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Home/ OLLIE Iowa/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kim Swartz

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kim Swartz

Kim Swartz

Google Apps Blog - 3 views

    Blog with Google application updates by Kay Schmalen at AEA 267
Kim Swartz

TPCK - 1 views

    The three forms of knowledge teachers must have to successfully integrate technology into their classroom
Kim Swartz

ollie1: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 2 views

  • Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well
    • Kim Swartz
      This becomes more and more important as information is online. We must be role models for students making sure we don't have any copyright infringement as well has teaching students about the importance of complying with copyright.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.)
    • Kim Swartz
      if people don't have these types of technology skills, I don't see how they would be able to function teaching in an online environment. This seems like a "no brainer" to me.
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning
    • Kim Swartz
      Seems like this could take a lot of time perfecting because it probably depends on age level and content of the course.
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