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Michèle Drechsler

socialbookmarking in the field of education. Michèle Drechsler thesis - 1 views

    Socialbookmarking practices in the field of education : semantic, socio-cognitive and formative affordances Research about Diigo's communities.
aggiorni alessandro

Random Stuff that Matters » Blog Archive » OpenEd: Week 9, Wikinomics - 0 views

  • I wasn’t too impressed. Perhaps it’s partly that none of these ideas are particularly new to me (although some of the individual examples of how companies are using them were), and perhaps to someone who has never heard about Wikis, networking, collaboration, Web 2.0 etc, this could be a great book. However, it is very clearly a business book, written for executives, and with a language and writing style that I am not used to, and don’t particularly like
    • aggiorni alessandro
      Unlike Andreas Formigoni!!!! Interesting!!!!
  • With the best OERs in the world, we still agree that we sometimes need to have human involvement, whether in classroom instruction, as an online mentor (which can be very taxing, something that Professor Wiley has experienced in this course).I think it would only be a healthy sign if a huge industry of training companies grew up around OERs, that provided value added services - like hands-on instruction, mentoring and guidance by distance, follow up and setting deadlines, printing textbooks or DVDs, etc. If they then released all their material back to the commons, whether because they were compelled (through CC share-alike) or as a goodwill gesture to the community, the whole movement would benefit. This is a strong argument against the CC NC license on educational material.
    • aggiorni alessandro
      Subtle observation
  • An additional thought after reading about all these companies that opened up their internal processes to collaboration both from the internal staff, and from external customers, was the idea of a more open and flexible university. Some enlightened professors are great at engaging their students in defining the contents of the class, but generally both our programs of study (which courses we have to take to graduate), and the contents of them, are determined by individual faculty.
    • aggiorni alessandro
      Keep it in mind
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • I would love to see the process of undergraduate teaching become as studied, as discussed and as public as research -
    • aggiorni alessandro
      I agree!!!!!
  • I am very glad that there is an open debate about this course now, and that we have the Wikipage to talk in a more informal manner, although it is not too much in use yet. I also notice that a lot of people have “fallen of the wagon”, and it will be interesting to see this week, with one of the more individual and creative assignments so far, how many hand in - and then how the new curriculum works out, with one week for posting your initial thoughts, and then one week for reflection and reading of others postings. I am a bit dismayed that some of the initial material that was more “generative”, like trying to persuade local colleagues to implement open practices, have been removed, but I am thinking about trying it anyway, hopefully with a colleague.
    • aggiorni alessandro
      Shall we try together? Where do you live/work/teach?
aggiorni alessandro

