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SpaceTech-REDDI-2017 Appendix E1: Smallsat Technology Partnerships - 0 views

    This appendix supports the development and/or demonstration of new technologies and capabilities for small spacecraft by U.S. colleges and universities in collaboration with NASA through award of cooperative agreements. Projects may be for ground-based technology development or development of spacecraft or payloads for suborbital, balloon or orbital space flight technology demonstrations.

SpaceTech-REDDI-2017 Appendix E1: Smallsat Technology Partnerships - 0 views

    The STMD Small Spacecraft Technology program seek proposals from accredited U.S. universities to develop unique, disruptive, or transformational space technologies that have the potential to enable mission capabilities that are more rapid, more transformative, and more affordable than previously achievable. The overall objective of the Small Spacecraft Technology program is to facilitate development projects and demonstration missions that: enable new mission architectures for which small spacecraft are uniquely suited; expand the capability of small spacecraft to execute missions at new destinations and in challenging new environments; enable the augmentation of existing assets and future missions with supporting small spacecraft. The appendix exclusively seeks proposals that are responsive to one of three topics: (1) Instrument Technologies for Small Spacecraft. (2) Technologies That Enable Large Swarms of Small Spacecraft. (3) Technologies That Enable Deep Space Small Spacecraft Missions. Only accredited U.S. universities are eligible to submit proposals.

ROSBio Appendix C: Solicitation of Proposals for Possible Inclusion in a Russian Bion-M... - 0 views

    This National Aeronautics and Space Administration NRA "Solicitation of Proposals for Possible Inclusion in a Russian Bion-M2 Mission" is an Appendix to the NASA Omnibus Research Announcement ROSBio-2016 (NNH16ZTT001N NRA). NASA's Space Life and Physical Sciences Research and Applications Division (SLPSRAD) has been invited to propose candidate experiments from U.S. investigators for possible inclusion in the Bion-M2 mission, which will occur in 2020 or 2021. The NASA Space Biology Program, therefore, requests proposals for flight investigations that fit within the Russian IBMP flight experiment designs as described in Appendix C (NNH16ZTT001N-BION) to the ROSBio-2016 Omnibus NRA. For this Appendix, NASA Space Biology will use a two-phase submission and review process. The first phase will require the submission of a preliminary proposal, hereafter referred to as a pre-proposal. Pre-proposals will be evaluated by NASA and possibly by the IBMP/RAS for their suitability for inclusion in mission planning. Investigators whose pre-proposals are found to satisfy the evaluation criteria described in Appendix C will be invited to submit complete full proposals during phase 2, which will occur at a later date, after more details about the Bion-M2 mission become available.

Simons Collaboration on the Origins of Life Seeks Proposals for Investigator Awards | R... - 0 views

    Established by the Simons Foundation to advance knowledge of the processes that led to the emergence of life, the Simons Collaboration on the Origins of Life supports creative, innovative research on topics such as the astrophysical and planetary context of the origins of life, the development of prebiotic chemistry, the assembly of the first cells, the advent of Darwinian evolution, and the earliest signs of life on earth.

Collaborative Research on International and Domestic Spherical Tokamaks - 0 views

    The major investments made to upgrade the MAST-U and NSTX-U facilities were strongly motivated by an important observation identified in both machines, which showed that energy confinement in spherical tokamaks may scale more favorable than for conventional aspect ratio tokamaks as collisionality is reduced. If the present empirical scalings hold, then STs may provide a much more compact design path to future fusion reactors than conventional tokamaks. At present, the interplay between collisionality, turbulent transport, wall conditioning (e.g., lithium coatings, boronization) and/or density control at low aspect ratio represents the forefront of ST research. The complementary capabilities of the MAST-U and LTX-β facilities allow for this interplay to be explored. Late in the three year period of these proposals FY 2018 - FY2020 the MAST-U facility is slated to utilize strong cryopumping capabilities in its world class advanced divertor to control plasma density and hence collisionality. Alternatively, the neutral beam heated and fueled LTX-β will control density using lithium wall coatings, which dramatically reduces the flux of cold neutral atoms that are recycled back into the plasma after their initial expulsion. In addition to plasma performance, the compact geometry of MAST-U and its future enhanced auxiliary heating power will result in exhaust power reaching plasma facing components that is in excess of that expected in ITER. This coupled with MAST-U's unprecedentedly flexible divertor geometry, makes it a world leading facility for the study of power exhaust and plasma material interactions.

