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Angie Tompkins

Education World: Use Boolean Search Terms to Shorten Web Searches - 1 views

    Students use games, manipulatives, and computers to learn the advantages of using Boolean terms when searching the Web. The site will help you create a lesson to teach your students over boolean logic. With hand-ons and interactive activities, students will be able to understand the concept of Boolean Logic for when they search the internet.

Education World: Problem-Based Learning: Tips and Project Ideas - 0 views

    Get best practices for these valuable real-world learning opportunities. Project ideas, too!
    A great source of information that details what project based learning is all about in simple, and easy to understand terms.
Sarah Jones

Boolify Search Tool - 0 views

    Software that models Boolean operations. Uses key terms and graphical pieces to apply Boolean logic in visual way. Helps build mental model of search. Helps with comprehension and understanding of search.
    Software that models Boolean operations. Uses key terms and graphical pieces to apply Boolean logic in visual way. Helps build mental model of search. Helps with comprehension and understanding of search.

Professional Development: Digital Access - 0 views

    This resource helps teachers learn about digital access and to ensure all students have equal opportunities in terms of technology access and use within the classroom as well as the opportunity for all to be involved in today's digital society.
Katie Klingaman

14 Little-Known Ways Students Can Get More Out Of Google | Edudemic - 0 views

    This website has a great way for students to learn how to get the best out of Google.
    This page provides ways to effectively use google. It gives examples of what to type with search terms to get specific answers as well as keyboard shortcuts

Wikipedia - 0 views

    This can be a good place to find key terms and a place where students can find information.

To Boost Higher-Order Thinking, Try Curation | Cult of Pedagogy - 2 views

    This site argues for the importance of Curation in terms of higher-order thinking associated with Bloom's Taxonomy. It also offers this information in podcast form.

Project Based Learning: Start Here | Cult of Pedagogy - 0 views

    "Cult of Pedagogy" is a website and a place for teachers to unite and explore ideas together through a blog, podcast, and posts. The main page goes into detail about what Project Based Learning entails. This website uses the analogy "project based learning, the content is baked inside of a long-term project, a real-world problem students need to solve in a creative and authentic way. In the process of solving the problem, students also meet required standards, but this work is integrated into the project, not separate from it". This is a key component in understanding PBL because it is more than just solving a basic math problem. The really cool thing about this website is that it connects the viewer to a podcast called "Cult of Pedagogy". Teacher's can listen to this broadcast to get ideas about teaching and PBL. There is also a tab for teaching materials. The materials included are e-book template, google drive basics, and icebreakers that all educators can utilize when implementing Project Based Learning into their classroom. Overall, this is a great tool created by an educator for all.
Jaxon Smith

15 Students Study Apps To Enhance Subject Understanding - 2 views

    This article explores 15 Students Study Apps which help students enhance their subject understanding. Each of these Students Study Apps specializes in a specific subject, helping student retain long term memory.

Blendspace - The review - 0 views

    This is a very simple how-to guide on working all of Blendspace. The review breaks down the steps of making the lesson into basic and understandable terms.

Where to Find Credible Sources for Your Research Paper - 0 views

  • Wikipedia is a great jumping-off point in terms of figuring out what to search for,
  • NEXT: Finding Credible Sources Online Part 2 
  • Learning how to evaluate sources for research paper writing is a key component to your research paper’s success.
    This blog post is a great resource for trying to find sources. It includes places to search, and how to determine if a source is credible

'+windowtitle+' - 0 views

    Research comparing digital note taking vs. hand written note taking.
    Research comparing digital note taking vs. hand written note taking.

Education World: Problem-Based Learning: Tips and Project Ideas - 1 views

Here is the link for this site, Diigo is not letting me post this website I found, but here it is!

project based learning tips ideas


10 Quick Formative Assessments for a Differentiated Classroom - 0 views

    This site contains information on formative assessments, such as why and how we use them. It has information on getting students to remember things better and longer. Gives extra information and ideas to go with the Assessment part of our chapter.

Jeopardy Game - 0 views

shared by acathea on 29 Jan 16 - No Cached
    This website can be used to create a Jeopardy game to review terms or questions before an exam.

Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship - 1 views

This site gives you nine of the digital glossary terms that we used in our content of this chapter in case you have forgotten your vocabulary

technology edtech resources teaching classroom education teachers assessment Week16 Digital Citizenship learning


Week 16 Digital Citizenship - 6 views

Digital Health and Wellness for the digiteen: This site gives tips on wellness of the teen, not just the protection of from cyber b...

resources technology edtech teaching classroom education


The 9 elements of digital citizenship - 0 views This link is very helpful and puts the nine elements of digital citizenship and student behavior in simple terms that are easy to understand.

technology resources edtech education teaching classroom learning teachers assessment ipad

started by leightonloch on 30 Apr 18 no follow-up yet
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