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Bethani McIntire

Classroom Management in the Tech-Equipped Classroom | Edutopia - 2 views

    This is a great article to read over when considering a classroom management system in your own classroom.
    This website allows teachers to give helpful tips in classroom management by integrating technology. And also suggests not to only have a well-planned lesson, but also a plan B.

12 Easy Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom, Even for Technophobic Teachers | TeachHUB - 8 views

    With this ed tech guide, teachers will find easy ways to use technology in the classroom.
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    With this ed tech guide, teachers will find easy ways to use technology in the classroom. I am a big fan of the "webquest" idea for younger learners.
    With this ed tech guide, teachers will find easy ways to use technology in the classroom. I am a big fan of the "webquest" idea for younger learners.
    With this ed tech guide, teachers will find easy ways to use technology in the classroom.
    webquests were quite popular several years back but the website that hosted them contains so many broken links. you can accomplish the same task with a well-crafted google search engine and a google doc with links & exercises.
    A website with examples on how to use technology in any classroom - especially for beginners! Includes examples like creating a class blog or webpage, creating a class podcast, etc.
    I think this website informs great ways to help teachers to bring more technology into the class.
    This article was chosen because it displays ideas for teachers to incorporate technology in the classroom, even if the teacher isn't "tech-savvy". The ideas range from utilizing IPads for children in the classroom to even using review games such as "Jeopardy" and "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?".
    This is a great article on 12 ways to use technology in the classroom
    I like this article.
amisaac in the classroom! - 1 views this link takes you to a blog of a teacher who is passionate about technology in the classroom. She describes how and why techn...

technology resources edtech lesson plan


Resources for using IPADS in the classroom- CH 8 - 3 views

This are great links to go to for different creative ideas on how to integrate iPads into your classroom. There are different apps that would be a great asset to uses, there are ideas on how to use...

resources teaching classroom ipad technology education


10 Rules for a Successful One-to-One Classroom - 0 views

    These are 10 ways to maximize your one-to-one classroom. I thought this was good because many schools are implementing a one-to-one type of classroom.

Keep parents in the loop with a class website - 8 views

    This website covers an array of technology that can be used in the classroom for communication. It focuses on what parents actually want to see on these sites and how they can be most effective in the classroom.
  • ...3 more comments...
    Classroom websites provide lots of valuable information to parents. This resource provide information on what parents look for in a classroom website. It includes tips on what to include in your website, example websites, and different platforms you can use to create your website.
    Explains classroom websites/different types and what they should include.
    This website is a very useful source to see what website creator works best for you.
    It is a great information website for those who struggle with today's integrated technology. This website displays classroom information and ways a parent can be more involved with their student's curriculum.
    This site provides teachers a variety of tools and suggests elements to include in a classroom website. Some of these suggestions include blogs, wikis, Google sites, and many more. This website also presents ideas of what parents want to see.

Patterson's Pack — 1st Grade and Blogging! - 1 views

    A teachers classroom blog for her first grade students. I thought this would make a good example for seeing what a classroom blog would look like and how it can be useful to the students and parents.
    A good example of blog being used in the classroom. This first grade teacher uses hers to interactive and leave messages for the parents of her classroom.
Allie Garrett

Introduction to Classroom Blogs - JBL - YouTube - 0 views

    It's an introduction to learning about classroom blogs and why they can be beneficial to the classroom for not only the teacher but also the students.

5 Good Resources for Multimedia Integration in the Classroom - 6 views This link is EXTREMELY informative when it comes to the process and definition of digital storytelling. Click through the tabs on the website to see...

edtech technology teachers multimedia


Technology Integration - 14 views

I liked all the different websites you can integrate into your classroom that are easy to access.

technology resources edtech education teaching classroom Teachers learning assessment computer iPad


Twitter in the Classroom - 1 views

Twitter can be a useful tool for sending out due dates, keeping up with students, and challenging students. There are also a myriad of other reasons to use Twitter in the classroom, as it is one of...

technology EdTech education teaching classroom learning

started by emilyeware on 29 Mar 18 no follow-up yet

Ch. 10 Resources - 1 views

Mrs. Cornejo's Classroom Blog. An example of what a blog dedicated to your classroom would look like. Note the different pages that she used.   Mr. Ar...

started by robertdb103 on 30 Jul 18 no follow-up yet

How To Use Blogs In the Classroom - eLearning Industry - 0 views

    How teachers and students can use blogs in the classroom.

A few Tips & Tricks for Student filming in the Classroom | Langwitches Blog - 2 views

  • A few Tips & Tricks for Student filming in the Classroom
  • Take short clips
  • Hold the camera with two hands to keep it steady
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  • The microphone is on the camera.
  • Here are a few tips & tricks for your students as they take over being the film directors in your classroom:
  • Know what is in your background
  • Don’t include students who do not have media release permission
  • Don’t identify students by filming something with their first and last name on it
    Having students make video projects is a great way to get them involved and invested in their learning, and this website provides helpful tips for studentst that are creating video projects in the classroom.
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    We used this website because it mentions tips for students when they are making their own films in the classroom. We thought it would be good to include because teachers can use this to mention to their students some things to remember so they have an easier time filming.
    These tips will help everyone film their videos the correct way! The video is a good resource too! 
    These tips will help everyone film their videos the correct way! The video is a good resource too! Please watch the video if we don't have time in class to do so!

7 Ways to Understand if Your Classroom Assessments are Working - 4 views

    Is your assessments working? This article helps to give clear cut examples to make sure your classroom assessments are effective.
    These seven points help a teacher determine if their assessment of their students is working to foster growth and development in their classes. Each point is a different idea of how assessment can be done in a classroom.
    I choose this article because it gives ideas to assess is your classroom assessments are working.

Teaching With Blogs - ReadWriteThink - 0 views

    Blogging is a new craze that is hitting the classrooms. This Strategy Guide describes the processes involved in composing blogs in the classroom, the process of writing regular posts, or entries, that are published online.
Amanda Reese

BYOD and Classroom Management - More Help! | The "BYOD" Experience - 0 views

  • Use signage to indicate when BYOD use is appropriate and when it is not.
  • Create a Digital Social Contract with Students. 
  • P.R.I.D.E. P – Purpose for using device is always educational R – Responsible use of devices is always expected I – Instructions for device use will always be followed D – Devices must always be using the school’s WiFi network E – Everyone will always conduct him or herself responsibly online
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  • Have students set time specific goals of what they will accomplish in short bursts of time.  Tasks should be specific. 
  • It is essential that the teacher be engaged in the same activities as the students (not sitting at their desk on a computer) and moving around the classroom frequently in order to see what students are doing. 
    Great blog post on how to manage and monitor a BYOD classroom
Chandler Phillips

Classroom Behavior? There's an App for That | Edutopia - 1 views

    This blog explains the different uses for an app called ClassDojo. This app is a tool for classroom management and student behavior assessment.
Heather Ross

How to Use Piktochart in the Classroom: A Complete Guide - 1 views

    Provides statistics for why graphic visuals can be useful in a classroom and how the human brain responds to pictures.
    A detailed tutorial on how to create an infographic for the classroom. The website also includes ideas for using Piktochart for homework assignments, lessons, comparison charts, etc.

15 Apps for a One iPad Classroom - 3 views

    Here are 15 apps that work great with a one iPad setup AND help to keep kids on task and stay engaged with what you are learning. If you are having trouble figuring out how to use one iPad in a classroom then this website is perfect for you.
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