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Toni Davidson

Wellesley Centers for Women - 2 views

    Target audience, purpose and content: The purpose of the website is to share research results and action programs with women's perspectives. The target audience is women and men who wish to make a difference in women's lives. Accuracy of information: This site seems credible. It has clear contacts that include divisions, phone numbers, and email addresses. It also includes a list of resources for those who are in need of services, although they do not provide direct care. Links to their Board and directions to the actual brick & mortar location on the Wellesley College campus in Wellesley, Massachusetts. The Wellesley Centers for Women is a community of scholars engaged in research and training. The list of scholars and trainers is on the appropriate page with photos and links to bios with credentials. These are all determining factors that enable me to trust the accuracy of the information on this site. Qualifications of the author or group that created the site: Again, the scholars and trainers are listed with their bios, photos, and history of accomplishments. There are also events, publications, projects, and news. There are plenty of ways to communicate with someone associated with this site to confirm the reliability of the information shown. Contact information / means of communication with author or webmaster: There is plenty of contact information on the Contacts page listed under divisions with phone numbers and email addresses. A fax number is also included as well as directions to the organization's physical location. Design, organization, navigation, links, and ease of use: I did not discover any broken links or hanging pages. Each page was clearly titled and subtitled, showing it as part of the Wellesley Centers for Women site. Navigation was clear and pages loaded quickly. The site is easy to read and is not overloaded with gaudy text design or unnecessary graphics. The colors are soothing and easy on the eye. Th
    Wellesley Centers for Women - continued .... part 2 of 2 due to the character limit cutting off the text............. The colors are soothing and easy on the eye. There is also a working search utility within the site. Final evaluation remarks: This is a credible, informative website with many sources, resources, and publications. Its purpose is to generate gender-focused changes in attitudes, practices, and public policy through research and action. It's an interesting site that is easy to read and navigate. Since this site focuses on gender research, I feel it does have much to do with family/work balance. As we have learned in this class, the roles of men and women and how they are defined in relation to work and family are a major aspect of balance.
Toni Davidson

Family Support America - td - 0 views

    PART 1 OF 4 Title: Family Support America - Purpose and content: The purpose of the website seems to be to provide educational and/or public service information for parents, teachers, and caregivers. The content is basically brief definitions and information regarding child abuse prevention, tips to avoid lashing out at your children, tips on adoption, education, daycare, divorce with children, work and family balance, caregiving, and links to other web resources. Accuracy of information: None of the information is comprehensive in nature. However, the brief text that is present does seem believable. It seems the purpose is to direct visitors to outside sources -- or to the "sponsors" shown at the bottom of most pages, which are for-profit businesses. All the information on the pages within this website seemed to be generic tips and definitions that could have been copied and pasted from almost any other website with similar information. Qualifications of the author or group that created the site: There is nothing on this website to determine the author's identity or establish any qualifications, expertise, or credibility of anyone associated with this website or organization.
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    PART 2 OF 4 Title: Family Support America - Author's identity: I was not able to find out the author's identity. There is no information on the website itself to indicate who the author is except for the contact email address and mailing address of 307 W 200 S, Suite 2004, Salt Lake City, 84101, found on the Contact page. Clues of authorship the URL provided is that the site is a non-profit organization. The domain extension is .org. There is nothing in the footer other than © 2012. The contact information is generic. The About page does not state this information. However, in running a Whois domain inquiry on, I found that a person by the name of Avid Amiri is the registrant, administrative, and technical contact of the domain and that the address shown in all three of the contacts for is the same address shown on the website for Family Support America. This does not necessarily mean this person is the author of the website, but it does provide another clue toward the assumption that this is the person that represents Family Support America. There is a phone number attached to the domain contacts, but it is no longer in service.
    PART 3 OF 4 Title: Family Support America - The domain Whois report shows Avid Amiri to own about 17 other domains and is associated with over 1,000 more. This is not concrete evidence that information is biased and the site is actually for advertising, but it is conspicous. Either Avid Amiri is the person hired by the organizations to register and host the domains -- which does not seem plausible since the address is the same for all contacts and the organization -- or Avid Amiri is in fact also the author. If the latter, I would venture to presume Avid Amiri is using domains as an underhanded method of search engine optimization (SEO) for the for-profit businesses shown as sponsors on many pages of the website. Further investigation of Avid Amiri revealed there is one with the name Avid Amiri located in the Salt Lake City area that is a member of LinkedIn and Twitter. When looking at the Twitter page connected to that Avid Amiri, that person is in fact a consultant specializing in search engine optimization. Contact information / means of communication with author or webmaster: On the Contact page there is an email address that looks like it is attached to administration -- whether it intends to be web administration or organizational administrative staff member or author is not clear. The address is There is a mailing address on the Contact page as well. It lacks the two-letter state abbreviation. There is no phone number. There are no specific contacts displayed. Broken links: The link to the "learning center" hangs on a blank page and is therefore broken ( The Links and Resources page does not provide any links or resources at all.
    PART 4 OF 4 Title: Family Support America - Design, organization and ease of use: The overall appearance of the website is generic. It is what I call a "cookie-cutter" template. It is easy to read and navigate, but that is because there isn't much on it. The home page template is fractured, i.e., the left panel link image is too large for what is allowed in the template causing a fracture in the design elements. A site map is available, but the learning center link does not work. There are no help screens. There is no search available within the site. Final evaluation remarks: At first glance, this site is revealed as a non-profit site (.org domain extension) sharing family support information. At second glance, it appears to be a bare bones approach to direct visitors to other sites for more comprehensive assistance and/or information. The home page reads they can help with child abuse, alcoholism, and more, but continues that if they cannot help, they can direct the visitor to someone who can. There are no individuals featured. There is nothing to indicate anyone has any credentials of any type in the field of Family Support. Again, it appears to be directing visitors to other sites and it does not appear to do that well. The closer look reveals misrepresentation and sneaky SEO tactics to pump up search results for the businesses shown as "sponsors" on many of the pages. I will say the information that is on the pages is not useless and it does pertain to families and work as I feel the real-world pressures of work and bills to pay has a lot to do with family abuse and the ability or non-ability to deal with those issues.

