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Music Marvels - the FREE music tutor book for beginners! - 0 views

    This website provides a free 58-page music book for beginning instrumentalists. The website also provides backing tracks for songs from the tutor book. However, some of the information in the books may need to be tweaked. For example, quarter notes are referred to as the British "crotchets" here.
Clint Weinberg

Magic Music Tutor | Magic Music Tutor - 0 views

  • has some really good materials available for free. I have had particular success with the free song arrangements for boomwhackers. There are also tutorial videos, music theory worksheets, virtual instruments, classroom ideas, guitar tutorials, a MIDI song library, and the site admin accepts requests for new materials.

Private Tutors, Music Teachers, Home Tuition, & Language Tutors in UK - 0 views

    This website contains links to a large collection of articles, both new and old, written by professional music educators in the UK. Articles can be filtered by instrument, which is very handy.

Lesson Tutor : Index of Music lesson plans, worksheets, puzzles … - Lesson Tutor - 0 views

    This site contains a collection of lesson plans for theory and history that could be utilized or referenced for the classroom.

Listening | Musical Intervals Tutor - 0 views

    For lessons based on music listening and intervallic training, this website is a helpful tool. It takes popular songs and uses them to help students identify intervals and provides links to blogs and information on music advocacy.
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