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VIDEO: Jim Albertini testimony at NRC meeting - Big Island Video News - 0 views

    Jim Albertini, a Big Island resident who has stood in opposition to the military presence on the island, especially in regards to nuclear weaponry, testified at the NRC meeting in Hilo. "Ongoing live-fire at PTA (millions of rounds annually) risks spreading the DU radiation already present," Albertini wrote in a recent media release. "DU is particularly hazardous when small burned DU oxide particles are inhaled. The Hawaii County Council, more than a year ago, on July 2, 2008, called for a halt to all live-fire and other activities at PTA that create dust until there is an assessment and clean up of the DU already present. 7 additional needed actions have also been noted by the Council. The military has ignored the Council and continues live-fire and other dust creating activities at PTA, putting the residents of Hawaii Island at risk, since no comprehensive testing has been completed."
Energy Net

Sibel Edmonds's Big Day « Blog - 0 views

    Sibel Edmonds, former contract-FBI translator/whistleblower and "most gagged person in U.S. history" has finally told all - to's Philip Giraldi. It's all in the cover story for November's issue of The American Conservative magazine, "Who's Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?" which hits the stands (and Website) on Tuesday. Last month, Edmonds was deposed in a civil lawsuit for 6 hours (video and transcript here), and told as much of her story as she ever has, and all together in one place. Now, however, she has gone much further and apparently told Giraldi everything, less sources and methods.
Energy Net

Video: Uranium Tailings May Threaten Moab River - KSTU - 0 views

    MOAB, Utah - Although millions of tons of Uranium tailings have been removed, some citizens of Moab are concerned that the remaining tailings may contaminate the nearby Colorado river. The river runs through town and a potential contaminatino could jeapordize drinking water. Energy Solutions were contracted to remove the mounds of tailings in 2007. "Were were moving it is to an environmentally stable location, 30 miles north of the town of Moab to a stable environment where that material can sit for thousands of years," says Energy Solutions' Project Manager, Larry Brede.
Energy Net

The Associated Press: NKorea: US journalists plotted 'smear campaign' - 0 views

    One video recorder set, six tapes, a digital camera and a stone. North Korea laid out its evidence Tuesday against two American journalists sentenced to hard labor for entering the country illegally. The country's official news agency reported that the journalists, Lisa Ling and Euna Lee, documented their journey into communist North Korea, even pocketing a stone to commemorate the illicit trip across the frozen Tumen River from China. "We've just entered a North Korean courtyard without permission," the Korean translation of their videotape narration said, according to Korean Central News Agency. Ling, 32, and Lee, 36, who work for former Vice President Al Gore's California-based Current TV media group, were sentenced last Monday to 12 years of hard labor in a North Korean prison for illegal entry and "hostile acts."
Energy Net

3 guards at Y-12 suspended - The Oak Ridger - 0 views

    Three guards have been suspended for bringing video game devices, including one with transmitting capability, into the heart of a high-security nuclear weapons plant in Tennessee. Wackenhut Services spokeswoman Courtney Henry tells The Knoxville News Sentinel that the three security police officers were suspended without pay for an incident three weeks ago at the Department of Energy's Y-12 nuclear weapons plant in Oak Ridge. She said the guards brought electronic game devices into the plant's "protected area" where warhead parts are made, dismantled and recycled. Not even cell phones are permitted there, yet one of the players was a portable Sony PlayStation with transmission capability.
Energy Net

Daily Kos: Nuclear Arms Workers Dying While Fighting US Govt w/video - 0 views

    Recently, President Obama announced his intention to rid the world of nuclear weapons. This is a very worthy goal. Almost daily, we hear about the threat of nuclear proliferation. But little is said about the tens of thousands of US workers who are suffering and dying prematurely due to toxic exposure to radiation, heavy metals and other poisons they received while working in nuclear facilities making or cleaning up after these weapons. Over half a million people worked during the Cold War and WWII to build atomic bombs. 165,000 of them or their survivors have filed claims with the US Government- Department of Labor. Only 1 in 4 have been compensated. * Book of Hearts's diary :: :: * Last month, the PBS show Exposé ran a segment available here (sorry, can't embed it). It was a follow-up to a super investigative series by Laura Frank, published by the now defunct Rocky Mountain News back in July, 2008. There is a lot of info, so I will summarize as much as possible.
Energy Net

AFP: Obama approves UAE civil nuclear deal - 0 views

    US President Barack Obama on Thursday approved a civilian nuclear deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which some observers see as striking a contrast with Iran's defiant nuclear drive. Obama sent the deal, negotiated by the previous Bush administration to Congress, which must now decide within 90 days whether to block the pact, which provides for US-UAE cooperation on peaceful uses of nuclear energy. His memorandum to the secretaries of state and energy, certifying that the deal was in US interests, did not mention US disquiet over a video of an Afghan merchant allegedly being beaten by a member of the UAE royal family, which raised human rights concerns in Congress.
Energy Net

