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B.L. Ochman

How To Build An Online Community - The Ultimate List of Resources (Updated) - The Onlin... - 2 views

    community building resources
B.L. Ochman

E-Readers in Africa: Non-Profit Brings Thousands of Books to Ghanaian Children - 2 views

    i agree with the commenters who worry about whether the kids have enough to eat, or electricity at home. what do you think?
Antonio Lopez

Practically Nonideological: A Chat with Ethan Zuckerman | Motherboard - 2 views

  • One of the things that I thought was very interesting with Occupy early on was not just the desire to occupy physical spaces, but the desire to occupy media.
  • Now, instead of it being difficult to get footage, what’s really difficult is to edit it down into a narrative in one fashion or another.
  • One thing I’m fairly well known for in my work is trying to be critical about whether we’re adopting technologies because they’re practical, or because they’re ideological.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The reason I push back against this and say, ‘There’s some pretty good tech in Wimax, which probably is an easier way to put a pretty big cloud over an Occupy encampment, and then connect it into the Internet,’ is that I think it’s the Utopian technological politics that have people pursuing a very ground-up, very ad-hoc solution that may or may be the right technological solution.
  • There are two groups right now that are fighting for influence over the Internet. One groups is the guys who’ve run the Internet for a very long time. And I do mean guys. It’s mostly engineers – some with major tech companies, some with major telecom companies – who dominate meetings of things like the IETF, who are representatives of organizations like ICANN.
  • There’s a second camp in all this that is represented by governments, particularly governments of China, Russia, some governments from the global South, that are essentially saying ‘Look, this needs to be run through something closer to the UN system. It needs to be multi-national. It needs to be more representative.’
  • It’s interesting to think about how popular movements might insert themselves in that space. The truth is that with SOPA/PIPA, the traditional tech guys were on one side fighting more or less against Hollywood. And they pulled in support from millions of Internet users who signed up and said ‘We’re with you on this. We’re going to participate.’
  • I don’t see that popular movement [OWS] as the main actor in this space. I see companies like Tumblr, and Twitter, and Google doing a pretty good job of motivating their users. But whether that group of motivated Internet users actually maps onto Occupy…
David McGavock

A New Culture of Learning | Social Media Classroom - 3 views

  • A New Culture of Learning
  • what strikes me is the second part of the title Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change.
  • I love seeing a child's imagination being captivated
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • I am challenged by many who see social-media as the next project rather than a shift in the paradigm of existence.
  • I believe that dissatisfaction with the factory model of school, along with the growing number, ubiquity, and accessiblity, of tools (for connection, collaboration and creation) will tip the balance toward new models and cultures of learning.
  • I love to see teachers and student figuring out how to use technology together; asking questions, trying stuff, "messing around" as Brown would say.
  • The Social Life of Information by John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid
  • Can I just say that it is amazingly prescient and still relevant even a decade later? I'm interested in comparing it to his more recent book in discussion here.
  • Howard reponds with an idea on assignments (and the power of assignments). I found the questions (or in other courses the assignements) to really good at directing my brain. 1.Read the question 2. go to sleep 3. stare at the ceiling for hours 4. brush teeth 5. eurekaThese methods are also used in action learning and action research
  • I'm reading the book "the myth of management" (which is not related to learning), and I found out that finding "faults" is actually a dirty consultant trick, as it expands the window through which you can sell your solution. I hacked that idea and replaced solution with learning.
  •  The role of the instructor in balancing freedom and structure -- setting enough structure so that the unlimited freedom doesn't become vertiginous and overwhelming -- resonates with my experiences with Rheingold U. so far. Assignments seem to help, but they can't be too onerous.
  •  Very nice article comparing Thomas/JSB ideas to John Dewey's:
  • Ernst - I am particularly interested in Action Research of the "plan, act, observe,reflect" variety where we never really arrive at conclusions but start again in a new cycle of teaching and learning.
  • that idea of teaching people to fail is very important - I notice that this is acceptable very often in business especially in the contexts of 'start-ups' but unacceptable in most schools. Here in Europe, the work of the Finnish educationalist Pasi Sahlberg gets a lot of attention - one of his motifs is learning to be wrong.
  • Knowing who to listen to in the 'noise' of all the information overload is important - I'm looking forward to our continuing review of how we all re-imagine that new culture of learning.
  • Can You, and if yes, How,  Change a system from within? This is one of the key issues of our time. Learning, PLN, Community support structures, activism, Social media, cooperation.. are all part of that... so it is realIy at the heart of our SMC Alumni topics. 
  • I would suggest, we should be dialoguing in depth about the question, and how to formulate it, before jumping to solutions...
  • The work of social and developmental psychologist, Carol Dweck can inform our discussion about failure,
  • Her book, Mindset, posits that some students have growth mindsets and some have fixed mindsets.
  • Ernst, I adore your description of problem-solving (especially the enumerated part). Downtime is essential for processing information and I agree, even subtle shifts within group dynamics can cause huge internal vistas to open up.
  • The idea of structuring for failure in itself is a whole new take on creative thinking.
  • Schools reward success.  That's our measurement system, our "leaderboard".  Some winners at school go on to run schools. Schools punish failure deeply, systematically.  Remember dunce caps? So taking failure as a good thing is, at the very least, weird and defamiliarizing!
  • Chapter Two of Thomas and Seely-Brown's book  is so short - just five pages - They conclude with the idea ....the point is to embrace what we don't know, come up with better questions about it, and continue asking those questions in order to learn more and more, both incrementally and exponentially. I wonder do the authors want us to reflect repeatedly on the contents of the chapter given its brevity.
  • is it certain type of people who fail, who are subsequently allowed to start again?
  • book's first chapter
  • Two key elements: network ("a massive information network that provides almost unlimited access and resources", sounds like mobile + Web) and environments ("bounded and structural") (19).
  • what do you make of the examples they present?  What do they suggest about the theory they exemplify?
  • ohn Seely Brown is particularly interested in the idea of tinkering. He suggests one of the best 'tinkering' models is the architectural studio -- the place where students work together trying to solve each others' problems, and a mentor or master can also take part in open criticism. Find out why this is a model for us all.
  • The first chapter is a pretty rosy, and might I say westernized, view of the power of Internet access + play in learning.* It manages to enlighten and engage using a few choice narratives (I imagine we will get to the power of those at some point in the book, too) and sets us up for the rationale to come.
  • * I'm looking for some reaction with regards to that comment
  • based on WEIRD (Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democratic) concepts. (An aside, here's a truly wonderful post unpacking of the idea of WEIRD in social science research.)
  • I can only talk for myself but there are contradictions between what I think is best to do with the students I teach and what I actually do. This "living contradiction" is something I consider in my own studies - I noticed a Tweet last night from Howard: Online and blended learning is NOT about automating delivery of knowledge, but about encouraging peer learning, inquiry, discourse.
  • The sentence I liked most from Chapter One reads "One of the metaphors we adopt to describe this process is cultivation. A farmer for example takes the nearly unlimited resources of sunlight, wind, water, earth, and biology and consolidates them into the bounded and structured environment of garden or farm. We see a new culture of learning as a similar kind of process - but cultivating minds instead of plants"
  • Everyone - you may have seen the piece below - if not please take 12 minutes to view it - it fits nicely with our current discussion
    This is the first capture of the conversation from the thread "A New Culture of Learning". We'll see how this goes
    I read the book almost cover to cover. It led me to think more about pushing what I've been doing closer to pure p2p. One of the co-learners in the latest Mindamp told me about "paragogy." That one is worth bookmarking.
Alex Grech