Safe Families for Children; website review - 4 views

Website Name: Safe Families for Children URL: Website Overview: A website devoted to providing a "Safety Net" for families who are in crisis. Safe Families for Chil...

started by lbracy on 03 May 12 no follow-up yet
Edgar Patino

New Ways to Work - 0 views

shared by Edgar Patino on 02 May 12 - Cached
    New Ways to Work Website Overview: The purpose of the webpage titled New Ways to Work is to inform the audience of the organizations continuing efforts to create partnerships with other organizations such as schools, communities, private and government partners in order to provide young adults access to quality education and career opportunities. The New Ways to Work is devoted to providing less fortunate youths with choices to better themselves by using the public resources available to them. The organization also provides training programs, community activities and support groups that help educate youths about the necessary skills or goals required to succeed in an evolving school/work environment. Intended Audience: The intended audience for this website seems to be the general working families. I feel as the whole purpose of the webpage is to let less fortunate families know that there are organizations out there attempting to provide their children with a better way of life. Critique: After reviewing the webpage I began to realize that the webpage itself is extremely focused on informing individuals about the organizations efforts and continuing involvement with organizations to improve future generation's way of life. What I found interesting is the number of corporations that are associated with the organization, names such as Bill Gates, Apple, IBM, Wells Fargo, and the US Department of Education have all helped fund the organization in one way or the other. This alone can lead one to believe that the organization is accomplishing its objective of working with corporations and educational institutes to help build awareness regarding the possibilities youths can have. However, the webpage itself lacks information regarding how these corporations and individuals have made their contributions. The whole site seems to fail to make any real stance against anything other than helping youths. I found it interesting to see th
    that they do not have a way for their visitors to donate money. The webpage seems to be more focused on making sure people are aware of what their organization does more than how they go about it. As for the website itself, I feel that a lot more time could have been placed on creating a more organized webpage. I looked at several webpages and the new ways to work webpage might be one of the worst put together website I have seen. The whole thing just looks like it was put together as a high school project. The webpage lacks some real direction as it seems the developers of the site were satisfied with just throwing a large amount of information out on their site and letting the viewer attempt to decipher the meaning of the information. One of the worst cases of this would be the web links section. I could not determine why the tab was there. From what I could tell the section is just a list of websites organized in alphabetical order, there is no introduction to the page or any references attempting to explain why the websites are there. Are these webpages sites that the organization supports or are they actual organizations that the group works with? Overall I feel that the organization as a whole has been successful in accomplishing their mission, however, I feel that their webpage needs better direction and more credible sources. I found it very difficult to find any sort of sources throughout the entire webpage and feel that the reason for this is largely due to the lack of organization on the website itself. The Author of the webpage is never revealed, however there is a section regarding the staff of the company under the "About us" section. Overall, I would say that the large number of individuals and corporations that have worked with the organization can only lead one to believe that the information provided is credible and that the lack of clarity on their website is due to poor organization. Relationship to Work, Family, Community class: I feel t
    One of the topics that we covered in the class was Community which is described as being based on the idea that what we share exceeds what divides us, and that we gain more by working together than alone. New Ways to Work seems to be all about promoting the element of Community. It is good to have a source to go to for guidance on how we can collaborate and strengthen our ability to accomplish things that we would otherwise not be able to accomplish on our own. This seems to be a good site and I will probably refer to it again in the future.
ashley wilson

