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Contents contributed and discussions participated by travisnuss


Article(s): Self- and Peer-Assessment Online - 0 views

  • In this paradigm, self-assessment is not the same as self-grading. Rather, students are looking at their work and judging the degree to which it reflects the goals of the assignment and the assessment criteria the teacher will be using to evaluate the work
    • travisnuss
      This was my thought when I was reading the last article "Why and When Peer Grading is Effective for online learning." I didn't feel that Peer Grading is the same as Peer Assessment. I like the idea of Peer or Self assessment where they reflect and improve on their learning, but not necessarily be given a grade based on the assessment. I think even as teacher's if we spent more time assessing students without giving a grade, we could get a lot more learning from the students.
  • Over and over again, students rejected their own judgments of their work in favor of guessing how their teacher or professor would grade it.” (p. 168)
    • travisnuss
      I see way too many students try and do this, especially students who feel they must have an A at all cost. They don't want to actually learn the material, they just want to know what they have to do. I see where this has lead to students taking less risk and less thinking for themselves trying to problem solve how to do something on their own.
  • When they self-assessed, these students reported that they checked their work, revised it, and reflected on it more generally
    • travisnuss
      Checking work, revising it and reflecting on it seems to always go hand and hand with writing. I've always wondered and even tried to dabbled with a way to do revisions in math courses without just having the students "redo" a problem to get the right answer. Unfortunately, in my attempts, I get just that. I can't get the students to necessarily reflect on what they did wrong, but rather another attempt at getting the correct answer.
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  • One way to make sure students understand this type of evaluation is to give students a practice session with it
    • travisnuss
      This is something that I definitely need to get better at is practicing with my students what I expect them to do. I need to do a better job at modeling and giving examples of expectations for things like peer assessing, self assessing and even examples of proficient work.

ollie-afe-2021: Article: Attributes from Effective Formative Assessment (CCSSO) - 0 views

  • then provide several examples of critiques of political essays
    • travisnuss
      I think providing examples and going through those examples to examine strengths and weaknesses is a must for formative assessments to help students self-assess their own work.
  • . Specific, timely feedback should be based on the learning goal
    • travisnuss
      I struggle with this. I know I need to do a better job at providing feedback to the students, but I get overwhelmed with the amount of time it takes to give the feedback to each student. End up resulting in marking right or wrong on formative assessments, etc.
  • Formative assessment is a process that directly engages both teachers and students
    • travisnuss
      Something else I need to figure out how to do a better job of in my classes is including the students in the process of self-assessment.
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  • The way these attributes are implemented depends on the particular instructional context, the individual teacher, and—perhaps most importantly—the individual students.
    • travisnuss
      I really like this statement. Feel to many times we try to not recreate the wheel when we hear something works for one teacher, we feel we can just copy the method and do it the same way in our classes rather than tailor it to our needs. In the end, what we think will end up saving us time, actually costs us more in the long run.

ollie-afe-2021: Building a Better Mousetrap - 0 views

  • I once gave extra credit to a student who realized that without providing a shred of meaningful content she could meet all the requirements of a state writing rubric he posted in his classroom.
    • travisnuss
      This would be something I would do, I would make sure I jumped through the hoops to get the best score even if it meant not completing the assignment as intended. Honestly, not only do I struggle to use rubrics as a teacher, I very seldom look at a rubric if I have one ahead of time or afterwards. I usually complete the task and hope for the best.
  • is more efficient and the best choice when criteria overlap and cannot be adequately separate
    • travisnuss
      I feel a holistic rubric might be easier to use in a mathematics classroom compared to an analytic rubric.
  • critics claim that rubrics, in effect, dehumanize the act of writing
    • travisnuss
      A lot of talk about how rubrics work with writing. How about using rubrics in a mathematics classroom? Should a rubric be used for each problem or should it be used to assess and give feedback for the whole assessment?
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  • general rubric does not have to develop a new one for each assignment
    • travisnuss
      Just sounds easier and less time consuming if it can fit most assignments. Not sure all general rubrics however can be used for all assignments/assessments.

