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National Youth Leadership Initiative - 0 views

    The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Executive Office of the President, is seeking applications from a non-profit entity that is described in Section 501(c)(3) with expert knowledge and extensive experience in community mobilizing using the Seven Strategies for Community Change. Applicants must have served as an essential partner in assisting the Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program with technical assistance to community coalitions in their substance use prevention efforts and have experience training youth to be substance abuse prevention leaders.

Applied Research | Organization for Autism Research - 0 views

    The Organization for Autism Research is seeking pre-proposals for its 2018 Applied Research Competition. The annual program aims to promote innovative research that directly supports the autism community by expanding the body of knowledge related to autism intervention and treatment, producing practical and objective results, and providing outcomes that enhance the quality of life for persons with autism and their families. Preference will be given to the analysis, evaluation, or comparison of current models of assessment, intervention, or systems of service delivery, including policy analysis; applied aspects of educational, behavioral, or social/communicative intervention; effective intervention across the lifespan for individuals considered to be severely impacted by autism; adult issues such as continuing education, employment, residential supports, sexuality instruction, quality-of-life determinants, and "later intervention"; and issues related to family support, social and community integration, assessment and intervention with challenging behavior, and the use of technology in support of learners with ASD. In 2018, OAR will award grants of up to $30,000. Studies can range in duration from one to two years.

International Sports Programming Initiative (ISPI) - 0 views

    The Office of Citizen Exchanges, Sports Diplomacy Division, of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) announces an open competition for the FY 2018 International Sports Programming Initiative (ISPI). U.S. public and private non-profit organizations meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) may submit proposals to manage sports exchange projects designed to reach underserved youth and/or their coaches/sports administrators who manage youth sports programs. These exchanges between the United States and select countries will be reciprocal exchanges that employ sports to address the Sport and Social Change theme outlined below. The International Sports Programming Initiative uses sports to help underserved youth around the world develop important leadership skills, achieve academic success, promote tolerance and respect for diversity, and positively contribute to their home and host communities. Sports Diplomacy programs are an important tool for advancing U.S. foreign policy goals through interaction with hard-to-reach groups such as at-risk youth, women, minorities, people with disabilities, and non-English speakers. The focus of all programs must be on both male and female youth and/or their coaches/sports administrators. Programs designed to train elite athletes or coaches are ineligible under C.3 of this announcement. Other Eligibility Requirements are available within the full announcement.

Doctoral Students Invited to Apply for Doris Duke Fellowships for the Promotion of Chil... - 0 views

    The fellowships are designed to identify and develop a new generation of leaders interested in and capable of creating practice and policy initiatives that enhance child development and improve the nation's ability to prevent all forms of child maltreatment.

Organization for Autism Research Seeks Proposals for Research Grants | RFPs | PND - 0 views

    The annual program aims to promote innovative research that directly supports the autism community by expanding the body of knowledge related to autism intervention and treatment, producing practical and objective results, and providing outcomes that enhance the quality of life for persons with autism and their families. Preference will be given to the analysis, evaluation, or comparison of current models of assessment, intervention, or systems of service delivery, including policy analysis; applied aspects of educational, behavioral, or social/communicative intervention; effective intervention across the lifespan for individuals considered to be severely impacted by autism; adult issues such as continuing education, employment, residential supports, sexuality instruction, quality-of-life determinants, and "later intervention"; and issues related to family support, social and community integration, assessment and intervention with challenging behavior, and the use of technology in support of learners with ASD.

Early Care and Education Research Scholars: Head Start Dissertation Grants - 0 views

    The Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) plans to solicit applications for Early Care and Education Research Scholars: Head Start Dissertation Grants. Funds aim to support dissertation research by advanced graduate students who are working in partnership with Head Start programs and with faculty mentors. These grants focus on building capacity in the research field by addressing questions relevant to early childhood programs that serve low-income children and families, as well as on fostering mentoring relationships between faculty members and doctoral students. OPRE is looking for research that addresses questions that directly inform local, state, or federal policies and should be relevant to multiple early care and education settings. Applicants should consider pursuing data collection across contexts, including child care, pre-k, home-visiting programs, Head Start, Early Head Start, and/or others. Applicants are expected to demonstrate an established partnership with their early care and education program partners that should be apparent throughout the research plan, from development and refinement of the research questions through the proposed data collection, interpretation, and dissemination of findings.

