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izz aty

Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley | Talk Video | TED - 0 views

  • . I have found no evidence that Americans don't get irony. It's one of those cultural myths, like, "The British are reserved." I don't know why people think this. We've invaded every country we've encountered.
  • I knew that Americans get irony when I came across that legislation No Child Left Behind. Because whoever thought of that title gets irony, don't they, because -- (Laughter) (Applause) — because it's leaving millions of children behind. Now I can see that's not a very attractive name for legislation: Millions of Children Left Behind. I can see that. What's the plan? Well, we propose to leave millions of children behind, and here's how it's going to work. 2:04 And it's working beautifully. In some parts of the country, 60 percent of kids drop out of high school. In the Native American communities, it's 80 percent of kids. If we halved that number, one estimate is it would create a net gain to the U.S. economy over 10 years of nearly a trillion dollars. From an economic point of view, this is good math, isn't it, that we should do this? It actually costs an enormous amount to mop up the damage from the dropout crisis.
  • the difference between the task and achievement senses of verbs. You know, you can be engaged in the activity of something, but not really be achieving it, like dieting. It's a very good example, you know. There he is. He's dieting. Is he losing any weight? Not really. Teaching is a word like that. You can say, "There's Deborah, she's in room 34, she's teaching." But if nobody's learning anything, she may be engaged in the task of teaching but not actually fulfilling it.
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  • The role of a teacher is to facilitate learning. That's it. And part of the problem is, I think, that the dominant culture of education has come to focus on not teaching and learning, but testing. Now, testing is important. Standardized tests have a place. But they should not be the dominant culture of education. They should be diagnostic. They should help.
izz aty

Creative Response Journal Topics - 0 views

    These topics encourage students to finish the story, think creatively, and have fun!
izz aty

Raising a Polite Child | Parenting With Love - 0 views

  • I’m not trying to ‘train’ him to have good manners, but if I want something from him, I always say ‘please’, and when he gives me something, I always say ‘thank you’. When he is older, he will automatically do those things too.”
  • Do as I say or do as I do?
  • trying to ‘train’ children to be polite can be counter-productive, especially if we begin when they are too young to do it naturally
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  • if we treat children with politeness and respect, and if they see us treating each other the same way, they will imitate us as they grow. They watch everything we say and do, and are learning, “Oh, so that’s how people are supposed to do it”!
  • “Said without feeling, these can be empty words. How often do we say thank you to the person at the supermarket checkout, without even thinking. It has simply become a habit. Rather we should teach children how to show genuine appreciation to people who give or share something with them. We can help them do this in age-appropriate ways right from the beginning, especially if we understand that young children show their feelings in non-verbal ways”.
  • each child shows their appreciation spontaneously in their own unique way
  • Positive non-verbal behaviours young children use to show appreciation: A smile A nod Direct eye contact Playfulness A physical touch they initiate Excited behaviour A shout of joy Skipping or jumping up and down
  • we should allow children to communicate their appreciation spontaneously. As they grow older and watch how we show appreciation to them and to other people, including words like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, doing the same will come naturally
  • Though prompting children to be polite can be counter-productive, we can facilitate them showing appreciation by involving them when we are being polite or friendly to someone. “Lets go and wave goodbye to Granny”, doesn’t put the child on the spot like, “Say goodbye to Granny now”.
  • If we make it fun, the child will probably enjoy participating.
  • Rather than formal words like “Thank you, we had a lovely time”, he encouraged each child to share something they had done with the aunt or uncle at the beach-house, and draw a picture of it to show appreciation of something that was shared and enjoyed.
  • parents who prompt their children to say things they consider polite, are really feeling anxious. They see their children as an extension of themselves and want their children to act as they would, in case another other adult assumes they are not raising them with good manners. Thinking fast, I looked at the dad, smiled at him, and said, “Don’t worry. Big people find it easy to speak to little people, but little people find it hard to speak to big people”. He looked visibly relieved that I didn’t see him as a bad father.
  • Teaching children good manners begins with us showing them respect.
    "Every parent wants to have polite, respectful children with good manners. Fortunately nature is on our side. Children learn by copying what we do and love to do everything 'just like mommy and daddy do', as it makes them feel they are being 'big'."
izz aty

YouTube: Folk High Schools, Adult Education, and the Philosophy of Nicholaj Grundtvig - 0 views

