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lisa saints

kelp - medicinal - 0 views

    Kelp alleviates arthritis pain because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
Imtiaz ibne alam

The Top 10 Raw Food Diet Facts You Must Know Before Changing - 0 views

    Obtaining a healthy food style like raw food diet is always challenging. Because, you not only need to adjust with the new food style but also you have to make several changes in your lifestyle.
wb health

10 foods that speed up metabolism - 0 views

    list of fat burning foods that speed up metabolism,foods that speed up metabolism and burn fat,foods that speed up metabolism
Daniel Stevenson

Tomatoes can prevent stroke - 0 views

    "Eating tomatoes in your daily salad or regularly enjoying a healthy red sauce on your spaghetti could help reduce your risk of stroke, according to research published this week in the journal Neurology. Tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant that is good for brain health, the researchers say, and cooked tomatoes seem to offer more protection than raw. "
Imtiaz ibne alam

Some Real Facts about Raw Food Diet - 0 views

    A raw food diet is a new path of health living, which is emerged over the last few years due to the lack of nutrients from our well cooked foods. Basically....
    Is anyone here who wants to have a debate over raw food?
Vincent Valentine

Foods That Cheer Us Up - 0 views

    "Drew Ramsey, M.D., co-author of The Happiness Diet, says that eating the wrong foods can add to our daily stress and make us feel anxious, lethargic, and downright grouchy. What's worse, a diet that deprives our brains of much-needed "happy" nutrients also makes us fat." Asparagus, mussels, coconut and other healthy foods do more for our mood than the usual high-calorie comfort food we all run to.
wb health

Food for gout sufferers | healthy eating fact - 0 views

    Food for gout sufferers. Approximately 90% of gout caused by inability of kidneys to remove uric acid completely from the body through urine
wb health

As explained by Nanny Djaja, dr., Sp.GK, MS, a nutritionist doctor... | Free Diet Plan - 0 views

    As explained by Nanny Djaja, dr., Sp.GK, MS, a nutritionist doctor that nutritional factors effect on fertility of a woman or a man aside from other factors.
Jenny jenny

Pizza - 0 views

pizza can be baked in an oven with stone bricks above the heat source, an electric deck oven, a conveyor belt... #pizza #fastfood #food #restaurant #takeaways

fast food delivery food delivery food delivery london

started by Jenny jenny on 12 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
Matti Narkia

Beyond Vegetarianism--Raw Food, Vegan, Fruitarian, Paleo Diets - 0 views

    The material presented on this site comes from individuals with years of hard-won experience either practicing alternative diets or observing those who do. As you'll find, no two writers will necessarily agree on all topics. A unifying theme, however, is the intent to squarely acknowledge and discuss the sometimes serious problems that can occur on alternative diets but often go unreported, and to go beyond the simplistic dogmas readily available elsewhere--in fact almost everywhere--to "explain them away." A sense of admirable idealism is often a motivating factor encouraging people to take responsibility for their own health and to explore different diets. However, the development of emotional attachments to philosophies underlying such diets can often end up becoming far more important for some individuals than the results they obtain--or fail to. One result has been widespread refusal in the alternative diet community to face health and behavioral problems that may arise on these diets. A common thread in what you'll read here is that a kind of subjective, "blinded naturalism" has become more or less endemic in the vegetarian, raw-food, and alternative diet movements, which can lead to serious health troubles.
Pedro Montero

Top Five Breakfast Foods You're Not Eating - 0 views

    We skip breakfast because we'd rather get more Z's. Actually, we're doing more than just going hungry- it's actually causing our metabolism to drop (slower fat burn) and gain even more calories by overeating at lunch.
Dante Everson

6 Portable Protein Fixes - 0 views

    These protein-packed snacks are the best (healthiest) way to tie you over while you're working overtime or stuck in gridlock way past dinnertime. They fill you up without the extra junk like fat, sugar and carbs.

Sugar Free Meal Plan - 0 views

    Tastes so good and doesn't have any of sugary packet sauces that come with the shop bought Burrito kits. Post workout meal or simply a tasty healthy meal.

Cacao Chia Pudding - How To Stop Eating Sugar - 0 views

    Cacao Chia Pudding is a tasty and super healthy way to start the day with no added sugar. Chia puddings are a wonderful nourishing and filling breakfast.
wb health

Aphrodisiac foods, foods that increase your libido - 0 views

    Aphrodisiac foods are foods that can increase libido or sex drive. This name comes from Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love.
wb health

An explanation of some healthy diet foods for women - 0 views

    Healthy Food Diet For Women . Health has a tremendous influence for our lives. Choosing healthy food to eat is an important thing to do.
wb health

5 Secrets of ageless naturally with anti aging foods - 0 views

    There are anti aging foods to stay young. Vegetables and fruits are very helpful for those of you who want to look beautiful and youthful.
wb health

List of brain foods - Foods for brain development - 0 views

    Children need omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid/EPA and docosahexaenoic acid / DHA) for their brain development. Here is list of foods that act as brain foods
wb health

Sources of vitamin A - Fruits and vegetables contain lots of vitamin A - 0 views

    Sources of vitamin A. Vitamin A is a vitamin that much needed by our bodies. Vitamin A plays an important role for healthy vision and immunity.
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