Working Mom Time-Saving Tips, at Work and at Home - 2 views

    Part one the URL: A brief overview of the website: This site covers everything a working mother would want to know, or read about. Of course like the two main categories for working mothers, they have the two main tabs on the site being at home and at work. They also have three sub tabs including: best companies, research institute, and conference and events. The at home tab has tips, ideas, and inspiration to help working moms balance household, family and me time. When you explore this section it offers many articles that address different topics concerning the home. For example, there is an article about pinkeye prevention. There is also an article about six family friendly earth day activities. Under the articles there is also a bunch of working mom blogs that you can read that pertain to subjects about the home. At work tab, is the other major tab on this site. This tab offers career tips and advice for every working mom at every stage of life. This tab offers a new range of articles that have to do with work. Some of the topics range from training you brain for pregnancy to stay sharp on the job, and how to ace an interview. Like the home tab this tab also has work mom blogs, but these blogs deal with the work side of life instead. The best companies tab has the latest news, tips, and trends on work-life and the advancement of women from Working Mother's signature initiatives. This include articles about the best working mother companies to work for, as well as updates on family policies and benefits.
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    Part 2 A brief overview continued: The next tab is the research institute tab. This tab has twenty-five years of data and studies targeting the key concerns impacting working mothers today. This tab also has articles which are backed by data. Instead of the working mom blogs, it has what is called thought leaders. These blogs have successful women's talking about how mothers and women can become successful leaders as well. Conferences and events is the last major tab section on this website. This is a way for working mothers to engage the working mother community. This included events from the working mother media, NAFE, and diversity best practices. This is a great way for working mother to see what events are coming up, as well as share knowledge and insights with each other. The intended audience: Like the title clearly states this site is geared towards working women. If it was not clear in the title, it would be clear in the tabs and information. It is all about women, and families, and how to balance your work thrown in the mix while still being successful. This information is for the general public. It is very relatable for any skill level. It talks about basic information, and offers many tips including tips to help further your career. Creditability: This website has a tab dedicated solely for the purpose of research. Working Mother Research Institute spends time doing relative research as well as pare with other creditable sources to get more information. They work with the best companies initiatives, an also NAFE initiatives. They also work with other publications and sites including diversity best practices, and WOW! Facts which both offer more information about this subject matter. When you dive into reading some of the articles based on research it will document the source of the study and information. Some of the reports are from non-profit sources such as the national institute for health care reform. They also gain some of th
    Part 3: Creditability continued: from other publications like the American Scientist. This website seems to do their research to make sure they have relevant information that is up to date, and backed by studies, and research while also throwing in opinions, and helpful tips. Observations and relation to Work, Family & Community: This website explores all the different issues and concerns working mothers can have. They offer get research, tips, and opinions that help make the work and life balance a little easier. These women are successful, and still make time for their families. They do their best at trying to help working mothers manage the two major parts of their lives: their work and their family. I think this site is a great and helpful tool to use for working mothers, and provides a vast array of useful information from the experts themselves. The end :)
    Thank you for the review of this site. I was at first intimidated by the vast amount of information and links on the site, but after a bit of browsing, it did seem to flow more smoothly. I like the way that they have subdivided the topics by "@Home" and "@Work". This makes it easier to move throughout the site and locate more relevant information. The part that I thought was most valuable was links to blogs of other mothers. It is good for individuals to be able to network and create a community with other individuals that are experiencing similar problems or concerns. Community can be a great asset to obtaining information, and the blogs allows for a virtual community. I also like the fact they had information about family friendly employers to work for. This could be valuable to anyone who is looking for a new career and has to balance a family as well. Overall, I feel there is a great deal of information and the site serves a great purpose. Thank you again for your review. Joshua
    Great review, Ashley. I enjoyed browsing the website as it seems to be full of great information for working moms (whether they work inside or outside of the home). I have to say, though, that this site seemed to be mostly for entertainment factor until I found the research library. The library is full of great information and research relevant to work/life/family/community challenges. I also found several resources specific to women (gaps and stats of careers/salaries/education of men and women). Overall I thought this was a great site that somewhat solidified what we've read/learned over the course of this semester.
Angela Sales

Working Families " Issues - 0 views

  • This website is out of New York and is basically a site for influencing elections and is pro-democrat. A slogan that is mentioned states "Working Families is a different kind of political party. We're fighting for ordinary people, not for special interests." So right there, this is a politically biased website for the supposed "99%." The three main areas are meet the candidates, issues, and take action. They list their endorsements and of course there is an area to contribute to the cause and the candidates. Oh, yes, and President Obama is listed on this site as someone they endorse because he has worked so well for working families. Really? The intended audience is definitely voters. I do not give any credibility to this site due to it's political bias. Some of the ideas they promote are bank bailouts, healthcare for all, and green jobs/green homes. They are "fighting to bring back the Amerian Dream, and they want you to joint them. All I can say from the right is "don't drink the kool aid" to the voters.
    Interesting website. The name of the site suggests that perhaps it is a politically neutral organization, focused on the policies and actions that benefit working families, be it from the right or the left. In looking thru the website, I don't see anything that resembles a care or concern for work/life/community balance. Here's an example of strategic website naming to acquire caring, help-seeking viewers who wouldn't normally visit political campaign sites.
Andrea Bennett

The Work Life Balance Centre - 0 views

  • This website review is of the WorkLifeBalanceCentre. The main areas of the website are the About Us, Corporate Wellbeing, Individual Support, Interact, Hot Topics, Clients, More Resources, and Contact Us sections. The website audience is for both individuals and organizations. For organizations, it focuses on highlighting the problems organizations face when there is not an appropriate amount of WorkLifeBalance. For individuals, it focuses on hypnotherapy and CBT, fears, phobia, trauma, depression, childbirth, etc. This website is basically a site for people and or organizations to find out about the various courses they teach and the fees involved. There was a portion for testimonials from individuals who the courses or one-on-one courses helped with self esteem, wedding stress, and medical issues. The company is based in Leicestershire which is located in the midlands of Central England. I think this site could be easily used by the general population and is accessible to them. Unfortunately, they are located in England. So while the services can easily be used by folks over there, the services really provide nothing to us here in the United States. As far as credibility, I researched the director, Julie Hurst and also the center itself and found the following. She is a psychotherapist/hypnotherapist and the center has been in existence for over 21 years. Her LinkedIn profile does not say where she went to school but it does say that she has been a featured speaker. I searched google and youtube looking for placed where she has been a speaker but I did not find much of anything. I also searched for complaints against her or the business and was not able to find much either. She has not written any books and the website does not appear to have any specific political or social agenda either. As far as credibility, it is hard to say. If we believe her LinkedIn page, the company has been existence for over 21
    The Work Life Balance Center website offers a host of tools and resources for individuals as well as employers and other work groups. The organization is directed by Julie Hurst, a researcher and expert on health and well-being at work and overall balance in life. She is a consultant for news and other organizations where research facts, professional opinions, and commentary are requested on the topic. The site has absolutely zero advertisements for products and services, making it clear that the primary purpose of the site (and the organization) is to educate provide free tools to anyone looking. The tools available on the site are helpful, some interactive, to determine a person's current work-life balance and provides resources to consult in an effort to achieve his/her ideal work-life balance. There are many free whitepapers on various related topics and research, such as an overview on work-life balance, research on depression as one of the biggest work life balance issues, etc. The site does not address the community aspect of balance, but it covers the work-life dimensions very well. Many other resources are available thru the site: links to books and articles by published authors, links to other organizations who share the same cause and focus. The website is somewhat generic and is not as well populated with content as many other sites; however, the content is unbiased and the site is easy to navigate.
Andrea Bennett