    ""Grundtvig is our man for this time. He's still relevant," says Clay Warren, a professor of communication at George Washington University and author of The School for Life: N.F.S. Grundtvig on the Education for the People. Nikolaj Grundtvig, a 19th century Danish educator and a contemporary of Hans Christian Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard, helped pioneer the folk high school, an adult educational institution that is common in Scandinava. The school does not grant academic degrees but rather fosters intellectual thinking and discussions through community engagement. Warren sat down with Reason's Nick Gillespie to discuss his book, the educational philosophy underpinning Grundtvig's work, as well as Grundtvig's emphasis on individual potential and development. "
izz aty

Free school: Conservatives eye the Swedish model - Education News - Education - The Ind... - 0 views

  • Each youngster is set weekly goals and gets a 15-minute briefing with their own tutor at the end of the week to check on progress and discuss how to reach the targets setfor the following week.
  • The big difference between the education system in Sweden and the UK is that, in Sweden parents are given an educational voucher for each child, and they use that voucher to apply for any school they want to.
  • Bertil Ostoberg, the Swedish Secretary of State for Education, summarised the scheme as "providing freedom of choice for the parents and the pupils, much wider freedom of choice". He added: "They have to compete to provide a high quality to get pupils. We think this competition has led to a higher quality in the system."
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  • a wide variety of providers, with Waldorf Steiner, Montessori, confessional (faith schools) and traditionally-run schools which emphasise the basics and are strong on discipline.
  • Claes Bromander, vice-chairman of the Swedish Association of Independent Schools and principal of Vaxjo Fria Gymnasiet. "They reinvest most of the profit. Swedish TV has done some research: the 60 biggest providers that are run as companies have a turnover of about 10 billion kroner (£804m)."
  • The Swedish government has made a determined effort to make the admissions system for its independent "free" schools fair. They operate a "first come, first served" policy, announcing the date for the start of admissions and closing once they have filled up all the places.
  • Research for the Swedish National Agency for Education shows it has caused increased segregation, with better-educated parents more likely to opt for an independent "free" school place.
  • Mervyn Benford, a former primary school head from the UK who has spent years in Sweden advising ministers on their inspection system thinks there could be another reason for the "free" schools' higher results. "They are smaller than the municipal schools," he said. "They can give pupils more attention."
  • All political parties – the Conservative-led coalition in government at present and the opposition Social Democrats – are committed to maintaining the system, although the Social Democrats have called for a freeze on new schools, with pupil numbers falling. "We have to shrink the system," said Maria Sellberg, vice-principal of Norre Real High School, a top-performing public school in Stockholm. "Shrinking such an organisation costs a lot but the number of students [nationally] is decreasing. You squander taxpayers' money on this over-capacity; there is a great bleed-away of taxpayers' money." As the Swedish National Agency for Education put it: "To provide choice, you have to over-provide."
izz aty

School is a prison - and damaging our kids - - 0 views

  • When schools were taken over by the state and made compulsory, and directed toward secular ends, the basic structure and methods of schooling remained unchanged. Subsequent attempts at reform have failed because, though they have tinkered some with the structure, they haven’t altered the basic blueprint.
  • The top-down, teach-and-test method, in which learning is motivated by a system of rewards and punishments rather than by curiosity or by any real, felt desire to know, is well designed for indoctrination and obedience training but not much else
  • many of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs and innovators either left school early (like Thomas Edison), or said they hated school and learned despite it, not because of it (like Albert Einstein)
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  • As a society, we tend to shrug off such findings. We’re not surprised that learning is unpleasant. We think of it as bad-tasting medicine, tough to swallow but good for children in the long run. Some people even think that the very unpleasantness of school is good for children, so they will learn to tolerate unpleasantness, because life after school is unpleasant. Perhaps this sad view of life derives from schooling. Of course, life has its ups and downs, in adulthood and in childhood. But there are plenty of opportunities to learn to tolerate unpleasantness without adding unpleasant schooling to the mix. Research has shown that people of all ages learn best when they are self-motivated, pursuing questions that are their own real questions, and goals that are their own real-life goals. In such conditions, learning is usually joyful.
izz aty

