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isaac Mao

谷歌雅虎微软达成海外从业共同准则 - 0 views

  • 这一文件是由一家名为Global Network Initiative(全球网络倡议)的实体负责制定的,起草小组人员包括了人权第一(Human Rights First)以及保护记者委员会(Committee to Protect Journalists)等人权组织。非盈利组织the Center for Democracy and Technology and Business for Social Responsibility(民主、技术和商业社会责任中心)也参与了制定。三家公司同意由独立专家监控他们对新原则的遵守情况。
  • 该计划含蓄地批评了中国等国家的政策,也尚未得到这些国家互联网公司的支持。互联网巨头eBay Inc.发言人表示,该公司尚未看到这一计划,但希望进一步了解并获知更多细节。
isaac Mao

在境外体会中国功夫网 GFW - 0 views

shared by isaac Mao on 27 Oct 08 - Cached
  • The Internet is not the same for everybody. Despite it's reputation as a borderless, global, connected, democratic network, access and content filtering based on national boarders has become the norm. The BBC, for example, filters content for copyright reasons to visitors accessing their website from outside of Great Britain. Much more serious, however, is the heavy political censorship happening in countries like China, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. China, being the most extreme example, strictly censors political content on the web through the blocking of IP addresses and dynamic content filtering. With the support of western technology companies such as Cisco, Yahoo, and Google, The Golden Shield Project (sometimes referred to as the the Great Fire Wall of China) censors the web for China's 1.3 billion inhabitants. The Internet police in China is estimated to contain over 30,000 workers, and is responsible for blocking content such as Tibetan independence, Taiwan independence, police brutality, the Tienanmen Square protests of 1989, freedom of speech, democracy, religion, and some international news.

Luis Villa's Blog / what the Berkman Center got right - 0 views

  • Contrary to Harvard’s reputation that the only smart people on earth live in 02138, Berkman deeply believes that there are lots of smart people out there that aren’t at Berkman, and the instinctive response is to invite them to swing by. Hence Dave’s lunch summary. There is always someone interesting, on a weekly basis, being invited to join the discussion. (And they are discussions, not lectures, as you can see from the extensive Q&A that accompanies every lunch transcript.) And the discussions are open to everyone- you can literally walk in off the street if you want;
Andre Li Pan

中科院发布国家责任指数:中国居首美国垫底 - 0 views

  • 中科院《国家健康报告》从裁减军备、消除贫困、发展援助、资源节约和保护环境等方面,对全球45个样本国家的国家责任进行评估,结果中国、墨西哥、巴西、泰国、菲律宾居前五名,排最后五位的分别是英国、意大利、以色列、新加坡、美国。
  • 在全球“国家责任指数”排行榜中,除北欧国家外,发达国家的国家责任排名普遍靠后。中科院国家健康课题组指出,发达国家不负责任导致联合国“千年发展目标”难以实现,因此,各国尤其是发达国家,应切实履行相应国家责任,更好地加强合作,推动并保证“千年发展目标”得以如期实现。
  • 中国科学院国家健康研究课题组还以国家健康指数(NHI)为序,对全球45个样本国家的国家健康状况进行分类排行,中国居第13位,属“健康达标型”国家。45个样本国家按NHI排序,芬兰以0.655高居榜首,中国以0.576名列第13,尼日利亚以0.387垫底。
Kenyth Zeng

open...: A Sad Day for Copyright - 0 views

  • Google's top copyright man, he wrote his blog in a purely private capacity as one of the leading copyright scholars in the world.
  • copyright has become less and less responsive to the balance of incentives and exceptions
  • Copyright law has abandoned its reason for being: to encourage learning and the creation of new works
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • its principal functions now are to preserve existing failed business models, to suppress new business models and technologies, and to obtain, if possible, enormous windfall profits from activity that not only causes no harm, but which is beneficial to copyright owners

The Associated Press: AP Exclusive: Networks, Olympics organizers clash - 0 views

