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Contents contributed and discussions participated by k_gibson


Implementation in an Elementary Classroom (Articles) - 0 views

  • A Stage One PLE is teacher-centered with learner voice and choice.
    • k_gibson
      I think PL has such a student-driven orientation to it that we forget the kids still need a teacher to guide them. The teacher isn't removed from PL. The teacher is a vital aspect in it!
  • “helping children gain active control over the process of thinking so they learn how to learn, which will serve them well throughout their lives.”
    • k_gibson
      Right on! So many times I see teachers telling kids what to do in every single step. Heck, I see it with my own children. They want me to tell them the answers instead of thinking things through for themselves, but that won't serve them well in adulthood.

Adaptive Learning System Articles - 1 views

  • The phrase “adaptive learning” is an umbrella term that applies to an incredibly broad range of technologies and techniques with very different educational applications. The common thread is that they all involve software that observes some aspect of student performance and adjusts what it presents to each student based on those observations. In other words, all adaptive software tries to mimic some aspect of what a good teacher does, given that every student has individual needs.
    • k_gibson
      So is this basically differentiation but always with technology?
  • A math student makes a mistake with the specific step of factoring polynomials while attempting to solve a polynomial equation, so the program provides the student with extra hints and supplemental practice problems on that step.
    • k_gibson
      We have a program similar at my school for math. I just never knew the educational term for it as, "adaptive learning." I learned something new. Cool!
  • 5 Benefits of Using Adaptive Tech in Online Learning
    • k_gibson
      All 5 of these benefits are amazing! When our district purchased our current math program used at the elementary level, EveryDay Mathematics (EDM), they also purchased the online/tech package. This allows for teachers to do most of the things this section is talking about. I didn't realize this tech stuff was known as adaptive learning, but it's cool that we are already doing it. It makes me feel like we are helping our students well!
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  • but rather, drives learning from start to finish by incorporating the right mix of online and face-to-face instruction where suitable.
    • k_gibson
      I like this point! You hear people joke about teachers becoming extinct with the progression of technology. First, I don't think that is true, and second, I don't think it's wise. No matter the amount of technology we have, present and future, teachers can never be replaced. We need human-to-human contact so we learn lessons from someone with real-world experience, not a robot.
    • k_gibson
      The blend of human teachers and tech is a nice sweet spot, I think.

"Personalized" vs. "Personal" Learning - 5 views

  • 2. Education is about the transmission of bits of information, not the construction of meaning.
    • k_gibson
      I disagree with how this statement is written. Education isn't entirely about the transmission of information, but information is still important and shouldn't be dismissed. Education can't be an 'either/or,' it must be a 'both.' Students need information in order to apply it, design, and create. Without information, there is a huge gap left in their learning called 'ignorance.'
  • same knowledge
    • k_gibson
      Every person/child is unique. I agree that skills, and to a point knowledge, should vary. However, there is a certain well-rounded nature we want children to possess to be successful in society. Hence why we created a common set of standards, like Iowa Core. There should always be certain skills and information we set forth for children to learn. Then, there should be an element to learning that opens up new experiences and opportunities for exploring interests. Balance is important, I think.
  • it implies moving away from the industrialized form of education that pumps out cookie-cutter students with the
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  • and skills.
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