Developing Countries and Problems They Face :: Papers - 0 views

  • 70% of the population in Third World countries do not have access to any organised health care.
  • four adults in ten who can read and write and less than one in four children go to secondary school
  • Work can give us identity, security and the means to meet many of our other basic needs
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  • world unemployment stands at around 500 millions, 300 millions of there are in the less-developed countries.
  • many LDCs suffer from wars
  • also force many people to leave their homes and become refugees in other safer countries
  • Wars destroy crops, homes, schools and Hospitals etc. causing even more poverty.
  • neighbouring countries may have been developing, but a sudden influx of refugees with no money or food can make that country poor again.
  • Natural disasters
  • a lot of natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, and droughts. Disasters like there destroy homes and crops, causing people to become poor again
  • All LDCs have had to borrow money from the banks of rich countries. They have to pay interest on these loans and this money could have been spent on development
  • because the interest is so high, in that case the LDCs will get poorer and MDCs will get richer
    (clearly not well-proofread, but some points are worth considering I think)
izz aty

Teaching strategies and students' learning approaches by Dr. Lew Tek Yew | Curtin Saraw... - 0 views

  • Malaysian Quality Assurance (QA) system in higher education evolved from certain educational legislation and directives that aspire to achieve international recognition and excellence and make Malaysia the educational hub in the Asian region.
  • established in 2007 with the overall responsibility for the local accreditation of higher education programmes and qualifications, and for supervising and regulating quality and standards in education providers
  • a principle instrument that classifies qualifications based on a set of criteria that is agreed nationally and benchmarked with international practices, and which clarifies the academic levels and learning outcomes. 
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  • Curtin Sarawak is committed to developing the abilities, knowledge and skills of its undergraduates so that they are able to apply concepts and understanding of the business disciplines for the benefit of the society and the nation.  
  • they will assume intellectually demanding positions in industry such as consulting, market research and policy making. These types of work require students to go beyond the rote memorisation skills that characterise surface approaches and develop deeper research and analytical skills. 
  • Biggs (1987) and Biggs and Moore (1993) have distinguished two common approaches to learning adopted by students. According to the researchers, the deep approach is characterised by a personal commitment to learning and an interest in the subject, and consequently, searches for relationships among materials and interprets knowledge in light of previous knowledge structures and experiences. The deep approach to learning is likely to result in better retention and transfer of knowledge and may lead to quality learning outcomes
  • This allows face-to-face class sessions to be used for active engagement and discussions between students in order to develop their critical thinking skills
  • Students using the deep approach study longer, perform better, and tend to be more intrinsically motivated than those adopting a surface approach (Mashishi & Rabin, 1999)
  • the conventional lecture style approach will thwart students’ ability to learn real world skills. Hence, a combination of the traditional teaching method and a student-centred learning approach will develop relevant skills and knowledge to fulfil the requirement of a dynamic and complex business environment.
  • classes where students report adopting a deeper approaches to learning, teaching staff report adopting approaches to teaching that are more oriented towards students, encourage students to construct their own knowledge, involve the students and challenge the students’ conceptions and current ideas through questions, discussions and presentations (Trigwell, Prosser & Waterhouse, 1999; Trigwell & Prosser, 2004).  
  • At Curtin Sarawak’s School of Business, we are encouraged to use the ‘flipped classroom’ model of teaching. This method requires students to prepare well before classes commence using the learning materials posted in the online learning platform
  • On the other hand, a surface approach to learning is characterised by an intention to acquire only sufficient knowledge to complete the task or pass the subject. Students rely on memorisation and reproduction of material and do not seek further connections, meaning or the implications of what is learned. Therefore, they are unlikely to experience high quality learning outcomes or develop appropriate skills and competencies.
  • the School invites prominent industry speakers to share practical industry applications of business theories and concepts with the students.         
  • to produce critical thinkers, academics need to adopt teaching strategies that challenge the students to think likewise on a regular basis. Conceptual change/student focused approaches to teaching are more likely to lead to student abilities to seek creative and innovative solutions to future issues, problems and situations.  
izz aty

