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Academic Cross-Training Fellowship - John Templeton Foundation - 0 views

    Each ACT Fellowship will provide up to $220,000 for up to thirty-three months in support of a systematic and sustained course of study in an empirical science such as physics, psychology, biology, genetics, cognitive science, neuroscience, or sociology. Acceptable courses of study might include a plan to audit undergraduate and graduate-level courses, a plan to spend time in residence at a research lab, or a plan to earn a degree in an empirical science. This iteration of the program also will permit applicants to request that up to one year of the ACT Fellowship be used to support a small-scale pilot scientific research project that improves or enhances the capacity, skill, and talent of the fellow to investigate the above-described Big Questions. Fellows may undertake their study at their home institution or another institution. All fellows must have a faculty mentor in their cross-training discipline.

Human Networks and Data Science - Infrastructure | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) seeks to develop user-friendly large-scale next-generation data resources and relevant analytic techniques to advance fundamental research in SBE areas of study. Successful proposals will, within the financial resources provided by the award, construct such databases and/or relevant analytic techniques and produce a finished product that will enable new types of data-intensive research. The databases or techniques should have significant impacts, either across multiple fields or within broad disciplinary areas, by enabling new types of data-intensive research in the SBE sciences. Human Networks and Data Science (HNDS) is a two-track program. It supports research and infrastructure that uses data science to advance understanding of a full range of human networks. HNDS research will identify ways in which dynamic, distributed, and heterogeneous data can provide novel answers to fundamental questions about individual and group behavior. HNDS is especially interested in proposals that leverage data-rich insights about human networks to support improved health, prosperity, and security.

RFA-AT-20-003: Emotional Well-Being: High-Priority Research Networks (U24, Clinical Tri... - 0 views

    Emotional well-being has been defined as an overall positive state of one's emotions, life satisfaction, sense of meaning and purpose, and ability to pursue self-defined goals (Feller SC, Castillo EG, Greenberg JM, et al. Emotional well-being and public health: proposal for a model national initiative. Public Health Reports. 2018;133(2):136-141). Elements of emotional well-being include a sense of balance in emotion, thoughts, social relationships, and pursuits, or lack thereof. The relative importance of each construct will vary across subpopulations and developmental stages. Currently, fundamental consensus concerning the definition and components of emotional well-being, as well as what interventions promote emotional well-being, either as a mediator of health outcomes or as an end in itself, is lacking. In April 2018, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) and the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR), in collaboration with other NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices (National Institute on Aging (NIA), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)), sponsored a roundtable discussion with the following goals: (1) to gain a deeper insight into the existing research on the role of emotional well-being in health; (2) to create a trans-NIH research program focused on developing, testing, and implementing intervention strategies to promote emotional well-being.

Pfizer Issues RFP for 2020 Rheumatology Competitive Grant Program | RFPs | PND - 0 views

    SpA - Understanding the role of JAK-STAT signaling in the pathophysiology or disease progression of spondyloarthropathies (SpA); understanding epidemiology of axSpA, including risk factors, spectrum/ progression from nr-axSpA to r-axSpA/AS; real-world evidence regarding efficacy and safety of tofacitinib in PsA as monotherapy vs. combination with csDMARDs; the efficacy and safety of tofacitinib in nr-axSpA and the long-term efficacy and safety of tofacitinib in PsA and r-axSpA; evidence for inhibition of structural progression (x-ray) and reduced inflammation (MRI, US) in r-axSpA and PsA; and response in patient subtypes (e.g., oligo/polyarticular in PsA)/dominant SpA features (e.g., peripheral SpA, uveitis, enthesitis, dactylitis, IBD). General (RA, PsA, axSpA) - Unmet medical need/disease burden reasons for lack of/under treatment, treatment switch, patient satisfaction, and physical and psychosocial disease impact;  understanding of the efficacy and safety of tofacitinib, specifically in patients with comorbid conditions; and approaches to improving management such as treating to target by monitoring response and adjusting therapy, evidence-based treatment algorithms, and factors predictive of response to therapy.