Labor Project for Working Families - 1 views Since its inception in 1992, the Labor Project is a national non-profit organization that focuses on building awareness and agreements among labor, advocacy and co...


started by Andrea Bennett on 03 May 12 no follow-up yet
Edgar Patino

National Fatherhood Initiative - 3 views

shared by Edgar Patino on 02 May 12 - Cached
    National Fatherhood Initiative Overview: The National Fatherhood Initiative is a webpage for the organization with the same name who attempts to minimize the amount of children that grow up without their fathers in their lives. The organization is devoted to making sure fathers are there for their children as much as possible. Through its 3-E strategy, Educate, Equip, and Engage, the National Fatherhood Initiative has successfully helped more than two million children live with their fathers, along with reaching 1 million fathers with skill building resources. The webpage as a whole seems to promote the efforts of the organization a great deal as well as reaching out to potential donors. Intended Audience: The intended audience of the webpage is aimed at fathers who feel like they need to be more involved with their children. The website offers a number of help brochures and books in order to better fathers who are not as involved in their children's life as they could be; for a small fee of course. Critique: The first and most annoying aspect of reviewing this webpage was the lack of information available to the reader. The organization is a non-profit organization however it would seem otherwise from browsing through their website. There is a donate link on nearly every page of the site, making it frustrating to navigate as every link eventually takes you to either a donate page or a page that wants you to buy something. The four key tabs are For Fathers, For Organizations, For Media, and Donate. Choosing one of the four tabs basically takes you to a link where the viewer can give them money. If you are a father you can search their Father SOURCE collection in order to buy materials to learn how to be a better father. If the viewer is involved with an organization he/she can learn how to donate money and if you are a media member, then the viewer can learn how to hire one of the organizations speakers to do a presentation. Almo
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    I think this is a great website that can be a great tool for fathers. It has tips for new fathers, and teenage fathers. I love the thought behind this site. I also love how it connects the reader to other helpful sources. Its since to see it isn't all about the moms anymore. Good review :)
    This is a good website, I feel like this is an area that is not represented very often, it seems like it is all too easy for men to not be involved with their children. Men may need this as a resource if they grew up in a home without a father figure as an example. Good Review.
    Thank you for your review of this site. I found the site very informational and easy to use. The section I thought was the most valuable was under the "For Fathers" section. The section detailed possible issues fathers may face such as: work-family balance, technology, and health. What I thought was even more beneficial was the fact that they had created separate sections for different age categories and the problems that a father may face in those age brackets. In addition, I liked the fact there was a blog section where fathers could discuss particular issues with other fathers experiencing similar situations. There was ample links for donations, but since this is a not-for-profit site, I was not offended by the amount. There are materials to buy, which is unfortunate, but overall there is a good deal of thought behind the site. Thank you for introducing it to us. Joshua
    Here is the remainder of the review as it seems to have been cut short Almost everywhere you go the webpage is attempting to get money from the viewer. The whole page is virtually an advertisement for the organization. On a positive note, the organization does seem to be very good at collecting money and aiding fathers in need. The organization has been associated with companies such as Disney, Nissan, FedEx, the NBA, and the NFL. Having an affiliation with all of these companies does go to show that the organization is achieving their mission. The website also has an interesting section labeled statistics; the section details some interesting statistics relating to the effects of fathers missing from their children's lives. All of the statistics are very well documented and precise with accurate source material. They webpage also has a number of ways to contact the organization all labeled on the bottom of the webpage. As a whole I would say that the webpage is very credible in its information, it's just a shame there is not much information to look at without having to dish out some money to see it. Relationship to Work, Family, Community class: The obvious connection to the concepts that we have learned this semester can be found in amount of work/family conflicts that result from overworked parents neglecting their families in favor of financial growth. As we have learned, fathers tend to be the parents who are more often than not placed in the role of bread winner. As a result of the amount of pressure that is placed on fathers, they are typically responsible for failing to be there for their children as they are growing up. I believe that the National Fatherhood Initiative is definitely attempting to shed some light on a less talked about subject matter; however I feel that the way that they are attempting to achieve their goal is somewhat disappointing. If as a non-profit organization you have some piece of knowledge that is going to help fathers ach
    It seems that everyone is willing to provide help to anyone for a price. I wonder how much of the money they raise actually goes to help fathers have better and stronger relationships with their children. I took a look at this website and it appears to just give enough information to try and draw someone in so that they will pay to learn more. It may be very credible but I think fathers would be better off finding an organization in their community that offers meetings where fathers can get together and talk about issues and a facilitator donates their time to help.
Toni Davidson