The 7 Habits of Highly Employable People | Guy Arnold | LinkedIn - 0 views

  • Habit 1: Be Proactive
  • There is no such thing REALLY as unemployment: there are jobs for everyone, if they can only consider more ‘How to add value’ and less ‘what’s in it for me?’The REAL issue is ‘unemployability’ … in the mindset, skillset and habits of those looking for work : if this wasn’t the case, how would migrants ever stand a chance of getting work?
  • Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
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  • Don’t just go for ‘anything that’ll pay a wage’, stop and work out what you’re truly great at, and what you love, and then start asking: ‘How can I get paid to do this?’
  • Habit 3: Put first things first
  • find out what ‘employable’ means to your target employers
  • Physical: appearance and habitsMental: knowledge and skillsEmotional: how to communicate and focus on the real winSpiritual: what can you bring to the party that will make the world a better (and more productive) place!When you’ve nailed this, you need to start finding out information about organisations in your target area and sector, and what their issues are (that you might be able to help them solve)
  • Then work on your CV and interview skills
  • Habit 4: Think win/win
  • consider: ‘what’s the win for this organisation?’: ‘What can I help them stop, start or continue doing, that would help them get more of the wins that they want?’
  • Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
  • where do they do well, and where do they fall down? What are their competition doing? What’s happening in the market … now … and in 5 years time? What do their customers think? What customers are they missing? What sort of people would they be looking for? And why?
  • Do research on your target market and organisations
  • then, you can approach them to see how interested they might be in talking with you.
  • Habit 6: Synergise
  • Employment is synergy: if it fails to be synergy in any way, then it’s going to be short term at best.
  • the ‘employee’ and ‘employer’ should both find their situations significantly enhanced by teaming up and working constructively together. Together everyone achieves more!
  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
  • You need to sharpen your saw to be considered worth employing
  • You need to continually sharpen your saw while employed
  • You need to continually sharpen the saw outside work
  • No one in their right mind employs a blunt saw, but sharp saws make getting results much more rewarding for both parties.
izz aty

CVs are Dead. Long Live Social Media Profiles. | Career Services and Small Business HR ... - 0 views

shared by izz aty on 12 Jun 15 - No Cached
  • 1. Facebook Enables Recruiter to Do Personality Profiling
  • Remarkably, one ground breaking study has shown that Facebook personality profiling can be more reliable than professional personality profiling tools. The point is, like it or not, Facebook now allows recruiters to do personality profiling to a level that was not achievable via a CV.
  • 2. Social Media Profiles Can Be More Reliable Than CV data
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  • the data is subject to public scrutiny, meaning lies can be more easily exposed on a Linked-In profile than they can on a CV, which means there is less room for dishonesty on Linked-In profiles than there is on a CV.
  • Linked-In profile data is arguably more trustworthy than a CV
  • a professionally prepared Linked-In profile (which is sitting in the public domain) may be more trustworthy than a professionally prepared CV.
  • 3. Linked-In Users Can Include Recommendations from Instantly Traceable Sources
  • Linked-In allows users to include verifiable recommendations from other Linked-In users which can be instantly traced back to the referee’s live Linked-In profile. This offers a level of credibility that CVs simply cannot match. .
  • 4. Social Media Profiles Are a Richer Source of Content than CVs
  • while it is still important that you produce a CV to a professional standard and deliver as required to a potential employer, I think that this is becoming an academic exercise. I think the CV will be used much more as a signal of intent and, as evidence shows many of the decisions about the candidate’s job suitability will be based on the social media profile.
  • my recommendation that candidates begin developing and maintaining a high quality social media presence if they are to maximize their chances of landing their dream job.
izz aty

6 Signs of Narcissism You May Not Know About | Psychology Today - 0 views

    Empathy Submitted by Mo on November 22, 2013 - 9:38pm t understand or keep track of long enough to really make changes) and with lots of therapy I have learned that I possess several narcissistic traits, probably due to how I was raised. It has taken a long time for me to accept this (lots and lots of fights and evidence of my behavior I could no longer deny) and I have a lot of therapy ahead of me to break these habitual behaviors that cause me and my loved ones much grief. I never knew thin
izz aty