  • Differences over a wide range of issues — from limits on live coverage in Tiananmen Square to allegations that freight shipments of TV broadcasting equipment are being held up in Chinese ports — surfaced in a contentious meeting late last month between Beijing organizers and high-ranking International Olympic Committee officials and TV executives — including those from NBC.In response to the complaints from broadcasters, Sun Weijia, head of media operations for the Beijing organizers, asked them to put it in writing, only to draw protests about mounting paperwork.
  • "I just wish to have a kind of document to help me identify the key points," he said, drawing immediate protest."How many times do we have to do that?" asked Manolo Romero, an Olympic broadcasting official.
Oliver Ding

新"蜜蜂的寓言" -搜狐财经 - 0 views

  • “企业公民”(Corporate Citizenship)和“企业社会责任”(Corporate Social Responsibility)在中国商业世界正成为时尚话题。




  • 蒙古草原上无数的敖包是如何建起来的呢?我们容易以为是某个权势巨大的统治者下令建起来的。在如此地广人稀的土地上,把一个个行踪不定的游牧部落组织起来进行这样一个浩大的工程是不可能的。事实上,所有的敖包都是千百年来,人们自发建成的。在蒙古民族中有一种民间信仰:如果你看到了石头(在草原上石头是很稀少的),就是看到了你的“福气”,如果你拿着石头绕着别的石头走一圈,然后把它与别的石头放在一起,你就是在为自己增添福气。人人都愿意自己的福气尽可能地多,所以当一个人看到一块石头时就会捡起来,等看到别的石头时就把它放在那儿。这种信仰代代相传,草原上的石头堆(即敖包)就越来越多,每个敖包也越垒越高。就在一代又一代人为各自“谋福利”的过程中,一个服务于所有人(包括后代子孙)的导航系统就在广亵的蒙古草原上建成了。
  • 在《国富论》中他这样写道:“每个个体既不打算促进公共利益,也不知道提升多少公共利益。他只在乎他自己的保障,自己的收益。个体被一只看不见的手所引导,最终达到的结果并非他自己的意图。个体通过追求自身的利益来促进社会收益,往往比他真正打算促进社会收益时更有效率。” “我们每天所需的食料和饮料,不是出自屠户、酿酒家或烙面师的恩惠,而是出于他们自利的打算。我们不说唤起他们利他心的话,而说唤起他们利己心的话。我们不说自己需要,而说对他们有利。”
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • 亚当·斯密认为是后者。人类在道德问题上的传统焦虑被宣布为庸人自扰,人尽可以放心大胆地追求自己的利益,根本不用担心“自利”会有损公共利益,相反,只有当个体专注于自己的利益的追求,在追求自利上精益求精(即“分工”),让自己的利益最大化时,一只看不见的手就会神奇地将个人的追求转化为社会的利益。“总体收益的结果,有别于创造收益的个体意向”。
  • 1720年,曼德维尔出版了一本书,书名叫做《蜜蜂的寓言,或私人的恶行,公共的利益》。他把人类社会比喻为一个蜂巢:“这些昆虫生活于斯,宛如人类,微缩地表演人类的一切行为。”在“这个蜜蜂的国度”里,每只蜜蜂都在近乎疯狂地追求自己的利益,虚荣、伪善、欺诈、享乐、嫉妒、好色等恶德在每只蜜蜂身上表露无遗。令人惊异的是,当每只蜜蜂在疯狂追逐自己的利益时,整个蜂巢呈现出一派繁荣的景象。后来,邪恶的蜜蜂突然觉悟了,向天神要求让他们变得善良、正直、诚实起来。“主神终于愤怒地发出誓言:使那个抱怨的蜂巢全无欺诈。神实现了誓言……”接着,在整个蜜蜂的王国中,一磅贬值为一文,昔日繁忙的酒店渺无人迹,不再有人订货,全国一片萧条景象。   这就是说,私欲的“恶之花”结出的是公共利益的善果。这就是著名的“曼德维尔悖论”。从道德的角度看,以自利驱动的行为是应该受到谴责的,但如果想以“公共精神”的道德情怀来建立一种充满美德的繁荣社会,那只是一种“浪漫的奇想”,因为私欲和私欲支配的个人恶行恰恰是社会繁荣的能源,离开了这个能源,公共利益将是无源之水,无本之木。公益心和道德感这样的善之花,都将结出贫困和伪善的恶之果。   曼德维尔的“蜜蜂的寓言”是现代自由主义经济学和经济伦理的基本隐喻。其理论主旨是弘扬私欲,相信市场对私人恶行具有神奇的转化和净化力量,认定出于道德情怀的行为不仅不可行而且可能危及公共利益。