Family Support America - 5 views

    Raising a family in this modern world of instant everything can be a gargantuan task that is quite daunting to new parents no matter what their age is. Website Name: Family Support America URL: Website Overview: This website is to help parents gain helpful and useful tips, information, support, and connections in order for families to survive. One of the main focuses is eating healthy and staying activity. Healthy children equal happy children. Other major topics include child abuse prevention, stress, adoption tips, education, childcare, and family-work situations. Intended Audience: The intended audience is parents. Critique: I feel that this site is somewhat credible. First off the website is an .org, thus referring to the website being associated with an organization. After doing some research on my local library database, I found a couple of publications mentioning the organization, Family Support America. One example of a publications mentioned that Family Support America hosted the 10th Biennial National Conference in Chicago. (2004) There is no specific author mentioned within the website. All information of given freely though each section does mention a sponsoring source at the end. The one thing that does bother me about the website is that it does not provide supporting documentation on its points. I do not find any signs of bias on the site since the site is directed to both parents. Relationships to Work, Family, Community Class: I feel this is site is very useful in helping families adjust and deal with work-family situation. Throughout this course we have read about many hardships and stress that many different types of families endure. This site gives families different solution to their dilemma. For example, we read about the lack of quality daycare many working parents deal with. Under the education & day care it gives a parent reading how to help you choose the right place for your child.
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    Jade, I'm sorry I did not know you were doing the Family Support America website. I didn't see anything posted when I started my review and I can't express my surprise when I saw you had the same site I had chosen for my first review. What are the odds? In any case, my view was much different than yours. I don't believe this to be a site that is truly meant to help parents, teachers, and caregivers. I see it as a "front" for search engine optimization for the for-profit businesses shown as sponsors on many of the pages. I did not find any evidence of credibility. I found the website to be conspicuous. Although the brief definitions and scant information that is present does seem to be believable, it could have easily been copied and pasted from any other site showing similar information. There was no phone number and no named point of contact. The address shown is the same address as the domain registrant. The phone number connected to that registrant is no longer in service. Too many red flags in my opinion. Please feel free to take a look at my evaluation and comment as well.
    I totally agree. Though the site alone does not seem that credible, the organization that contributes to the site is. I found them referenced at my local research database.
    I thought the site had some great tips about everyday life, such as stress, education, childcare, discipline and divorce. After taking another look at the site, there does seem to be some bias. When you click on the links for the information it has information on sponsors.
    This site was interesting. It was very simplistic compared to other sites that have been reviewed in this forum. There is some great information available, but there is a lack of enthusiasm or care. The site seems mildly depressing with the white and blue color scheme. Overall, it has great intentions, but it lacks some of the more social aspects that other similar organizations has. I feel one of the best resources are other parents or individuals that have similar experiences. We can learn from each other and support one another. Using social networking or blogs helps to foster that communication. I feel this site just misses the mark with its simplicity. Thank you for your review on this site. Joshua
    Wow, I would most certainly agree with you Toni. The webpage is certainly lacking a lot of polish as well as information. The information provided has no credible sources and is very scares. I would agree with Jade that the organization seems to be a real organization, however they certainly seem to be lacking a real mission. They claim to cover everything form child abuse to divorces. Most organizations seem to focus on one aspect instead of just doing it all. The sponsored links on each page also raise some red flags. Overall, I would say this is the worst website I have seen while doing this project.

Center for Women and Work | School of Management and Labor Relations - 5 views

shared by nmclean on 01 May 12 - No Cached
    This website is a work in progress by the School of Management and Labor Relations Center for Women and Work. Their main focus areas include 1) Workforce Development, 2) Education and Career Development, 3) Women's Leadership and Advancement, and 4) Working Families. The main mission of this group is to address the advancement of women in the workplace, conduct cutting-edge research on successful public and workplace policies, provide technical assistance and programs to educators, industry, and governments, and engage issues that directly affect the living standards of New Jerseys' and the nations' working families. Gender equity projects and research is also at the heart of their mission. Overall this website is very informative for all viewers. It is a good source of information and research on a wide range of topics that deal with women, work and families. It is a credible website with much information and the capability to take donations. They have links to the Working Poor Families Project and other related blogs and organizations. I am impressed with the New Jersey Time To Care project. This is a project to offer paid leave to workers faced with family illness or crisis for a six-week period of partial wage replacement over a 12-month period. This initiative will cover leave to bond with a newborn or newly adopted child or to care for a seriously ill child, parent, spouse, domestic partner or civil union partner. This will cover all workers who have earned $143.00/per week for 20 weeks. Great for part timers who would usually only be granted unpaid leave. (This in itself is a separate website that is very informative, as well.) I like the design of the (CWW) site and the way they offer links to those who may want or need more information. The Sloan Center on Innovative Training and Workforce Development is also packed full of good information. Their link takes you to The Center of Women and Work's (CWW) Innovative Training and Workforce Development (ITW
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    continued..ITWD) page. These projects conduct research and evaluations on innovative workforce development policies, programs, and solutions. Their research is focused on understanding how to prepare underserved populations to compete in today's high-skill economy with a particular attention paid to women and non-college educated workers. I would recommend this site to anyone interested in Leadership Development. These principles can be applied to all workers, not just women. Rutgers School of Management seems to do a great job of sharing and updating their website's information and content.
    This is a good site, I will show this to my wife and daughter. It is important for women to group together ideas and strategies for making the world a better place. The only site I can think of for us guys is ESPN and that doesn't really help at all.
    The Center for Women and Work website is full of information to help women better themselves and their families. I like how they included their link to twitter, it shows that they are really trying to reach out to women of all generations. Kristin
    Thank you for your review of this site. There is a great deal of information available with relation to women in the workplace. Diversity is important in any organization. The companies that have the strength and talent of minds from differing backgrounds and needs can anticipate factors more fully. It is refreshing to see an organization that provides so much information. I agree with Kristin that utilizing social media shows the passion they feel for their mission. I was also impressed that they had current and relevant articles available to be read and commented on by visitors. Thank you again for your presentation of this site. Joshua

