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How Twitter Users Can Generate Better Ideas - 1 views

  • Jobs instructed the architect of Pixar’s new headquarters to design physical space that encouraged staff to get out of their offices and mingle, particularly with those with whom they normally wouldn’t interact. Jobs believed that serendipitous exchanges fueled innovation
  • The more diverse a person’s social network, the more likely that person is to be innovative.
    • djplaner
      When it comes to teachers engaging with e-learning, how diverse are their networks?
  • Just exposing oneself to diverse fields, opinions and beliefs on Twitter by itself is not sufficient to enhance innovativeness. Additional capabilities are needed to ensure that the ideas triggered via Twitter can be transformed into actual innovative outcomes
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  • In particular, two activities emerged as being significantly correlated with increasing individual absorptive capacity and personal innovation: “idea scouting” and “idea connecting.” In an earlier paper that two of us coauthored, we defined an idea scout as an employee who looks outside the organization to bring in new ideas. An idea connector, meanwhile, is someone who can assimilate the external ideas and find opportunities within the organization to implement these new concepts.5
    Description of research exploring the impact of network participation and diversity on the quality of ideas/innovation.

What is Open Pedagogy? | Teaching and Learning Innovations at CI - 1 views

  • Agency, risk, creativity, unpredictability, empowerment — these are characteristics of open pedagogy that are much tougher to cultivate in an LMS.
    Academic talks about adopting open pedagogy. An approach that has a lot of resonance with netgl

Groups Vs Networks: The Class Struggle Continues ~ Stephen's Web - 0 views

shared by thaleia66 on 26 Aug 15 - Cached
    • thaleia66
      Group - melting pot; Network - salad bowl. Put in a food metaphor, and suddenly I get it!
  • Groups require coordination. They require a leadership or a leader which is why we get all of this stuff on leadership.
  • Networks, by contrast, require autonomy. That is to say each individual in a network operates independently.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • a radical concept. Students can learn autonomously. Who would have believed?

Too Big to Know: David Weinberger explains how knowledge works in the Internet age - Bo... - 1 views

  • Weinberger presents us with a long, fascinating account of how knowledge itself changes in the age of the Internet
  • That is, the kind of question whose answer depends on what you, personally, do to make the answer come true.
    • djplaner
      Begging the question, What are the "good" things to do?
  • He explores the merits and demerits of "echo chambers" -- the fact that it's easier to get stuff done if you exclude those who question all of your axioms
    A reading for Week 6. Apparently not shared to the Diigo group before. Feel free to annotate and discuss

Watch The Next Web's Vine, "There's an app for that... 1980's vs. 2015 [created by Harv... - 1 views

    A Vine that illustrates the evolution of technology on a office desk from 1980 to 2015. Two questions. What would a similar Vine of a classroom look like? This Vine shows an evolution over the last 25 years, what would a 2040 Vine look like? What would it would look like for your classroom.

The Most Dangerous Word in Education - 0 views

    Short post focusing on the problem of "integrating" as the most dangerous word in education. Links to the S & A from SAMR and the R & A from the RAT framework
    What this means from a network perspective is at least two-fold. 1) Take all these neat new netgl stuff and integrate it into current educational practice. Which is probably not going to be a great outcome. It's more about what you can fundamentally change. 2) From a network perspective you have to connect new knowledge into your current knowledge (current network). Isn't that a form of integration? If learning is network construction, can you do anything but integrate? Or does integrate suggest a form of network construction where you haven't really leveraged the new knowledge & your existing knowledge to produce something really unique?

Beyond Borders: Global Learning in a Networked World - 0 views

    How MOOC have and will change our school system.

Connectivism and Connective Knowledge - YouTube - 0 views

shared by sharonngl on 23 Aug 15 - No Cached
    I really liked the way this lady explained connectivism and connective knowledge - it helped me understand how to use networks to learn.

Traditional pedagogic factories usurp cyber-utopian dreams | Giverny's Posits, Ponderan... - 0 views

    A short post the summarises the "war" between traditional hierarchica/factory-like approaches to education (almost all formal education institutions) and the more de-centarlised network-based approach characeterised by cMOOCs (the original MOOC model). This is a challenge you (and I) face in trying to bring network ideas into formal education. The link to Dave Cormier's work in the comments is a good one, I recommend following it up.

Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge - ICTEvangelist - 1 views

    • ozangel4
      I found this wonderful to know that there has been a model to help us make sense of how we can coordinate and stimulate learning with the use of ict in the classroom

Networks as Relationships - Keep Learning - 1 views

    • ozangel4
      How fun this could be. Especially as an ice breaker.
    One explanation of networks and what they are.

Connectivism: Learning theory of the future or vestige of the past? | Kop | The Interna... - 1 views

  • To what extent do existing learning theories meet the needs of today’s learners, and anticipate the needs of learners of the future?
  • If older theories are to be replaced by connectivism, then what are the grounds for this measure?
  • If connectivism is to build on older theories, how is the integration of the old and new theories to be conducted?
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • The wide range of approaches and learning paths that are available to redesign curricula cause friction for educators and instructional designers who are required to deliver course materials in accordance with learning outcomes prescribed and mandated by educational institutions.
  • Connectivism stresses that two important skills that contribute to learning are the ability to seek out current information, and the ability to filter secondary and extraneous information.  Simply put, “The capacity to know is more critical than what is actually known” (Siemens, 2008, para. 6)
  • the way in which global networks and communities of interest are currently being formed through emerging technologies is encouraging young people, in particular, to develop new, creative, and different forms of communication and knowledge creation outside formal education
    • Charmian LORD
      do I classify as young? :)
  • Siemens (2006b) highlights other factors that may inform the development of a new learning theory, namely “how we teach, how we design curriculum, the spaces and structures of learning, and the manner in which we foster and direct critical and creative thought in our redesign of education” (p. 6).
  • roponents of connectivism are “exploring a model of learning that reflects the network-like structure evident in online interactions,” (p. 12) but is this enough to constitute its formulation as a new learning theory, and does connectivism have anything new to offer?
  • The developmental implications of Downes’ definitions of learning and knowledge are far-reaching.  If learning transpires via connections to nodes on the network, then it follows that the maximization of learning can best be achieved through identifying the properties of effective networks, which is precisely what Downes sets out to achieve in Learning Networks and Connective Knowledge.
  • his will undoubtedly cause friction in institutions and class rooms, particularly as (adult) educators themselves do not always feel comfortable with the new developments because they have not been shown adequately, or explored for themselves, how the new and emerging technologies could enhance their working practice.
    • Charmian LORD
      This is the issue I am facing.  People need time to work it out, good questions about the use of technology and information about how it will not increase their workload or decrease it (leading to a lack of work).  Is this possible?  How possible?
  • A paradigm shift, indeed, may be occurring in educational theory, and a new epistemology may be emerging, but it does not seem that connectivism’s contributions to the new paradigm warrant it being treated as a separate learning theory in and of its own right.  Connectivism, however, continues to play an important role in the development and emergence of new pedagogies, where control is shifting from the tutor to an increasingly more autonomous learner.

The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms ... - Scott E. ... - 0 views

shared by sharonngl on 16 Aug 15 - No Cached
    Group learning

Re-imagining school | Playlist | - 1 views

  • What we're learning from online education Daphne Koller is enticing top universities to put their most intriguing courses online for free — not just as a service, but as a way to research how people learn. With Coursera (cofounded by Andrew Ng), each keystroke, quiz, peer-to-peer discussion and self-graded assignment builds an unprecedented pool of data on how knowledge is processed.
    The xMOOC approach - which is the label for Coursera and most of the "AI" driven MOOCs - is taken a very automated approach. The idea that algorithms and automation can help. Personally, I think this is an incomplete foundation for learning. For me networked learning is better based on the idea of using technologies to help/augment people, rather than remove them from the process. The cMOOC approach is more along those lines, but has only started to scratch the surface.
    I wonder whether different kinds of MOOCs are more suited to different contexts or to different disciplines, or even to different learning styles or aptitudes? For me, the more ad hoc nature of a cMOOC approach seems somewhat incomplete also. There are times when I'd rather put myself in the hands of a trusted, experienced guide, and if this guide has recognised the common pitfalls on the trail - through algorithms and automation - all the better. I wonder if there's room for a blended approach. Aren't you using algorithms and automation to grade our work for this course, David?

