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Wesley Shu

E-Hubs: The New B2B Marketplaces - 0 views

  • Ariba, Chemdex, Commerce One, FreeMarkets, Internet Capital Group, and
  • a classification scheme that gives order to the seeming chaos of the new B2B marketplaces, which we call electronic hubs, or e-hubs.
  • To understand e-hubs, it's useful to understand what businesses buy and how they buy
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Manufacturing inputs are the raw materials and components that go directly into a product or a process.
  • Operating inputs, by contrast, are not parts of finished products. Often called maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) goods, they include things like office supplies, spare parts, airline tickets, and services
  • tend not to be industry specific;
  • Systematic sourcing involves negotiated contracts with qualified suppliers.
  • the contracts tend to be long term
  • In spot sourcing, the buyer's goal is to fulfill an immediate need at the lowest possible cost
  • MRO hubs are horizontal markets that enable systematic sourcing of operating inputs. Yield managers are horizontal markets that enable spot sourcing of operating inputs. Exchanges are vertical markets that enable spot sourcing of manufacturing inputs. Catalog hubs are vertical markets that enable systematic sourcing of manufacturing inputs.
  • Yield managers create spot markets for common operating resources
  • This type of e-hub adds the most value in situations with a high degree of price and demand volatility, such as the electricity and utilities markets, or with huge fixed-cost assets that cannot be liquidated or acquired quickly, such as manpower and manufacturing capacity.
  • The exchange maintains relationships with buyers and sellers, making it easy for them to conduct business without negotiating contracts or otherwise hashing out the terms of relationships
  • Like MRO hubs, catalog hubs bring together many suppliers at one easy-to-use Web site. The only difference is that catalog hubs are industry-specific
  • The B2B Matrix What businesses buy operating inputs manufacturing inputs How businesses buy MRO Hubs: Catalog Hubs: Systematic sourcing Ariba Chemdex W.W. Grainger Yield Managers: Exchanges: Spot sourcing Employease e-Steel Altra Energy IMX Exchange
Wesley Shu

B2B - 0 views

  • Manufacturing inputs: These are raw materials and components that go directly into the products or process
  • Operating inputs: These are not parts of finished goods but include things like office supplies, spare parts, and airline tickets. These are often called maintenance, repair and operating (MRO) goods.
  • Systematic sourcing: this involves negotiated contracts. These arrangements involve long-term relationship between buyer and seller.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Spot sourcing: in this case buyer’s objective to fulfill an immediate need at the lowest possible cost. This does not involve any long-term relation between buyer and seller.
  • a) MRO hubs b) Yield Managers c) Exchanges d) Catalog units
  • MRO (Maintenance, repair and operating hubs): These hubs concentrate on goods with low value. The transaction cost is relatively higher.
  • disintermediate or bypass existing middlemen in the channel
  • Catalog
  • some hubs would work as distributors for suppliers while others would work for buyers in their negotiations with sellers.
  • Yield managers add great value in situations where there is high degree of price and demand volatility, and where fixed assets cannot be liquidated or acquired quickly
  • to effectively manage peaks and ebbs in demand and supply by allowing them to exchange commodities or near commodities for production
Wesley Shu

MRO Software -- an IBM Company : Products : Maximo Integration Solutions : eCommerce Integration - 0 views

  • enables buyers to dynamically collaborate with their suppliers, partners and marketplaces. It enables buyers to browse multiple supplier catalogs, place orders on multiple marketplaces or directly with the suppliers, check order status and process supplier invoices electronically
Wesley Shu

MRO Software -- an IBM Company : Products : Maximo Online Commerce System : Benefits to the Buyer - 0 views

  • Maximo Online Commerce System
  • view supplier catalogs, procure electronically, receive acknowledgements, view Real Time price and stock availability, and check their orders online
  • Reduce or eliminate order processing -- By reducing or eliminating reliance on phone-, fax-, and paper-based manual processes, you can avoid the costs associated with duplication of effort, order processing errors, expensive phone calls, and returns.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • provides a comprehensive infrastructure that enables Maximo customers to dynamically collaborate with their suppliers, partners and marketplaces
  • e-commerce Adapter
  • Desktop Requisitions Desktop Requisitions provides Maximo users with the capabilities to search for and request materials from internal storerooms, supplier online catalogs and e-commerce sites, and marketplaces.
  • Define and manage your maintenance processes from start to finish with Maximo Workflow, the solution that brings streamlined collaboration to your maintenance team.
  • Automatically initiate a workflow process on work requests, preventive maintenance tasks, and inventory reorders
  • Workflow
Wesley Shu

E-procurement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Web-based ERP (Electronic Resource Planning): Creating and approving purchasing requisitions, placing purchase orders and receiving goods and services by using a software system based on Internet technology.
  • e-MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Operating): The same as web-based ERP except that the goods and services ordered are non-product related MRO supplies.
  • e-sourcing: Identifying new suppliers
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • e-tendering: Sending requests for information and prices to suppliers
  • e-reverse auctioning: Using Internet technology to buy goods and services from a number of known or unknown suppliers.
  • e-informing: Gathering and distributing purchasing information both from and to internal and external parties using Internet technology
  • Check list to evaluate the applicability of tender/auctions
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