  • 简言之,“公民”是一个既独立又不独立的概念,指的是一个有所属的个体而不是原子式的个体。所谓“企业公民”,就是自觉地把自己归属于社区共同体、社会共同体和人类共同体的企业,在核算成本时,将社会成本、环境成本考虑在内,在计算收益时将企业收益、社会收益和环境收益同时计算在内,在做投资决策时将市场、社会和环境的投资回报率计算在内。拥有“企业公民”身份和资格的企业,就是在“公地”上谋求生存和发展的同时守望、养护“公地”,力图避免“公地的悲剧”发生的企业。   英国学者约翰·埃尔金顿把这种企业描述为同时追求“三重盈余”——经济盈余、社会盈余和环境盈余的企业。企业公民意识的有无,首先表现在对企业的所有权的认知。没有企业公民意识的企业,认为企业的股东仅是为企业提供资金者,企业经营的目的,就是为股东的投资带来回报并且使回报最大化。但追求三重盈余的企业认为企业的股东至少有三个:自然环境、社会和投资人。企业经营者的真实身份是受托于这三个股东的“公民CEO”,他的经营行为是确保三个“出资人”同时受益,而不是为了一个股东利益的最大化而牺牲其他两个股东的利益。
  • “公地的悲剧”包含的真实问题是:个体如何在利用产权不可能明晰的资源时避免资源的衰竭,从而导致公共利益的丧失?在人生活的世界上,有许多资源,而且是对人的生存最重要的资源(如阳光、空气等自然资源和良好的社会治安、社会道德氛围、文化资源)往往是难以确定产权的。在利用这些看似免费的资源时,我们如何才能避免“公地的悲剧”?
  • 公共利益的总量并非私人在交易活动中获得利益的总和。我们得到的许许多多“好处”(比如呼吸清新的空气、感受到的良好的社会氛围)都不是从交易活动中来的,个体拥有产权的东西所带来的好处往往超出(有时是大大超出)我们从交易活动中得到的个人收益。
  • 林地不仅生产木材,它从事的“生产”包括吸收二氧化碳、释放清新的空气、保持水土、为各种动植物提供生存环境等等,这些都是公共利益的一部分。当你因为木材价格暴涨而把整个林地砍伐尽净,获得了巨量的个人财富时,公共利益却受到损害。你不能说你对个人利益的追求促进了公共利益。
  • 一、人们在寻求自己私欲的时候,既有可能是个体间的相互利用、交易、竞争甚至相互欺诈、掠夺,也有可能是没有节制地利用无人所有的资源,人们出于私利为他人生产时,既包含自己承担的成本,也包含看似免费的社会成本。
  • 一、蜜蜂型企业:影响力高且对环境的回报率高。蜜蜂为了酿蜜,就必须从各种植物中采集花蜜——这可以看作是对环境资源的索取。而它在采蜜的同时,它翅膀上粘附的花粉就会给花授粉。如果没有蜜蜂来采蜜,花也就成了不结果实之花。(经济学家张五常在深入调查的基础上写出了一篇著名的经济学论文《蜜蜂的寓言》,涉及到了到底是果农该付给养蜂人钱还是该向养蜂人收钱的问题。)曼德维尔只注意到蜜蜂间的生存竞争,没有看到蜜蜂与环境之间的这种索取回报的关系——在从环境中索取资源的同时回报环境,使自己的“盈利”空间获得了可持续性和成长性。蜜蜂的这种获利模式是一种远比曼德维尔的寓言深刻的隐喻。   二、蝴蝶型企业:对环境有回报但自身的成长性和影响力小的企业;   三、毛毛虫企业:对环境有损害但自身的成长性和影响力小的企业;   四、蝗虫型企业:破坏环境且由于其成长性和影响力大而对社会和环境有巨大破坏性的企业。(见图一:企业的四种类型)
  • 企业的利益相关方,除了三重盈余对应的三个“股东”外,还有客户、员工和合作伙伴(包括供应商)。它寻求所有这六个利益相关方(“持股人”)的平衡。企业是股东的,也是员工的,是社会的也是自然环境的……公民行为体现为六个“善待”:一、善待股东;二、善待员工;三、善待客户;四、善待环境和资源;五、善待合作伙伴(供应商);六、善待整个社会。企业公民行为就呈现为一个六边形,这正好是一个蜂巢的形状。(见图二:企业公民行为的六个利益相关方)

Crisis and Response - Part III - 0 views

  • Furthermore, China will be tested for its willingness and ability to play a more active international role, commensurate to its growing world-power status.
  • While it is understandable that the Chinese public has been emotionally involved in such a calamity so close to home, the country will command universal respect when its government and its citizens display as much care to other humanitarian crises around the world as they have at home.

