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Vicki Davis

Ebooks Get the Respect They Deserve at 'Download the Universe' - Rebecca J. Rosen - Tec... - 0 views

    A community of writers and scientists are reviewing and discussing scientific ebooks at Download the Universe. eBooks aren't where they are going to be. I'm toying with the idea of producing my own ebook after this next project because I haven't really seen what I think is possible in an ebook but have already storyboarded my own private thoughts in this area. This is a fascinating once in history experience to be part of a major trend as books evolve from paper to ebook. I'm excited! Take a look. "e-readers have opened up a period of great innovation in how we convey and consume "books," but, as of yet, these new products have not met with the sorts of rigorous and routine reviews that new printed books receive. But a new project, Download the Universe, aims to change that. Led by a set of some of the top science writers in the country -- including Carl Zimmer, Steve Silberman, and Atlantic contributor David Dobbs -- the site aims to provide reviews of new straight-to-ebook science books."
Elena Ares

College of Engineering releases iPad app - Valparaiso University - 1 views

  • Designed to be an attractive way to keep in touch with current students, faculty, alumni, and friends of the university, the application offers flexibility in presenting in-depth stories, exciting videos, and beautiful photo galleries.
  • We created the iPad app with mobility in mind, allowing for a full reading experience when both connected and not connected to WiFi or 3G internet,
  • The app has a cutting-edge digital media design and an intuitive interface, allowing individuals to be connected with the University and the College of Engineering
    "The Valparaiso University College of Engineering has released a new digital magazine for the iPad, which will connect the college to many constituents through an interactive digital community." iPads are not only used for education, but for interaction throughout the classroom- or campus, as it may be.
    New digital college magazine allowing students to connect with events, a digital community, and digital news all available on iPad!
Rachel Petraglia

iPad Innovation: Diminishing Returns, Or Exceeding Expectations? - 2 views

    This article gives an opinion on new innovations within Apple. For example, the article mentions the new iPad that has recently been released.
Julie Lindsay

The 8 industries that can best utilize Apple's new iPad | TabTimes - 0 views

    3. Education There are two opportunities for schools and universities, and the first doesn't really directly concern the latest iPad. Instead, it is the impact that the new iPad will have on the iPad 2, as the expected price reduction will make this tablet much more accessible for finance-restricted education establishments. Of course, there is also an opportunity with the new iPad for those with bigger budgets. The additional apps for movie making could make Apple's latest tablet a great tool for subjects like media studies, or in higher education, broadcast journalism training.

Six new institutions join edX - MIT News Office - 0 views

    A source describing new institutions joining edX
Joshua Shuck

Gesture-based computing? It's as 'Izi' as waving your hand - 0 views

    Izi software indroducing new gesture based computing used for games and entertainment as well as other uses.
patrick hancock

Plans made for radio tracking system | Otago Daily Times Online News : Otago, South Isl... - 0 views

    radio tracking system to monitor collection items at the museum
Elena Ares

How to integrate a tablet computer into your life - The Next Web - 1 views

  • The form factor that a tablet provides means that you can still watch a movie or video without it being too small, but a tablet is also much more mobile than carrying a laptop around with your everywhere. Tablets can access a wide variety of content as well. In Canada, th
  • e majority of major media companies have released iPad apps so you can watch their content right on your device.
  • it’s no longer necessary for you to print out the majority of documents.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • a tablet is an excellent way to find and read the news. Many major publications offer RSS feeds of their content that is exactly the same as it would appear in their print editions, or they at least link to their website so that you canAn RSS reader app can collect these feeds and present them to you on your iPad so that you don’t need to look at multiple different websites to find all the news you want to read.
  • having a tablet handy means you always have a great way to take down notes and you always have access to them, unlike that piece of scrap paper you probably just lost. Also when you write a note on a tablet, you can easily set them up to sync with your other devices so you can have them no matter what device is at your disposal.
  • it is much easier to pull out a tablet while using public transit if you want to lookup something quickly as opposed to whipping out your laptop.
  • Tablets get the best of both laptops and smartphones!
  • Apple seems to be on a mission to prove this with the release of iMovie and GarageBand for the iPad.
  • even easier to use than their “computer” counterparts
  • Tablets are still in their infancy as far as new technologies go.
  • I think tablets are here to stay, and whether you have an iPad or an Android tablet, there are plenty of benefits to owning one.
    Justification of the purchase of a tablet
    How to make yourself go tablet: how it can help and what it can do for you. 