ollie-afe-2021: Educational Leadership: The Quest for Quality--article - 1 views

  • Creating a plan like this for each assessment helps assessors sync what they taught with what they're assessing.
    • travisnuss
      I have such a hard time getting myself away from traditional grading which I know has little meaning or feedback. I really like this example and hope I have the guys to use something similar.
  • For instance, if students will be the users of the results because the assessment is formative, then teachers must provide the results in a way that helps students move forward.
    • travisnuss
      I try and give feedback to help students improve and get better, but so many times get frustrated because many times the students seem to only want to know what they grade is and move on. I find it hard for students to use information to ask to get better.
  • A grade of D+, on the other hand, may be sufficient to inform a decision about a student's athletic eligibility, but it is not capable of informing the student about the next steps in learning.
    • travisnuss
      Seems to be the root of many of our problems where students worry more about their grade and how the grade will affect them rather than worry about what they are learning. Unfortunately in our school district, grades are the primary determination of if the students are learning or not.
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  • summative tests, the reason for assessing is to document individual or group achievement or mastery of standards and measure achievement status at a point in time.
    • travisnuss
      I actually made my own changes to how I enter information in our computer recording software after I became frustrated looking at my own son's grades from the parent side and couldn't tell by looking at it what he was struggling with and what he wasn't. I now enter grades as units so it's a little bit easier to see what the unit grade as well as trying to make it more detailed then just saying worksheet 3.1.

Implementation in a Secondary Classroom (Articles) - 1 views

  • giving them some choice about whom they get to work with may increase motivation
    • travisnuss
      This is choice I almost always give or at least start with in my class. Pre-covid, when my desks were in groups, I always let the students sit where they wanted the first week because I have found many times they end of sitting with people of similar ability levels or with students they know they can help each other. While some days, they might get off topic, I find most days they work with no disruptions and usually can answer each other questions and only when they can't figure it collaboratively they ask me. Only occasionally do I need to reassign groups and those are usually with freshmen who haven't figured out to handle it yet.

Implementation in a Secondary Classroom (Articles) - 2 views

  • she uses choice when she assigns homework
    • travisnuss
      I've thought about figuring out a way also to give the students a choice in the delivery of the problems they do in class. Where they can choose a set of practice problems from a book, worksheet or a computer program such as IXL or Khan academy to do.
  • picked data about whatever they were interested in—flavors of ice cream, baseball statistics, basketball statistics, whatever they wanted.
    • travisnuss
      Choice works well here because there is data involved and data can be found all over the place. With many topics in math, there aren't always choices that can be given that meets a wide range of interests.
  • Now they have access to the full unit from the beginning
    • travisnuss
      This is always a worry of mine. Just in a traditional class, I see a lot of students when given a worksheet and the students start to work and work ahead assuming they know how to do it. But when they get done and realized it's all wrong, it's frustrating to have to re-explain everything. I know, that's traditional mindset again.
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  • giving them some choice about whom they get to work with may increase motivation
    • travisnuss
      This is something that pre-covid I use to do a lot. My room was normally set up in groups of three and I would never create a seating chart the first day. I always found that most students would sit with others that they could work with naturally. Many times they put themselves in groups with similar abilities or with people that they knew they could work with. Honestly, this made my life easier because many times they figured out they could work through questions without asking me. Only a handful of times (usually with the freshman) would I have to move students and create the groups myself because of disruptions of class. Even the days that some groups were off topic, I never worried too much, because I figured that 95% of the other time they did stay on task was worth the tradeoff.

PLE Articles - 2 views

  • But as Drexler points out, we are in a new era where information is abundantly available and professionalism is far more about the effective manipulation– access, evaluation, & application– it only makes sense to reorient learning toward facilitation of students’ “active role in the learning process” and teachers’ provision of the right balance between structured lessons and autonomy; let’s never forget it is an ongoing balancing act. 
    • travisnuss
      I don't disagree with this statement, but as a generation that learned primarily via lecture, textbooks and test-taking and feel we were successful learning this method, we are drawn to also teach this way. Until we get better PD and support to change our instruction, this is going to be a tough sell to a generation of teachers.
  • students can utilize their PLE to acquire information using preferred apps and resources such as blogs, YouTube, Pinterest, Ning or Delicious
    • travisnuss
      How do we get students to do this on their own? When I try and get students to acquire information for different reasons, they seem to just type something into Google and use the first thing that pops up which is Wikipedia. Even with discussions about looking and evaluating appropriate resources, they still want to the easiest path, which is the first few returns when they Google something.
  • Not every student is ready for this responsibility, so teachers need to have strategies in place to guide and support these learners.
    • travisnuss
      I'm glad to see this statement in the article as well as the next one about teacher's attaining training be knowledgeable to utilize PLEs. I still have a hard time seeing personalized learning with all students in my classroom without redeveloping the current model of our school and having to deal with resistance of such a change from other teachers, administrators and parents as well as students. It seems such a dramatic change not just from what I currently do as a teacher, but also the way I taught.
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  • Preliminary testing I did of Symbaloo under a “test” student login indicated it would function in a stable, normal manner in our network environment for students, so I settled on Symbaloo as my tool of choice for this spring.
    • travisnuss
      I've had experience with Symbaloo for other classes I have taken. While I have like the ease of using Symbaloo, it's something that once the class is over, I end up just relying on my bookmarks I have collected over the years in my browser for sites I use rather than ever going back and logging into Symbaloo. It also seems like my students like when I give them a list of websites in class instead of having to find their info. I seem to be able to easily link and list possible sites in Google Classroom, so I wonder, what am I missing with Symbaloo that I can't already accomplish in means that myself and my students are already familiar with?

