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Andre Li Pan

VOA News - 北京奥运场馆观赛规则严得令人叹 - 0 views

  • 任何游行、静坐、示威行为、裸奔等其他扰乱现场活动秩序和违反我国法律法规的行为。
  • 关于不得携带横幅和标语进场的问题,黄可瀛解释说:“我们所限定的横幅、标语等并不是单单指政治、宗教的,我们是指各种类型的横幅和标语,包括各类加油的标语等等。在这个里面,我们要和各国观众,要体现一种公平、公正的原则。”

Bringing out the best in us | Comment is free | The Guardian - 0 views

  • @ GrazmanFu Ying is a woman.
    @ Grazman Fu Ying is a woman.
Jean Chen

北京奥运成功符合所有人利益 - 0 views

  • 本届奥运会的本意,也许是要展示当今中国某些最引人注目的一面:现代、财富、成就。但北京奥运也有可能暴露中国最糟糕的一面:偏执、民族主义、反复无常的控制措施。
  • 对中国体制上的上述缺陷,外国观察人士不应视若不见,也不应被宣传所迷惑。然而,他们也应该避免带着耿耿于怀的对立情绪看奥运。中国人渴望展示中国进步的愿望完全是自然的,北京奥运取得成功符合所有人的利益。

UPDATE 1-Olympics-IOC admits to deal with China on censorship | Reuters - 0 views

  • Gosper, chairman of the IOC's press commission, had previously said that internet access for the 21,500 media accredited for the Aug. 8-24 Games would be "open". "I ... now understand that some IOC officials negotiated with the Chinese that some sensitive sites would be blocked on the basis they were not considered Games related," the Australian told Reuters on Wednesday.

John Kamm - Blinded By the Firewall - - 0 views

  • The fact that the Chinese people think the world loves China helps explain why it is so difficult to persuade Beijing to address human rights and other issues. The Chinese people, after all, see no need for changes to improve the country's image. In contrast, polls have shown that Americans are aware that the United States' image overseas has been badly damaged in recent years, and there is widespread agreement that work must be done to improve that image. In China, the Communist Party controls most of the information to which people have access, and that information does not include material showing how unpopular the country has become.
  • The people in developed countries who think it was a mistake to award the Olympics to Beijing (43 percent of Americans, vs. 41 percent who told Pew it was the correct decision) are less likely to watch.
  • Three in four Chinese think the world likes China, while only one in 10 thinks foreigners don't like the country. More than 80 percent believe China takes other countries' interests into account when formulating foreign policy. Just 3 percent think China's economic growth has a negative effect on other countries. Only 1 percent knew a lot about the recall of Chinese products for quality and safety reasons. if ( show_doubleclick_ad && ( adTemplate & INLINE_ARTICLE_AD ) == INLINE_ARTICLE_AD && inlineAdGraf ) { placeAd('ARTICLE',commercialNode,20,'inline=y;',true) ; } Pew's Global Attitudes Survey of public opinion in 24 countries, released in June, makes clear that international opinion toward China is very different from what people in China think it is.
    The fact that the Chinese people think the world loves China helps explain why it is so difficult to persuade Beijing to address human rights and other issues. The Chinese people, after all, see no need for changes to improve the country's image. In contrast, polls have shown that Americans are aware that the United States' image overseas has been badly damaged in recent years, and there is widespread agreement that work must be done to improve that image. In China, the Communist Party controls most of the information to which people have access, and that information does not include material showing how unpopular the country has become.
isaac Mao

#080808 | Blog - 0 views

shared by isaac Mao on 07 Aug 08 - Cached
arden dzx

罗格抵京处理内地审查网络风波 - 0 views

  • 国际奥委会主席罗格昨天抵达北京,以处理奥委会高层的意见纠纷。内地政府早前被揭露审查奥运主新闻中心网络,引起的风波愈演愈烈。国际奥委会新闻委员会主席凯文•高斯帕早前披露,国际奥委会领导层已与内地网络审查部门达成幕后协议,默许内地限制外国记者上网。国际奥委会新闻宣传主任吉赛拉•戴维斯表示,罗格将询问内地有关当局为何一些网站被屏蔽。
shi zhao

