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iPhone 4S - The Perfect Package For iPhone Software Developer - 0 views

    Launched within a span of less than a year, the iPhone 4S is a complete innovation in itself. It may be called a reincarnation of the iPhone 4 but it is nevertheless, a powerful one. There have been intense upgradation in the iPhone 4S, specifically in the software features.

iPhone App Developer - Choose from an Indian Offshore Outsourcing iPhone app Developmen... - 0 views

    As the demand for the smart phone apps and especially craze to create iPhone apps is growing and many mobile app development companies have started to provide iPhone app developers support to create iPhone apps more effectively.
Kiran Kuppa

Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - 0 views

    Now web designers and developers can join the iPhone app party without having to learn Cocoa's Objective-C programming language. It's true: You can write iPhone apps quickly and efficiently using your existing skills with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This book shows you how with lots of detailed examples, step-by-step instructions, and hands-on exercises.Learn how to build iPhone apps with standard web tools.Refactor a traditional website into an iPhone web appHook into advanced iPhone features (e.g. accelerometer, geolocation, vibration, and sound) with JavaScript.Do most of your development with the operating system of your choice

Strike Gold With Inventive iPhone Applications - 0 views

    iPhone software development allows the developers to make iPhone app with various inbuilt features. The real virtue of an iPhone developer is to build uncomplicated apps for the end-user.

It Is A Desire & Need Of The Day To Make iPhone App For Social Networking - 0 views

    The hand in hand growth of both iPhone and Social Networking sites' apps development has created unabated demand of iPhone Social Networking Applications Development.
Frederik Van Zande

PhoneGap - 1 views

    The Only Open Source Mobile Framework That Supports 6 Platforms PhoneGap is an HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native applications with web technologies and get access to APIs and app stores"

What is Cyber Security? - 1 views

    Cyber security is a combination of technology, processes, and practices to protect networks, devices and programs

Become a Full Stack Salesforce Developer- A Career That isn't Just About Code! - 1 views

    Do you know that full stack sales force developer is more than just programming? Become a Full Stack Salesforce Developer-
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