This is an explosive video that I watched in the additional resources for week 1. The notion of GMO's and seeds have been on the periphery of my knowledge, but I have never paid much attention prior to this. However this video speaks about bio-piracy where local farmer indigenous knowledge on creating crops and seeds that can adapt to local conditions e.g. drought, excessive salt environments etc, are being pirated and patented by large food companies e.g. Monsanto, and then sold back to the farmers as the only seeds approved by the government. Essentially taking knowledge that has it's genesis in the public domain fostered and strengthened through relationships and context, and privatising for profit, causing massive harm to the ecology and promoting dependency and poverty.
This is an explosive video that I watched in the additional resources for week 1. The notion of GMO's and seeds have been on the periphery of my knowledge, but I have never paid much attention prior to this. However this video speaks about bio-piracy where local farmer indigenous knowledge on creating crops and seeds that can adapt to local conditions e.g. drought, excessive salt environments etc, are being pirated and patented by large food companies e.g. Monsanto, and then sold back to the farmers as the only seeds approved by the government. Essentially taking knowledge that has it's genesis in the public domain fostered and strengthened through relationships and context, and privatising for profit, causing massive harm to the ecology and promoting dependency and poverty.
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