XYS Article Reading - 0 views

shared by shi zhao on 05 Aug 08 - Cached
Jean Chen

[特写] 福娃会否成"败"娃?-华尔街日报 - 0 views

  • 北京老百姓创造了他们自己的福娃──鸭子、蜻蜓和的士 ──它们各自的第一个字连起来谐音北京话里的脏话“丫挺的”。2000年的悉尼奥运会也发生了类似的事,三个官方吉祥物被当地一家电视台创造的非官方吉祥物Fatso(一只胖胖的树袋熊)抢去了风头。
  • 韩美林在设计福娃期间曾两次突发心脏病。如今离奥运会开幕没几天了,他不愿再谈论福娃。上个月,韩美林艺术博物馆在北京开馆,里面见不到一个福娃。韩美林与奥组委的关系也陷入冷淡。“我设计福娃本来应该得到象征性的一元钱报酬,但就连这个我现在也没得到。”
isaac Mao

Shanghaid: Censorship, skin and sunshine at ShContemporary - - 0 views

  • Still, Belgian artist Wim Delvoye was another who attracted the attention of the cultural police. His proposal to display several pigs tattooed in Disney and Louis Vuitton logos was rejected by the cultural bureau, which said that it didn't consider live animals to be art.
  • The catalogues were not ready on exhibition day because offending pages had to be excised, and exhibitors had hassles obtaining visas because of the Olympic season crackdown. Some had to apply twice from different cities and provide letters of recommendation, but most squeezed in eventually
isaac Mao

舒非:奥运圣火的闹剧 - 0 views

  • 遇上别人提到西藏提到人權,就说奥运不应与政治挂钩,但这趟火炬来到香港,一看那份在火炬到达前一天才公布的火炬手名单,一百二十人之中,运动员占不及三分之一,一大半的人不是富商巨贾,便是政治圈里的“自己人”,都跟体育八辈子拉不上一点关系,把火炬手的位子分给他们,完全只是政治酬庸,活生生地显示了什么奥运不应牵涉政治,完全是自打嘴巴。   香港火炬手的一百二十人名单,其实早在公布前已传得沸沸扬扬,人们都估计得八九不离十。这张要由中國奥委会批准的名单(可说是国家机密)内容外泄,明显是有人放风,结果舆情大哗,嘲骂之声四起,指责香港政府和香港奥委会把火炬手位子用来作政治交易,特别是“疑似特首候选人”梁振英和连路也走不动的过气人大曾宪梓高调抢位,有人干脆就说是“圣火之耻”。
  • 本来也就一个“奥林匹克火焰”(Olympic Flame)而已,中國人硬是要把它封神封圣,好了,加上一个“圣”字,就变成了神圣不可侵犯的“民族尊严象征”,挨不得碰不得更骂不得熄不得抢更不得,把好端端的火炬世界巡游变成了一场抢夺圣火与誓死捍卫圣火的闹剧。
  • 其实就是有人闹事,把火炬抢了灭了,又有啥大不了?要是中國人一笑置之,将抢火炬者当小丑,你灭了我就再点,你抢了吗,我干脆点上一支新的,那支就送给你也可以?风度泱泱,更显得搞事者的无理取闹如几只苍蝇。但如今头筋暴涨,咬牙切齿,把这点小事说成是国际反华大阴谋,大有火在人在火灭人亡之慨,或声色俱厉或偷偷摸摸,反教天下人笑掉大牙。
Andre Li Pan