Yu-Chun's Blog: OpenEd: Week 9 - 0 views

  • Coase's Penguin, or, Linux and The Nature of the Firm.” “Peer production” is an important concept which is addressed in this
    • aggiorni alessandro
      Peer production, peer to peer, peer or not to peer
  • I think peer production has a profound influence on open education movement, especially on the issue of sustainability. “Peer production” is a model which is better than market-based model or firm-based model because it allows larger groups of individuals to look for larger groups of resources in search of materials, projects, collaborations, and combination. Peer production relies on decentralized information gathering and exchange to reduce the uncertainty of participants. Just as the reading of last week indicates that the degree of decentralization will be a factor of long-term management for OER, peer production is a model which includes the idea of decentralization. Centralization provides explicit support, but the cost is expensive. On the contrary, decentralization allows more control over the courses, and explicit support is available through a group of participants. Unlike market or firm models, cooperation and coordination among participants are easier to be achieved in peer production model.
    • aggiorni alessandro
      Please compare with "Empire" by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri
  • The granularity of the modules is important for maintain a project. When a project of any size is broken into little pieces, each of pieces can be independently performed by an individual in a short amount of time.
    • aggiorni alessandro
      This is, so far described, the same idea of Learning Objects. The problem is that learning objects are proved to be not reliable for educational purposes, more suitable for economic goals!
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  • Take Slashdot, for example. Different kinds of Moderators are given different levels of power of content judgement. Rather than using full-time professional experts, moderators who just need to make trivial effort to any small judgements. The aggregation of small judgement equals to the result of judgement by experts, and the reducing of cost is apparent.
    • aggiorni alessandro
      !!!!! Like google?
  • Granularity is a good way for peer production. A project can be broken down into smaller components. Each module is independent, and users can maximize their autonomy over the editing of contents. However, I am wondering if modularity can be applied to any kind subjects and if there is some pitfalls that it will bring. Take cookbooks, for example. It is good for users to add any contents for specific topics. Each cooking skill can be a unit, and users can be responsible for a small part to decrease the mistakes which probably will happen during editing. Each cooking skill is independent from each other, so we don't need to worry about the consistency of the contents. But what if there are a series of scientific concepts which will be edited in different units? Since each concept is related to each other, I wonder if each segment is consistent with each other. If related contents are not consistent, learners must feel confused during learning. Hence, to decrease this problem, participants who take charge of the consistency for some contents are necessary.
    • aggiorni alessandro
      This is more or less the case of an important text used in the university when I was learning. It was a huge series of books about German literary history, wrote down at the beginning by an author, then developed from others who received the task to write about one or two authors. The final effect was - all in all - a huge work with, in detail, many differences in style and depiction of contents.
aggiorni alessandro

Stupendous Man of Mystery ::::::::::::: OpenEd Week 9:: Elective Reading Synopses - 0 views

    • aggiorni alessandro
      Interesting thing
  • One of the ideas that seemed to be quite present in this book was that the West has thrown billions of dollars at a problem and as of yet it has all been a waste. I have a hard time believing that all of that money has truly done nothing.
  • We need to evaluate where money is spent based on what the outcomes will be. If you can save 100 children with a one-time vaccine for the same cost that medication for a victim of AIDS would require for one year, is there really even a question of where the money should be spent?
    • aggiorni alessandro
      That's politics!
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • I think that there is a lot that the OER movement could learn from this book, especially since there is not the money for trial and error with OER that there has been with aiding the Rest.
    • aggiorni alessandro
      I agree. Money isn't endless, sooner or later ti will come to a stop
aggiorni alessandro

Insegnare Apprendere Mutare: OpenEd - week 8 - 1 views

  • Of course, it is frustrating to write your thoughts without having a feedback. It's human. I was delighted in seeing that my first post turned out to be interesting for someone and I became progressively unsure with the following ones. It seems you are throwing your thoughts in a void space or in crowded space where people are saying: "This guy is crazy!"
    • aggiorni alessandro
      2001, Space Odissey
aggiorni alessandro

Open Ed-Week 8-Sustainability - K12 Open Ed - 0 views

    • aggiorni alessandro
      I agree
  • My question: Shouldn’t the goal of every OER project to be to facilitate learning by a maximum number of learners?
aggiorni alessandro

Start a New Edu. World....: OpenEdu Week 8: Economic Models of Open Education - 0 views

    • aggiorni alessandro
      Good observation
  • I think we need more time to digest the new knowledge or information after self-reading and more time to receive the feedback from instructor and classmates. Keep large amount of weekly reading without feedbacks is too pushing
    • aggiorni alessandro
      I agree
aggiorni alessandro

Google Reader (28) - 0 views

    • aggiorni alessandro
      I disagree: Moodle is not complicated (1st) and there is no need to convert a whole course to moodle or any other forma "at once" (2nd). It is more useful to begin by small "chunks" of syllabus or course and then develop a full versione with the time (3rd), and then it is possible to consider the derived feedback of students themselves, who can develop avtivities like glossaries or quizzes (if given the teacher's role in a precise course of moodle) and this "chunks" of course can be reused in other courses for other students (4th)
aggiorni alessandro

