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Contents contributed and discussions participated by kshadlow


ol101-2020: Iowa Online Course Standards - 1 views

    • kshadlow
      This criteria is so important. In an online course, you do not have the luxury of having that random conversation with one student that another student can overhear to get their needed clarification. All information needs to be very specific and spelled out for online instruction.

ol101-2020: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 9 views

    • kshadlow
      I chose this criteria because having your course evaluated gives you valuable information to guide your next attempt. Reading through the student feedback of the course helps to know what you are doing right and what needs to be changed or tweaked to help students be successful.
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • kshadlow
      I chose this criteria because it encompasses the purpose for facilitating student learning, the goal. I like how it reminds me of all the components needed to ensure student success.
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  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • kshadlow
      I chose this criteria because it seems like a no brainer, but I realized after I started teaching a blended class how many little things are actually big differences between online and F2F courses.

Article(s): Self- and Peer-Assessment Online - 1 views

  • once the students have more experience, they can develop them themselves.
    • kshadlow
      I'm excited to get to this point. I can see students having the "buy in" when they help create the rubrics/criteria.

Article(s): Self- and Peer-Assessment Online - 1 views

  • Rather than assessing whether the student learned from the assignment or not, this method seems geared to identifying any ‘slackers’ or those who sit on the side lines through the entire project, with minimal contributions.
    • kshadlow
      This is a familiar point because that's the main focus of students in group work. To make group work more accepting, we choose to keep this area a focus.
  • I have mixed feelings about peer evaluations, leaning towards not using peer reviews as part of the assessment strategy.
    • kshadlow
      I struggled with these same thoughts mostly because I chose not to take the time to show students how to evaluate each other. The times I have used it, I gave the criteria and altered it to be easy for the students.
  • Even so, the ability to self-assess skills and completed work is important. Moreover, it is an ability acquired with practice and developed with feedback. It seems like the kind of skill that should be addressed in college. And perhaps there is a way.
    • kshadlow
      I like the idea of self-assessments and truly understand it's benefits. The interesting part is why I didn't utilize them more.
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  • •Agreed marking criteria means there can be little confusion about assignment outcomes and expectations.
    • kshadlow
      Working with students on a shared outcome makes perfect sense. I have worked with classes before figuring out the shared outcome, but I have not taken to the next step of peer assessing. I like this idea and am excited to try it out.

ollie-afe-2020: Article: Attributes from Effective Formative Assessment (CCSSO) - 3 views

  • The teacher might first offer students a paraphrased version of that goal such as, “You will be able to judge the strengths and weaknesses of arguments in the editorials you find in our daily newspapers.” The teacher would discuss the criteria for evaluating arguments and then provide several examples of critiques of political essays. This will provide students with a reasonably clear idea of the analytic skills they are to develop and also provide them with the tools required to assess their own written analyses.
    • kshadlow
      This process really helps you hone in on scaffolding to move learning to your end objective.
  • With this kind of descriptive feedback and collaboration, the teacher clarifies the goal for the student, provides specific information about where the student is in relation to meeting the criteria, and offers enough substantive information to allow the student an opportunity to identify ways to move learning forward.
    • kshadlow
      Feedback throughout the process is so beneficial to the student. I think it is easy for teachers to skip this part or not notice they are giving it during conversations. Written feedback usually happens in those final assessments.
  • Helping students think meta-cognitively about their own learning fosters the idea that learning is their responsibility and that they can take an active role in planning, monitoring, and evaluating their own progress.
    • kshadlow
      I think teachers and students need to hear and believe this concept more. Once teachers buy into allowing students more o fa role in their learning, students will take on more the ideal world.
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  • Students can use a rubric to provide feedback to a peer by articulating reasons why a piece of work is at one level and discussing how it could be improved to move it to the next level.
    • kshadlow
      This idea takes some of the worry out for students who don't want to hurt or offend other students in the critique.

ollie-afe-2020: Building a Better Mousetrap - 2 views

  • a system designed to measure the key qualities (also referred to as “traits” or “dimensions”) vital to the process and/or product of a given assignment,
    • kshadlow
      I like this comment! It is a nice way to view rubrics instead of always associating the word with tests or grading.
  • rubrics can help the student with self-assessment; what is most important here is not the final product the students produce, but the habits of mind practiced in the act of self-assessment.
    • kshadlow
      I have only started focusing on using these at the beginning of tasks instead of only at the end. It helps the student see all the "parts" to the task.
  • The result is many students struggle blindly, especially non-traditional, unsuccessful, or under-prepared students, who tend to miss many of the implied expectations of a college instructor, expectations that better prepared, traditional students readily internalize.
    • kshadlow
      Aww, the guilt...
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  • Usually a numerical value is assigned to each point on a scale. You can weight dimensions differently if you feel that one dimension is more important than another.
    • kshadlow
      I like to use weighted criteria in rubrics. I think it tells students which areas they need to focus more time on.

ollie-afe-2020: Educational Leadership: The Quest for Quality--article - 7 views

  • The purpose is to inform others—policymakers, program planners, supervisors, teachers, parents, and the students themselves—about the overall level of students' performance.
    • kshadlow
      Wouldn't that be interesting if the "we" mentioned here were all actually on the same page, wanting and assessing the same things. A common purpose. Nothing like focusing on the negative here, but all of these people are being informed in different ways and gathering different data for a different endpoint.
  • Do the results provide clear direction for what to do next?
    • kshadlow
      Sometimes an assessment is just an end. Information is used in the next unit, but the assessment doesn't always tell the student they are ready for what is coming next.
  • Using data from these assessments, schools now make decisions about individual students, groups of students, instructional programs, resource allocation, and more.
    • kshadlow
      How much money and time was spent in areas unnecessarily? Data is no good if it is tainted. I am glad we have moved farther away from the traditional state testing.
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