NIDCR Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Transition Award for A Diverse Dental, Oral, and Cran... - 0 views

    The purpose of this award is to support phased transition of outstanding graduate students from groups underrepresented in the biomedical, clinical, behavioral and social sciences research enterprise from graduate work to postdoctoral research positions in Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial (DOC) research. The first phase (F99) will support the final two years of graduate research training for individuals in PhD or dual degree clinician scientist programs. Following graduation and attainment of a postdoctoral research position, the second phase (K00) will provide support for up to three years of mentored postdoctoral research.

ACLS American Council of Learned Societies | - ACLS Digital Extension Grants - 0 views

    This program aims to extend the opportunity to participate in the digital transformation of humanistic inquiry to a greater number of humanities scholars. ACLS Digital Extension Grants support projects that have advanced beyond the start-up phase of development as they pursue one or more of the following activities: Developing new systems of making established digital resources available to broader audiences and/or scholars from diverse institutions Extending established digital projects and resources with content that adds diversity or interdisciplinary reach Fostering new team-based collaborations between scholars at all career stages. Projects that convene, train, and empower communities of humanities faculty and/or graduate students around established digital research projects, as well as projects that allow scholars from institutions with limited digital infrastructure to exploit digital resources or to participate in existing labs or working groups, are especially welcome Creating new forms and sites for scholarly engagement with the digital humanities. Projects that document and recognize participant engagement are strongly encouraged.

RFA-TR-20-001: Ethical Issues in Translational Science Research (R01 Clinical Trial Opt... - 0 views

    The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences mission is to catalyze the generation of innovative methods and technologies that will enhance the development, testing and implementation of diagnostics and therapeutics across a wide range of human diseases and conditions. Translation is the process of turning observations in the laboratory, clinic and community into interventions that improve the health of individuals and the public - from diagnostics and therapeutics to medical procedures and behavioral changes. NCATS focuses on research that impacts systemic change across the entire translational spectrum from basic research, pre-clinical research, clinical research, clinical implementation, and public health. NCATS encourages innovative approaches to systemic change and is disease and science domain agnostic.

NIA Behavioral and Social Research LEaders in Alzheimers Disease and Its Related Dement... - 0 views

    The NIA Behavioral and Social Research LEaders in Alzheimers Disease and Its Related Dementias (NIA BSR LEADR) program supports individual scientists of exceptional creativity who propose to use behavioral and social science perspectives and approaches for highly innovative, impactful, and potentially transformative theoretical, empirical, and clinical research addressing the challenges raised by Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's disease-related dementias (AD/ADRD) for individuals, their families, and society. Applications are welcome from individuals with diverse backgrounds. NIA encourages applications on a variety of AD/ADRD topics in which behavioral and social research can contribute, such as dementia care, dementia caregiver research, cognitive and dementia epidemiology, behavioral and social pathways of AD/ADRD, early psychological changes preceding AD/ADRD, prevention of AD/ADRD, and disparities in AD/ADRD or dementia-related outcomes.

Sabbatical Research Fellowship for Psychology and/or Sociology | ChronicleVitae - 0 views

    The Institute for Humane Studies (IHS) is offering semester-long sabbaticals for the study, research, and teaching of classical liberal ideas including private property, free speech, individual rights, open markets and other precepts. Sabbatical fellowships will be offered in the 2020-2021 academic years, and sabbaticals must be taken during the designated periods. Both tenured and tenure track may apply. IHS traditionally works with academics in the fields of economics, political science, philosophy, history, and law, however scholars in other disciplines are welcome to apply.  Fellowships will be given at two levels: $50,000 and $85,000. Awards are not limited to tenured faculty. Faculty at any stage of their career may apply. Academics looking to complete book projects or articles as part of a tenure application or promotion dossier are especially encouraged to apply.

DePaul University Humanities Center Visiting Fellowship - 0 views

    The DePaul University Humanities Center (DHC) is inviting applications for Visiting Fellows for 2020-2021. All applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent, and research projects must be in the humanities. International applications will be considered. Fellowships may run for nine months (from September 2020 to June 2021) or six months (from January 2021 to June 2021). During their tenure, Visiting Fellows are required to make an intellectual contribution to the DePaul community and participate in the programming and activities of the DHC and the university. We are especially interested in applications that involve a project around the theme of "Age," broadly construed. All applications regardless of topic will be considered, but preference will be given to applicants who draw connections between their proposed project and the 2020-21 DHC theme, "Age." NB: The DHC will be hosting events that touch on such topics as the analog age and the era of cassette tapes; child liberation; birth & infancy; the juvenile justice system; the gendering of age; childhood, games, and gaming; and sexuality and privacy in the golden years. Ultimately, we are interested in interdisciplinary, creative, innovative projects that take up the theme of "Age."