Collaborative Research on International and Domestic Spherical Tokamaks - 0 views

    The major investments made to upgrade the MAST-U and NSTX-U facilities were strongly motivated by an important observation identified in both machines, which showed that energy confinement in spherical tokamaks may scale more favorable than for conventional aspect ratio tokamaks as collisionality is reduced. If the present empirical scalings hold, then STs may provide a much more compact design path to future fusion reactors than conventional tokamaks. At present, the interplay between collisionality, turbulent transport, wall conditioning (e.g., lithium coatings, boronization) and/or density control at low aspect ratio represents the forefront of ST research. The complementary capabilities of the MAST-U and LTX-β facilities allow for this interplay to be explored. Late in the three year period of these proposals FY 2018 - FY2020 the MAST-U facility is slated to utilize strong cryopumping capabilities in its world class advanced divertor to control plasma density and hence collisionality. Alternatively, the neutral beam heated and fueled LTX-β will control density using lithium wall coatings, which dramatically reduces the flux of cold neutral atoms that are recycled back into the plasma after their initial expulsion. In addition to plasma performance, the compact geometry of MAST-U and its future enhanced auxiliary heating power will result in exhaust power reaching plasma facing components that is in excess of that expected in ITER. This coupled with MAST-U's unprecedentedly flexible divertor geometry, makes it a world leading facility for the study of power exhaust and plasma material interactions.

Rapid Design and Prototype of New Rugged Power Supplies - 0 views

    NineSigma, representing a global industrial manufacturer, invites proposals for engineering services for design and prototype of rugged power supplies for industrial applications.

FY 2018 Research Opportunities in High Energy Physics - 0 views

    The HEP program focuses on three experimental scientific frontiers: · The Energy Frontier, where powerful accelerators are used to create new particles, reveal their interactions, and investigate fundamental forces; · The Intensity Frontier, where intense particle beams and highly sensitive detectors are used to pursue alternate pathways to investigate fundamental forces and particle interactions by studying events that occur rarely in nature, and to provide precision measurements of these phenomena; and · The Cosmic Frontier, where non-accelerator-based experiments observe the cosmos and detect cosmic particles, making measurements of natural phenomena that can provide information about the nature of dark matter, dark energy, and other fundamental properties of the universe that impact our understanding of matter and energy.

2017 SACNAS - The National Diversity in STEM Conference - Travel Scholarships | Online ... - 0 views

    The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) invests in top STEM talent. (That's you!) Travel scholarships are just one aspect of this investment in your academic and professional success. We encourage you to apply for a SACNAS Travel Scholarship to advance your professional development and join our community at 2017 SACNAS.

Soundscape Analysis and Report Writing - 0 views

    The 2012 Moving Forward for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) provides a framework for the National Park Service and Federal Aviation Administration to work together to develop incentives for Grand Canyon air tour operators using quiet technology aircraft without increasing noise at the park. Data gathered and analyzed under this project will aid planning for overflights management, as well as improve wilderness character in Grand Canyon National Park which will benefit the public both within and beyond the borders of the park.


    Objectives of the program are to: · Support unclassified basic scientific and engineering research that could be the foundation for future revolutionary new capabilities for DoD · Educate and train student and post-doctoral researchers for the defense workforce · Foster long-term relationships between university researchers and the DoD · Familiarize university researchers and their students with DoD's current and projected future challenges · Increase the number of talented technical experts that DoD can call upon.

Aircraft Power and Thermal Modeling and Analysis Program - Federal Business Opportuniti... - 0 views

    The overall objective of this program is to conduct R&D to develop modeling and simulation capabilities to support the Air Force mission of maintaining air superiority by leading research for the integration of power, thermal and control systems and architecture studies for aerospace platforms. The goal of this program is to reduce air platform development time and cost by driving rapid development of power and thermal technologies through modeling, simulation and analysis.

DOE Traineeship in Accelerator Science & Engineering - 0 views

    The DOE Traineeship in Accelerator Science and Engineering provides support to address critical, targeted workforce development in fields of study that are currently supported by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) research awards. Up to two Cooperative Agreements may provide funding to universities or consortia of universities for up to two years of tuition, stipend, and travel support to students enrolled in specific accelerator science and engineering degree programs, and to provide a modest topic-specific curriculum development and program administration support. Award term is expected to be up to five years, with the possibility of renewal for a second term. This program does not support lines of Research and Development (R&D). Support for accelerator R&D is provided through the High Energy Physics (HEP) General Accelerator R&D and Accelerator Stewardship programs, through accelerator R&D programs elsewhere in DOE, and by other federal agencies.

