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David Hilton

Tagging Your Bookmarks - 1 views

Ladies you need to add tags when you are adding your bookmarks. You need to add at least four or five. You should tag them as the type of source they are (e.g. primary, secondary) or the topics the...

tagging bookmarks tags sites

started by David Hilton on 23 May 12 no follow-up yet
Shannon Brown

NOVA | China's Age of Invention - 6 views

    Printing, paper money, porcelain, tea, restaurants, gunpowder, the compass-the number of things that Chinese of the Song Dynasty
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    Great information on the really common inventions like gunpowder, paper, printing etc. Hope it helps!!
    You added tags Charlotte. Well done.
    Printing, paper money, porcelain, tea, restaurants, gunpowder, the compass-the number of things that Chinese of the Song Dynasty (A.D. 960-1280) gave to the world is mind-boggling. This vibrant period in Chinese history was marked by economic prosperity and remarkable technological innovation. In this interview, China expert Robin D. S. Really good info for any invention.
    This is a really good website if you are doing Printing, paper money, porcelain, tea, restaurants, gunpowder and the compass. It helped me answer most of my focus questions. Hope this helps.
Anastasia Little

Ancient Chinese Calligraphy - 0 views

    Switch to Tags Ancient Chinese Calligraphy The study of ancient Chinese calligraphy is a very complex study that is rich in Chinesehistory. The earliest variant of Chinese calligraphy is referred to as Oracle Bone Script. Oracle Bone Script is the art of inscribing characters or symbols into Oracle Bones.
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