2020 Vision: Outlook for online learning in 2014 and way beyond | Tony Bates - 3 views

  • In 2020, people won’t be talking about online learning as such. It will be so integrated with teaching and learning that it will be like talking today about whether we should use classrooms.
  • Because academic content is almost all open, free and easily accessible over the Internet, students will not pay tuition fees for content delivery, but for services such as academic guidance and learning support, and these fees will vary depending on the level of service required.
  • Lastly, and most significantly, the priority for teaching will have changed from information transmission and organization to knowledge management, where students have the responsibility for finding, analyzing, evaluating, sharing and applying knowledge, under the direction of a skilled subject expert. Project-based learning, collaborative learning and situated or experiential learning will become much more widely prevalent. Also many instructors will prefer to use the time they would have spent on a series of  lectures in providing more direct, individual and group learner support, thus bringing them into closer contact with learners.
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  • written exams will have been replaced by assessment through multimedia portfolios of student work. These will show not only students’ current knowledge and competencies, but also their progression over time, and a range of equally important skills, such as their ability to work collaboratively, self-management of learning, and general communication skills. Assessment will be mainly on a continuous, on-going basis.
  • you are in a position to influence a different kind of vision
  • t will become increasingly difficult for institutions to protect student data and their privacy. This may turn out to be the biggest challenge for students, institutions, and government
  • Since content will be freely accessible, institutions’ reputation and branding will increasingly depend on the way they support learners. This will put much greater emphasis on instructors having good teaching skills as well as subject expertise.
  • They will have lost students to more prestigious universities and high status vocationally oriented institutions using online and flexible learning to boost their numbers.
    • djplaner
      This has been a common prediction for almost 20 years. It hasn't happened yet. Not to say it won't, but I'm not yet confident of the ability of the "fewer institutions" to effectively deal with the diversity and quantity of learners they are likely to get. Dealing with large cohorts of diverse students seems to be assumed to be easier than it actually is.
    "Systematic faculty development and training"
    I wonder if there'll be a separation of duties within multidisciplinary teams working together that include content specialists, media and design specialists, online teachers and classroom teachers all having collaborative but separate roles. It's becoming less and less practical for academics to think they can do it all.

A networked learning presentation TED - 1 views

    It's easier to watch than read sometimes...
    It's easier to watch than read sometimes...
    It's easier to watch than read sometimes...

The Pomodoro Technique® - Time Management Skills From - 1 views

    • ozangel4
      A very interesting technique picked up in my MOOC -Learning how to learn. Hopefully it may help us to learn and to understand as we teach our participants

Sugata Mitra: Build a School in the Cloud | TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript | - 1 views

  • I tried to look at where did the kind of learning we do in schools, where did it come from? And you can look far back into the past, but if you look at present-day schooling the way it is, it's quite easy to figure out where it came from. It came from about 300 years ago
  • They created a global computer made up of people. It's still with us today. It's called the bureaucratic administrative machine. In order to have that machine running, you need lots and lots of people. They made another machine to produce those people: the school. The schools would produce the people who would then become parts of the bureaucratic administrative machine. They must be identical to each other. They must know three things: They must have good handwriting, because the data is handwritten; they must be able to read; and they must be able to do multiplication, division, addition and subtraction in their head.
  • schools as we know them now, they're obsolete. I'm not saying they're broken. It's quite fashionable to say that the education system's broken. It's not broken. It's wonderfully constructed. It's just that we don't need it anymore. It's outdated.
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  • The Victorians were great engineers. They engineered a system that was so robust that it's still with us today, continuously producing identical people for a machine that no longer exists.
  • We know that people will work from wherever they want, whenever they want, in whatever way they want. How is present-day schooling going to prepare them for that world?
  • If you allow the educational process to self-organize, then learning emerges. It's not about making learning happen. It's about letting it happen.
  • The teacher sets the process in motion and then she stands back in awe and watches as learning happens.
  • We need to shift that balance back from threat to pleasure.
  • think we need a curriculum of big questions.
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