Contents contributed and discussions participated by Bilge Aslan
Türkiye'de Çoklu Zeka Kuramının Uygulanmasında Yaşanan Sorunlar - 0 views
Çoklu Zeka Kuramı; zekanın tek bir boyutta olmadığını, aksine her bireyin farklı derecelerde, çeşitli zekalara sahip olduğunu öne sürmektedir (Gardner, 1993a, 1993b; Armstrong, 2000; Campbell & Campbell, 1999; Baş, 2009). Bireylerdeki bu zekaları ortaya çıkarabilecek olan kurum ise "okul"dur. Ancak, okulda bireylerin bu zekalarının ortaya çıkarılmasında bir takım sorunlarla karşılaşılmaktadır.
Friends, you can also find a word attachment article on mulitple intelligence on Turkish education by the instructor from Osman Gazi University.
Constructivist Social Studies Lesson Grades 4/5 - YouTube - 0 views
Students work in pairs to research and present findings. This video shows interviews with students engaged in the learning process. Notice the high level of involvement and enthusiasm.
The video displays an activity that students are reinforced to produce in terms of constructivist approach. I know the teacher and his ways of integration of the methods. He is mostly effective in such cases, and does not lose the control in any circumstance. In the video, there seems a compexity among students in terms of noise and crowd. However, it was one of the disadvantages of taking the whole class to video. They should present what they have done so far. One of the best thing in the video is peer evaluation that we frequently use.