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Society for the Teaching of Psychology - Partnerships Grants - 0 views

    The Society for The Teaching of Psychology (Division 2 of APA) is pleased to announce a program of small grants to promote communication and collaboration between psychology teachers from different institutions. Specifically, this program is intended to bring together individuals to engage in planned activities to promote the teaching of psychology or who desire to work together to think about the ways in which the teaching of psychology can be improved. Proposed activities could take the form of conferences or small meetings devoted to teaching-related topics, or could take the form of collaborative activities between specific individuals from different institutions that are intended to improve the teaching of psychology in some way (e.g., bringing together high school and college psychology students for an interactive or experiential program, development of programs devoted to mentoring future psychology teachers, programs to bring together and utilize specialized teaching resources from different institutions). Grant funds can be used to defray the costs of the collaborative activities or the meetings involving representatives from different institutions (e.g., materials, equipment, fees, travel, food). Activities funded by this program may result in peer-reviewed publications, but do not necessarily have to have this goal. Research collaborations that focus on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) are no longer eligible for funding through this grant program; those interested in obtaining funding to support SoTL should apply to STP's "Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research Grant" program. Non-SoTL research collaborations that include a significant teaching component can be submitted for consideration; proposals for research collaborations that will have no impact on teaching or include no teaching-related activities are also not appropriate for this program.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Small Business Innovation Research Program Phase I Solicitation FY-... - 0 views

    The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program stimulates technological innovation in the private sector by strengthening the role of small business concerns in meeting Federal research and development needs, increasing the commercial application of federally supported research results, and fostering and encouraging participation by socially and economically disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses. The topics, listed below, are detailed on the SBIR/STTR topics homepage: Educational Technologies and Applications (EA) Information and Communication Technologies (IC) Semiconductors (S) and Photonic (PH) Devices and Materials Electronic Hardware, Robotics and Wireless Technologies (EW) Advanced Manufacturing and Nanotechnology (MN) Advanced Materials and Instrumentation (MI) Chemical and Environmental Technologies (CT) Biological Technologies (BT) Smart Health (SH) and Biomedical (BM) Technologies

Pre-College Grant Program - 0 views

    More than 200,000 students are currently enrolled in high school psychology. APF wants to support high quality education in psychology and to nurture the next generation of psychologists, with up to $20,000 for projects that support the goals of the program: Reinforce the discipline of psychology as a science in secondary school curricula.Expand the profile of psychology as a science to attract talented high school students to pursue the discipline.Convey to high school students that psychological science is a tool to improve society.Teach students about career options that apply psychology outside of an academic setting (e.g. NASA, organizational development).Proposals for programs must focus on supporting the education of talented high school students.

Office for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship (OARS) - Miami University - 0 views

    We are pleased to announce that the new OARS website is up and running (although the new Research Compliance and Undergraduate Research sections are still in development).   If you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, we hope you will soon.  Once you've visited, we'd be grateful if you'd give us five minutes of your time to let us know how we're doing by completing a brief eight-question survey at Finally, don't forget to update any bookmarks you may have to material on our old website!
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Cyberlearning: Transforming Education - US National Science Foundat... - 0 views

    Through the Cyberlearning: Transforming Education program, NSF seeks to integrate advances in technology with advances in what is known about how people learn to better understand how people learn with technology and how technology can be used productively to help people learn, through individual use and/or through collaborations mediated by technology; better use technology for collecting, analyzing, sharing, and managing data to shed light on learning, promoting learning, and designing learning environments; and design new technologies for these purposes, and advance understanding of how to use those technologies and integrate them into learning environments so that their potential is fulfilled. Of particular interest are technological advances that allow more personalized learning experiences, draw in and promote learning among those in populations not served well by current educational practices, allow access to learning resources anytime and anywhere, and provide new ways of assessing capabilities. It is expected that Cyberlearning research will shed light on how technology can enable new forms of educational practice and that broad implementation of its findings will result in a more actively-engaged and productive citizenry and workforce.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Data-Intensive Research to Improve Teaching and Learning - An Ideas... - 1 views

    The goal of this activity is to foster novel, transformative, multidisciplinary approaches that address the use of large data sets to create actionable knowledge for improving STEM teaching and learning environments (formal and informal) in the medium term, and to revolutionize learning in the longer term. These approaches will involve the work of learning scientists, STEM disciplinary experts, computer scientists, statisticians, database experts and educational researchers who design and study learning environments.

