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MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    This Program Announcement/Funding Opportunity is focused on specific research topics of psychological health and well-being of military personnel and their families as outlined in section B. Investigators must demonstrate logical reasoning and a sound scientific rationale established through a critical review and analysis of the literature for the proposal to be competitive. Research projects should include a well-formulated, testable hypothesis based on a strong scientific rationale. This award mechanism is focused on applied research, defined as research that refines concepts and ideas into potential solutions to military health and performance problems with a view toward evaluating technical feasibility; includes studies and investigations leading to candidate solutions in preparation for initial human testing. This award mechanism will also support advanced technology development which is defined as research for the development of candidate solutions and components of early prototype systems for test and evaluation. Promising drug and vaccine candidates and medical devices and technologies are selected for initial safety and efficacy testing in small scale human clinical trials. Applications may include phase I or early phase II clinical trials, but not late phase II large-scale effectiveness clinical trials or advanced development of products and capabilities.

Ungerleider/Zimbardo Travel Scholarships - 0 views

    The purpose of the Ungerleider/Zimbardo Travel Scholarships is to help psychology graduate students travel to the American Psychological Foundation  Annual Convention to present their research.

Alexander Gralnick Research Investigator Prize - 0 views

    The APF Alexander Gralnick Research Investigator Prize recognizes "exceptional individuals working in the area of serious mental illness," including but not limited to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and paranoia (delusional disorder). The prize was established to honor the late Alexander Gralnick, MD, and to reflect the breadth of his accomplishments and contributions in the field of serious mental illness. Dr. Gralnick was a Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, and he received the American Psychiatric Association's Distinguished Service Award and the Service to the Mentally Ill Award of the World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation. The prize aims to carry on Dr. Gralnick's legacy by facilitating research by doctoral-level investigators in the area of serious mental illness. Goals: To encourage psychologists to assume a leadership role for psychology in the area of serious mental illness.To encourage the training of future psychologists to become leaders in this field.To provide funding for recipients to ensure that psychologists work to advance understanding and treatment for those who are affected by serious mental illnesses.

Violet and Cyril Franks Scholarship - 0 views

    The APF Violet and Cyril Franks Scholarship supports graduate-level scholarly projects that use a psychological perspective to help understand and reduce stigma associated with mental illness. The scholarship helps address research which shows that stigma is a significant barrier to treatment and recovery for many of the 50 million Americans living with mental illness. Deadline: May 15, 2013
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2013 Targeted Capacity Expansion Peer-to-Peer (TCE-PTP) grants. The purpose of this program is to expand and enhance service capacity through the provision of addiction peer recovery support services for those individuals with substance use disorders. It is the expectation that those with lived experience will play an integral role in the design, development, and implementation of this program. A primary program objective is to help achieve and maintain recovery and to improve the overall quality of life for those being served. This is assessed through increased employment, housing stability, abstinence from substance use, social connectedness, and decreased criminal justice involvement. In accordance with SAMHSA's Strategic Initiative on Recovery Support, this program aims to assist individuals in achieving and sustaining their recovery through a peer model which capitalizes on the expertise of those individuals with similar lived experience. This experience and expertise opens non-traditional avenues of engaging vulnerable populations. The domains of health, home, purpose, and community are central to ensuring that individuals receive the services and care needed to enhance their overall quality of life.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is issued by NIDA, the Department of Defense (DoD), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (OASD/HA), NIAAA, and NCCAM. The purpose is to accelerate research on health promotion and prevention interventions with foci on reducing the onset and progression of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use and abuse (including illicit and prescription drugs) and associated mental and physical health problems and on the promotion of health-enhancing behaviors among active-duty or recently separated (e.g., Iraq and Afghanistan) military troops, Veterans, and their families.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is issued by NIDA, the Department of Defense (DoD), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (OASD/HA), and NIAAA. The purpose is to accelerate research on health promotion and prevention interventions with foci on reducing the onset and progression of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use and abuse (including illicit and prescription drugs) and associated mental and physical health problems and on the promotion of health-enhancing behaviors among active-duty or recently separated (e.g., Iraq and Afghanistan) military troops, Veterans, and their families.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The purpose of the NIH Summer Research Experience Program (referred to as the Summer Research Program) is to provide a high quality research experience for high school and college students and for science teachers during the summer academic break. The NIH expects that such programs will: help attract young students to careers in science; provide opportunities for college students to gain valuable research experience to help prepare them for graduate school; and enhance the skills of science teachers and enable them to more effectively communicate the nature of the scientific process to their students. The programs would also contribute to enhancing overall science literacy. Summer Research Programs that expand and complement existing summer educational and training programs are encouraged.

International OCD Foundation Research Grants Program - 0 views

    The IOCDF awards grants to investigators whose research focuses on the nature, causes and treatment of OCD and related disorders.    The IOCDF has a long history of funding projects for both junior and senior investigators.   We are hoping that many junior investigators will apply this year as grant from us will help build their research programs and keep them interested in studying the field of OCD and related disorders. Senior  investigators may also ask for grant funding for projects that would provide pilot data for future larger scale federal grant applications.

