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Two Contrasting Views of Educational Technology by @nikpeachey - - 2 views

    "I find these videos particularly interesting because they show such contrasting approaches to learning and in particular - for want of a better word - e-learning.... "The final thing that strikes me about these two videos is how they reflect the kinds of societies that the system of education seeks to create. For me, the first is a society of obedient unquestioning worker drones being spoon fed information that will enable them to fulfil their predefined roles. The second is a society in which individuals are encouraged to think, act and explore, to question and to create. I know which I would prefer to live in." by Nik Peachey
Maria Rosario Di Mónaco

A Brief Tour of Moodle 2.0 - YouTube - 3 views

    Videos highlighting differences between Moodle 1.9 and 2.0

Training Video: Making Moodle More Interactive - 1 views

    A great follow-on by R. Stannard on how to add content and "see" Moodle from the students' point of view. Includes students' content-uploads, using chats and forums, etc.
Paul Beaufait

Jing Tutorials - 0 views

    Catalog for Jing tutorials that you can sort by Category, Format, Level, or Title.
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