How to Write a Preface and a Foreword | - 0 views

  • Foreword
  • because you've accomplished something, you are already published, and your name is well known.
  • Your purpose is to introduce an author/work to the world, which can be accomplished in a variety of ways. You could, for example, write about a chapter in the book, the book as a whole (assuming you've read it!), or the author's work in general
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  • If you know the author personally, talk about this relationship
  • you could discuss how the author's work has affected your life or the importance of the work you're introducing
  • talk about what's different in the current edition.
  • discuss the historical impact of the book.
  • Describe the journey of writing the book
  • Consider including a few or all of the following ideas:
  • Discuss how the book came about. Why did you write it? Why did you choose the particular subject? What was your motivation?
  • Give a brief description of the book, the main characters, or themes.
  • State the purpose of the book, especially if the work is non-fiction
  • describe what the reader can hope to learn by reading the book.
  • A preface, which is included in the front matter of a book, is your chance to speak directly to your readers about why you wrote the book, what it's about, and why it's important
  • Talk about any problems that came up during the writing and how you dealt with these trials and tribulations.
  • discuss your research process. Talk about your sources. Why are they unique?
  • Include acknowledgements. Thank the people who were instrumental in the writing of your book. Depending on the level of formality of the writing, these could range from colleagues to editors to family members.
  • Talk about how long it took you to write the book, if it's relevant.
  • You don't want the preface to drag on and on. A good rule is to try to keep it to one page, two at maximum, and be sure it is free of spelling and grammatical errors
    Are you thinking about writing a preface for your book or have you been asked to write a foreword? A preface is a brief introduction written by the author, as opposed to a foreword, which is an introduction written by another person that usually comes before the preface.
izz aty


  • Convinced that education is a fundamental pillar of human rights, democracy, sustainable development and peace, and shall therefore become accessible to all throughout life and that measures are required to ensure co-ordination and co-operation across and between the various sectors, particularly between general, technical and professional secondary and post-secondary education as well as between universities, colleges and technical institutions,
  • Article 9 - Innovative educational approaches: critical thinking and creativity
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  • (a) In a world undergoing rapid changes, there is a perceived need for a new vision and paradigm of higher education, which should be student-oriented, calling in most countries for in-depth reforms and an open access policy so as to cater for ever more diversified categories of people, and of its contents, methods, practices and means of delivery, based on new types of links and partnerships with the community and with the broadest sectors of society.
  • new information technology does not reduce the need for teachers but changes their role in relation to the learning process and that the continuous dialogue that converts information into knowledge and understanding becomes fundamental.
  • (d) New methods of education will also imply new types of teaching-learning materials. These have to be coupled with new methods of testing that will promote not only powers of memory but also powers of comprehension, skills for practical work and creativity.
  • (b) Higher education institutions should educate students to become well informed and deeply motivated citizens, who can think critically, analyse problems of society, look for solutions to the problems of society, apply them and accept social responsibilities.
  • Higher education institutions should lead in drawing on the advantages and potential of new information and communication technologies, ensuring quality and maintaining high standards for education practices and outcomes in a spirit of openness, equity and international co-operation by:
izz aty

100 Essential Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers | Online Degree - 0 views

    There are new web 2.0 tools appearing every day. Although some of these tools were not originally meant for use in the classroom, they can be extremely effective learning tools for today's technology geared students and their venturesome teachers. Many of these teachers are searching for the latest products and technologies to help them find easier and efficient ways to create productive learning in their students. More and more teachers are using blogs, podcasts and wikis, as another approach to teaching. We have created a list of 100 tools we think will encourage interactivity and engagement, motivate and empower your students, and create differentiation in their learning process.
izz aty

Blooming Orange: Bloom's Taxonomy Helpful Verbs Poster - 0 views

  • how you can apply Bloom's higher-order thinking skills in your classroom. This poster shows the segments of an orange with each segment relating to a thinking skill and some helpful verbs to serve as prompts.
  • For those of you who prefer it, we've also created a grayscale version of the poster. And if for some reason you're against "oranges" and prefer lists, you can just download the Blooming Verb List. You should be able to glue the template onto a 3" x 5" index card or colored card stock, making it easy to carry around.
izz aty

The Differentiator - Create clear learning intentions (with Bloom's Taxonomy), interact... - 0 views

    For each learning intention, choose one thinking, content knowledge, resource, product of learning, and number of students involved. Very convenient!
izz aty