A mini-course on network and social network literacy - howardrheingold's posterous - 2 views

    Essential viewing.  Rheingold's mini-course on network and social network literacy.
David McGavock

BPS Research Digest: Has the Internet become an external hard drive for the brain? - 2 views

  • It's as if we've become adept at using computers to store knowledge for us, and we're better at remembering where information is stored than the information itself.
  • it's important to keep these new findings in perspective: they hint at how the Internet could be altering our memory habits, but they haven't demonstrated that this is any different from other forms of memory support.
  • similar results might have been obtained if trivia statements had been written in notebooks or told to friends, as opposed to typed into a computer.
    Last year's annual question posed by Edge was "How is the Internet changing the way you think?" Several psychologists answered that it was becoming an extension of their minds. "The Internet is a kind of collective memory,' wrote Stephen Kosslyn (Harvard University). "When I write with a browser open in the background, it feels like the browser is an extension of myself."
David McGavock

Infotention, internal: Attentional strategies | Social Media Classroom - 2 views

  • We can talk about attention training, multitasking, the dangers of distraction.
  • What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it"
  • Infotention
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • brain-powered attention skills and computer-powered information filters.
  • work best together with a third element — sociality
  • Honing the mental ability to employ the form of attention appropriate for each moment
  • put together intelligence dashboards, news radars, and information filters from online tools like persistent search and RSS is the external technical component of information literacy.
  • Infotention involves a third element
  • other people
  • recommendations that make it possible to find fresh and useful signals amid the overwhelming noise of the Internet
  • Mentally trained, technologically augmented, socially mediated
  • detecting information that could be valuable specifically to you, whenever and wherever it is useful to you.
  • crap detection skills and basic mindfulness come in. 
Alex Grech

What do Google, Open Source Software and Digital Literacies have in Common? | DMLcentral - 2 views

    Very nice. I like the link to openness and literacy.
Charles van der Haegen

TEDx Duke Talk is Posted! « Learning Matters! Tony O'Driscoll - 2 views

    Here is the talk I gave at TEDx Duke " Preparing Your Children for a World you can Barely Imagine." Some of the images are a bit pixelated but you can get a copy of the slides in my previous post.
    I viewed this presentation again... Love it so much... Wanted to share my admiration and joy with you... It's all about how we can manage Jerk with MindAmp.
Charles van der Haegen

Google+ Project: It's Social, It's Bold, It's Fun, And It Looks Good - Now For The Hard... - 2 views

