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Contents contributed and discussions participated by MiamiOH OARS


Collaborative Research for Enhanced Academic-TTCP Engagement (CREATE) - 0 views

    The CREATE Program aims to develop a coherent fundamental research program across the five TTCP nations (USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand) that demonstrates enhanced mutual reliance (EMR) by leveraging unique research capabilities in the five international partner nations through collaboration. As such the other four other international partner nations and the US Air Force are issuing parallel calls for research at commensurate funding levels.
    The CREATE Program aims to develop a coherent fundamental research program across the five TTCP nations (USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand) that demonstrates enhanced mutual reliance (EMR) by leveraging unique research capabilities in the five international partner nations through collaboration. As such the other four other international partner nations and the US Air Force are issuing parallel calls for research at commensurate funding levels.

U.S-India Joint Clean Energy Research and Development Center - 0 views

    Energy cooperation is a central element of the U.S.-India Strategic Partnership. Recognizing the need to address climate change, ensure mutual energy security, and build a clean energy economy that drives investment, job creation, and economic growth; India and the United States launched the U.S.-India Partnership to Advance Clean Energy (PACE) on November 24, 2009 under the U.S.-India Memorandum of Understanding to enhance cooperation on Energy Security, Energy Efficiency, Clean Energy and Climate Change. As a priority initiative under the PACE umbrella, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Government of India signed an agreement to establish the Joint Clean Energy Research and Development Center (JCERDC) on November 4, 2010. The JCERDC is designed to promote clean energy innovation by teams of scientists and engineers from India and the United States.
    Energy cooperation is a central element of the U.S.-India Strategic Partnership. Recognizing the need to address climate change, ensure mutual energy security, and build a clean energy economy that drives investment, job creation, and economic growth; India and the United States launched the U.S.-India Partnership to Advance Clean Energy (PACE) on November 24, 2009 under the U.S.-India Memorandum of Understanding to enhance cooperation on Energy Security, Energy Efficiency, Clean Energy and Climate Change. As a priority initiative under the PACE umbrella, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Government of India signed an agreement to establish the Joint Clean Energy Research and Development Center (JCERDC) on November 4, 2010. The JCERDC is designed to promote clean energy innovation by teams of scientists and engineers from India and the United States.

Human Performance Enhancement - The Collider Project (Dayton, OH) - Meetup - 0 views

    On September 13, WBI will be hosting its 3rd OEA Collider Event, this time on the topic of Human Performance Enhancement. Please block your calendars from 1:30 till 3:30 and plan to join us to learn more about the opportunities within this massive market space. For the purposes of this project, we're defining Human Performance Enhancement like this: As the world becomes more complex, the demands on human performance continue to increase. Athletic endeavors, military requirements, continuing independence into one's later years are all examples of market-driven needs for human performance enhancement. Strength, speed, endurance, vigilance, multi-tasking, mental-acuity, and recovery are all enhancement opportunities of interest. Formal evaluation of blue papers will begin on approximately 17 October 2016. Wright Brothers Institute continues to work diligently on our pilot project to refine a commercialization process for regional innovators. In March we had an OEA Collider event focused on the Precision Agriculture market which has resulted in 8 Blue Paper submissions and 2 on-going projects to commercialize several of the concepts explained in those blue papers. We're making significant progress toward providing real market solutions with a combination of several innovative technologies!

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) seeks opportunities to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate in the development, testing, and scaling of innovative approaches that address critical global health challenges. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) invites organizations and companies to participate with USAID, in cooperation with its partners, in response to a Global Health Challenge Addenda issued under this BAA, as described below, to provide innovative interventions and technologies that further the U.S. Government's commitment to prevent and manage critical global health challenges.
    This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) seeks opportunities to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate in the development, testing, and scaling of innovative approaches that address critical global health challenges. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) invites organizations and companies to participate with USAID, in cooperation with its partners, in response to a Global Health Challenge Addenda issued under this BAA, as described below, to provide innovative interventions and technologies that further the U.S. Government's commitment to prevent and manage critical global health challenges.