Ukraine National Identity Through Youth (UNITY) Activity - 0 views

    The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through the Regional Contracting Office in Kyiv, Ukraine is seeking applications from qualified U.S. or Non-U.S. non-profit or for-profit Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and other qualified non-USG organizations for funding of an activity entitled "Ukraine National Identity Through Youth (UNITY) Activity." The purpose of the Activity is to foster vested ownership among young people in Ukraine's democratic, European future by further mobilizing youth leadership of a values-based conception of Ukrainian identity grounded in innovation, engagement, and pluralism. This will be achieved through the following interconnected objectives: 1) Youth innovation, entrepreneurship, and career preparedness expand economic opportunities; 2) Youth broaden their engagement in civic and community problem-solving; 3) Youth drive Ukraine's pluralism and respect for diversity; and 4) Research and learning on youth-related data, trends, and approaches inform youth policy and programming.

Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Implementation Research and Evaluation G... - 0 views

    In September 2016, the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) funded 8 cooperative agreements, under HHS-2016-ACF-OPRE-YE-1177 (Child Care and Development Block Grant Implementation Research and Evaluation Planning Grants, Cohort I/Phase I), for 18-months to Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Lead Agencies. Those grants provided funding for Lead Agencies to develop a research-based evaluation plan of the implementation of policies and initiatives in response to the goals of the CCDBG Act of 2014. Under this funding opportunity announcement (FOA), all grantees awarded planning grants (Cohort I/Phase I) could be funded to implement their research plan (up to 8 awards may be made).

Advancing Systems of Services for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs - 0 views

    This notice solicits applications for Advancing Systems of Services for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs. The purpose of this program is to improve health and well-being for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and their families by addressing three core systems focus areas for CYSHCN-access to patient/family-centered medical home, transition of youth into the adult health care system, and adoption of health care financing models that improve care and outcomes while achieving cost savings. This program will establish a national collaborative network of resource centers supporting state Title V programs, families of CYSHCN, child health professionals, and other stakeholders through the provision of technical assistance, training, education, partnership building, policy analysis, and research. Program Goal: The overall goal of this program is to strengthen the system of services for CYSHCN and their families by awarding three separate and distinct cooperative agreements. Cooperative agreements will be awarded to three recipients, who will collaborate to establish a national network of resource centers, with one center awarded for each of the following three focus areas: (1) Patient/family-centered medical home; (2) Transition of youth into the adult health care system; and (3) Health care financing models that improve care and outcomes while achieving cost savings. The three recipients will coordinate efforts to achieve quality care, decrease health care costs, and improve experience of care for CYSHCN and their families. An applicant can apply and be awarded only one focus area. For specific information about applying for one focus area, see Section IV. Application and Submission Information, Project Abstract.

FY18 Office of Population Affairs Data Analysis and Trends Research Grant - 0 views

    The project funded under this proposed announcement seeks applications from public and private nonprofit entities for one grant for family planning research. The purpose of this grant is to collect and analyze data on issues of interest to the family planning field. Analysis and research may include, but are not limited to, the following: current services provided by Title X clinics and other family planning centers across the U. S. and how services have changed over time; how Title X clinics and other family planning centers clinics are assessing and taking steps towards assuring their long-term sustainability and how this has changed over time; current health insurance status of women and men seen at Title X clinics and other family planning centers and how this has changed over time; and the sexual risk behaviors and social support networks of clients seen at Title X clinics and other family planning centers and how this has changed over time. Copies of the Title X statute, regulations, legislative mandates, Program Guidelines, and Program Policy Notices may be downloaded from the Office of Population Affairs web site at

National Maternal and Child Health Data Resource Initiative - 0 views

    This notice solicits applications for the National Maternal and Child Health Data Resource Initiative (DRI), the purpose of which is to support Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Services Block Grant programs (hereafter called Title V Block Grant) and partners in accessing and effectively utilizing national, state and community-level data to inform MCH policy and practice by publishing MCH data and providing related technical assistance and training.

