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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Angela Sales

Angela Sales

Working Families " Issues - 0 views

  • This website is out of New York and is basically a site for influencing elections and is pro-democrat. A slogan that is mentioned states "Working Families is a different kind of political party. We're fighting for ordinary people, not for special interests." So right there, this is a politically biased website for the supposed "99%." The three main areas are meet the candidates, issues, and take action. They list their endorsements and of course there is an area to contribute to the cause and the candidates. Oh, yes, and President Obama is listed on this site as someone they endorse because he has worked so well for working families. Really? The intended audience is definitely voters. I do not give any credibility to this site due to it's political bias. Some of the ideas they promote are bank bailouts, healthcare for all, and green jobs/green homes. They are "fighting to bring back the Amerian Dream, and they want you to joint them. All I can say from the right is "don't drink the kool aid" to the voters.
Angela Sales

The Work Life Balance Centre - 0 views

  • This website review is of the WorkLifeBalanceCentre. The main areas of the website are the About Us, Corporate Wellbeing, Individual Support, Interact, Hot Topics, Clients, More Resources, and Contact Us sections. The website audience is for both individuals and organizations. For organizations, it focuses on highlighting the problems organizations face when there is not an appropriate amount of WorkLifeBalance. For individuals, it focuses on hypnotherapy and CBT, fears, phobia, trauma, depression, childbirth, etc. This website is basically a site for people and or organizations to find out about the various courses they teach and the fees involved. There was a portion for testimonials from individuals who the courses or one-on-one courses helped with self esteem, wedding stress, and medical issues. The company is based in Leicestershire which is located in the midlands of Central England. I think this site could be easily used by the general population and is accessible to them. Unfortunately, they are located in England. So while the services can easily be used by folks over there, the services really provide nothing to us here in the United States. As far as credibility, I researched the director, Julie Hurst and also the center itself and found the following. She is a psychotherapist/hypnotherapist and the center has been in existence for over 21 years. Her LinkedIn profile does not say where she went to school but it does say that she has been a featured speaker. I searched google and youtube looking for placed where she has been a speaker but I did not find much of anything. I also searched for complaints against her or the business and was not able to find much either. She has not written any books and the website does not appear to have any specific political or social agenda either. As far as credibility, it is hard to say. If we believe her LinkedIn page, the company has been existence for over 21
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