Biomedical Engineering (BME) - 0 views

    The goal of theBiomedical Engineering(BME)program is to provide research opportunities to develop novel ideas into discovery-level and transformative projects that integrate engineering and life sciences in solving biomedical problems that serve humanity in the long-term. BME projects must be at the interface of engineering and life sciences, and advance both engineering and life sciences. The projects should focus on high impact transformative methods and technologies. Projects should include methods, models and enabling tools of understanding and controlling living systems; fundamental improvements in deriving information from cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems; new approaches to the design of structures and materials for eventual medical use in the long-term; and novel methods for reducing health care costs through new technologies. The long-term impact of the projects can be related to fundamental understanding of cell and tissue function, effective disease diagnosis and/or treatment, improved health care delivery, or product development.
    The goal of theBiomedical Engineering(BME)program is to provide research opportunities to develop novel ideas into discovery-level and transformative projects that integrate engineering and life sciences in solving biomedical problems that serve humanity in the long-term. BME projects must be at the interface of engineering and life sciences, and advance both engineering and life sciences. The projects should focus on high impact transformative methods and technologies. Projects should include methods, models and enabling tools of understanding and controlling living systems; fundamental improvements in deriving information from cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems; new approaches to the design of structures and materials for eventual medical use in the long-term; and novel methods for reducing health care costs through new technologies. The long-term impact of the projects can be related to fundamental understanding of cell and tissue function, effective disease diagnosis and/or treatment, improved health care delivery, or product development.

2016 DHS Scientific Leadership Awards for Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Granting ... - 0 views

    The Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is DHS's primary research and development (R&D) arm. S&T manages science and technology research, from development through transition, for the department's operational components and the nation's first responders. S&T's engineers, scientists and researchers work closely with industry and academic partners to ensure R&D investments address the high-priority needs of today and the growing demands of the future.The DHS Scientific Leadership Awards (SLA) program is one of several programs administered by the S&T Office of University Programs. Through the SLA program, OUP seeks to build a diverse, highly capable, technical workforce for the homeland security enterprise. This NOFO is soliciting applications from Minority Serving Intuitions (MSIs) to establish programs that relevant to S&T's mission within their institutions or MSI networks.
    The Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is DHS's primary research and development (R&D) arm. S&T manages science and technology research, from development through transition, for the department's operational components and the nation's first responders. S&T's engineers, scientists and researchers work closely with industry and academic partners to ensure R&D investments address the high-priority needs of today and the growing demands of the future.The DHS Scientific Leadership Awards (SLA) program is one of several programs administered by the S&T Office of University Programs. Through the SLA program, OUP seeks to build a diverse, highly capable, technical workforce for the homeland security enterprise. This NOFO is soliciting applications from Minority Serving Intuitions (MSIs) to establish programs that relevant to S&T's mission within their institutions or MSI networks.

Elucidation of Mechanisms of Radiation-Induced Endovascular Injury and Development of T... - 0 views

    The NIAID Radiation/Nuclear Countermeasures Development Program supports extramural research to develop safe and effective radiological/nuclear medical countermeasures for clinical use under emergency situations. This program spans basic through applied research. The role of the endovascular network in radiation injury pathogenesis is not well understood; however, the importance of this biological system in the observed multi-organ dysfunction and failure that occurs following radiation exposure has recently been established. The purpose of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide an opportunity for academic, industry and government laboratory researchers to address gaps in the understanding of the pathophysiology of radiation injury in the vasculature, and how this damage contributes to overall mortality following radiation exposure. This funding will also advance the development of post-exposure treatment approaches targeting the vascular endothelium, with the ultimate goal of licensure of candidate medical countermeasures by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the radiation/nuclear public health emergency indication.
    The NIAID Radiation/Nuclear Countermeasures Development Program supports extramural research to develop safe and effective radiological/nuclear medical countermeasures for clinical use under emergency situations. This program spans basic through applied research. The role of the endovascular network in radiation injury pathogenesis is not well understood; however, the importance of this biological system in the observed multi-organ dysfunction and failure that occurs following radiation exposure has recently been established. The purpose of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide an opportunity for academic, industry and government laboratory researchers to address gaps in the understanding of the pathophysiology of radiation injury in the vasculature, and how this damage contributes to overall mortality following radiation exposure. This funding will also advance the development of post-exposure treatment approaches targeting the vascular endothelium, with the ultimate goal of licensure of candidate medical countermeasures by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the radiation/nuclear public health emergency indication.