NARSAD Young Investigator Grant - 0 views

    The NARSAD Young Investigator Grant provides support for the most promising young scientists conducting neurobiological research. Two year awards up to $60,000, or $30,000 per year are provided to enable promising investigators to either extend research fellowship training or begin careers as independent research faculty. Basic and/or clinical investigators are supported, but research must be relevant to serious brain and behavior disorders such as schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, or child and adolescent mental illnesses. A few NARSAD Young Investigators are selected each year to present at the foundation's annual Scientific Symposium in New York City. NARSAD Young Investigators are also eligible to be selected for the Foundation's Freedman Prize for Outstanding Basic Research and Klerman Prize for Outstanding Clinical Research. Selection is based upon outstanding research as outlined in the final progress report of the NARSAD Grant project.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Program (Supervised Visitation Program) provides an opportunity for communities to support supervised visitation and safe exchange of children in situations involving domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, child abuse, or stalking. Research has shown that the risk of violence is often greater for victims of domestic violence and their children after separation from an abusive situation. Even after separation, batterers often use visitation and exchange of children as an opportunity to inflict additional emotional, physical, and/or psychological abuse on victims and their children. Visitation and exchange services provided through the Supervised Visitation Program should reflect a clear understanding of the dynamics of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking; the impact of domestic violence on children; and the importance of holding offenders accountable for their actions.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The purpose of the TCE-TAC Program is to expand and/or enhance the capacity of substance abuse treatment providers to serve persons in treatment who have been underserved because of lack of access to treatment in their immediate community due to transportation concerns, an inadequate number of substance abuse treatment providers in their community, and/or financial constraints. The use of technology, including web-based services, smart phones, and behavioral health electronic applications (e-apps), will expand and/or enhance the ability of providers to effectively communicate with persons in treatment and to track and manage their health to ensure treatment and services are available where and when needed.

Travel Awards - 0 views

    With the generous support of a grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health USA we are pleased to offer stipends in partial support of travel to attend the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society (IBANGS).   Travel Stipend Details:          A limited number of stipends are available for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and junior faculty members who have held faculty rank for less than 5 years.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2013 for the Offender Reentry Program grants. The purpose of this program is to expand and/or enhance substance abuse treatment and related recovery and reentry services to sentenced adult offenders returning to the community from incarceration for criminal offenses. Applicants are expected to form stakeholder partnerships that will plan, develop and provide a transition from incarceration to community-based substance abuse treatment and related reentry services. Because reentry transition must begin in the correctional facility before release, limited funding may be used for certain activities in institutional correctional settings in addition to the expected community-based services.

McKnightFoundation - 0 views

    We are interested in proposals that address memory or cognition under normal and pathological conditions. This includes proposals that address mechanisms of memory or cognition at the synaptic, cellular, or behavioral level in animals, including humans.We are particularly interested in proposals that incorporate fundamentally new approaches, as well as those that involve human experimentation. Collaborative and cross-disciplinary applications are encouraged.

Press Release: FY13 Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program Update, Congressionally... - 0 views

    To allow investigators time to plan and develop applications, the TSCRP is providing its strategic plan for award mechanisms to be offered in 2013 should funding become available. Congressional funds for the FY13 TSCRP have not yet been appropriated, and this document is not to be construed as an obligation by the government; there is no guarantee of funding for these planned mechanisms. Areas of Focus: The FY13 TSCRP encourages research projects applications that specifically address the critical needs of theTSC community in the following areas of focus: Genetic, epigenetic, and non-genetic modifiers of TSC. Identification and development of preclinical models and therapeutic strategies (e.g., cytotoxic agents, combination therapies). Identifying biomarkers for early detection, prognosis, and prediction of treatment outcomes (such as serum markers, imaging, electrophysiology, prenatal testing, and pharmacogenetics). Impact of TSC manifestations in adults (e.g., care management, age-specific pathogenesis, epidemiology, renal, reproductive issues, and lymphangioleiomyomatosis [LAM])). Long-term benefits and effects of mTOR inhibitors or other agents. Novel strategies for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of TSC manifestations including those geared toward early identification and intervention. Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of TSC and LAM pathogenesis. Understanding the mechanism and improving the treatment of epilepsy in TSC. Understanding the mechanism and improving treatment of TSC-associated neurocognitive disorders (TAND) including cognitive impairment, and psychiatric, behavioral, and sleep disorders.

Funding Opportunities-FY13 PH/TBIRP, Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs... - 0 views

    Key priorities of the PH/TBI Research Program are to complement ongoing DOD efforts to ensure the health and readiness of our military forces and to support the Department of Defense Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence in its efforts to advance and spread PH/TBI knowledge, enhance clinical and management approaches and facilitate other vital services to best serve the needs of warrior families impacted by PH problems and or TBI.

Typical or Troubled?™ School Mental Health Education Grants - American Psychi... - 0 views

    Established by the American Psychiatric Foundation (APF), a philanthropic and educational subsidiary of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), the Typical or Troubled?™ School Mental Health Education Grant Program provides funding to implement the Typical or Troubled?™ School Mental Health educational program in up to ten schools in a community. 
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The FY13 PH/TBI BAPHA Program Announcement/Funding Opportunity is focused on specific research Topic Areas of PH and well-being of military personnel and their families as outlined in Section I.B. of the Program Announcement. Research projects should include a well-formulated, testable hypothesis based on a strong scientific rationale. Experimental interventions are strongly encouraged, but are not explicitly required. The FY13 PH/TBI BAPHA seeks to fund basic and applied research (including early phase clinical trials). Preliminary data are required for applied research applications.

American College Counseling Association 2013 Research Grant Program - 0 views

    The American College Counseling Association (ACCA) announces two research award opportunities for 2013. 1.  $5000:  This funded research is designed to recognize and honor individuals who are seeking to complete a comprehensive research study. The Funded Research Award provides a cash award of up to $5000.00. Purpose:  The purpose of this financial support is to fund research efforts supporting research related to college counseling practices. 2.  $1000:  This funded research is designed to recognize and honor individuals who are seeking to complete a comprehensive research study. The Funded Research Award provides a cash award of up to $1000.00. These investigations include counseling at community, vocational, and technical institutions as well as colleges and universities. Purpose:  The purpose of this Grant is to support research that increases understanding of professional counseling as it relates to college student populations and the professionals who serve those populations.
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