    "You see, the truth is that Google really is trying not to make a huge deal out of Google+. That's not because they don't have high hopes for it. Or because they don't think it's any good. Instead, it's because what they're comfortable showing off right now is just step one of a much bigger picture. When I sat down with Gundotra and Horowitz last week, they made this point very clear. In their minds, Google+ is more than a social product, or even a social strategy, it's an extension of Google itself. Hence, Google+."
    Great that we are offered the opportunity to explore Google+. I believe our collective intelligence, enhanced by multiple discussions and plural perspectives and belkiefs, will show ways to use it intelligently, widsely, awarely AND FREELY
Charles van der Haegen

Geoff Mulgan: A short intro to the Studio School - YouTube - 2 views

    "Some kids learn by listening; others learn by doing. Geoff Mulgan gives a short introduction to the Studio School, a new kind of school in the UK where small teams of kids learn by working on projects that are, as Mulgan puts it, "for real." TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on, at Category: People & Blogs Tags: TED TEDTalks TEDGlobal Geoff Mulgan Creativity Culture Design Education Work learning learn Studio School projects active learning participatory License: Standard YouTube License 223 likes, 4 dislikes Top Comments 1) 0:15 (to skip intro) 2) I'm sending this to my all my professors and even my old high school teachers too! More people need to hear about this idea! It may not be perfect now, but with more minds working together, it can be fine-tuned into something to suite ALL students (not just those in Media and Arts). Thanks TED! jerrylittlemars 14 hours ago 28 @merkowaty1 additional: just about ANYTHING is going to be more fun than traditional school as we have them today. ion010101 13 hours ago 6 see all All Comments (58) Reactions (2) Respond to this video... we do indeed learn by doing yet we are watchin
    This is a really great initiative, worth watching. Sometimes I feel a bit unsettled, so much things happening in every corner of society at large... accelerating at such a fast pace... Whare, When, will this lead us towards... What can I do?
Charles van der Haegen

PICNIC : // Help U.S.: Lawrence Lessig - 2 views

    "How are governments responding to the entitlement, engagement and sharing brought about by the Internet? How can policy "mistakes" be fixed in "high functioning democracies"? Harvard law professor and Creative Commons founder Lawrence Lessig describes how policy errors in the United States are having unintended negative consequences and he implores "outsiders" to help US to correct its mistakes with balanced, sensible policy alternatives"
    May interest you, Laurence Lessig forcefull speach at Picbnic in Amsterdam in September 2011
    Very fine talk, as usual with Lessig. I wonder where this anti-corruption drive will go.
David McGavock

Seth Godin on the tribes we lead | Video on - 2 views

    "Seth Godin argues the Internet has ended mass marketing and revived a human social unit from the distant past: tribes. Founded on shared ideas and values, tribes give ordinary people the power to lead and make big change. He urges us to do so. Seth Godin is an entrepreneur and blogger who thinks about the marketing of ideas in the digital age. His newest interest: the tribes we lead. Full bio »"
    Godin enjoins us to organize tribes for doing good.
B.L. Ochman

The Mother of All Google+ Resource Lists - TNW Apps - 2 views

    includes lots of resources i hadn't seen before.
hansel molly

Great Remote Computer Support Services - 2 views

Computer Support Professional offers unrivaled online computer support services that gave me the assurance that my computer is in good hands. Every time I needed the help of their computer support ...

computer support

started by hansel molly on 06 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
shai edrote

Troubleshooting and Fixing Computers - 2 views

My computer often experiences network trouble. It does not only cause me inconvenience but, it also causes delays in my work as well. I often hire computer technicians to help me troubleshoot my co...

Fix Computer

started by shai edrote on 12 Sep 11 no follow-up yet
Antonio Lopez

The Global Square: an online platform for our movement | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR - 2 views

    Global Square aims to be an online version of Occupation. This puts some of these various online practices we discuss into a political context.
Donal O' Mahony

Microblogging - 2 views

    Loved the title for slide 4. "Still..." :) Good intro sketch.
seth kutcher

Two Thumbs Up For Computer Assistance Services - 2 views

I am so happy for the computer assistance that Computer Assistance Online gave me. They provided me with precise and fast solutions to my computer problem. Their computer specialists really know wh...

computer assistance

started by seth kutcher on 06 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
Antonio Lopez

Global unrest: how the revolution went viral | World news | The Guardian - 1 views

  • If you look at the full suite of information tools that were employed to spread the revolutions of 2009–11, it goes like this: Facebook is used to form groups, covert and overt – in order to establish those strong but flexible connections. Twitter is used for real-time organisation and news dissemination, bypassing the cumbersome newsgathering operations of the mainstream media. YouTube and the Twitter-linked photographic sites – Yfrog, Flickr and Twitpic – are used to provide instant evidence of the claims being made. Link-shorteners such as are used to disseminate key articles via Twitter.
  • Underpinning the social media is mobile telephony: in the crush of every crowd we see arms holding cellphones in the air, like small flocks of ostriches, snapping scenes of repression or revolt, offering instant and indelible image-capture to a global audience.And in all the theatres of revolution, blogs have offered a vital resource: somewhere to link to.
    I good explanation for why things are "kicking off" everywhere.
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