Bringing Theory to Practice Accepting Proposals for Campus Engagement, Civic Developmen... - 0 views

    Bringing Theory to Practice Project, an independent project established by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, is accepting proposals from universities and colleges in the United States for projects aimed promoting the nexus of engaged learning, civic engagement, and psychosocial well-being among college and university students. Seminar grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded for projects that bring together diverse members of the campus community to discuss the civic mission of the institution and how the full expression of that mission can be achieved. Proposals will be accepted on a quarterly-deadline system (June 15, September 15, December 15, and March 15), with awards announced two weeks after each deadline. Program Development grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded to enhance or extend a program that is consistent with BTtoP's objective of promoting engaged learning, civic engagement, and the psychosocial well-being of students. Institutional matching support is required for all grants. Proposals will bee accepted on a quarterly-deadline system (June 15, September 15, December 15, and March 15), with awards announced six to eight weeks after each deadline.

Award in Support of Conferences and Workshops on Graduate and Postgraduate Education an... - 0 views

    BEA will award up to $10,000 per year in conference grants. Awards must support organizations or groups of psychologists planning conferences and workshops intended to enhance the quality of graduate and professional education. Proposals must address how the conference or workshop would lead to improvements in graduate and postgraduate training and education.

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation - Jack Kent Cooke Dissertation Fellowship Award - 0 views

    The Jack Kent Cooke Dissertation Fellowship Award supports advanced doctoral students who are completing dissertations that further the understanding of the educational pathways and experiences of high-achieving, low-income students. We seek to provide funding for doctoral candidates whose work informs and advances the following populations/aspects of our mission: high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds, and/or students who demonstrate the potential for achievement, and/or the conditions that promote high achievement (e.g., school settings, interventions, policies).

Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative - 0 views

    The United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) announces an open competition for the support of projects through the Obama - Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative (OSI). Announced by the US and Indian governments, OSI aims to strengthen collaboration and build partnerships between American and Indian institutions of higher education. Accredited US post-secondary educational institutions meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 U.S.C. 501c(3) may submit proposals to support the program's goals of encouraging mutual understanding, facilitating educational reform, fostering economic development, and engaging civil society through academic cooperation with Indian post-secondary educational institutions.   Exchange activities may include but are not limited to curriculum design, research collaboration, team teaching, focused series of exchanges, seminars, among other activities. Activities should be designed to develop expertise, advance scholarship and teaching, and promote long-term ties between partner institutions.   Proposals in the following fields are eligible: Energy, Climate Change & Environmental Studies; Education & Educational Reform; Public Health; and Sustainable Development & Community Development.

Data-Intensive Research to Improve Teaching and Learning - An Ideas Lab to Foster Trans... - 0 views

    The goal of this activity is to foster novel, transformative, multidisciplinary approaches that address the use of large data sets to create actionable knowledge for improving STEM teaching and learning environments (formal and informal) in the medium term, and to revolutionize learning in the longer term. These approaches will involve the work of learning scientists, STEM disciplinary experts, computer scientists, statisticians, database experts and educational researchers who design and study learning environments. Among the potential benefits of integrating approaches from these disciplines are improving student learning and engagement, optimizing personalized instruction, and supporting rapid decision making to help educators respond more effectively to the learning needs of individuals and groups of learners in multiple settings. These approaches may be risky but should have the potential to rapidly advance the field. The scope of this activity does not include infrastructure development focused on data base design and development for education domains. The new approaches envisioned in this solicitation will require the generation and use of data that range from micro-level data on individual learners, to data from online learning sources (such as massively open online courses), to meso-level data from the classroom that provide information to students and teachers about how learning is progressing, to macro-level data such as school, district, state, and national data, including data from federal science and policy agencies.

US NSF - Dear Colleague Letter: Forensic Science - Opportunity for Breakthroughs in Fun... - 0 views

    This Dear Colleague Letter is to alert all basic science and engineering communities, including education researchers, to the Foundation's interest in receiving proposals that, while investigating fundamental questions, seek to pose and test hypotheses that could inform research in forensic sciences. The interest spans both disciplinary and interdisciplinary research. Additionally, the wide public interest in forensics can provide an effective vehicle for basic research in science education. International partnerships, where appropriate, are encouraged, as are synergistic interactions with forensics and/or law enforcement agencies and organizations. Proposals for workshops to explore fundamental science drivers and their relevance to forensics are also welcome. 

