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Opening gala wins raves, raises questions | Sports | 2008 Summer Olympics | Reuters - 0 views

  • "The heavy presence of Chinese (People's) Liberation Army officers throughout the proceedings left many wondering exactly what image the hosts were intending to project to the international community...," the newspaper said. "At a time when Tibet, Darfur and China's broader human rights record are proving delicate issues for Beijing organizers, the move to present thousands of drilled, sobersided army officers ... was surprising for its brazenness; a none too subtle projection of strength," it said. Asked about the military theme, Zhang Jigang, chief of the People's Liberation Army dance troupe, told reporters there were "excellent performers and directors" in the military. "I think this is a Chinese characteristic," he said. "All of the military arms have ... have wonderful acrobats and opera troupes. We should make use of such resources."

'One thing is clear: you cannot protest legally in China' -- - 0 views

  • Manuela Parrino is a 40-year-old Italian who has lived in Beijing for the last 41/2 years with her husband, an Italian television correspondent, and their son, Jacopo. "I was kind of fed up with all the visiting journalists talking negatively about China. I was at the press conference where they announced the new protest areas, and I thought, 'OK, let's give this a try.' "

VOA News - 北京奥运场馆观赛规则严得令人叹 - 0 views

  • 任何游行、静坐、示威行为、裸奔等其他扰乱现场活动秩序和违反我国法律法规的行为。
  • 关于不得携带横幅和标语进场的问题,黄可瀛解释说:“我们所限定的横幅、标语等并不是单单指政治、宗教的,我们是指各种类型的横幅和标语,包括各类加油的标语等等。在这个里面,我们要和各国观众,要体现一种公平、公正的原则。”

[Back from Beijing] 北京就是要讓你看見這些 - 0 views

  • Rocketboom的製作人找上GVO的David,然後David引介他來找我跟Leonard,希望能用Lingua的資源(就是一大堆厲害的翻譯者)來將這兩則影片翻成各種語言。

北京奥运成功符合所有人利益 - 0 views

  • 本届奥运会的本意,也许是要展示当今中国某些最引人注目的一面:现代、财富、成就。但北京奥运也有可能暴露中国最糟糕的一面:偏执、民族主义、反复无常的控制措施。
  • 对中国体制上的上述缺陷,外国观察人士不应视若不见,也不应被宣传所迷惑。然而,他们也应该避免带着耿耿于怀的对立情绪看奥运。中国人渴望展示中国进步的愿望完全是自然的,北京奥运取得成功符合所有人的利益。

[特写] 福娃会否成"败"娃?-华尔街日报 - 0 views

  • 北京老百姓创造了他们自己的福娃──鸭子、蜻蜓和的士 ──它们各自的第一个字连起来谐音北京话里的脏话“丫挺的”。2000年的悉尼奥运会也发生了类似的事,三个官方吉祥物被当地一家电视台创造的非官方吉祥物Fatso(一只胖胖的树袋熊)抢去了风头。
  • 韩美林在设计福娃期间曾两次突发心脏病。如今离奥运会开幕没几天了,他不愿再谈论福娃。上个月,韩美林艺术博物馆在北京开馆,里面见不到一个福娃。韩美林与奥组委的关系也陷入冷淡。“我设计福娃本来应该得到象征性的一元钱报酬,但就连这个我现在也没得到。”

From Tiananmen to the Sichuan Quake: A Profile of Wen Jiabao - 0 views

  • In fact, this debate on the premier’s crying should not be a trivial matter. Its poignancy and enormous political implications have been closely related to Wen’s former mentor, Zhao Ziyang, the CCP general secretary who famously cried in Tiananmen Square, begging the protesters to leave the place that would soon become an intended killing field. If Zhao were not indecisive or did not cry in Tiananmen Square in 1989, or if he instead stood on top of a tank sympathetic to the pro-democracy forces—bravely commanding the tremendous force of the millions yearning for freedom, human rights, and for a change of the corrupt system, like Boris Yeltsin in the waning days of the Soviet Union—China may have already had a bold and visionary political leader and a brand new political reality. But in the final crucial moments that decided history, Moscow did not believe in tears, and Beijing did. A great historic opportunity was lost by Zhao for the complete lack of a strong and resolute visionary leader from within the power elite who alone could command the enormous political and military resources to change history. And now, as Zhao’s erstwhile protégé, Wen continues that legacy [7].
    莫斯科不相信眼泪,所以叶利钦一鼓作气,赢了; 北京除了眼泪之外,别无他策,所以wenjiabao也只有眼泪被记住了。