The earthquake in Sichuan | China helps itself | - 0 views

  • Much of the volunteer effort has involved individuals or small groups. China is still wary of large NGOs and has none that is truly independent of the government specialising in disaster relief. But in recent years the party has begun to acknowledge more openly that there may a role for them. Official press coverage of the earthquake, although careful to highlight the party's contributions, has also paid rare tribute to the unofficial volunteers. The government has been encouraging firms to give more generously to worthy causes. From this year it has increased tax incentives for corporate donations to charities. But this applies to only a small number of government-approved organisations. For the sake of earthquake relief the authorities are letting down their guard. But the government gives little encouragement to new NGOs and often treats the small existing ones as potential germs of political opposition. The response to this disaster might ease its fears.

The Hypocrisy and Danger of Anti-China Demonstrations - - 0 views

shared by evawoo on 20 Apr 08 - Cached
  • We hear that Tibetans suffer “demographic aggression” and “cultural genocide”. But we do not hear those terms applied to Spanish and French policies toward the Basque minority. We do not hear those terms applied to the US annexation of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1898. And Diego Garcia? In 1973, not so long ago, the UK forcibly deported the entire native Chagossian population from the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia. People were allowed one suitcase of clothing. Nothing else. Family pets were gassed, then cremated. Complete ethnic cleansing. Complete cultural destruction. Why? In order to build a big US air base. It has been used to bomb Afghanistan and Iraq, and soon maybe to bomb Iran and Pakistan. Diego Garcia, with nobody there but Brits and Americans, is also a perfect place for rendition, torture and other illegal actions.
  • The Chinese Context The Chinese government is responsible for the well-being and security of one-fourth of humanity. Race riots and rebellion cannot be tolerated, not even when done by Buddhist monks. Chinese Civilization was already old when the Egyptians began building pyramids. But the last 200 years have not gone well, what with two Opium Wars forcing China to import drugs, and Europeans seizing coastal ports as a step to complete colonial control, then the Boxer Rebellion, the collapse of the Manchu Dynasty, civil war, a brutal invasion and occupation by Japan, more civil war, then Communist consolidation and transformation of society, then Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Such events caused tens of millions of people to die. Thus, China’s recent history has good reasons why social order is a higher priority than individual rights. Race riots and rebellion cannot be tolerated. Considering this context, China’s treatment of its minorities has been exemplary compared to what the Western world has done to its minorities. After thousands of years of Chinese dominance, there still are more than 50 minorities in China. After a few hundred years of European dominance in North and South America, the original minority cultures have been exterminated, damaged, or diminished.
  • China’s one-child-policy seems oppressive to Westerners, but it has not applied to minorities, only to the Han Chinese. Tibetans can have as many children as they choose. If Han people have more than one child, they are punished. There is a similar preference given to minorities when it comes to admission to universities. For example, Tibetan students enter China’s elite Peking University with lower exam scores than Han Chinese students. China is not a perfect nation, but on matters of minority rights, it has been better than most Western nations. And China achieved this in the historical context of restoring itself and recovering from 200 years of continual crisis and foreign invasion.