National Art Education Foundation * National Art Education Association - 0 views

    Ruth Halvorsen Professional Development Grants: Scholarship support of projects focused on understanding, implementation, and issues specifically relating to the National Visual Arts Standards and support the improvement of the teaching of art.  Mary McMullan Grants: Projects that promote art education as an integral part of the curriculum in elementary and secondary schools, as well as higher education.  NAEA Research Grants: Major grants supporting research that advances knowledge in the field of art education and that promulgates the goals outlined in Creating a Visual Arts Research Agenda Toward the 21st Century.  SHIP Grants: Funds given to art educators whose proposals seek art equipment and/or instructional curriculum resources used to focus on student learning specifically related to the National Visual Arts Standards.  Teacher Incentive Grants: Grants are given to projects that promote the teaching of art. Teaching of art includes, but is not limited to the instructional process, curriculum, student learning, student assessment, classroom behavior, management, or discipline, or other practices relating to instructional interaction and the achievement of student learning.

PreK-8 Preservice Teacher Action Research Grants - 0 views

    The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support for action research conducted as a collaborative by university faculty, preservice teacher(s), and classroom teacher(s) seeking to improve their understanding of mathematics in PreK-8 classroom(s). For 2014-2015, a grant up to a maximum of $3,000 will be awarded.   Primary emphasis will be placed on collaboration by a team of researchers consisting of university, elementary/middle school teachers, and preservice teachers from the undergraduate ranks. The action research should be designed, implemented, and completed with a focus on enhancing the teaching and/or learning of mathematics in Grades PreK-8.  Proposals must address the following: rationale for the research project, the expected impact on teaching/learning in the school setting, and anticipated improvements in preservice student learning. Grant funds should be used to support project expenses to plan and carry out the action research.

Randy Gerson Memorial Grant - 0 views

    The program awards grants for graduate student projects in family and/or couple dynamics and/or multi-generational processes. Work that advances theory, assessment or clinical practice in these areas shall be considered eligible. Preference will be given to projects using or contributing to the development of Bowen family systems. Priority also will be given to those projects that serve to advance Dr. Gerson's work.

Kenneth B. and Mamie P. Clark Fund - 0 views

    The Kenneth B. and Mamie P. Clark Fund, supports research and demonstration activities that promote the understanding of the relationship between self-identity and academic achievement with an emphasis on children in grade levels K-8. This grant will alternate every other year between an early career psychologist and a graduate student. The 2013 grant will support a graduate student.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals of interest to the Defense Sciences Office. Proposed research should investigate innovative approaches that enable revolutionary advances in science and technology. Specifically excluded is research that results primarily in evolutionary improvements to the existing state of the art.

Call for Proposals: Investigator Initiated Research | Ohio Education Research Center - 0 views

    The OERC Investigator Initiated Research Program is intended to provide funds to encourage Ohio researchers to initiate research efforts with a high likelihood of attracting future external research funding. Researchers from OERC partner institutions are invited to apply. Each applicant is limited to one proposal per competition as Principal Investigator, but may serve as Co-Investigator or collaborator on other proposals. Special consideration will be given to proposals with a collaborative component representing contributions with research team members from two or more OERC partner institutions.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Integrated NSF Support Promoting Interdisciplinary Research and Edu... - 0 views

    The INSPIRE awards program was established to address some of the most complicated and pressing scientific problems that lie at the intersection of traditional disciplines.  It is intended to encourage investigators to submit bold, exceptional proposals that some may consider to be at a disadvantage in a standard NSF review process; it is not intended for proposals that are more appropriate for existing award mechanisms.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The NPS is the lead federal agency assigned the principal responsibility for administering three federal historic documentation programs: the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER), and the Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS). The documentation programs and their associated collections are among the largest and most heavily used in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. The collections document achievements in architecture, engineering, and design in the United States and its territories through a comprehensive range of building types and engineering technologies.These federal documentation programs have recorded America's built environment in multi-format surveys comprising more than 556,900 measured drawings, large-format photographs, and written histories for more than 38,600 historic structures and sites dating from Pre-Columbian times to the twentieth century. Through this agreement, the NPS , Intermountain Region, is seeking to work with a cooperator to expand the documentation of heritage sites to include: producing 3D high definition digital documentation of resources through LiDAR scanning, photogrammetry and other state-of-the-art technologies, including 3D point clouds, 3D visualizations, 3D models, 3D reconstructions, 3D virtual tours and 3D animated fly-throughs; training and employing students to produce 3D digital documentation; developing educational and interpretive content associated with the 3D digital images; creating virtual learning opportunities through web-based applications for research; archiving and managing digital data in accordance with National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) standards; providing free access to the data via a website designed for use by the general public; and hosting and maintaining that website.
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