The Race for Education - 1 views

shared by nmclean on 03 May 12 - No Cached
    Since I initially chose a website that, I didn't notice, had already been reviewed (Family and Work Institute) I decided to report on another site that helps families who work in thoroughbred racing (After all this is Kentucky Derby Week). Website Review: The Race For Education (RFE) helps families who typically earn low wages and work long hours in the Thoroughbred industry, send their children to college. The website is user friendly and offers information on the mission and fundraising efforts of the Thoroughbred Industry. Their mission is to provide mentoring, tutoring and partnership, along with financial support, with the ultimate goal of making sure students are successful in life and become an asset to their community. Although the majority of the students involved in The Race For Education program come from high risk and extreme need backgrounds, the graduation rate is over 70%, while the national average is about 50%, and 90 % of RFE students make the dean's list. The organization is managed by a volunteer board of directors and an executive committee with both professional and academic experience. Approximately 75% of its funding comes from private individuals and foundations and is 25% federally funded. The organization also receives an annual contribution that covers all operational expenses. This allows 100% of the contributions received to go directly to student programs and services. The Race For Education's primary source of funding is the Racehorse Nomination Program, in which horse owners donate a percentage of their racehorses' earnings to the scholarship program. Annual fundraisers include The Race For Education 5K/10K Run, held in beautiful Midway, Kentucky, each October; and the Thoroughbred Charities of America Stallion Season Auction in December. In looking at the Board of Directors the organization and website is maintained by people who work and actively participate in the racing industry. Key areas of the site include fundraising and
    (continued)....scholarship opportunities, Equine Programs and Vet schools,News and Current Events. There isn't a political agenda, just an industry that wants to take care of their own and ensure a good future. The site lists success stories and is credible. My own Thoroughbred racehorses have contributed to helping students with tuition at the University of Kentucky and at Auburn. It is refreshing to see a private industry successfully intercede to provide funding for their possible future participants.The general public may be interested in this website, however I think it may be limited to families in the Thoroughbred Industry.
    Thank you for your review of this site. I am impressed by this organization. Many of the sites we have reviewed five information on how to help or publish documents related to a particular topic. This organization aims to assist families with scholarships and educational expenses. Many parents work multiple jobs and late hours not only to help their family make ends meet, but many do so to provide much needed funds for post secondary education. I was also impressed that due to some donors, 100% of the contribution go toward the organizations goal. Thank you for reviewing this site and introducing this organization. Joshua
Lisa Scott

WFC Resources Organizational Wellness - 2 views

shared by Lisa Scott on 02 May 12 - No Cached
    Website Overview: This website is intended to make resources available to employers and employees on how to make the workplace both supportive and effective. WFC Resources believe that the secret behind thriving businesses is a work setting with a twofold program. This program includes achieving business goals and creating a program that allows employees to meet their personal responsibilities. WFC Resources also offers consulting and training to help businesses and employees accomplish that objective. Their consulting and training is offered on-site and on-line which make the resources readily available. The on-line site is laid out in a simple format that is easy to navigate. They offer many resources available through articles that are free to download; products that one can purchase that contain e-courses on creating a work/family balance; reports and external resources.
    This site seems to have much credibility. To support their credibility WFC Resources created the Work-Life Clearinghouse that over the last 20 years has tracked and wrote about the history and current practices in the workplace. In addition, the WFC Resources are active in the improvement of the industry through networks and society initiatives. For two years, the company has led the "When Work Works" program in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul which is part of the Alfred P. Sloan Awards for Workplace Excellence. Furthermore, the resources offered through this site are used by many fortune 500 companies listed on their website. Their track record, their presence within many corporations and their community involvement testify of their credibility.
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    Continued...Intended Audience: WFC Resources website was created for businesses and employees that seek a workplace that satisfies both the company's objectives and employee's personal needs. Relationship to work, family, and community class: The sites goal is to provide resources to employers and employees on how to create a work environment conductive for productive work as well as addressing employee's needs and desires. Through the resources and e-courses offered, businesses and employees can attempt to work together to create a balance between work and family. Comments: I have found many of the free articles to be very interesting and encouraging towards many work family conflicts.
    Lisa, The WFC Resources Organizational Wellness website seems to be organized really well. I liked how they are not shy about who they are helping, by showing the list of their clientele. It shows that they were proud of their work. Also, I like how they have a "Latest News" section because it shows that they want to keep their audience informed. Kristin
    Thank you for your review of this site. Often, many sites and available information is aimed at the individual to create a work-family balance. This site aims to help create balance by working with the employer as well. In this fashion, the company becomes more family friendly and helps to be a resolution to family imbalance, rather than a problem. In addition, I like the way they had videos that demonstrated their programs. They also had a great deal of information available discussing the difficulty of work-family imbalance. Their contact information was easily visible for any employer that wished to take advantage of their services. It seems they have created a balanced approach and have had success implementing their ideas to employers. Thanks again for your review. Joshua
Joshua Allen