FT Alphaville » Blog Archive » China to go Scandi in bid to appease US angst - 0 views

  • It would be a good strapline for the 60 Minute interview with Gao Xiqing, president of the Chinese Investment Corporation. Give the man a PhD in giving reasonable responses under hysterically motivated questioning.
  • He points out that to withdraw funds for political reasons would hurt everyone: the fund, the Chinese government, the US, the company concerned. It’s therefore highly unlikely to happen. In other words, the business and investment ties between the two countries could help to dissipate and moderate political spats rather than exacerbate or be used as a weapon in them.
Andre Li Pan

中国即将推出首支社会责任投资基金 - 0 views

  • 兴业基金管理有限公司称:“市场(对这支基金)的兴趣浓厚,很多客户都向我们致电询问有关情况,只是市场近期的下跌使他们仍心有余悸。”该公司指出,基金的目标发行规模将至少为1亿元人民币(合1400万美元)。
  • 中国国内的A股市场在经过一轮投机性的牛市之后,已于去年10月见顶。
  • 这支基金将把65%至95%的资金投资于股市,投资于债市的资金比例最高为30%

Transcript: James Miles interview on Tibet - - 0 views

  • BEIJING, China (CNN) -- James Miles, of The Economist, has just returned from Lhasa, Tibet. The following is a transcript of an interview he gave to CNN. James Miles
  • So in effect what they did was sacrifice the livelihoods of many, many ethnic Han Chinese in the city for the sake of letting the rioters vent their anger. And then being able to move in gradually with troops with rifles that they occasionally let off with single shots, apparently warning shots, in order to scare everybody back into their homes and put an end to this.
  • Well the Chinese response to this was very interesting. B
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • What I saw was calculated targeted violence against an ethnic group, or I should say two ethnic groups, primarily ethnic Han Chinese living in Lhasa, but also members of the Muslim Hui minority in Lhasa.
  • Well we didn't see any evidence of any organized activity, at least there was nothing in what I sensed and saw during those couple of days of unrest in Lhasa, there was anything organized behind it.
  • Now numerous Hans that I spoke to say that they are so afraid they may leave the city, which may have very damaging consequences for Lhasa's economy, Tibet's economy.
  • But their fear now is that Tibetans will blow up the railway line. That it is now actually safer to fly out of Tibet than to go by railway.
  • And also many troops there whose uniforms were distinctly lacking in the usual insignia of either the police or the riot police. So my very, very strong suspicion is that the army is out there and is in control in Lhasa. A
  • I've been a journalist in China now for 15 years altogether. This is the first time that I've ever got official approval to go to Tibet. And it's remarkable I think that they decided to let me stay there and probably they felt that it was a bit of a gamble. But as the protests went on I think they also probably felt that having me there would help to get across the scale of the ethnically-targeted violence that the Chinese themselves have also been trying to highlight.
  • And the authorities were responding to these occasional clashes with Tibetans not by moving forward rapidly with either riot police and truncheons and shields, or indeed troops with rifles. But for a long time, just with occasional, with the very occasional round of tear gas
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Inside the precision hack « Music Machinery - 0 views

  • At 4AM this morning I received an email inviting me to an IRC chatroom where someone would explain to me exactly how the 100 Poll was precision hacked. Naturally, I was a bit suspicious. Anyone could claim to be responsible for the hack - but I ventured onto the IRC channel (feeling a bit like a Woodward or Bernstein meeting Deep Throat in a parking garage). After talking to ‘Zombocom’ (not his real nick) for a few minutes, it was clear that Zombocom was a key player in the hack. He explained how it all works. The Beginning Zombocom told me that it all started out when the folks that hang out on the random board of 4chan (sometimes known as /b/) became aware that had enlisted moot (the founder of 4chan) as one of the candidates in the 100 poll. A little investigation showed that a poll vote could be submitted just by doing an HTTP get on the URL: ?pollName=time100_2009&id=1883924&rating=1 where ID is a number associated with the person being voted for (in this case 1883924 is Rain’s ID). Soon afterward, several people crafted ‘autovoters’ that would use the simple voting URL protocol to vote for moot. These simple autovoters could be triggered by an easily embeddable ’spam URL’. The autovoters were very flexible allowing the rating to be set for any poll candidate. For example, the URL  &rating=1&amount=160 could be used to push 160 ratings of 1 (the worst rating) for the artist Rain to the poll.
  • “Needless to say, we were enraged” says Zombocom. /b/ responded by getting organized - they created an IRC channel (#time_vote) devoted to the hack, and started to recruit. Shortly afterward, one of the members discovered that the ’salt’, the key to authenticating requests, was poorly hidden in’s voting flash application and could be extracted. With the salt in hand - the autovoters were back online, rocking the vote.
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