle makes it very easy to share assessment criteria, especially rubrics with students prior to an assessment so that they may know how/what they are being graded on.

Michael Penney's Blog: Google Docs-Moodle tutorial - 0 views

    adding google docs to moodle

Google Documents, Spreadsheets, Forms, Presentations & Drawing - wesfryer - 0 views

    Wow, Wes Fryer has created the ultimate Google Doc for educators resource page!

Google For Educators - Google Docs - 2 views

shared by SLP John on 02 Nov 11 - Cached
  • interactive process which allows you to give guidance when it might be of maximum benefit –
    • SLP John
      I have just started to use googledocs for documents. My course I have set up is a face to face with an online part as well. On my online course I have assignments, so using google docs would be a way to interact with them in a quicker fashion.
    John, I was just on both sites for Google Docs that you shared. i use google docs in my workplace all the time and fine it to be a great tool for agendas and minutes during meetings.
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