"Trapped in Technology - Pilot" with Italian subtitles | Amara - 0 views
Claude Almansi on 13 Jun 12"Draft only Showing Revision 0, created 06/08/2012 by Margherita Martignoni ." Amara software added this banner, disactivated the Edit subtitles link, but didn't add a task for these subs. Video added to Music Captioning team Margherita Martignoni is not a member of Music Captioning: she therefore cannot have caused the task that caused the banner etc. June 12, 2012: issues persist
Claude Almansi on 14 Jun 12June 14, 2012: issue persists, but then this link didn't get transfered to this Multimedia Accessibility group with the my other links tagged taskblocked, so these subs didn't undergo the manual fix that removed the Amara task blocks in the other subs. I am able to enter the widget version of the subs by main page via Start a new translation in the main page, then choosing Subtitle into Italian (100%) (normal link, not grayed) Directly from video (more work) I was able to change a few things, but though I saved the subs marking them as complete, the banner is still there. I.e. the "lying to the software" workaround indicated in http://support.universalsubtitles.org/categories/6573/forums/28027/topics/4905 only works to prevent the taskblocking, but cannot remove it.