Science of Science - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (SOS DDRIG) (nsf... - 0 views

    The Science of Science: Discovery, Communication, and Impact (SOS:DCI) program is designed to understand the scientific research enterprise and increase the public value of scientific activity. The program pursues this goal by supporting basic research in three fundamental areas: How to increase the rate of socially beneficial discovery; How to improve science communication outcomes; and How to expand the societal benefits of scientific activity. The SOS:DCI program, which builds upon the former SciSIP program, funds research that builds theoretical and empirical understandings of these three areas. With this goal in mind, proposals should: Develop data, models, indicators, and associated analytical tools that constitute and enable transformative advances rather than incremental change. Identify ethical challenges and mitigate potential risks to people and institutions. Provide credible metrics and rigorous assessments of their proposed project's impact. Include robust data management plans, preregistration plans where appropriate, and related commitments that increase the usability, validity, and reliability of scientific materials.

15 Travel Grants Available for Researchers from the Global South and Eastern Europe- CE... - 0 views

    The Council for European Studies is this year holding its 50th Anniversary meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland from the 22nd to the 24th of June 2020. The CES membership has traditionally been primarily centered around the Global North. On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the Council for European Studies (CES) and the World Society Foundation (WSF) are committed to engaging participants from traditionally underrepresented  communities by awarding a limited number of travel grants covering airfare and accommodation to researchers from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The year 2020 marks a moment for reflection, given recent and ongoing changes in the boundaries of European citizenship, the fragile institutional arrangements of the European social model, the postcolonial analysis of Europe in the world, the population dynamics that define who is European, Europe's changing relationships with other regions and parts of world society, including the Global South, and the configuration of global hegemony. 

RFA-AG-20-031: Research Education: Short Courses on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dem... - 0 views

    The goal of this FOA is to support short courses geared to behavioral and social scientists who have existing expertise in aging research and can make research contributions in Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's disease-related dementias (AD/ADRD) with additional knowledge about the disease and related research resources. Fields of behavioral and social science research relevant for this FOA are health economics, labor economics, health services research, healthcare policy, public policy, demography, sociology, social epidemiology, psychology, and social neuroscience. Priority areas of focus include, but are not limited to, the following: dementia care; dementia caregiver research; cognitive and dementia epidemiology; behavioral and social pathways of AD/ADRD; role of social, contextual, environmental, and institutional factors in AD/ADRD; early psychological changes preceding AD/ADRD onset; prevention of AD/ADRD; disparities in AD/ADRD or dementia-related outcomes; and research resources and methods for studying the determinants and impact of AD/ADRD.

PAR-19-352: Intervening with Cancer Caregivers to Improve Patient Health Outcomes and O... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications for intervention research designed to support caregivers of adult cancer patients. Interventions supported by this FOA are intended to provide caregivers with care training, promote coping skills, and ultimately help them manage care. Outcomes of such interventions are expected to (1) optimize patient health care utilization, (2) improve caregiver well-being, and (3) improve patient physical health and psychosocial outcomes.

Conference on College Composition & Communication Invites Research Proposals | RFPs | PND - 0 views

    The Conference on College Composition and Communication is inviting proposals for its Research Initiative, which is designed to advance the organization's mission to advocate for broad and evolving definitions of literacy, communication, rhetoric, and writing (including multi-modal discourse, digital communication, and diverse language practices) and empower individuals and communities through bold, creative research. Through the program, grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded in support of proposals designed to investigate key challenges faced by literacy, communication, rhetoric and writing instructors and administrators in their classrooms and programs. Proposals should directly address the impact that the research might have on disciplinary and public discourse about these topics and  convey results in at least two final products: one that is addressed to a scholarly audience of researchers and teachers in the field, and one for a clearly specified audience beyond those in the field.