Workplace Flexibility 2010 - 1 views

    The workplace flexibility 2010 website advocates for "the development of a comprehensive national policy on workplace flexibility." They strive to bring attention to the workplace flexibility offer links to resources that discuss specific concerns or legislation in more detail. The site has workplace flexibility issues broken down amongst several categories, including: stakeholders, families and caregivers, military families, older workers, low wage workers, people with disabilities, and employers. The site is a public policy initiated at Georgetown Law. The site is intended to be a continually updated site that aims to "lay the groundwork for implementation of meaning workplace flexibility policy solutions." It is part of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's National Initiative on Workplace Flexibility. The material available is discernible by any audience and is meant to generate support and inform those who are concerned. There is not an expectation of higher learning to understand the sites position or material.
    Although there is a great deal of valuable information, the site mainly is an archived list of websites that relate to a specific concern. The events section has not been updated since 2010 and the news article section was last updated in August of 2011. Since the website is sponsored by Georgetown Law, it does maintain some credibility, but it lacks proper updating and true independent thought. If the visitor was looking for information on the effect of workplace inflexibility in a particular sector of the economy, as previously discussed, they will find a great deal of website resources at their disposal. The main accomplishment of the organization is a paper that was published in 2010 discussing a variety of issues related to workplace inflexibility and outlined several possible remedies for the issue. The organization does not offer direct support to any particular political party or to any support to a particular advocacy group. They simply state the concern, outline the problem, and address possible solutions and links to find additional information. Therefore, it does not appear that any bias exists.
    There was some additional information concerning work, family, and community that Workplace Flexibility 2010 addressed that I had not previously considered. Often many of us relate work-family issues to a traditional job or career. The site addresses this concern in relation to military personnel. Our discussions concerning workplace inflexibility mainly dealt with the inability of a parent to get time off to care for a child who is sick, or dual earning income families that are unable to attend to a child before or after school. In general, solutions to these concerns typically include reduced hours, greater flexibility of hours, ability to work at home, or parents working differing shifts. In military families, the imbalance becomes even more widespread. An active military member could be deployed for over a year and often, longer than that. This creates an additional strain on the family. The community and family are instrumental in assisting these families. I had not previously considered inflexibility with relation to active military personnel. Overall, the site is well-designed and encompasses a great deal of information and resources available for the workplace inflexibility concern. I would argue that the site needs to be continuously updated and provide statuses on the progress made with respect to the issue in the sectors they outline.
Joshua Allen

FCA: Family Caregiver Alliance Home - 1 views

    The family Caregiver Alliance is an organization dedicated to giving a public voice for the caregivers; those who use their time outside of work to care for "loved ones with Chronic, disabling health conditions." The site provides more than advocacy and support. It presents educational materials, valuable information and research as well. "The Family Caregiver Alliance was the first community based nonprofit in the country to address the needs of families and friends providing long-term care at home." The site aims to address the concerns and support those who care for their loved ones in a diminished capacity. They offer information for public seminars, online webinars, and workshops that address specific needs. The Family Caregiver Alliance website is intended directly for those families and individuals that provide at home care for an individual in a severe diminished capacity. Although many of the seminars and newsletters address specific concerns in San Francisco and California, many of the topics and articles are relevant in every state. It provides information on how to communicate to doctors, how to take care of you as a caregiver, and provides information on more specialized care such as nursing homes, behavior specialist, and assisted living centers. It also creates a forum within seminars and webinars for individuals to communicate with others that are experiencing similar challenges and concerns. It offers online, unmoderated forums for open discussion from caregivers. They also offer support groups as well.
    The Family Caregiver Alliance website is very professional, functional, and straight forward. The site is quite legitimate, publishing newsletters, articles, and sponsoring events to address the concerns caregivers face. Their list of sponsors and endorsements include AARP, the Administration on aging, the Archstone Foundation, and several California counties and California based organizations. Although they do not have a stated bias or affiliation to any political party, they do address that family care giving creates a lessening dependency on Medicaid and encourages the administration to support an agenda that addresses family caregiver concerns. . The site also details the eligibility criteria for each state's programs to assist caregivers in an easy to read chart. It is designed to be very user friendly and informational.
    Elder care has become a more severe concern as the baby boomer population ages. Many of this generation are expected to be within the retirement phase anywhere from 20 to 40 years. With the increase in medical expenses and the increase in life expectancy, many families rely on their children to provide care and support for that aging generation. This time commitment can create a strain on the already complicated work-family balance. An interesting section concerned states legislation with respect to care giving. In the state of Illinois, "HB 493 (enacted 2003) Appropriated funds for senior caregivers of adult disabled children. It is informative to have knowledge of public assistance programs that may be available to help a family. Government and private industry often have policies and programs that are aimed to assist families in need with support, but the lack of knowledge regarding the programs often allows an individual in need to overlook the opportunity. Overall, the site is informative, clean, updated, and user friendly. There is plenty of information, but it is organized in an easily discernible fashion. There is a host of resources for further information and a variety of programs designed to inform and involve the caregiver with others that are in similar circumstances.
ashley wilson

Moms Rising - 0 views

    Part 1: The URL: A brief overview of the website: This website is a network of people, united by the goal of building a more family-friendly America. This sites major campaign is M.O.T.H.E.R.S. This stands for M= Maternity & Paternity Leave O= Open Flexible Work T= Toxics H= Health Care for All E= Early Care and Education R= Realistic & Fair wages S= Sick Days, Paid. One of the tabs is take action. This tab breaks down the M.O.T.H.E.R.S. campaign and how people can help in the efforts. This ranges from designing your own ONEsie to sending a letter to congress. The next major tab is M.O.T.H.E.R.S This tab provides stories about each letter. As well as the facts, articles, what someone can do to help, and moms who are blogging about that subject matter. This site also includes In The News tab and Media tab. These tabs have press releases and videos relating to the M.O.T.H.E.R.S campaign. There are vast list of articles coming from sources like CNN, Parents Magazine, and Bloomberg. The intended audience: This site is geared mostly towards working mothers, but it also addresses families in general. Their big campaign is from the word mother, but their goal is for everyone. They want to change the world into a family friendly one. This is open to the public and very accessible and relatable for anyone with a family.
    Part 2: Credibility: This site seems to be very creditable. They do their research on legislation, and get articles from creditable sources. For example in the toxic information they have a campaign for the safe chemicals act of 2011. Their creditable sources include sites such as CNN, Bloomberg, ABC news, and more. It does not seem biased. It offers any information that relates to their common goal. They do not seem to care where the source is from as long as it has useful and important information about their goal. They research legislation, and keep up to date on anything that affects families. General observations and relation to Work, Family & Community: In looking at this site it is very apparent that they are serious about their goal. They want to create a family friendly world, and have different outlets for people who want to do the same. They have many articles, and blogs as well as actually ways to get people involved in the campaign. This relates to Work, Family & Community because it addresses the major objectives in favor of families. Most of the objectives have to deal with the work-family balance. It also involves the community by offering ways to reach out and help. It is a national campaign linked to articles, blogs, videos, and information to help people towards the family friendly work environment and policies.
    I really like this site. This site keeps me and others updated on issues that affect many people. It is also nice to know that the issues mentioned are being addressed and that many people share common ideals and goals. Mom's Rising is bringing awareness as well as bringing solutions to the table. These women seem to have life figured out... family comes first. I think we all can learn a lot from these women and the issues that affect our daily family and work lives.
dan gordon