Hype that's not my type | EFL Classroom 2.0 - Teacher Talk - 0 views

  • I read a lot about the “new paradigm” that is occuring in education. There is a lot for us teachers and particularly those in leadership positions to think about. I really do hear some things repeated over and over again – that I just won’t buy into. I don’t believe the hype. These ideas seem so obvious and so clear that to me, they must be a lie. Reality is crooked and operates on her own principles – not the nice, clean kitchen cupboards we like to stack away our beliefs in. So in brief and to maybe get others thinking a little “outside the box” – here are 3 things that are being hyped in the educational world that I disagree with completely. (and a joke for each that I hope will support my argument or if not, at least give you a chuckle)
izz aty

The Invigilator on Vimeo - 0 views

  • The Invigilator, directed by Manesh Nesaratnam, is a story about two high-school teachers and their aspirations in the teaching profession. Starring celebrity actor Cheryl Samad and Tony Eusoff, this film is at once a light-hearted clash of pedagogical perspectives and at the same time an echo of societies' frustrations with the inadequacies of available education systems. The Invigilator has been selected and screened for the Fukuoka International Film Festival, Raindance Film Festival, Australian Malaysian Film Festival, Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia Pacific, Dawnbreakers International Film Festival and London Asian Film Festival.
    [I'm not sure what to think about this video, there's kinda a lot of clashes between what is said & done in this video that I;m kinda confused... but it's interesting to discuss about I guess]
izz aty

The High Cost of Low Teacher Salaries - - 0 views

    When we don't like the way our students score on international standardized tests, we blame the teachers. When we don't like the way particular schools perform, we blame the teachers and restrict their resources. Compare this with our approach to our military: when results on the ground are not what we hoped, we think of ways to better support soldiers. We try to give them better tools, better weapons, better protection, better training. And when recruiting is down, we offer incentives.
izz aty

Houston - 75 ESL Teaching Ideas (TESL/TEFL) - 0 views

  • Ask a student to demonstrate a dance, and assist the student in explaining the movements in English.
  • Ask students to name as many objects in the classroom as they can while you write them on the board.
  • Ask your students if there are any songs running through their heads today. If anyone says yes, encourage the student to sing or hum a little bit, and ask the others if they can identify it.
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  • Assign students to take a conversation from their coursebook that they are familiar with and reduce each line to only one word.
  • At the end of class, erase the board and challenge students to recall everything you wrote on the board during the class period. Write the expressions on the board once again as your students call them out.
  • Bring a cellular phone (real or toy) to class, and pretend to receive calls throughout the class. As the students can only hear one side of the conversation, they must guess who is calling you and why. Make the initial conversation very brief, and gradually add clues with each conversation. The student who guesses correctly wins a prize.
  • Bring in some snacks that you think your students haven't tried before, and invite the students to sample them and give their comments.
  • Collaborate with your students on a list of famous people, including movie stars, politicians, athletes, and artists. Have every student choose a famous person, and put them in pairs to interview each other.
  • Come to class dressed differently than usual and have students comment on what's different.
  • Copy a page from a comic book, white out the dialogue, make copies for your class, and have them supply utterances for the characters.
  • Copy pages from various ESL textbooks (at an appropriate level for your students), put them on the walls, and have students wander around the classroom and learn a new phrase. Then have them teach each other what they learned.
  • Copy some interesting pictures of people from magazine ads. Give a picture to each student, have the student fold up the bottom of the picture about half an inch, and write something the person might be thinking or saying. Put all the pictures up on the board, and let everyone come up and take a look.
  • Draw a pancake-shape on the board, and announce that the school will soon be moving to a desert island. Invite students one by one to go to the board and draw one thing they would like to have on the island.
  • Draw a party scene on the board, and invite students to come up and draw someone they would like to have at the party.
  • Fill the board with vocabulary your students have encountered in previous classes (make sure to include all parts of speech), and get them to make some sentences out of the words.
  • Find out what famous people your students admire, and work together with the class to write a letter to one of them.
  • First, instruct your students to write on a slip of paper the name of one book, CD, or movie that changed them in some way. Collect the papers, call out the titles, and ask the class if they can guess who wrote it. Finally, let the writer identify him or herself, explaining his or her choice.
  • Hand a student a ball of yellow yarn. Have him toss it to another student, while saying something positive about that student and holding onto the end of the yarn. Continue in this manner until there is a web between all the students.
    These are the ideas included in Hall Houston's Random ESL Idea Generator. If you have a JavaScript-enabled browser, you can use the generator to get a randomly-selected idea from this list. Perhaps you will find it useful to print out this list and refer to it from time to time.
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