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Effective or just practical? An evaluation of an online postgraduate module on evidence... - 1 views

    Our study has shown that the online module on EBM was effective in increasing EBM knowledge and skills of postgraduate students and was well received by both students and tutors. Students and tutors experienced generic challenges that accompany any educational intervention of EBM (e.g. understanding difficult concepts), but in addition had to deal with challenges unique to the online learning environment. Teachers of EBM should acknowledge these so as to enhance and successfully implement EBM teaching and learning for all students.

Narrative-Based Medicine: Potential, Pitfalls, and Practice - 0 views

    "Narratives have always been a vital part of medicine. Stories about patients, the experience of caring for them, and their recovery from illness have always been shared-among physicians as well as among patients and their relatives. With the evolution of "modern" medicine, narratives were increasingly neglected in favor of "facts and findings," which were regarded as more scientific and objective. Now, in recent years medical narrative is changing-from the stories about patients and their illnesses, patient narratives and the unfolding and interwoven story between health care professionals and patients are both gaining momentum, leading to the creation or defining of narrative-based medicine (NBM). The term was coined deliberately to mark its distinction from evidence-based medicine (EBM); in fact, NBM was propagated to counteract the shortcomings of EBM.1,2 But what is NBM? Is it a specific therapeutic tool, a special form of physician-patient communication, a qualitative research tool, or does it simply signify a particular attitude towards patients and doctoring? It can be all of the above with different forms or genres of narrative or practical approach called for depending on the field of application. "
Anne Marie Cunningham

Better than numbers…' a gentle critique of evidence-based medicine - 0 views

    Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has achieved cult status in the last 10 years or so. It is an altogether admirable movement in medicine, capable of a great deal of good. Its privileged status, however, has prevented critics from being heard, and there are p
Anne Marie Cunningham

Wiley InterScience :: JOURNALS :: Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice - 0 views

    Issue of Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice which explores limits of medical knowlege... EBM vs personalised care
Anne Marie Cunningham

YouTube - Map of Medicine® interview with Sir Muir Gray - 0 views

    explores nhs agenda with regards to sharing EBM with patients

Our Acquired Knowledge at Coastal Family Medicine. - 0 views

    "The ACORN Project is an Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) Learning project of the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Residency in Family Medicine. "


    new report 2013 by Ben Goldacre
Anne Marie Cunningham

NHS Choices - Health News - Index - 0 views

    wrexhamrob- good to find you!

EBM Websites - 1 views

    "The links below will direct you to the full text of papers on important topics in EBCP mainly related to critical appraisal and to the understanding of the importance of the results in clinical studies. The content of the papers is mainly dedicated to learners of EBCP. However, there are online versions, in the appendix, for teachers of EBCP in some of these resources."
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Bridging the Gap between Evidence-Based Practice + Practice-Based Evidence - 0 views

    CECEM, Cochrane, Conference/Meeting, EHR, Health, intermittent claudication, Physiotherapy, Randomized Controlled Trial, RCT, study type, Systematic Review
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