Focus on the Family: Helping Families Thrive - 5 views

shared by dan gordon on 29 Apr 12 - Cached
    Focus on the Family This website focuses on family issues beyond work/family issues including; marriage, parenting, life challenges, faith and social issues. Focus on the family also has a radio broadcasts, websites, simulcasts, conferences, interactive forums, magazines, books, counseling and much more. Their mission statement is "To cooperate with the Holy Spirit in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible by nurturing and defending the God-ordained institution of the family and promoting biblical truths worldwide." And their vision is to redeem families, communities, and societies worldwide through Christ. This organization has a value statement which emphasizes value on evangelism, marriage, children, human life, social responsibility, and the individuality of both male and females. This is a large not for profit organization with a 2010 asset and liability of just over $82 million. Obviously Focus on the family is a Christian based organization which targets mainly Christians. All materials are accessible to the general public and seem be easy to understand. Focus is a politically active organization and highly influential in our countries policies. This is a highly legitimate organization with many contributors from all walks of life. This organization was founded by a world renowned child psychologist, Dr. James Dobson Ph.D. I learned that this site has a treasure trove of information and help with raising children. As a working father myself, and a product of parents who lacked in both parenting skills and communication, I had a rough time trying to train my own children. Without the proper training on child raising or even how to deal with your spouse in hard situations, we find ourselves working longer hours to stay away from the problems at home. Although this site might not be interesting for everyone because of its outspoken Christian beliefs, one cannot deny that getting educated on p
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    Love this organization..I remember when James Dobson was the voice behind this in the late 1990's. Good information for raising families and dealing with life in general. My boys' are grown, but I still listen to their radio "minute" at least once or twice a week. Great choice for a review.
    Focus on the family is a great source! The cite provides a lot of useful advice and I have heard them on the radio many times. Definitely one to trust. Nice work.
    What a great pick for a review... one I would not have thought of, but very appropriate. I think so many times I think of the work family conflict of only having solution at work, but the solution can come at home when one chooses the life they want to lead.
Lisa Scott

Corporate Voices for Working Families - 0 views

shared by Lisa Scott on 03 May 12 - No Cached
    Website Overview: This site was founded by a foundation founded in 2001 called Corporate Voices for Working Families. The foundations goal is to help shape conversations and collaborate on public and corporate policy issues involving families. Throughout this site you can browse and find information about the foundation, as well as their work, their policies, partnerships, publications, news and events. They have worked on such policies as the Workforce Investment Act, tax policies and flexible spending. These policies help the worker and thus help the home. In addition, the publications and toolkits focus are focused on four topics: workforce readiness, work and family balance, workplace flexibility and family economic stability. This site appears be very creditable as they have documented work and they are nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. Their main goal is to be a voice to corporations in explaining what workers desire and thus return a dedicated worker. This foundation also reaches out to the government for their support on different family/work issues. One thing I did not find in the site is their accomplishments they have earned by this collaboration. Intended Audience: Business owners, members of the Government and any working individual. Relationship to Work, Family, and Community Class: This site's main goal is to bring about a healthy balance in the workplace as well as at home. Through mediating between corporations and the government this organization is seeking to provide a better home and work life. Other Comments: I found the publications very interesting, especially the Family Economic Stability publication.
Josh Sweeney

Work+Life Fit - 1 views

Website Name: Work+Life Fit URL: Intended Audience: The audience is unlimited. Website Overview: This site advises individuals and organizations how to use strategic f...

started by Josh Sweeney on 02 May 12 no follow-up yet
Amy Bender

Partners HealthCare Employee Assistance Program, MGH EAP, BWH EAP - 2 views

  • This website is a resource for employees who are employed by the affiliated healthcare facilities that provides support for a wide range of issues from balancing work and family, marital concerns, child and elder care resources, substance abuse, financial and legal concerns among other things. The intended audience is any employees that work for the network of healthcare facilities that the website is facilitated by. By looking around on the website, I could tell that it was specifically for these employees; however, there are resources on the website that are available to everyone in the form of questions and answers. The website seems to be a good source of information as a resource for employees that are dealing with difficult situations in their life. This website also provided links to many governmental websites as further resources. The website is a .org so it is more reputable. This website seems unbiased because there are no advertisements. This website did not seem to have a political or social agenda. This website seemed right on point in regards to many of the difficult situations that we learned about in this class in regards to Work, Family & Community. There were resources for child care, elder care, and mental health, as well as some other valid issues in family life such as military life and veterans.
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