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Beverlyn Juma

Newport International Group Tokyo Fashion Trends on Analysis: Retail's grandest global ... - 1 views

For bricks-and-mortar retailers, store design matters. The ever-increasing demands of shoppers who want to be inspired mean stores must make retailers stand out. A store's interior design often ge...

Newport International Group Tokyo Fashion Trends on Analysis: Retail's grandest global designs

started by Beverlyn Juma on 30 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
Beverlyn Juma

Newport International Runway Group Latest Trends Going the extra mile for fair-trade fa... - 1 views

Newport International Runway Group Latest Trends - On Christmas Day, Dean Newcombe and fellow Tokyo fashion model Sofi Bevan swapped the comfort of the catwalk for something considerably less glamo...

newport international runway group latest trends

started by Beverlyn Juma on 07 Feb 15 no follow-up yet
Lexi Bell Cooper

Newport International Runway Group: Michael Kors To Open Largest Flagship In Japan - 1 views

U.S. designer Michael Kors has announced plans to open a new store in Tokyo's Ginza district in the fall. The 7,800-square-foot flagship, located on Chuo Street, is the first free-standing Michael...

Newport International Runway Group Michael Kors To Open Largest Flagship In Japan

started by Lexi Bell Cooper on 11 Feb 15 no follow-up yet
Beverlyn Juma

International Newport Group Madrid and Hong Kong Reviews - 1 views

    I woke up so depressed on Tuesday morning," says Katharine Hamnett - evenly, quietly, the way she says everything. "I felt like killing myself, and then I thought, 'Actually, I'm going to launch a political party.'" I look for a trace of irony, and although she is - contrary to popular stereotype - entirely capable of humour, dry and pointed, and possessed of a generous capacity for fun, she is not, just now, being ironic. At all. On Easter Monday she attended the CND march at Aldermaston, wearing ("under about 25 layers", because of the cold) one of two T-shirts she designed for the occasion - Education not Trident, and NHS not Trident - and, atop a flatbed truck, gave a three-minute speech at five of the facility's gates. Today, sitting in an east London bar, she gets out a big hardback notebook containing emphatic scribbles about investment returns on education as opposed to Trident (she says up to 10.8% on £100bn, simply from the higher taxes paid by better-educated people, as opposed to "some outdated warheads and some rusty, very expensive submarines"); the needy vanity of having nuclear weapons ("there's a huge amount of testosterone involved in the nuclear [power] … Fukushima's probably the ultimate orgasm, isn't it? It just goes on and on"). Later she will list the far-reaching health and agricultural ramifications of the accident in Japan, describe the PR muscle at energy company EDF, list the ex-cabinet ministers and their relations who have taken jobs relating to the nuclear industry … It was the march, and the fact that it still had to happen in 2013, plus the fact that the government is not only committed to renewing Trident, but is intending to do so while making such savage cuts to the welfare state, that made her feel so depressed. Read more:
Flynn Stewart

Newport International Group London Fashion Week: UK style walks tall once again - 1 views

Source British Fashion Council boss Caroline Rush reveals new deals as sector leaders arrive in London. Sunday marks the mid-point of London Fashion Week, the twice-yearly, five-day trade show tha...

International Group London Fashion Week: UK style walks tall once again newport

started by Flynn Stewart on 15 Sep 13 no follow-up yet
Venus Love

This joyous performance will do more for fashion's health than Femen stunts - 1 views

Rick Owens's designs for a team of athletes achieved far more during Paris fashion week than Femen's topless protest Fashion week is one of those things that completely dominate your life for eig...

This joyous performance will do more for fashion's health than Femen stunts

started by Venus Love on 01 Oct 13 no follow-up yet
Beverlyn Juma

Newport International Group Runway, Fashion Week Tokyo: open season - 1 views

Fashion Week Tokyo showcases the city's multi-faceted style landscape If you noticed a few more model-types, street-style photographers and fashionistas lingering around Shibuya last week, then yo...

Fashion Week Tokyo open season Newport International Group Runway

started by Beverlyn Juma on 02 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
Ruffa Bradley

London Collections: Men - why fashion shows are relevant to your life - 1 views

Menswear fashion shows might seem a world apart from what we wear on a daily basis but, as Stephen Doig discovers, there's plenty that works into your real life wardrobe. Ask your average metropo...

London Collections Men why fashion shows are relevant to your life

started by Ruffa Bradley on 06 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
Francis Williams

Tokyo Newport International Runway Group Tokyo Fashion: Art Project BCTION to Open in K... - 1 views

The art project “BCTION” will open from Sept 1 to 15 in a building located in Kojimachi, Tokyo. The building will be demolished after the event closes. This project is led by artist Kou...

Art Project BCTION to Open in Kojimachi Tokyo Newport International Runway Group Fashion

started by Francis Williams on 04 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
dorothy moore liked it
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