Tools for Reducing the Risks of Child Labor and Unacceptable Conditions of Work in Wome... - 0 views

    The Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB), U.S. Department of Labor announces the availability of approximately $1.5 million total costs for one or more cooperative agreements to fund a project to integrate the issues of child labor alleviation and acceptable conditions of work into women's economic empowerment initiatives. The project intends to support service providers and policy makers when working with women entrepreneurs to ensure women-led enterprises can improve livelihoods responsibly without resorting to child labor or harmful labor practices. The project's outcomes include: Outcome 1: Increased understanding of child labor and acceptable conditions of work in the context of women's economic empowerment initiatives. Outcome 2: Increased availability of tools to integrate child labor awareness and acceptable conditions of work into women's economic empowerment initiatives. Outcome 3: Demonstrated effectiveness of tools in mitigating child labor and unacceptable conditions of work in women's economic empowerment initiatives. Outcome 4: Increased awareness and adoption of tools to integrate child labor awareness and acceptable conditions of work into women's economic empowerment initiatives by a broad range of stakeholders.The duration of the project will be a maximum of 4 years (48 months) from the effective date of the award.

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems o... - 0 views

    Purpose of Program: The Institute's purpose in awarding these grants is to provide national leadership in expanding fundamental knowledge and understanding of (1) developmental and school readiness outcomes for infants and toddlers with or at risk for a disability, and (2) education outcomes for all students from early childhood education through postsecondary and adult education. The Institute's research grant programs are designed to provide interested individuals and the general public with reliable and valid information about education practices that support learning and improve academic achievement and access to education opportunities for all students. These interested individuals include parents, educators, students, researchers, and policymakers. In carrying out its grant programs, the Institute provides support for programs of research in areas of demonstrated national need. Competitions in This Notice: The Institute will conduct 10 research competitions in FY 2018 through two of its centers: The Institute's National Center for Education Research (NCER) will hold five competitions: One competition for education research; one competition for education research and development centers; one competition for partnerships and collaborations focused on problems of practice or policy; and two competitions for low-cost, short-duration evaluation of education interventions.

Children's Safety Network Program - 0 views

    The purpose of this program is to reduce fatal and serious injuries among infants, children, and youth by supporting collaborative improvement among Title V agencies working to address child safety, including sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) and bullying. The program will accomplish this through two components: (1) providing capacity building services to Title V agencies in implementing effective child safety interventions in priority topic areas that are responsive to common state performance measures identified in the Title V State Action Plans; and (2) maintaining a coalition of national, state, and local agencies and other key stakeholders that support improvements in the adoption of evidence-based policies, programs, and practices. For the purposes of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO), the term child safety applies to children ages 0-19 years nationally, and includes reductions in injury-related deaths, hospitalizations, and emergency department (ED) visits; SUID; and bullying. CSN will serve as the principal technical assistance provider to Title V agencies in their improvement efforts to address injury-related National Performance Measures (NPMs) pertaining to injury hospitalization (NPM 7), safe sleep behaviors (NPM 5), and bullying prevalence (NPM 9).