新德里完成奥运火炬传递 - 0 views

  • 印度昨日戒备森严,采取了大规模的安保措施,以确保奥运火炬安全通过新德里(New Delhi)。印度沿着缩短后的火炬传递路线,部署了逾1.5万名保安人员。火炬传递路线没有对公众开放。
  • 尽管新德里火炬传递最终没有发生严重事件,但高度的安全措施突显出,对中国而言,奥运火炬接力成了一联串的公关灾难,并使许多人怀疑主要赞助商能从中获取多少益处。
  • 可口可乐(Coca-Cola)印度高层管理人士为该公司赞助火炬接力进行辩护,并否认该公司后悔参与此项活动。本周三,可口可乐首席执行官内维尔•艾斯戴尔(Neville Isdell)在集团年会上也表达了类似观点。
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • 另一家顶级奥运赞助商三星(Samsung)也表示,6名由其提供赞助的运动员将手持“令人崇敬的象征,穿越印度首都拥挤的街道”,该公司为此感到“骄傲”。但事实上,公众只能通过电视收看到火炬接力活动。
  • 印度官员将火炬接力路线从原计划的9公里缩短到仅仅2.3公里,以尽可能降低火炬传递过程中发生中断的可能性。奥运火炬上次到达印度是在2004年,当时火炬在新德里的传递距离是32公里。
  • 早些时候,数千名藏人举行了抗议游行,高呼反对中国的口号,并试图冲击新德里的美丽殿酒店(Le Meridien)。
  • 25岁的丹增洛桑(Tenzin Lobsang)参与了抗议游行,他希望此次“和平游行”能让全世界关注西藏的人权问题。
  • 印度是全球西藏流亡者数量最多的国家,据估计约有8.5万人。虽然印度为西藏流亡政府提供了容身之地,但承认西藏是中国领土的一部分,并要求西藏流亡领袖避免在印度境内进行政治活动。
  • 香港昨日也取消了原计划中的两段火炬传递。香港可能成为诸多抗议团体重点关注的地点,他们将香港视为在中国国土上开展抗议活动的最佳地点。
Andre Li Pan

中国为奥运火炬"护跑手"辩护 - 0 views

  • 中国外交部发言人姜瑜告诉记者:“这些护跑手是志愿者,他们不是执法人员,但是他们的职责是非常明确和神圣的,那就是要保护奥运火炬的安全、神圣和尊严。我们希望有关国家对此能够予以充分理解和积极配合。”
  • 昨日仍不清楚日本是否将向中国“护跑手”发放入境签证。日本一名政府官员表示,其它国家允许中国安保人员入境,让日方感到诧异。
  • 这一危机昨日有所加深,原计划在日本长野市举办的一场庆祝奥运火炬到访的活动被取消,尽管官员们表示,火炬传递路线本身没有变化。“我们希望专注于奥运火炬传递本身,”传递委员会表示。
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • 巴基斯坦内务部的一名官员在伊斯兰堡表示,政府担心自杀式袭击的可能性。
  • 在伊斯兰堡之后,奥运火炬将到达印度新德里。印度政府对奥运火炬传递感到紧张,担心藏族抗议者可能企图打断火炬传递,并为此缩短传递路线。
Kenyth Zeng

What does the world think of the U.S. and China? - 0 views

  • An exception to this is Germany, which gave the most negative of all the European assessments. China, on the other hand, was quite positive towards Germany. It probably isn’t anymore.
  • Danwei posted on Who is winning the Olympic PR War? Jeremy’s conclusion: In the West, Free Tibet organizers. In China, the Chinese government.
  • Chinese people are not “brainwashed” by the government but carefully considering Western sources and see them as being just biased as their own sources.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • the world still doesn’t like the US government. In fact they like China’s government more.
  • Overall: China. 47% for China vs. 35% for U.S. (excluding subject country) Latin America: China. 45% for China vs 32% for U.S. Europe: China. 39% for China vs 31% for U.S. Middle East: China. 63% for China vs. 34% for U.S. Africa: United States. 66% for China, 70% for U.S. Asia (ex-China): China again. 40% for China vs 39% for U.S.
  • In fact, only 9 of 23 countries rated the U.S. higher than China
Hexy Hwang

一个鄙陋的人。。。 - Hexy's No.17 bus stop - - 0 views

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