Megs Planet: Week 8: Economic Models of Open Education - 0 views

  • I think the first thing to consider is that "sustainable" can have a lot of different meanings in the educational context. It can mean: a) not going into the red financially b) continually having people visit and learn from your ed materials c) continually building materials on your site for yourself d) continually having others contribute new material to your site. Wiley's definition of sustainability encompasses all three of these meanings individually and in combination:sustainability will be defined as an open educational resource project’s ongoing ability to meet its goals.
    • aggiorni alessandro
      I agree
  • And if one argues that Uni's wouldn't make any money using the German model (even though society benefits hugely, including the German economy on the whole) - I think it's only fair to question why should Universities be in the business of making money?!?! Why have we chosen this social model, given how important education facilities are in our societies. As far as I know, this is a more recent trend - as compared to the past. If we are so concerned in OER about contributing to the common good, then one really should think about the common good in other areas, such as through traditional educaiton facilities.
    • aggiorni alessandro
      100% agree
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Why would we want to offer free credentialized degrees, unless those free degrees were essentially paid for by the taxpayers funding a public university? What are the benefits of this? How does "giving away degrees" interact with notions of quality? I mean, we have a hard enough time getting quality OER that aren't accredited. How much harder would it be to ensure the quality of a credentialized degree? Without such quality checks, would our degrees become meaningless??
    • aggiorni alessandro
      Good obeservation!
  • I would like a schedule that had reading and writing one week and then reading others' thoughts and responding the following week. It would also be nice to have some structured iteration back to previous course topics since it's all so related. I haven't had quite enough hours in the day to do as much of that as I'd like.
    • aggiorni alessandro
      David this is for you!!!!!
  • I'd be interested in some different ideas for some group discussion...maybe a Skype chat or perhaps we could make up a group page over at the wiki. I notice that the Community Portal page is empty. Maybe we should take it over.:)
    • aggiorni alessandro
aggiorni alessandro - Blogger: Apprendere (con e senza le tecnologie) - Posta un co... - 0 views

  • Utilizzo moodle da tre anni (1 di sperimentazione limitata a poche attività, 2 di autogestione e utilizzo attivo, con esempi che Gianni ha segnalato riferendosi al mio blog o, se volete mettere le mani in pasta, direttamente su .Il mio punto di partenza, quando penso ad attività didattiche (online, offline, se vi piace metteteci gli aggettivi altrimenti definitele solo didattiche che forse è meglio) è una domanda:"come posso coinvolgere ed attivare concretamente e continuativamente i miei alunni?".Sarà che lavoro insegnando una lingua straniera verso cui vige un pregiudizio forte (il tedesco), sarà che due ore di lezione a settimana con 30 alunni son pochine, sarà quel che sarà ma quella domanda è centrale nel progettare i miei passi insieme ai miei alunni.--Ciò detto, gli spunti di Gianni mi pongono sempre di fronte a nuove domande (e per questo lo ringrazio). Riflettendo ieri dopo aver inserito il mio commento, mi sono chiesto "con moodle fai determinate attività. Le potresti fare con altri strumenti?". Gianni già lo asseriva, o almeno ho letto questo, per cui mi sono trovato a riflettere che il blog c'è in moodle, ma anche fuori, che il wiki c'è ance in moodle, ma anche fuori, che il forum c'è in moodle, ma anche fuori, la chat idem, i quiz hotpotatoes stesso discorso... forse l'unica attività che non trovo fuori (ma perchè non ne ho conoscenza io) è il glossario, che a me risulta utile per determinate attività di co-costruzione e co-valutazione gestite dagli alunni. Allora moodle (o un lms) perchè? > - in questo specifico momento, perchè mi ci sono affezionato > - inoltre, perchè mi raccoglie tutte insieme potenziali attività che altrimenti dovrei creare altrove - e raccogliere in un sito... >- sicuramente ci sono altri motivi che mi chiarirò in seguito....
  • Allora moodle (o un lms) perchè?- in questo specifico momento, perchè mi ci sono affezionato- inoltre, perchè mi raccoglie tutte insieme potenziali attività che altrimenti dovrei creare altrove - e raccogliere in un sito...
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