Victim or Victor? China's Olympic Odyssey - - 0 views

  • Modern Chinese nationalism often veers between Mr. Coubertin's and Mr. Maurras's ideas of nationhood. Officially, the government likes to talk about friendship between peoples, and harmony and peace, while at the same time promoting an injured sense of historical Chinese victimhood at the hands of foreign powers. When demonstrations of Chinese nationalism run out of control, with or without official encouragement, the feeling of national hurt can turn to violent aggression. It has been happening of late in the U.S., among other places, when Chinese students attacked Tibetans, or indeed anyone who "offended the feelings of the Chinese people."
  • This type of official patriotism is based on a peculiarly skewed view of history. Rather than celebrate the high points of Chinese civilization, the emphasis falls entirely on suffering at the hands of foreigners. The sense of victimhood runs so deep that it is impossible for most Chinese to view themselves as aggressors. The idea that Tibetans, for example, might have some reason to see themselves as victims of the Chinese, is absurd. More than that, many Chinese genuinely believe that this type of Tibetan "propaganda" has been deliberately taken up by the Western press to inflict yet another humiliation on the Chinese people.
  • This does not mean, however, that democracy would be an automatic cure. In the unlikely event that China were suddenly to have a peaceful transformation to a liberal democracy, nationalism would not go away. No party seen to be soft on foreign powers, especially Japan and the U.S., would be. Modern Chinese history has been so bloody that the scars will take a long time to heal. Ethnic nationalism can be a kind of poison, especially when it is based on a feeling of victimhood. Political freedom should help to soothe such feelings in the long run, but this will not happen in time for the Beijing Olympics.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Aggressive nationalism usually goes together with authoritarian politics. When people have no legitimate means to show dissent, vent their frustrations, express critical opinions in public, and generally take part in politics, nationalism fills the void. As long as they can control it, this suits authoritarian rulers. In China, a certain unspoken sense of guilt may also play a role. The same people who demanded democracy in 1989, when they were students, are now often among the fiercest nationalists. The educated urban elite has prospered since the Tiananmen Massacre, and when people are reminded of the political compromises this involved, resentment can flare up easily.

Inside-Out China: Peter Scheer's Case against China - 0 views

  • As I said, I'm all for information transparency and uncensored internet access. However a lasting progress in political reform comes from inside of a country, not from external pressure. Many Americans seem to believe in the external pressure they place on other countries; this might be a main cause of the problems with the US foreign policy. Looking at history – Americans have been in numerous countries trying to impose an order through external influence, how successful has this been?
  • Peter Scheer's effort to have WTO sanctions imposed based on Beijing's internet censorship, and the hearings that will be held tomorrow in Washington DC.
    As I said, I'm all for information transparency and uncensored internet access. However a lasting progress in political reform comes from inside of a country, not from external pressure. Many Americans seem to believe in the external pressure they place on other countries; this might be a main cause of the problems with the US foreign policy. Looking at history - Americans have been in numerous countries trying to impose an order through external influence, how successful has this been?

Fed Up With Peace - New York Times - 0 views

  • Both China and the Dalai Lama exaggerate, and the historical evidence about Tibet is contradictory. One can make a good case that Tibet has been a part of China at least since 1720. One can also make a good case that Tibet became independent around 1911. The evidence is simply mixed. A deal to resolve the Tibet question is still attainable. The Dalai Lama would have to put aside claims to vast areas outside the present “Tibet Autonomous Region,” and he would have to accept much less political autonomy than he wants. China would have to ease religious controls and allow the Dalai Lama to return as a spiritual leader. Most important, Beijing would have to end Han Chinese migration to all Tibetan areas, to preserve their Tibetan character.