Miner Safety and Health Training Program Western United States - 0 views

    The purpose of this FOA is to enhance the quality and availability of health and safety training for mine workers in the Western United States. As a result, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) invites applications for cooperative agreements to support the development of training and education programs.
    The purpose of this FOA is to enhance the quality and availability of health and safety training for mine workers in the Western United States. As a result, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) invites applications for cooperative agreements to support the development of training and education programs.

E2 Energy to Educate - 0 views

    Energy company Constellation believes that providing quality educational opportunities and career development are among the most important tools it can provide to communities to help them succeed over the long term.  To that end, the company is accepting grant applications for local community projects designed to inspire students to think differently about energy. Grants of up to $25,000 will be awarded for projects at the 6-12 grade level and up to $50,000 for projects at the college level. Projects should be team-oriented, learning-focused, hands-on demonstration projects that generate specific results and reach a minimum of a hundred students. 

Garden Project - 0 views

    Project will engage university graduate students and faculty in a summer field school to research, design and create components of a Kitchen Garden that can be replicated anywhere. The project is divided into four components, where students will provide (1) research, (2) reconnaissance, (3) design and (4) implementation. NPS and the Cooperator will mentor and guide students. This project will provide real life opportunities for students to use their knowledge and refine their skills.

Research and Development for Next Generation Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Technology - 0 views

    The Office of Nuclear Physics (NP), Office of Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), hereby announces its interest in receiving applications for research and development that will allow existing technology candidates to demonstrate down-selection criteria for the next generation of neutrinoless double beta decay measurements.

Geophysics - 0 views

    The Geophysics Program supports basic research in the physics of the solid earth to explore its composition, structure, and processes from the Earth's surface to its' deepest interior. Laboratory, field, theoretical, and computational studies are supported. Topics include (but are not limited to) seismicity, seismic wave propagation, and the nature and occurrence of geophysical hazards; the Earth's magnetic, gravity, and electrical fields; the Earth's thermal structure; and geodynamics. Supported research also includes geophysical studies of active deformation, including geodesy, and theoretical and experimental studies of the properties and behavior of Earth materials.

Ceramics - 0 views

    This program supports fundamental scientific research in ceramics (e.g., oxides, carbides, nitrides and borides), glass-ceramics, inorganic glasses, ceramic-based composites and inorganic carbon-based materials. Projects should be centered on experiments; inclusion of computational and theory components are encouraged. The objective of the program is to increase fundamental understanding and to develop predictive capabilities for relating synthesis, processing, and microstructure of these materials to their properties and ultimate performance in various environments and applications. Research to enhance or enable the discovery or creation of new ceramic materials is welcome. Development of new experimental techniques or novel approaches to carry out projects is encouraged. Topics supported include basic processes and mechanisms associated with nucleation and growth of thin films; bulk crystal growth; phase transformations and equilibria; morphology; surface modification; corrosion, interfaces and grain boundary structure; and defects. Additional Information Eligibility rules apply for submissions; please see the Program Description section of the CER solicitation for details. PIs are encouraged to include all anticipated broader impact activities in their initial proposals, rather than planning on supplemental requests. Most projects include: (1) the anticipated significance on science, engineering and/or technology including possible benefits to society, (2) plans for the dissemination, and (3) broadening participation of underrepresented groups and/or excellence in training, mentoring, and/or teaching. Many successful proposals include one additional broader impact activity.