Availability of funds for Title X Family Planning Grants - 0 views

    The announcement seeks applications from public and private nonprofit entities to establish and operate voluntary family planning services projects, which shall provide family planning services to all persons desiring such services, with priority for services to persons from low-income families. The Title X statute specifies that local and regional public or private nonprofit entities may apply directly to the Secretary for a Title X family planning services grant under this announcement. Family planning services include clinical family planning and related preventive health services; information, education, and counseling related to family planning; and, referral services as indicated. Copies of the Title X statute, regulations, legislative mandates, Program Guidelines, and Program Policy Notices may be downloaded from the Office of Population Affairs web site at

Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Disability Statistics and Demogra... - 0 views

    The purpose of the RRTCs, which are funded through the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program, is to achieve the goals of, and improve the effectiveness of, services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act through well-designed research, training, technical assistance, and dissemination activities in important topical areas as specified by NIDILRR. These activities are designed to benefit rehabilitation service providers, individuals with disabilities, family members, policymakers and other research stakeholders. The purpose of this particular RRTC is to conduct activities to advance the use and usefulness of disability statistics and demographic data to inform disability policies and practices toward providing full opportunities and accommodations for individuals with disabilities. This includes analyzing disability-relevant nationally representative data, improving survey methods related to people with disabilities of a wide variety, conducting knowledge translation of findings, and creating and implementing a web-based platform for improved public access to data.

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Maternal and Child Health Interdisciplinary Education in Pediatric Pulmonary Centers program (PPC program). The purpose of the PPC program is to improve the health status of infants, children, and adolescents1 with chronic respiratory conditions, sleep issues, and other related special health care needs. The specific objectives of the PPC program are to: (1) Provide interdisciplinary leadership training at the graduate and post-graduate levels in pediatric pulmonary medicine, nursing, nutrition, social work, and at least one additional discipline; (2) Engage with families as full partners to support family-centered practice, policies, and research; (3) Increase access to health services through innovative methods, such as telehealth, collaborative systems of care (i.e., medical homes), and distance-learning modalities; (4) Provide technical assistance, consultation, continuing education (CE), and subject matter expertise to facilitate academic-practice partnerships; and (5) Support diverse and underrepresented trainees and faculty, and increase the cultural competence and skills of trainees and faculty to address health disparities in underserved communities.

Soros Justice Fellowships | Open Society Foundations (OSF) - 0 views

    The Soros Justice Fellowships fund outstanding individuals to undertake projects that advance reform, spur debate, and catalyze change on a range of issues facing the U.S. criminal justice system. The fellowships are part of a larger effort within the Open Society Foundations to reduce the destructive impact of current criminal justice policies on the lives of individuals, families, and communities in the United States by challenging the overreliance on incarceration and extreme punishment, and ensuring a fair and accountable system of justice. Fellows receive funding through the following three categories: - Advocacy Fellowships - Media Fellowships - Youth Activist Fellowships

Young Scholars Program - Foundation For Child Development - 0 views

    The Young Scholars Program (YSP) supports scholarship for early career researchers. The program funds implementation research that is policy and practice-relevant and that examines the preparation, competency, compensation, well-being, and on-going professional learning of the early care and education (ECE) workforce. The Foundation regards diversity as an asset for building a strong and productive society and is committed to diversity and equity in scholarship and through our grantees. To increase the diversity of research perspectives, the Foundation encourages applications from: Scholars who are from underrepresented groups that have historically experienced economic instability and social exclusion, including, but not limited to: researchers of color, first-generation college graduates, culturally and linguistically diverse scholars, and researchers from low-income communities Scholars who represent a variety of disciplines and methodological approaches

Become a Fellow | Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University - 0 views

    We welcome applications from a broad range of fields and perspectives. The strength of our fellowship program is its diversity. The following areas are of particular interest: - Radcliffe supports engaged scholarship. We welcome applications from scholars, artists, and practitioners proposing innovative work that confronts pressing social and policy issues and seeking to engage audiences beyond academia. - We welcome proposals relevant to the Institute's focus areas, which include: * Law, education, and justice * Youth leadership and civic engagement * Legacies of slavery  - Reflecting Radcliffe's unique history and institutional legacy, we welcome proposals that focus on women, gender, and society or draw on the Schlesinger Library's rich collections.  - Interdisciplinary exchange is a hallmark of the Radcliffe Fellowship, and we welcome proposals that take advantage of our uniquely diverse intellectual community by engaging with concepts and ideas that cross disciplinary boundaries.
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