Did Mississippi's poorest students just lose their chance for a quality education? - 0 views
How Your Nonverbals Impact Your Teaching | Cult of Pedagogy - 0 views
Thematic - 0 views
szoter - online annotation tool - 0 views
Public schools aren't failing | CharlotteObserver.com - 0 views
In fact, both show that American public school children are doing remarkably well.
For example, the NCES report shows that in schools with less than 25 percent poverty rates, American children scored higher in reading than any other children in the world. In. The. World.
The takeaway is simple. Our middle-class and wealthy public school children are thriving. Poor children are struggling, not because their schools are failing but because they come to school with all the well-documented handicaps that poverty imposes – poor prenatal care, developmental delays, hunger, illness, homelessness, emotional and mental illnesses, and so on.
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quizzity - a geography game - 0 views
http://healthhub.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/14-HHB-1378-Mucus-I... - 0 views
The Sabermetrics of Effort - Jonah Lehrer - 0 views
The fundamental premise of Moneyball is that the labor market of sports is inefficient, and that many teams systematically undervalue particular athletic skills that help them win. While these skills are often subtle – and the players that possess them tend to toil in obscurity - they can be identified using sophisticated statistical techniques, aka sabermetrics. Home runs are fun. On-base percentage is crucial.
The wisdom of the moneyball strategy is no longer controversial. It’s why the A’s almost always outperform their payroll,
However, the triumph of moneyball creates a paradox, since its success depends on the very market inefficiencies it exposes. The end result is a relentless search for new undervalued skills, those hidden talents that nobody else seems to appreciate. At least not yet.
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