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Patti Porto

15 Literacy Apps To Create Books On The iPad | Fluency21 - Committed Sardine Blog - 1 views

    "apps to reate books on the iPad in the past, but the following listly by Meg Wilson goes further, including 15 apps to do so. The artful collision of technology, learning, and literacy is an idea promoted in the Common Core Standards, which is likely your rule book if you teach K-12 in an American public school. This is a new age of literacy where students can read, research, write, publish, and socialize on the same device sitting right in their lap with a pinch-and-zoom elegance that somehow makes the whole process seem easier than it really is."
Patti Porto

Students with Significant Support Needs and Literacy Development - 0 views

    "For years, students with significant support needs (SSN) received little or no literacy instruction as their education programs focused on life skills, social skills, and vocational training. The little literacy instruction they did receive relied on teaching methods that we now know helped them learn simple component skills in isolation. For example, students matched upper and lower case letters or learned a limited set of sight words. Unfortunately, this instruction never helped students with SSN learn how to read or write to gain or convey meaning. A series of changes in education laws, along with the efforts of students, families, and educators, have raised expectations for academic achievement for students with SSN."
Patti Porto

PrAACtical AAC | Supports for language learning - 0 views

    "Dr. Caroline Musselwhite adresses the topic of overall good literacy instruction. She presents information about how to teach students with significant disabilities using fairly common literacy instruction strategies. There are 11 short video posts to help you get started. She discusses the issues of AAC and suggests strategies that are easy to implement and highly effective."
Patti Porto

ReadingMadeEZ -- Home - 0 views

    Premier Literacy -- a division of Premier Assistive, is a leader in the field of literacy technology, offering complete and affordable reading and writing solutions. With programs that recognize, validate and accommodate, Premier is providing valuable tools for life. Innovation, affordability and portability are the defining elements of Premier products that are revolutionizing the world of literacy technology.
Patti Porto

Paths to Literacy - 1 views

    "This website is the result of a joint project between Perkins School for the Blind and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI). By combining our resources and expertise, we hope to assist educators and families in the quest to provide literacy experiences for children who are blind or visually impaired. The information on this site ranges from a basic overview of literacy to various stages of development and special challenges, as well as an exploration of different media (print, braille, auditory strategies)."
Patti Porto

Autism, Literacy, Augmentative Alternative Communication, AAC - 2 views

    "Materials, Aids and AAC Devices to Enhance Communication and Language Clear Pocket Picture Communication and Hook (&Loop) fastener Receptive Devices, Literacy Learning Aids, Visual Aid Displays, Picture Choice Boards and Picture Schedules Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices, Picture Communication Books, Visual Aid Displays, Picture Choice Boards, Literacy Learning Aids, Picture Schedules for individuals with Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Nonverbal Learning Disability (NLD), and Low Incidence used with Picture Symbols, The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Mayer-Johnson Boardmaker® Picture Communication Symbols™ (PCS) "
Patti Porto

Literacy for All: In conversation with Dr. Caroline Musselwhite - Inclusive Education P... - 1 views

    "These 11 video clips and related learning guides provide an opportunity to enhance and support teacher practice in the area of literacy for students with significant disabilities. Dr. Caroline Musselwhite is an assistive technology specialist with more than 30 years of experience working with children and adolescents with significant disabilities. "
Patti Porto

Support Struggling Readers in 6-12 with Free Tools - 2 views

    "Join Michael Roush, Technology Coordinator for the Region 14 State Support Team, and Tom Kitchen, Curriculum Consultant at the Ross-Pike ESD, to learn about research-based practices to improve literacy in grades 6-12. Michael and Tom will introduce each of the five Practice Guide recommendations for improving adolescent literacy from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), an arm of the U.S. Department of Education. For each recommendation, they will suggest free tools that support it."
Patti Porto

Maximizing Literacy Learning for Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities | NYHESC - 1 views

    "Maximizing Literacy Learning for Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities Development of web based versions of these resource materials was supported in part by Initiative 24 of the Higher Education Support Center for Systems Change at the School of Education, Syracuse University, sponsored by the New York State Department of Education Vocational Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities under Federal Grant CFDA #84.027 and is not endorsed by the HESC. © 2008 Roberta F. Schnorr and Amanda Fenlon"
Patti Porto

Apps for Literacy Support « Spectronics Blog - 2 views

    "The availability and range of Apps for the iPad and iPod Touch / iPhone that support the literacy needs of people who struggle with reading and writing is growing. The following list provides an introduction to the kind of apps that are currently available to Australian and New Zealand users. I have limited this list to apps that support reading text and writing / note taking, and to Apps I have tested on my iPad / iPhone"
Patti Porto

Quality Literacy Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Winner - Textb... - 2 views

    Book we are using for the Imagine the Possibilities literacy series in the fall 2011
Patti Porto

Teaching Literacy to Students with Significant Disabilities - 0 views

    Literacy Training Modules from Texas AT Network
Patti Porto

Story Share | Our Story - 0 views

    "Story Share provides relevant and readable content for students who read below grade level beyond elementary school. In doing so, we aim to inspire reading practice and improve literacy skills. By leveraging the combined powers of interactive web design and best practices in literacy instruction, our platform will bring together writers, readers, and educators to engage and support readers who struggle."
Shawna Benson

Literacy for Children with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss - 0 views

    The content in this wonderful literacy resource combines strategies with how to videos and other training materials. More content is coming soon with potential to grow the resources in the future. While the focus of the content is deaf-blind education many of the strategies are applicable to students with vision or hearing loss and multiple disabilities. Click the Main Menu tab at the top to access all of the resources.
Patti Porto

TATN - Texas Assistive Technology Network - 0 views

    Texas Assistive Technology Network (TATN) is working to ensure that students with disabilities receive assistive technology devices and services when needed to benefit from a free, appropriate public education. The TATN consists of representatives from each of the Texas Education Services Centers, and the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Region 4 Education Service Center (Region 4) in Houston, TX provides statewide leadership for the network. Through a comprehensive planning process, the TATN has developed a framework for statewide collaboration. Priorities in professional development and technical assistance focus on providing training, products and services that: build district capacity in assistive technology knowledge and skills promote strategies for building the literacy skills of all students, and are aligned with statewide literacy initiatives.
Nick Weiland

AAC & Literacy - 1 views

    "This website provides guidelines for teaching literacy skills to learners with special needs, especially learners with complex communication needs * Autism spectrum disorders * Cerebral palsy * Down syndrome * Developmental apraxia * Multiple disabilities. The website provides information on: * What skills to teach * How to teach these skills * Videotaped examples of instruction with learners with special needs. "
Nick Weiland

Literacy Center Education Network - 0 views

    The Literacy Center Education Network is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization with a mission to deliver free, professionally-designed, education material to preschool-age children. Utilizing the power of the Internet, we distribute education material directly to children in their homes, libraries, and schools.
Patti Porto

AAC & Literacy - 0 views

    "What is the purpose of this website? This website provides guidelines for teaching literacy skills to learners with special needs, especially learners with complex communication needs * Autism spectrum disorders * Cerebral palsy * Down syndrome * Developmental apraxia * Multiple disabilities. The website provides information on: * What skills to teach * How to teach these skills * Videotaped examples of instruction with learners with special needs."
Patti Porto

Center for Literacy and Disability Studies - 1 views

    Great resources on literacy for students with significant idsabilities. Karen Erickson's place
Patti Porto

Literacy Instruction for Individuals with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, and Ot... - 1 views

    "This website provides guidelines for teaching literacy skills to learners with special needs, especially learners with complex communication needs (CCN)"
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