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IMEEM - what's on your playlist? - 0 views

    An executive from social-music site Imeem told CNET News just days ago that the company would not be going through a round of layoffs. Well, not quite. Imeem's vice president of marketing, Matt Graves, said the question was actually "whether we had done layoffs, not whether we were going to," and that he answered accordingly. Sneaky! He proceeded to confirm a report from PaidContent that a quarter of the company has been laid off. "There's not as much money floating around the market, and we had to cut our costs to accommodate," Graves said. He added that the layoffs are companywide--"finance, marketing, communications, product, technical operations"--clarifying the PaidContent assertion that the layoffs had been primarily "on the technical back-end side." He would not comment on the other half of PaidContent's report--that Imeem is planning to shop itself to prospective buyers. PaidContent's Rafat Ali added that Imeem's projected valuation is more than $200 million, a figure that many media and technology companies might not be willing to fork over at this point. Imeem has taken venture funding from Sequoia Capital, a firm that has advocated extreme caution and frugality amid financial panic. Another Sequoia-backed company, Jive Software, cut a third of its employees within days of the now-famous letter from the venture firm to its portfolio CEOs.
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Grooveshark :: Everybody Gets Paid - 0 views

    Grooveshark is a web-based application for sharing music within a community of music lovers. We distribute DRM-free MP3s across a p2p network.
    At music-based social network Grooveshark you can search a music database and listen to streaming audio from thousands of artists. Additionally, you can can embed songs you find on Grooveshark into web sites and social networking profiles, and share them with friends via email and instant messages. Here's a Grooveshark embedded tune: Signing up for an account activates additional features like saved playlists, music suggestions, and access to the social functions of Grooveshark, like browsing the playlists of people who share your musical tastes. Thanks Toribor!
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MyStrands - Music Recommendations, Playlists, Tags and Community - 0 views

    MusicStrands通过三种渠道向用户提供服务,即桌面程序MyStrands、网站服务和无线服务。简单地讲,就是让用户通过各种途径来共享其音乐口味,并接收相关推荐。这三种服务之间是互相同步和依存的关系。用户把最喜欢的音乐列表放到该网站上共享,为其定义适当的Tag(说明标签),就可以很容易地发现一些从未听过且适合自己口味的歌曲。   MusicStrands对每首音乐提供30秒钟的试听服务,并在每首曲目旁附加正版音乐在线零售商的产品页面,以方便用户购买。目前,该公司与很多音乐零售商都达成了协议,包括iTunes、亚马逊、、沃尔玛及其他零售商,并从中获取5%的利润分成。"这种合作关系是非常融洽的。我们帮助音乐爱好者去发现其所需要的音乐,也帮助音乐产业发现他们的顾客。
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Twango - Media Sharing and Hosting: Photos, Video, Audio and More - 0 views

    Media-sharing site Twango updated its Web site on Monday to announce that it's been chomped up by cell phone manufacturer Nokia. With its cool new toy, Nokia hopes to make it easier for handset owners to share multimedia content among desktop, Web, and mobile platforms.
goto trip - The Social Music Revolution - 0 views

    Last.fm是一个基于Web 2.0概念开发的音乐社群,有别于普通音乐网站仅提供歌曲资料,该网站透过记录及统计用户喜欢收听的乐曲类别,将素未谋面但喜爱同一歌手或同类音乐的乐迷连结起来,例如你喜欢周杰仑的歌曲,网站就为你找来一群同样喜欢周杰仑的乐迷,很多的粉丝可以集中在一起相互交换自己收藏的歌星的资料信息.从此听音乐不再是一件孤独的事。
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YourSpins - 0 views

  • is a new kind of music community powered by Digimpro technology.<br /> <br /> The YourSpins network will allow users and members to instantly remix tracks that are specifically provided for that purpose by participating artists, producers and record labels.
goto trip Trade CDs for $1, Listen to great music - 0 views

    All the music you could ever want, playable in a web browser
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    share your views, get your own gnutella webpage loaded with features:<br /> - journals<br /> - web cams<br /> - send and receive messages<br /> - and stay informed!<br /> <br /> Gnutella是简单又方便的网络交换文件软件,提供另外一种更简单的交换文件方式给大家选择。理论上,只要所有连接网络的人都把文件分享出来,那么大家的需求就可以得到解决。不管你是想要图形文件、音乐甚至是食谱,只要有人分享该文件,我们就应该可以透过Gnutella找到。
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Napster Free--Listen to free streaming music online - 0 views

    • goto trip
      Probably the most exciting piece of digital music news to come out of CES 2008 was that Napster was planning on offering its complete catalog of more than 6 million tracks in the unprotected MP3 format. Today, with the launch of version 4.5 of the software and store, that announcement becomes a reality. Although digital music stores such as eMusic, Amazon MP3, and even Napster itself already had MP3s on offer before this point, the collective catalogs of all three didn't even come near the volume of tracks you can find in the entire Napster library. This is a huge day for digital music, as all four major labels and thousands upon thousands of indies are represented in the store, and every track will be available at the standard 99-cent price point. Napster's Web-based store with the online media player window open. (Credit: Napster) More good news is that Napster's Web-based store, which is all that is required for MP3 purchases and downloads, is compatible with every operating system. And--of course--the MP3s can be played on any MP3 player, portable video player, or music cell phone. Currently, 95 percent of the catalog is encoded at 256kbps, which is reasonably high-quality for an MP3, and each track comes with hi-res album art (at least 1,000x1,000-pixels). Although Napster has quite an international presence, the MP3 store will only be available to U.S. residents for the time being. Napster will continue to offer its online and To Go subscription services for $12.95 or $14.95 per month, respectively. The music associated with a subscription will remain in the protected WMA format with the time-out capability. The company did make some improvements to its online interface. It now features a "liquid layout," which resizes everything within both the store and media player windows when you adjust the size of either window. Napster has also improved its download management system so that users can better view what has been purchased already and whether it was eve
    这是一款可以在网络中下载自己想要的MP3文件的软件名称.它同时能够让自己的机器也成为一台服务器,为其它用户提供下载。在这个网络中,Napster 本身并不提供MP3文件的下载,它实际上提供的是整个Napster网络的MP3文件"目录",而MP3文件分布在网络中的每一台机器中,随时供你选择取用,我们下载都是直接连到另外一台机器。传输速度也相当惊人。Napster具有强大的搜索功能,可以将在线用户的MP3音乐信息进行自动搜寻并分类整理,以备其他用户查询,只要知道你喜欢歌曲的名称或演唱者的名称,就可以和全世界乐
Kelly Bounce

Superb Sound for My Seminars - 1 views

With IgniteAV's superb PA hire equipments, I am able to communicate to my audience effectively. Their PA hire technicians are great! They are able to answer my questions properly. Working with Igni...

PA hire

started by Kelly Bounce on 30 May 11 no follow-up yet
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