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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Tracy Varner


SAS® Curriculum Pathways® - 0 views

  • Curriculum Specialists SAS Institute Education Practice The world's largest privately held software company, SAS was founded in academia and has maintained strong ties to the academic community. Those ties grew stronger in 1996 when the company's founders looked back to the classroom and asked: Can the expertise we have developed over the past 25 years enable us to produce technologies that enhance learning? The answer—an enthusiastic Yes—came only after deliberating with educators. SAS Curriculum Pathways is the result of those deliberations. Three qualities have been crucial to our success. Our commitment to teachers Our products work in the classroom in large part because teachers shape every phase of the planning and production process. Our focus on content Our approach is innovative, but our goals are traditional. Teachers, developers, designers, and other specialists clarify content in the core disciplines. We target content difficult to convey with conventional methods—topics where doing and seeing provide information and encourage insights in ways that textbooks cannot. Our approach to technology Our products make learning more profound and efficient, not simply more entertaining. Audio, visual, and interactive components all reinforce the educational objectives identified by teachers. Year after year, SAS Curriculum Pathways earns awards for educational technologies and, more importantly, we earn the support of teachers, students, and parents. For more information: Product Demo Awards News SAS' Commitment to Education SAS Institute Education Practice

Welcome · Digital Public Library of America - 0 views

    The DPLA offers a single point of access to millions of items-photographs, manuscripts, books, sounds, moving images, and more-from libraries, archives, and museums around the United States. Users can browse and search the DPLA's collections by timeline, map, format, and topic; save items to customized lists; and share their lists with others. Users can also explore digital exhibitions curated by the DPLA's content partners and staff.

A is for ACER SACCHARUM (sugar maple) - 0 views

    • Tracy Varner
  • Our maple has been a good friend to our family over the years, and perhaps especially to me. How many hours, weeks, seasons have I spent looking out my window at this tree? I don't know; I can't count that hig
  • My window maple is an unremarkable specimen. It's probably 60 feet tall, maybe 75 years old. I can estimate its age with some confidence from the size of its base, and also because it has been a part of the setting here for not that much longer than I have.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • To be sure, the sugar maple has uses beyond furnishing matter for meditation to the easily distracted. No tree in New England works harder on man's behalf. It is by no means the biggest tree in our woods; the oldest pines and hemlocks regularly grow taller. It's not the longest-lived; those same pines and hemlocks, and some oaks, go back further. Nor is it our most celebrated, or storied, tree, an honor that must go to the American elm, decimated by disease in recent decades, but whose survivors recall the beloved elms, of which every New England village formerly seemed to have had one, under which George Washington must surely have stopped to refresh himself once upon a time.
    "Because rural New England is a well-watered and well-wooded region, people here live much with trees -- trees not only as a natural resource, but for other purposes, as well. Every country place has on it one or more trees that are more than large, unmoving elements of the landscape. They are familiar spirits -- proprietary trees, so to speak -- domesticated trees, trees that owing to their beauty, their history, their location, seem to have a special connection to the place and the people on it."

Saturday's debt-ceiling surprise: GOP and Obama are talking again - 0 views

    • Tracy Varner
      Found this but I'm not sure if this is what we are looking for...
  • There were signs of movement toward a potential resolution of the federal government's debt ceiling crisis after both the House and Senate met in unusual Saturday sessions notable for partisan fireworks.
  • House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D) of California and Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D) of Nevada were called to the White House for a 3:30 p.m. meeting about debt-ceiling negotiations with President Obama.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Senator McConnell said that he had spoken to both Mr. Obama and Vice President Joe Biden "in the last hour," and that the White House was "now fully engaged" in conversations with the two Republican leaders about the debt-ceiling crisis.
  • On Saturday, House Republicans essentially showed the Senate that it could play the same game.
    "There were signs of movement toward a potential resolution of the federal government's debt ceiling crisis after both the House and Senate met in unusual Saturday sessions notable for partisan fireworks."

As American as Modern Architecture - 0 views

    • Tracy Varner
      Is this good info for our paper?
  • The Republic, founded, owned and operated by five generations of a local family, the Browns, is Columbus, Indiana's hometown daily. Columbus is a city of about 44,000 people, an hour south of Indianapolis.
  • 20th century's greatest architects, including Eliel Saarinen, Eero Saarinen, Cesar Pelli, Charles Gwathmey and Robert Siegel, Richard Meier, Robert Venturi, Kevin Roche and I.M. Pei.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Miller started with a building, one that no one would ignore -- an elementary school.
    "Harry McCawley looks and sounds like a small-town character, in the best tradition. "It billed itself as the world's fastest growing newspaper," he recalled of his employer, The Republic, when he was hired 49 years ago. McCawley, 71, now associate editor, with a head of white hair and wearing a blue button-down shirt open at the collar, tilted back in his seat, a touch of Mark Twain, Frank Capra and Thornton Wilder in his story. "I got there, and realized that they came by that because they'd only been in business a couple of days," he said."

Construct 2 the HTML5 Game Maker - - 0 views

    "Make Games! No programming required Create beautiful games with Construct 2, the HTML5 game maker. Download the Free Edition and discover your creative potential. Unlock your inner game maker!"

Fix Out-of-Sync Audio in VLC with a Keyboard Shortcut - 1 views

    "There are few things more aggravating than trying to watch a video whose audio is about one second too slow. Here's a quick fix for the problem in VLC. "

Open Education and the Common Core State Standards - 1 views

    "We're excited to invite you to check out two new tools in OER Commons. One is for aligning OER to the Common Core State Standards and the second is a tool to evaluate the quality of a particular resource. Over 1,000 open resources have been vetted by teachers and curriculum specialists using our tools. Look here to see what has already been evaluated and aligned to the Common Core State Standards."

Google Sketch-Up SOLD! Try these Web-based 3D / CAD apps! Tinkercad & 3DTin - 0 views

    Try these nifty free Web-based 3D/CAD apps to replace the recently sold Google Sketch-Up.

HippoCampus - Homework and Study Help - Free help with your algebra, biology, environme... - 0 views

    -- MIX your own media Playlists using content from any collection --TRACK what media is "trending" this week for your subject area --FIND what media is rated highest by other HippoCampus users --SHARE your customized HippoCampus with your students and friends

Interactive - The World of Seven Billion - 0 views

    Interactive map showing where and how we live.
    Great interactive map from National Geographic! Easy way to work in geography skills.

12 Ways To Use Google Search In School, By Degree Of Difficulty | Edudemic - 0 views

    Great ideas/lessons for teaching students how to search efficiently!

The Scale of the Universe 2 - 0 views

    If you've ever wondered how big a Tyrannosaurus rex is compared to a beach ball, or wanted to discover the relative size of parsecs and Oort clouds and weirdly named nebulae, we have the site for you. Get ready for hours of endless fun! Okay, more like minutes, but we definitely recommend some high-speed scroll-zooming.
    Check this out! So much fun :-)

Collaborize Classroom Common Core White Paper - 0 views

    "This white paper offers educators a vehicle to teach students more effectively, while addressing the Common Core State Standards using a blended learning model that combines face-to-face instruction with asynchronous work done online."
    This site offers a White Paper regarding the use of a Collaborize Classroom site to address Common Core issues.

Vocaroo - 0 views

    "Vocaroo is a shiny new service for sending voice messages across the interwebs. "
    Right now, only functioning from school computers on FHSD network. Guest network not currently configured to allow students access on their own devices; however, a ticket has been submitted.

Google Drive - 0 views

    Check out these features!
    Here are the features of Google Drive! Tracy
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