Accelerating the Pace of Drug Abuse Research Using Existing Data (R01 Clinical Trial Op... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite applications proposing the innovative analysis of existing social science, behavioral, administrative, and neuroimaging data to study the etiology and epidemiology of drug using behaviors (defined as alcohol, tobacco, prescription and other drug) and related disorders, prevention of drug use and HIV, and health service utilization. This FOA encourages the analyses of public use and other extant community-based or clinical datasets to their full potential in order to increase our knowledge of etiology, trajectories of drug using behaviors and their consequences including morbidity and mortality, risk and resilience in the development of psychopathology, strategies to guide the development, testing, implementation, and delivery of high quality, effective and efficient services for the prevention and treatment of drug abuse and HIV.

Secondary Analyses of Strengthening Families Datasets - 0 views

    The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) plans to award up to ten cooperative agreements to fund research to conduct secondary data analysis of archived data, specifically the Building Strong Families (BSF), Supporting Healthy Marriage (SHM), and Parents and Children Together (PACT) datasets. These datasets are from large-scale federal evaluation impact studies, which addressed questions related to healthy marriage and/or responsible fatherhood. Successful applicants will demonstrate a familiarity with the proposed data for their analysis and an adequate understanding of the variables, sampling, methodology, etc. used to construct the dataset necessary for completion of the work proposed in the application. Proposed research should address topics relevant to strengthening families to improve the lives of children and parents, as well as promote economic stability. Topics of interest include, but may not be limited to the following: mediators of healthy marriage, relationship education, and/or fatherhood programs; measurement issues related to healthy marriage, relationship education, and/or fatherhood programs with low-income families; or father involvement in low-income families. .

American Academy of Religion Invites Applications for Collaborative International Resea... - 0 views

    The American Academy of Religion, a member of the International Association for the History of Religions, is inviting applications to the Collaborative International Research Grants program. Through the program, grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded in support of research collaborations between and among scholars located in different geographical regions who wish to pursue focused, joint projects in the study of religion, broadly defined. Projects grounded in international research relationships that bring together scholars from disparate backgrounds and methodological approaches that advance critical research on and understanding of religious traditions, practices, and issues are encouraged. Awards may be used for a variety of project expenses, including enhanced communication and travel. Junior as well as more established scholars are encouraged to apply, as are independent scholars. Award recipients are required to share the findings of the research collaboration publicly in at least two different ways. That might include reporting the results of the collaboration in a publication, a blog post, or on a web page, or in a presentation at the AAR annual meeting or another conference sponsored by an IAHR member association. To be eligible, applicants must be composed of two or more collaborators, at least one of whom must hold a doctoral degree. Grant recipients must maintain AAR membership throughout the grant award period. See the American Academy of Religion website for complete program guidelines, application instructions, and awardees from previous years.

First Nations Institute Invites Applications for Native Language Immersion Initiative |... - 0 views

    Programs supported through the initiative should be actively growing new speakers and have assessment and evaluation plans in place to identify progression in student Native language acquisition. Priority will be given to programs with long-term, community-based plans. Funding will support capacity-building activities designed to improve and enhance the program's ability to achieve its mission, which may include curriculum development, technology access, instructional courses and materials, mentorships, teacher training, and other kinds of organizational infrastructure To be eligible, programs must have an existing language-immersion program (one-year minimum), provide at least twenty hours per week for an entire school year of Native American language instruction, and serve a minimum of ten students between the ages of 3 and 22. See the First Nations website for program requirements and guidelines and a link to the application portal.

The Southeast Regional Middle East and Islamic Studies Society (SERMEISS) Research Trav... - 0 views

    The SERMEISS Academic Book Prize recognizes outstanding scholarship in Middle Eastern Studies in any academic discipline in the social sciences or humanities from any time period. Submitted books should be peer-reviewed nonfiction, published in English, and exhibit original empirical and theoretical contributions. Books published within the last three years (2016, 2017, 2018) will be considered. Edited volumes, handbooks, and novels are not eligible for the book award. The award is $200.  The deadline for submission is June 1, 2019.   The SERMEISS Academic Article or Book Chapter Prize recognizes outstanding scholarship in Middle Eastern Studies published as a peer-reviewed article or edited volume book chapter from any academic discipline in the social sciences or humanities from any time period. The submission should be peer-reviewed nonfiction, published in English, and exhibit original empirical and theoretical contributions. For the 2019 prize, submissions must have a copyrigh
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