"Personalized" vs. "Personal" Learning - 1 views

  • “Personalized” learning is something that we do to kids; “personal” learning is something they do for themselves
    • travisnuss
      This statement really stuck out to me - the difference between personalized and personal learning. I think I struggle with "personal" learning because I have the traditional mindset that students need to be able to do and understand a certain amount of math, social studies, science and English to be a well rounded individual and have a hard time comprehending that students learning something for themselves is always going to equal having educational value.
  • many school district leaders require public school educators to teach a specific curriculum
    • travisnuss
      This is the part of the whole personal learning experience that has me baffled. This may be the traditionalist in me, but what happens to the viable and guaranteed curriculum that we have spent so many PD hours developing.
  • In a world where we can explore almost every interest or passion in depth on our own or with others
    • travisnuss
      What becomes the role of the teaching with a personal learning environment, especially at the high school level where many of us have chosen the profession because we have our own passion for that area of expertise? I didn't necessarily get into this profession to help students learn anything, I kind of specifically came into this job because I have a passion for mathematics and want to specifically teach that passion.
    • travisnuss
      What becomes the role of the teaching with a personal learning environment, especially at the high school level where many of us have chosen the profession because we have our own passion for that area of expertise? I didn't necessarily get into this profession to help students learn anything, I kind of specifically came into this job because I have a passion for mathematics and want to specifically teach that passion.
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  • more effective delivery method than any one teacher with 25 or 30 student
    • travisnuss
      So reading this statement, in my mind instantly pops in 25 or 30 individualized lesson plans for personal learning. It may be a more effective delivery method, but is it necessarily efficient. There has to be some sort of structural changes to the current system of education to allow for personalization of learning.
  • but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance
    • travisnuss
      Until the state changes the way they evaluate the success of schools and colleges change the way they look at admissions, especially 4 year liberal and public colleges, how do we let students do personal learning, but assure we are going to reach those requirements from the state and make sure students reach the requirements to attend the post-secondary education they want to receive. Based off of legislative decisions made so far this year, I feel like we have even less control and need to show more compliance in the near future than ever before. :(

ol101-f2020: Iowa Online Course Standards - 3 views

  • • All resources and materials used in the course are appropriately cited and obey copyright and fair use. (iN 4.9, QM 4.3)
    • travisnuss
      I would like to have more information and help to make sure I am doing this correctly, especially since I don't cite anything I use pretty much makes me sure I am not doing this correctly. Copyright is still fuzzy to me even though we spent time in one of the Blending/Flipping classes on it.
  • A. Course Overview
    • travisnuss
      This is something I feel as a school we really need to sit down and think about and come up with some common language for integrity and netiquette. We have realized three weeks in the school year, that this wasn't something discussed with our hybride students and many of them did not realize they were responsible for the online work on the days they weren't in school, not just the work they got when they are in school. The feeling is that most of our staff felt that the students would pick that up on their own and now that we are a few weeks in, both the students and teachers are trying to adjust to that minor detail.

ol101-f2020: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 1 views

  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently
    • travisnuss
      This is one I am struggling with right now with my hybrid students. Unless they communicate with me on the days they aren't in school, I haven't done the best reaching out those students to see what their needs are. Fortunately, the days they are in class, I do try and touch base with them to see where they are at, if they need help and if they can get that help during the day while they are in school.
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