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Dena Dyer

Hope Works Well When Used With Action | Delightful Work#comment-26648#comment-26648 - 0 views

    HF is my all-time favorite movie, and I love the Gena Rowlands character (who plays Sandra B.'s character's mom). She's such a great blend and balance of hope and realism. I hadn't thought of the movie as applicable to business concepts, but I guess it is. Thanks for the insights! BTW, welcome to High Calling Blogs. I hope you'll find it as inspirational and welcoming as I have.
Dena Dyer

Business on a Mission - 0 views

    I love the term "Socially Responsive" business. The non-profit I work for has a goal of treating ALL people with dignity and helping them become self-sufficient: "providing help, creating hope" is our tagline. I also really like your blog and am glad you've joined the High Calling network. I look forward to interacting with you and getting to know you better!
Dena Dyer

Delicate Fortress Creations: The Enterprising Kitchen (TEK) Closes - 2 views

    "How sad. I work at a non-profit and we recently had to close an afterschool program for youth in the poor part of town. Funders have lost so much money in the recession, and it's a trickle-down effect. I pray this wonderful organization finds the funds and spirit to re-start, or that the women who were being benefits from it can receive help and encouragement elsewhere. Thanks for joining the High Calling Network. I love what you're doing with your business and blog! "
Dena Dyer

Raise the Risk - 0 views

    Brooke, we're really glad to have you in the blog network at The High Calling. We look forward to getting to know you better. Raising the risk is something we talk a LOT about, and I hope you'll contribute to our discussions as you can. (I'm a mom of two, as well, and my hubby was a youth minister when the boys were small. So I know you're busy!) :) Welcome, again…see you around THC!
Dena Dyer

Know, Like and Trust - EmmanuelPress - 1 views

    Chris, it was good to see your name pop up in the new sites for THC! :) Congrats on your new business. And you're so right-now is a terrific time to be in ministry. We have more tools at our disposal than ever before. I'm glad there are people like you out there, teaching (and showing) people how to use them effectively.
Dena Dyer

Oppressing your employees is as sinful as adultery | In HIS Name HR - 0 views

    I am so glad someone is talking about this, in a public forum. I've been in both kinds of jobs--those where my worth has been extremely valued, and those where I've felt like a business expense. In the first, benefits were offered (not just wages, as you accurately said) which made me more loyal. In the latter, I felt used, abused, and cranky. God's wisdom ALWAYS trumps the world's. Always. Thanks for posting this, and for joining The High Calling. We're so glad to have you aboard!
Cheryl Smith

Journey of Kingdom Business: Feeling Your Pain - 0 views

    Wow! What an incredible gift you gave this employee. You let them leave with dignity and with provision, and I'm sure God taught you and your husband much along the way as well.  Blessings, and welcome to The High Calling!
Cheryl Smith

Christian Business Crossroads - 0 views

shared by Cheryl Smith on 28 Aug 10 - Cached
    New "work" member
Cheryl Smith

Creating from Polarity - 0 views

    I didn't see a badge or actual blog here. It may be simply a one way business venture. Not sure.
Dena Dyer

Christian Business Woman: Just Different Enough - 0 views

    "Vanessa, this is a great concept for a blog and I'm thrilled you've joined THC! I hope you'll really plug in and let us learn from you...hopefully, you'll find a lot of kindred spirits in the network. :) "
Dena Dyer

Journey of Kingdom Business: Work Might be Boring, Significantly - 0 views

    Angela, I loved this piece. Short and poignant. And so relevant for our readers at The High Calling, so I linked to it as a featured post. Congrats! Here's the link: We're so pleased to have you as a new member.
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