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Debbie Alvarez

Make Every Day Read Aloud Day - The Book Whisperer - Education Week Teacher - 0 views

    Highlighting the need to improve literacy rates and provide access to educational opportunities for all children, LitWorld will host the third annual World Read Aloud Day on March 7, 2012. Last year, World Read Aloud Day united 200,000 people in 60 countries. Show your public support for this important literacy initiative and promote reading in local and global communities by participating in World Read Aloud Day. Suggested activities and other resources are available on LitWorld's website.
Jen Maurer

World Book Night - 0 views

    Some of the text below applies to the 2013 event, but the site's URL stays the same year to year. "World Book Night 2013 is a celebration of literacy by publishers, bookstores, libraries and individuals who love books and reading. On World Book Night 2013, 25,000 'book givers' will each give away 20 copies of a specially-printed, not-for-resale WBN edition of book they have read and loved (from a list of 25-30 titles selected by librarians and booksellers) to complete strangers - people who may never have owned a book of their own. To promote this literacy event, libraries and bookstores - as organizational participants in the event - form a nationwide advocacy and distribution network." Last year was the inaugural event, which happens on April 23rd. If you want your library to participate as a distribution center, fill out the attached application by October 1, 2012. Specific responsibilities of official participants are outlined in the application. The deadline on the form indicates September 1st, but according to discussions on ALAConnect, it was extended by a month. Sign up for the mailing list to learn when applications go online annually:
Colette Cassinelli

Reading 2.0 - 2 views

    Using Technology to Promote Books - Not Replace Them!
Debbie Alvarez

Vintage Ads for Libraries and Reading | Brain Pickings - 3 views

    Terrific promotional ads for libraries- school and public!
Debbie Alvarez

Parody Motivator Generator - Create your own Motivational Poster - 1 views

    Great way to create reading promotion posters- including dewey numbers posters. Are you ready to join the revolution? puts the power of motivational parody in your far less capable hands!
    Terms and Conditions By uploading an image, you agree to our usage policy. No copyrighted or vulgar material is permitted.
Jen Maurer

Banking on our Future & Financial Foundations -- Financial Ed Programs - 0 views

    This is from the June 2011 ODE Social Sciences Newsletter: "Understanding how to manage money is a skill that is more important today than ever. You can look all around for examples of poor financial decisions. Let us turn that around for our next generation. Financial Beginnings and Operation HOPE offer free financial education programs for students in grades 4-12 as well as young adults. All programs are free and provide age-specific curriculum and activities and are designed to promote self-sufficiency, fiscal responsibility, and encourage active and educated participation in the banking system. The fun, engaging and relevant programs are taught by professionals from the community. Together, Financial Beginnings and Operation HOPE have served nearly 25,000 youth at more than 100 schools throughout the Pacific Northwest." Every year the Office of the State Treasurer sponsors the Reading is an Investment (RII) program between October and March. Anyone who wanted to schedule the elementary financial program, Banking on our Future, could try to time it so it happens when RII is active.
Debbie Alvarez

Artemis Fowl - 0 views

    Artemis Fowl-- numerous book promotions in one place!
Jen Maurer

Banned Books Week: Last Week of September - 0 views

    "Banned Books Week (BBW) is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment. Held during the last week of September, Banned Books Week highlights the benefits of free and open access to information while drawing attention to the harms of censorship by spotlighting actual or attempted bannings of books across the United States." 50 State Salute (Want your library to participate to represent Oregon?): Virtual Read-Out: Ideas and Resources (listed in the column on the left): BBW Promotional Items from ALA Store:
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