Foreign policy wonks whack nuclear energy - 0 views

    Nonproliferation dangers trump global warming benefits radiationThe foreign policy establishment struck a nerve with the nuclear industry this week with a long report attacking the future of the global nuclear industry. The report, which has the provocative title "Nuclear Energy: Rebirth or Resuscitation" [PDF file], is published by the Carnegie Endowment. It is the latest in a series of mostly critical analyses [transcript, video] which raise the issues of nonproliferation first and cost second without offering plausible alternatives or solutions. The report's author has also testified before Congress that the defined contribution of nuclear energy to address the problem of global warming is "an illusion."
Energy Net

Nuclear loan guarantees ~ next stop grassroots support - 0 views

    "Now that he actively supports the nuclear renaissance, the President needs all the help he can get to convince Congress to add $36 billion to the program The Obama administration served up a welcome surprise Feb 16 with a well-honed speech supporting federal loan guarantees for new nuclear power plants. At the same time, the Department of Energy (DOE) awarded $8.3 billion, out of existing authority of $18.5 billion, to Southern's Vogtle plant. The project plans to build two Westinghouse 1,150 MW AP1000 reactors at a site in Georgia. Another three reactor projects have been short-listed by DOE under the current program. In the 2011 federal budget request to Congress, the President requested the authority to issue an additional $36 billion in federal loan guarantees for new nuclear power plants. (see video below)"
Energy Net

Obama Administration Preparing to Implement Bush/McCain Energy Policy With Taxpayer Bai... - 0 views

    "Published reports indicate that the Obama Administration will announce on Tuesday, February 16, approval of a "conditional" taxpayer loan guarantee to the Southern Company for construction of two new nuclear reactors at its Vogtle site in Georgia. "If the reports are correct, this would be a repudiation of Obama's own campaign statements against subsidies for nuclear power, and the implementation of the worst energy policy excesses of the Bush Administration and failed presidential candidate Sen. John McCain," said Michael Mariotte, executive director of Nuclear Information and Resource Service, a national organization based in Takoma Park, Maryland. NIRS pointed to a video of then-candidate Obama telling voters on December 30, 2007 that he opposed taxpayer subsidies for nuclear power: During the election campaign, McCain called for construction of 45 new reactors in the U.S. by 2030. "Last time I checked," Mariotte said, "McCain lost the election. It's astonishing that his misguided and rejected energy policies live on. It is safe to say that no one voted for Obama in order to give taxpayer money to wealthy nuclear corporations." The Department of Energy's loan guarantee program for reactor construction was established by Congress at the urging of the Bush administration in 2005. In 2007, Congress authorized the program to provide $18.5 Billion in loan guarantees for new reactors. In late January, President Obama proposed nearly tripling the program to $54 Billion. "Few realize that the DOE's program extends beyond simple guarantees. In some cases at least, the loans will come directly from the taxpayers through the little-known Federal Financing Bank (FFB). Thus the taxpayers will be put in the awkward and highly risky position of both providing billions of dollars in loans to giant nuclear corporations and promising to repay the loans if the companies default," explained Mariotte. "With the Congressional Budget Office pre
Energy Net

Clinton adviser intervened to help with uranium deal, ex-Kazakh official says - washing... - 0 views

    "An adviser to former president Bill Clinton intervened in 2005 to help win Kazakh approval of a uranium mining deal benefiting a major donor to the Clinton Foundation, according to a video statement made by the former chief of Kazakhstan's state nuclear firm. "
Energy Net

Charlotte Dennett: David v. Goliath, Vermont Style: The Death of Nuclear Power in Vermont? - 0 views

    "A driving snowstorm could not keep Vermonters away from the statehouse in Montpelier last week as the Vermont Senate convened a historic debate and then voted on the future of the state's aging nuclear power plant. Some 1300 people -- most of them standing before live video coverage outside the small, overcrowded Senate chamber -- listened to several hours of respectful debate that even included the proposition of building a new nuclear power plant in Vermont as per President Obama's pro-nuclear agenda. But when it was all over, senators from both parties resoundingly voted against a last-minute amendment for a new plant to replace the old one, and similarly defeated re-licensure of Vermont Yankee in 2012 by a vote of 26 to 4. "
Energy Net

