Contents contributed and discussions participated by Frederik Van Zande
PhoneGap - 1 views
Resolution Independent Mobile UI - Sencha - Blog - 2 views
jQuery Mobile | jQuery Mobile - 1 views
Mobile Application Testing on Real Devices - Perfecto Mobile - 1 views
Gesturecons - Multi-Touch Icons - 0 views
"Vector based icons created to aid in the design, development, implementation and promotion of multi-touch interfaces. These icons will aid in the creation of wire-frame documents, digital help files and printed documentation. You can also use Gesturecons inside of your applications in order to demonstrate to users how to complete actions or prompt them to interact with an application when they approach it. "
brianleroux/xui @ GitHub - A simple javascript framework for building mobile web appli... - 0 views
We hear your words. Why another JavaScript framework?! When development of PhoneGap was under way we noticed slow load times for modern JavaScript frameworks (such as Prototype, MooTools, YUI, Ext and (yes) even jQuery. A big reason why these libraries are so big is because is mostly they contain a great deal of cross browser compatability code. The mobile space has less browser implementations (so far) and different needs. Thus XUI. XUI strives to be a framework for first class mobile device browsers such as WebKit, Fennec and Opera with future support under consideration for IE Mobile and BlackBerry.
Mobile Web Design Trends For 2009 | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine - 0 views
Web designers know that the industry involves plenty of change, and continuous adaption and development of skills is required in order to stay up to date. In the past few years, one of the biggest areas of change has been the amount of Internet users who are accessing websites via phones and mobile devices. As a result, Web designers have a growing need to be educated in this area and ready to design websites that accommodate this audience. Because designing websites for mobile devices brings some unique situations and challenges into play, the subject requires a strategic approach from the designer and developer. In this article, we'll look at the subject as a whole, including current trends, challenges, tips and a showcase of mobile websites. Plenty of helpful resources and articles are also linked to throughout the post, so if you're interested in learning more about designing for mobiles, you should have plenty of information at your fingertips.
A List Apart: Articles: Pocket-Sized Design: Taking Your Website to the Small Screen - 0 views
Among the many websites that are out there, few are standards-compliant. Among those few, only a handful sport style sheets adjusted to the needs of handheld devices. Of those which do offer styling for handhelds, not all will fit the smallest, lowest-resolution screens without presenting the user with the ultimate handheld horror: namely, horizontal scrolling. The Opera browser runs on handheld devices of all screen sizes and resolutions, some of them only 120 pixels wide. We work for the company that produces Opera, so we can offer a degree of insight into the functions of Opera for handhelds. In this article, we've prepared a set of general suggestions for creating a handheld-friendly style sheet, along with a few Opera-specific pointers that you may find useful.
» Mobilize, Don't Miniaturize :::Little Springs Design::: - 0 views
Too often, when companies decide to make a mobile version of their application, they take their desktop application or site, decide which features work for mobile, and then convert those features to a mobile language or two. Through this method we get flight times, stock prices, checking email, checking calendars, local weather, and several other useful but limited applications. These applications do not fully meet user needs. To do anything in particular, the user has to visit several applications, one after the other, remembering data from application to application.
A List Apart: Articles: Return of the Mobile Style Sheet - 0 views
The past couple of years have seen numerous new web-capable mobile devices arise, including Apple's iPhone and its Safari browser, the creation of Google's Android platform and Webkit-based browser, the rise of so called "full web" browsers (Nokia's S60, Opera Mobile and Opera Mini, among others), the early development of Firefox's mobile version, and more. These mobile browsers improve users' experiences, giving them access to websites formerly off-limits to most mobile devices. Indeed, as a 2008 Nielsen Media Research report highlighted, mobile devices have increased traffic by an average of 13% across several popular websites.
donner_tellez_mbanking_use.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views
Around the globe, various initiatives use the mobile phone to provide financial services to those without access to traditional banks. Yet relatively little scholarly research explores the use of these m-banking/m-payments systems. This paper calls attention to this gap in the research literature, emphasizing the need for research focusing on the context(s) of m-banking/mpayments use. Presenting illustrative data from exploratory work with small enterprises in urban India, it argues that contextual research is a critical input to effective "adoption" or "impact" research. Further, it suggests that the challenges of linking studies of use to those of adoption and impact reflect established dynamics within the Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD) research community. The paper identifies three crosscutting themes from the broader literature-amplification vs. change, simultaneous causality, and a multidimensional definition of trust-each of which can offer increased theoretical clarity to future research on m-banking/m-payments systems.
Detect Mobile Browsers - 0 views
Helping detect and better serve mobile browsers It's easy to create a mobile website and .mobi domain names are affordable but to make the most of mobile you first need to be able to detect mobile devices! Only then can you start to best serve the needs of your mobile visitors! This PHP function lets you choose how to manage your mobile visitors, they can be redirected to a page built for mobiles or you can use it to decide what to show them.
John Resig - JavaScript iPhone Apps - 0 views
I've been watching, with interest, developers create new applications for the iPhone. Owning one myself - and being knowledgeable in JavaScript - I've been wondering what options there were for creating downloadable JavaScript applications or the iPhone. In doing some research I found a number of solutions, some simpler than others, some requiring more knowledge of Objective-C than others. Before looking at the options I should note that given the requirements of the platform if you're really serious about getting in to iPhone development you should learn Objective-C. None of the options appear to provide the full range of functionality that a normally-written application would.
Vodafone | receiver » Blog Archive » The world as the interface - location da... - 0 views
There is a world of information that we can't immediately see in the streets we walk and drive in, and in the buildings in which we work, play and live. The great potential of the mobile web - whether it is delivered by smart phone, automobile navigation system, or other device - is to reveal this hidden world to us, by adding geospatial and timing data to the user experience. In this way, the mobile web is poised to become the delivery mechanism for a new generation of location-aware applications.
Code: Flickr Developer Blog » Lessons Learned while Building an iPhone Site - 0 views
A few weeks ago we released a version of the Flickr site tailored specifically for the iPhone. Developing this site was very different from any other project I've worked on; there seems to be a new set of frontend rules for developing high-end mobile sites. A lot of the current best practices get thrown out the window in the quest for minimum page weight and fastest load times over slow cellular connections.