Are Games the New Norm? - 0 views

    Are games the new norm?????
Vicki Davis

New 3D laser scanner can capture objects over half a mile away | The Verge - 1 views

    We worry about stealing music. Soon people will be able to steal anything and the key to a stable society may just be our ethics.
andrei gausling

Knewton - the future of education? | Learning and Knowledge Analytics - 2 views

  • During the learning analytics conference in Banff, several presenters mentioned the speed at which analytics are moving into policy level decisions in universities and schools. Malcolm Brown, from EDUCAUSE, made the statement that learning analytics “are moving faster than any of us realize”.
    This site is just about Learning  Analytics but its very helpful
    This is actually a really cool site! it talks about  how fast learnign analytics is developing and how it works to improve education
    This artical talks about how leaning anayltics is rapidly increasing in use around in education. It says that the factors for this are business intelligence technology sector increase for accountability and increased entrepreneurial help for the education sector. Learning anaylitics is used to change the education system to a new more personal one that is better than the traditional ways now. Such attempts have brought up new education resources like online learning companies like Pearson who has created blackboard and other sections that collect data and create a new way of learning. The moodle also came out of the Idea for learning anaylics but still maintains a closed system that does not change or adapt.
Vicki Davis

Google to Sell Heads-Up Display Glasses by Year's End - - 0 views

    It is likely we will be asking for Google Glasses for Christmas. These will be android based glasses that we will wear that include 3G and 4G data connection including sensors and GPS detectors. Prepare for a new form factor -- motion and the human eye, we may not be using tablets at all.
Vicki Davis

QR codes - could you use them in your library? « serious fun - 0 views

    This is a great article on how this librarian in New Zealand is using QR codes in their library.
jessica Friday

Wanna Play? Computer Gamers Help Push Frontier Of Brain Research : NPR - 0 views

    News story describing how computer gamers are helping researchers to better understand the brain.

Gamification for Fitness: The New Workplace Norm - 0 views

    games involving fitness

Tablets use for eduction - 0 views

    tablets use for education

MOOC Brigade: Will Massive, Open Online Courses Revolutionize Higher Education? | - 0 views

    Article on new, free courses that are being created online

OVERNIGHT TECH: FCC pushes for tablet computers in schools - The Hill's Hillicon Valley - 0 views

    The beginning of the news story talks about how schools switching to tablets could save money by using "digital textbooks," rather than out-of-date paper textbooks.

Game-Based Learning: How to Delight and Instruct in the 21st Century (EDUCAUSE Review) ... - 0 views

  • erein lies a moral about how videogames (arguably one of the most sophisticated forms of information technology to date) are influencing higher education. To learn more about videogames in academe, I sought out the insights of five leading-edge thinkers in the field: James Paul Gee, J. C. Herz, Randy Hinrichs, Marc Prensky, and Ben Sawyer. All five had traveled to San Jose, California, in March 2004 for the Serious Games Summit at the annual Game Developers Conference.
    Herein lies a moral about how videogames (arguably one of the most sophisticated forms of information technology to date) are influencing higher education. To learn more about videogames in academe, I sought out the insights of five leading-edge thinkers in the field: James Paul Gee, J. C. Herz, Randy Hinrichs, Marc Prensky, and Ben Sawyer. All five had traveled to San Jose, California, in March 2004 for the Serious Games Summit at the annual Game Developers Conference.
    This topic is detailing on how video games are addicting, and one of the ways to learn from them is to bring about a game that is addicting, but also ignites learning. Among this bookmark is lots of questions and answers from educated professionals that explains new dimensions of learning and new transitions our mind is making in different ways.
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