Theoretical Research in Magnetic Fusion Energy Science - 0 views

    The Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) program in the Office of Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), announces its interest in receiving new or renewal grant applications for theoretical and computational research relevant to the U.S. magnetic fusion energy sciences program. Applications selected in response to this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will be funded in Fiscal Year 2018, subject to the appropriation of funds by the Congress. The specific areas of interest are:

Development Partner for Luminescent Solar Concentrator - 0 views

    In pursuing a long-term development of high performance LSC, the client seeks a partner that is capable of realizing highly efficient luminescence down-shifting, light-propagation technologies, and prototyping the LSC. Proposals from highly motivated organization are also welcomed that have not worked on a light downshifting at this particular wavelength but are experienced in other wavelengths. The client will provide its development capability, such as research funds, facility, and human resources, to the selected partner, in order to overcome the challenges toward developing LSC with a large collection area.

Theoretical Research in Magnetic Fusion Energy Science - 0 views

    The Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) program in the Office of Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), announces its interest in receiving new or renewal grant applications for theoretical and computational research relevant to the U.S. magnetic fusion energy sciences program. Applications selected in response to this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will be funded in Fiscal Year 2018, subject to the appropriation of funds by the Congress. The specific areas of interest are: 1. Macroscopic Stability 2. Confinement and Transport 3. Boundary Physics 4. Plasma Heating & Non-inductive Current Drive, and 5. Energetic Particles

Defense Sciences Office (DSO) Office-wide - Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities - 0 views

    The mission of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is to identify and pursue high-risk, high-payoff research initiatives across a broad spectrum of science and engineering disciplines and to transform these initiatives into disruptive technologies for U.S. national security. In support of this mission, the DSO Office-wide BAA invites proposers to submit innovative basic or applied research concepts that explore Physical and Natural Systems, Human-Machine and Social Systems, and/or Math and Computational Systems through the lens of one or more of the following technical domains: Complexity Engineering, Science of Design, Noosphere, Fundamental Limits, and New Foundations. Each of these domains is described below and includes a list of example research topics that highlight several (but not all) potential areas of interest. Proposals must investigate innovative approaches that enable revolutionary advances. DSO is explicitly not interested in approaches or technologies that primarily result in evolutionary improvements to the existing state of practice.

HPC4Mfg Program: 2017 Spring Call Collaborations for U.S. Manufacturers - FBO343-17 - F... - 0 views

    The High-Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) Program seeks qualified industry partners to participate in short-term, collaborative projects with the Department of Energy's (DOE's) national laboratories. Through support from the Advanced Manufacturing Office of the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), selected industry partners will be granted access to High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities and experienced staff at DOE National Laboratories. The collaborations will address key challenges in U.S. manufacturing by apply modeling, simulation, and data analysis to the manufacturing of materials with the intent to improve energy efficiency, increase productivity, reduce cycle time, enable next-generation technologies, test control system algorithms, investigate intensified processes, lower energy cost, and accelerate innovation. Projects must demonstrate potential impact to energy efficiency in manufacturing and/or the development of new clean energy technologies with a potential for broad national impact. We solicit proposals in the following primary areas:

Small Scale Modularization of Gasification Technology Components for Radically Engineer... - 0 views

    Applications are sought for novel technologies that are targeted to scale down Integrated Gasification and Combined Cycle (IGCC) plant components in the REMS philosophy to achieve programmatic cost reduction goals and to enable opportunities for lifecycle greenhouse gas reductions by locating distributed generation/fuel production closer to its raw material source. The overall technical goal of this FOA is the development of REMS for combined heat and power, and the development of retrofit options to process clean syngas to other products such as liquid fuels and chemicals in lieu of power. In particular, the FOA has an objective to develop REMS process technologies that are cost effective relative to state-of-the-art commercial technology, due to low cost fabrication via advanced manufacturing. The FOA also has an objective to study the cost and performance of a REMS-based combined heat and power or polygeneration system implemented in remote areas subjected to traditionally high energy costs to understand the extent of program impact.

Small Scale Modularization of Gasification Technology Components for Radically Engineer... - 0 views

    The mission of the DOE Clean Coal Program is focused on developing advancements in technology that increase the performance, efficiency and availability of existing and new coal-fueled power generation to provide the Nation with the best opportunity to tap into the full potential of its abundant fossil energy resources in an environmentally sound and secure manner. The Advanced Energy Systems (AES) program focuses on improving the efficiency of coal-based power systems, increasing plant availability, and maintaining the highest environmental standards. Applications are being solicited under this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to develop emerging gasification technologies that may be advantageously reduced to practice at the modular small scale to support accomplishment of program goals via the Radically Engineered Modular Systems (REMS) concept.
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