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goto trip Find and Share Free Sound Effects and Loops - 0 views

    Spice up your videos, games, applications or just make system alerts a little more hilarious by downloading sound effects from Soundsnap. Whether you're an electronic musician using Ableton Live or a budding YouTube auteur looking to flesh out the audio on a Final Cut Pro project, libraries of free sound effects, loops and samples are like mana (I'm a longtime fan of The freesound Project). All the sound effects at Soundsnap are uploaded by creators, so if you've already done some foley work or futzed around with a Moog to produce sci-fi ambience, help out others by contributing. There are already many thousands of audio clips already available. If you're a multimedia maker, what sound effects sources do you use?
goto trip

Napster Free--Listen to Free streaming music online - 0 views

    • goto trip
      Probably the most exciting piece of digital music news to come out of CES 2008 was that Napster was planning on offering its complete catalog of more than 6 million tracks in the unprotected MP3 format. Today, with the launch of version 4.5 of the software and store, that announcement becomes a reality. Although digital music stores such as eMusic, Amazon MP3, and even Napster itself already had MP3s on offer before this point, the collective catalogs of all three didn't even come near the volume of tracks you can find in the entire Napster library. This is a huge day for digital music, as all four major labels and thousands upon thousands of indies are represented in the store, and every track will be available at the standard 99-cent price point. Napster's Web-based store with the online media player window open. (Credit: Napster) More good news is that Napster's Web-based store, which is all that is required for MP3 purchases and downloads, is compatible with every operating system. And--of course--the MP3s can be played on any MP3 player, portable video player, or music cell phone. Currently, 95 percent of the catalog is encoded at 256kbps, which is reasonably high-quality for an MP3, and each track comes with hi-res album art (at least 1,000x1,000-pixels). Although Napster has quite an international presence, the MP3 store will only be available to U.S. residents for the time being. Napster will continue to offer its online and To Go subscription services for $12.95 or $14.95 per month, respectively. The music associated with a subscription will remain in the protected WMA format with the time-out capability. The company did make some improvements to its online interface. It now features a "liquid layout," which resizes everything within both the store and media player windows when you adjust the size of either window. Napster has also improved its download management system so that users can better view what has been purchased already and whether it was eve
    这是一款可以在网络中下载自己想要的MP3文件的软件名称.它同时能够让自己的机器也成为一台服务器,为其它用户提供下载。在这个网络中,Napster 本身并不提供MP3文件的下载,它实际上提供的是整个Napster网络的MP3文件"目录",而MP3文件分布在网络中的每一台机器中,随时供你选择取用,我们下载都是直接连到另外一台机器。传输速度也相当惊人。Napster具有强大的搜索功能,可以将在线用户的MP3音乐信息进行自动搜寻并分类整理,以备其他用户查询,只要知道你喜欢歌曲的名称或演唱者的名称,就可以和全世界乐
Michael J

Unbound & Set Free: Music and Interview with Klayrssa of Chamber of Echoes - 0 views

    If you like Amy Lee of Evanescence, you will fall in love with Klayrssa of Chamber of Echoes. Enjoy a 4-track preview with a special guest appearence \n\n \n\nChamber of Echoes is an industrial band that embodies the essence of a powerful singer with a gothic dose of musical melodies which make this music artist a force to be reckoned with. If Amy Lee of Evanescence and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails were fused together in an accidental transporter incident, the result would be the birth of Klaryssa Korok, the heart and soul of Chamber of Echoes. \n\nRead my exclusive interview with Klayrssa at: \n \n\nThank you for making The Great Unknowns Presents grow to 42,577 subscribers! \nInvite everyone to this group and make it grow even larger and surpass my goal of 129,000 subscribers to make this the number one podcast in America!
goto trip

Anywhere.FM - 0 views

    Listen to your iTunes library from any web browser using Anywhere.FM, a slick webapp that hosts and streams your music with its web-based player. The Anywhere.FM beta is almost too good to be true right now, with free unlimited uploads and listens (but the service may charge in the future). Download a free Anywhere.FM iTunes uploader application that will detect your library and upload all your songs to Anywhere.FM for you.
Michael J

Unbound and Set Free: Interview with Klaryssa of Chamber of Echoes - 0 views

    If Amy Lee of Evanescence and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails were fused together in some Sci-Fi accidental Star Trek like transporter incident, the result would be the birth of Klaryssa Korok, the heart and soul of Chamber of Echoes. Chamber of Echoes sound embodies industrial and gothic influence. Go to:
goto trip

MP3 My MP3 Recorder - Record sounds and music to MP3 Free! - 0 views

shared by goto trip on 10 Dec 08 - Cached
    MP3myMP3 Recorder saves any audio you hear on your computer straight to mp3 or wav. IF YOU CAN HEAR IT, YOU CAN RECORD IT!
goto trip

Audiolife - 0 views

    Use our free tools to custom design your Merchandise, CDs, Ringtones and Downloads. Post your store to any website, blog or social network. We'll manufacture and distribute all of your products when they're purchased!
goto trip | Fantasy Wallpapers | Mood-Inspiring Music | Fantasy Art - 0 views

  • content is free to use for non-commercial purposes. The content must not be modified in any way.
goto trip

Simply Audiobooks - Free_Book_Download - 0 views

    Download free digital audio books and listen on your favorite MP3 player, computer, or simply burn the audio books to a CD.
Michael J