Quake shakes Beijing's grip on media « Peace and Freedom '08 - 0 views

  • The government now faces a tricky predicament: Having loosened its restraints on information flow this time, a return to its old ways at the next sign of difficulty could backfire. “The government should learn a positive lesson: When it allows freer information flow it is better for its image and legitimacy,” Mr. Xiao said. “But this will not always be a case, especially if the next crisis is man-made
  • China’s online censors can be merciless in their deletion of blog postings or forum comments that are deemed “too sensitive,” particularly involving anything to do with the so-called “Three T’s”: Tiananmen, Tibet and Taiwan. Post-earthquake negativity, though, has been tolerated. “Nine billion yuan [$1.3 billion] has been raised but how much will actually get to the disaster zone?” one skeptical commenter asked on a forum on Baidu, China’s leading search engine. Discussions focusing on discrepancies between the amount of donations declared by the Chinese Red Cross and the corresponding numbers issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs also have met with minimal interference, Mr. Kennedy said. However, the government has not turned a blind eye. More than a dozen people have been arrested for “spreading rumors” online, and political blogger Guo Quan was detained for questioning the risks posed by cracked dams and damaged nuclear facilities.

New Freedom, and Peril, in Online Criticism of China - - 0 views

  • The number of Internet users in China hit 228.5 million in March -- for the first time surpassing the number of users in the United States, 217.1 million, according to the Beijing-based research firm BDA China.

24小时在线博客 » 今年五一不出门,旅游就去假前门! - 0 views

  • 崇文区鲜鱼口地区文物普查单位共有57处,此次列入危改名单的有41处;保护院落原定80处,这次列入拆迁的有61处。普查登记在册文物、保护院落甚至市级文保单位,都被列入了北京公布的拆迁名单之中。
  • 【本博相关部分文字阅读】

Solidot | 奥运会圣火传递将排放出5500吨的二氧化碳 - 0 views

  • 抗议、防暴警察、骚乱、熄灭圣火....北京奥运会的圣火火炬接力一路伴随着不和谐的声音。北京政府花了大力气耗费巨资想要办一届绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运,现在它的罪名又增加了一件:当奥运会圣火传递结束后,火炬接力将产生大约1100万磅二氧化碳。火炬将在全世界的23座城市传送,旅程超过85000英里,期间需用一架涂有奥运会标志的A330飞机运送。A330每英里要烧掉5.4加仑燃料,全部路程它总共要烧掉462400加仑。按Earthlab的估计每加仑飞机燃料燃烧时会产生23.88磅二氧化碳,因此活动结束后地球大气增加了1100万磅二氧化碳,也就是5500吨。

"我们被谁推上了这座对立的舞台?"<br>旧金山圣火传递亲历-专栏关注-南方周末 - 0 views

  • 在喧闹中不经意抬起头,忽然看到天上飞过一架飞机,拖着长长的飘带,写着:“Go Beijing China. Good Luck Olympics.”那一瞬间,我觉得所有的艰辛和委屈都值了。
  • 听到高喊“西藏自由”,有浑水摸鱼者会跟着大喊“中国自由”,然后甚至有人接下去喊“人类自由”。还有一位美国人大喊:“你们中国正在学习我们不人道、没人权的美国!”即使是我们中国学生听了,也无不莞尔。恍惚间我又会觉得,这里只是一座巨大的秀场或是派对嘉年华。
  • 我也曾经面向马路,站在两个藏族人中间回答他们的质问,手里紧紧攥着国旗。关于人权、宗教、民主和自由,我们争辩着,但我心底却无法理直气壮,我也并不相信谁会打倒谁,谁能战胜谁。我也早知道自己的心会受到伤害。我们因为看到“对手们”的盲目而恨得咬牙切齿,而他们看我们同样如此。

china_conference_site_en - 0 views

  • China and the Internet:History, Economy and Human RightsBy Wolfgang Kleinwächter April 2008
  • China and the Internet:History, Economy and Human RightsBy Wolfgang Kleinwächter April 2008
  • ember 2007, ther

Pomfret's China: Don't Expect Protests to Hurt Chinese Regime - PostGlobal at washingto... - 0 views

  • It’s obvious that people with a bone to pick with China’s leadership think the impending Olympics in Beijing are creating political space to air their demands. What’s next? Well, we haven’t heard much in recent months from Falun Gong, the Buddhist-inspired spiritual sect and the object of an ongoing brutal campaign of suppression by the Chinese state. No doubt they are going to pile on soon as well. Who knows, maybe smack in the middle of the Olympics opening ceremony.
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