VY says no to documentary film maker - Brattleboro Reformer - 0 views

    "The Vermont Public Service Board wants to know why Vermont Yankee management has refused to allow a documentary film maker to bring his camera on a site visit on Thursday. Yankee has until noon today to respond to Robbie Leppzer's request to allow him to film the PSB's visit, it wrote in a letter to the power plant's managers. Leppzer, who has been following the debate over Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant's future, said he only wants the chance to tell the story from both sides Last week, he learned his attempt to present an impartial account of the issue was thwarted when his request to allow him to bring his video equipment to the site was refused. "I've been seeking the viewpoints and perspectives of all sides of the nuclear power debate including Entergy representatives and Vermont Yankee staff," said Leppzer. "I was looking forward to filming at the PSB site visit as a way of showing the work they are doing and their transparency with government." Leppzer said he's been filming public hearings, meetings of the Legislature and legislative committees, a town meeting and public workshops such as those recently held by Entergy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. "
Energy Net

NPT TV - Reprocessing Waste - 0 views

    "Arjun Makhijani, Head of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, explains the problems in dealing with nuclear waste and dangers related to reprocessing. Share this More from Arjun Makhijani Reprocessing Waste Nuclear Energy: Irrelevant? Nuclear Deterrence Nuclear Waste: French Style"
Energy Net

The BRAD BLOG : VIDEO: ABC's Diane Sawyer on Sibel Edmonds, FBI Whistleblower, First Am... - 0 views

    In advance of tomorrow's related story [Update: That story now posted here], I thought you might appreciate a quick look at the following if you've never seen it before. Diane Sawyer narrates the story of FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds as she was awarded the 2006 PEN/Newman's Own First Amendment Award. In the bargain, it's also worth remembering that Sawyer herself is at least aware of Edmonds, who she is, and some of what she's had to go through, further begging the question of why ABC News has failed to even note --- much less investigate and/or cover --- the recent revelations of bribery and blackmail of current and former U.S. Congressmembers and high-ranking State and Defense Department officials, and the theft and sale of nuclear secrets by agents of Turkey and Israel, as detailed in her sworn deposition in August, and remarkable AmCon cover-story interview which followed it late last month...
    In advance of tomorrow's related story [Update: That story now posted here], I thought you might appreciate a quick look at the following if you've never seen it before. Diane Sawyer narrates the story of FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds as she was awarded the 2006 PEN/Newman's Own First Amendment Award. In the bargain, it's also worth remembering that Sawyer herself is at least aware of Edmonds, who she is, and some of what she's had to go through, further begging the question of why ABC News has failed to even note --- much less investigate and/or cover --- the recent revelations of bribery and blackmail of current and former U.S. Congressmembers and high-ranking State and Defense Department officials, and the theft and sale of nuclear secrets by agents of Turkey and Israel, as detailed in her sworn deposition in August, and remarkable AmCon cover-story interview which followed it late last month...
Energy Net

OpEdNews - Article: The UN Cover Up of Ionizing Radiation Health FX - 0 views

    I watched this video click here earlier today on Russian TV in which Dr.Chris Busby, British scientist and expert on the health effects of ionizing radiation, says that what is most similar between Fukushima and Chernobyl is how much we are being lied to about the seriousness of the consequences. He actually said that Fukushima may be worse because of the high population in the area.  Sadly, I spent the rest of the day learning about one of the most evil and horrific scientific and political coverups of all time.
Energy Net

DOE: Blue Ribbon Commission Webcast on America's Nuclear Future - 0 views

    Date: July 7, 2010 The Blue Ribbon Commission on American's Nuclear Future (the Commission) was established in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended, 5 U.S.C. App. 2, and as directed by the President's Memorandum for the Secretary of Energy dated January 29, 2010: Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future. This charter establishes the Commission under the authority of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
Energy Net

Hundreds show up for uranium mining study hearing | Lynchburg News Advance - 0 views

    1.5 minute report on uranium mining plans in Virginia
Energy Net

Barn fire led to waste discovery, investigation - Kalamazoo News - The Latest News, Blo... - 0 views

    The call came in just after 11 p.m. from a passing motorist on Interstate 94, who reported a grass fire. When Texas Township firefighters arrived, they instead found a large pole barn on fire at 10135 West O Ave. The property owner, Donald Haugen, a garden hose in hand, told firefighters he had it under control and that they could leave. Firefighters were skeptical. "The walls were beginning to collapse inside, as well as portions of the roof," Texas Township Fire Chief Jim Williams said in a report on the Aug. 19 blaze. "Looking inside of the structure, I could see many unidentified barrels, as well as barrels that were on fire. I had also heard several small explosions from within the barn."
Energy Net

High-risk Hanford burial ground cleaned up (w/ video) - Tri-City Herald - 0 views

    Hanford workers have finished cleaning up a high risk burial ground a mile north of Richland and even closer to the Columbia River. Over the last year they've dug up and hauled away almost 179,000 tons of dirt and debris, some of it contaminated with chemicals or radionuclides, from the 618-7 Burial Ground. Washington Closure Hanford, the Department of Energy contractor assigned the work, researched historical records to try to figure out what might have been disposed of in the burial ground from 1960 to 1973.
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