Interview with Devon Michael: "There's something about Devon" - 0 views

    If you like Ne Yo Drake, Jay-Z, and Kanye West, then you have to listen to the featured artist of the week with Devon Michael. The best part about Devon Michael is his originality. You get more than one speed of music from this album. It travels from great driving music, to the dance floor, to the street, and to the bedroom. It is impossible to get bored with this album, because there's is no one constant. It makes the listener wonder what the next song will bring. If you enjoy R&B and Hip Hop, you get the best of both worlds and it's impossible to just listen to once, in fact, you get hooked. Listen to my full interview and CD review here at All Indie Magazine: and The Great Unknowns Presents: The Great Unknowns Presents NEWS: FREE CONCERT THIS SUNDAY ---------------------------- Coming this Sunday, January 30th is another Great Unknowns Showcase featuring: The Alternates [BREN] Tangent Transmission Nobody Gets Killed (CD release party!) Location: The Mezz, 501 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013, (213) 489-1783 Doors open at 7pm Show starts at 8pm NO COVER! GRAMMY'S WEEK - with a special appearance by KATIE COLE! ------------------------------ On Friday, Feb 11th, we have a big announcement regarding The Great Unknowns Presents at the biggest networking event of the year during Grammy's week, so if you are a musician, a music industry professional, or apart of the media, or just a lover of music you are invited to attend: AND, YES! Newest Pop rock sensation Katie Cole is going to be performing LIVE on stage It's only $10 if you pre-order and $20 at the door: HOPE TO SEE ALL OF YOU THERE!
Michael J

All Indie Magazine: Music and LIVE interview with Jennifer Grassman: - 1 views

    Jennifer Grassman is an Alternative Pop singer/songwriter from Austin, Texas. Her sound is a unique blend of Tori Amos, Sara Bareilles, and Amy Lee with a twist of Goth and Doris Day. Did I just say, Doris Day and Goth in the same sentence? Yes, I did.

    Listen to the full Audio interview at All Indie Magazine:


    The Great Unknowns Presents:



    Coming this January 30th is another Great Unknowns Showcase featuring:

    The Alternates


    Tangent Transmission

    Nobody Gets Killed (CD release party!)

    Location: The Mezz, 501 South Spring Street,

    Los Angeles, CA 90013, (213) 489-1783

    Doors open at 7pm

    Show starts at 8pm




    On Friday, Feb 11th, we have a big announcement regarding The Great Unknowns Presents at the biggest networking event of the year during Grammy's week, so if you are a musician, a music industry professional, or apart of the media, or just a lover of music you are invited to attend:

    It's only $10 if you pre-order and $20 at the door:

Liberty Loud

Komain - Hip Hop Videos and free MP3's. Better than Eminem? - 0 views

    Wanted to share this with the group and I hope others enjoy Komain as much as I do! Imagine a Hip Hop Rap artist without a daily scandal! Be sure to check out Komain's "Me and the Beat" Video. Thanks to all!
Michael J

Presenting the alluring Electro Folk Rock sounds of "IN THE CINEMA" - 0 views

    In the Cinema brings an artful sound never heard before. Not to mention, their unique music style is nearly impossible to compare with other artists. This sort of quality is what most artists strive to achieve. Many artists accomplish this task, but they do not produce the kind of quality music that people enjoy over and over. Where other artists have failed, the brother duo, Ryan and Joe Hughes have succeeded by doing what others only dream of. Ryan and Joe have taken the traditional art of folk music, combined it with modern rock and tied it with an electronica sensibility to create, In the Cinema. \n\nListen to music from their 2010 debut album, For the Struggle with a special appearance by the band, here at:\n\nRead an exclusive interview with Ryan and Joe at: \n
goto trip

The Hype Machine - 0 views

    discover, listen and buy music discussed on the best mp3 blogs<br /> <br /> The Hype Machine is an audio blog aggregator that tracks songs posted to the best/most popular music blogs on the internet.<br /> <br /> Aside from a slew of great music discovery features, one really cool feature is the integrated podcasting. Search for a favorite artist, click the big podcast button, and any time new music by that artist gets indexed by the Hype Machine, you'll automatically get it in your podcast subscription.
goto trip

Odeo: Record and Share Audio - 0 views

    Odeo is a creative way to record and share audio-and it`s free.
goto trip

Media player, video player, multimedia player, divx player, free player - - 0 views

    BS Player是一个Windows平台的媒体播放器.它可以播放avi、mpg、asf、wmv、wav、mp3等多种格式的媒体文件.Pro版增加了很多新功能: 均衡器; 截取播放的视频的画面,并保存到文件; 网络文件缓存; 字幕修正功能; 增加VMR9格式支持.
goto trip

Jamendo : Open your ears - 0 views

    Discover fresh music on P2P networks with jamendo.
goto trip

G2P Beta v0.2: Google helps me find the goods - 0 views

    G2P (Google to Person) uses some crafty Google searches to help locate open directories or otherwise shared files. These searches are nothing secret (In fact, take a look at the results, so you can see how it is done. However, it is much easier to remember than these complex searches. Really I put this site together to make it easier on me, and then shared it with you
goto trip

eyespot - 0 views

    Use the eyespot Mixer to edit and combine your videos, music and photos online! Share your video and mixes with the world for Free.
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