Condensed Matter and Materials Theory - 0 views

    The broad spectrum of research supported in CMMT includes first-principles, quantum many-body, statistical mechanics, classical and quantum Monte Carlo, and molecular dynamics methods. Computational efforts span from workstations to advanced and high-performance scientific computing. Emphasis is on approaches that begin at the smallest appropriate length scale, such as electronic, atomic, molecular, nano-, micro-, and mesoscale, required to yield fundamental insight into material properties, processes, and behavior, to predict new materials and states of matter, and to reveal new materials-related phenomena. Approaches that span multiple scales of length and time may be required to advance fundamental understanding of materials properties and phenomena, particularly for polymeric materials and soft matter. Examples of areas of recent interest appear in the program description. CMMT encourages potentially transformative theoretical and computational materials research, which includes but is not limited to: i) developing materials-specific prediction and advancing understanding of properties, phenomena, and emergent states of matter associated with either hard or soft materials, ii) developing and exploring new paradigms including cyber- and data-enabled approaches to advance fundamental understanding of materials and materials related phenomena, oriii) fostering research at interfaces among subdisciplines represented in the Division of Materials Research

DOD Parkinson's Impact Award - 0 views

    The PRP Impact Award mechanism is being offered for the first time in FY16.The Impact Award encourages applications that support the full spectrum of research projects or ideas that specifically focus on scientific and clinical Parkinson's disease issues, which, if successfully addressed, have the potential to make a major impact in preventing or halting the progression of Parkinson's disease or enhancing the well-being of individuals experiencing the impact of the disease

Arctic Research Opportunities; Arctic Natural Sciences; Arctic Social Sciences; Arctic ... - 0 views

    The National Science Foundation (NSF) invites investigators at U.S. organizations to submit proposals to the Arctic Sciences Section, Division of Polar Programs (PLR) to conduct research about the Arctic region. The goal of this solicitation is to attract research proposals that advance a fundamental, process, and systems-level understanding of the Arctic's rapidly changing natural environment and social and cultural systems, and, where appropriate, to improve our capacity to project future change. The Arctic Sciences Section supports research focused on the Arctic region and its connectivity with lower latitudes. The scientific scope is aligned with, but not limited to, research challenges outlined in the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee ( five-year plans. The Arctic Sciences Section coordinates with programs across NSF and with other federal and international partners to co-review and co-fund Arctic proposals as appropriate. The Arctic Sciences Section also maintains Arctic logistical infrastructure and field support capabilities that are available to enable research.


    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended to provide rapid support to revolutionary applied energy research (Studies) that may lead to new ARPA-E programs to develop transformational and disruptive energy technologies. Studies are defined as single-phase efforts of durations less than 12 months and cost less than $500,000. Awards will be issued through Grants.
    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended to provide rapid support to revolutionary applied energy research (Studies) that may lead to new ARPA-E programs to develop transformational and disruptive energy technologies. Studies are defined as single-phase efforts of durations less than 12 months and cost less than $500,000. Awards will be issued through Grants.

Russia Bilateral Collaborative Research Partnerships on Cancer - 0 views

    The purpose of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Collaborative Research Partnerships on Cancer program is to stimulate collaborative basic, translational, and clinical research between United States (U.S.)-based researchers and Russian researchers in the areas of cancer biology, prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment as well as the physical and chemical sciences and engineering in cancer biology, nanotechnology, and radiation epidemiology.
    The purpose of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Collaborative Research Partnerships on Cancer program is to stimulate collaborative basic, translational, and clinical research between United States (U.S.)-based researchers and Russian researchers in the areas of cancer biology, prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment as well as the physical and chemical sciences and engineering in cancer biology, nanotechnology, and radiation epidemiology.

NIDA Program Project Grant Applications (P01) - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) announces the availability of support for collaborative research by multi-disciplinary teams which is of high priority to NIDA and leads to synergistic outcomes based on the synthesis of multiple research approaches. The NIDA Program Projects funding opportunity will support research in which the funding of three or more highly meritorious projects as a group enriches both the component projects and the overall program to offer significant scientific advantages over supporting the same projects as individual research grants (i.e., synergy).  For the duration of the award, each Program must consist of a minimum of three research projects focused on issues critical to advance the mission and goals of NIDA. 

Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders (R21) - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage research grant applications to support research designed to elucidate the etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and optimal means of service delivery in relation to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). 
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