"As our collection of cases grows, we hope to collect teachers' stories of the road to implementation and reflections on interprofessional education using the LTWC collection. Please let us know if you would like to share your experiences (you can also request access to join the discussion threads below)."
"This is the first study of the ICON learning system in undergraduate medical education, a platform designed to facilitate collaboration outside of the classroom. Data on user perceptions and system utilization suggest that both faculty and students chose to adopt this online learning system as a means for collaboration. The study also outlines future avenues for research in assessing novel online technologies."
"Welcome to the Virtual Interactive Case (VIC) system for creating simulations of encounters with patients in clinics. VIC cases are clinical reasoning exercises with feedback. Their role is to provide a bridge between theory and seeing patients in clinic (or ER), providing students with what Ericsson has called "deliberate practice" as a way of gaining clinical expertise. The strength of VIC is that it is optimized for rapidly creating a large number of cases, by using a patient template, and creating variations of cases with different differential diagnoses for the same presenting complaint."
"The PIE group works on multiple projects aimed at improving medical education outcomes. Our work ranges from online patient simulations to three-dimensional anatomical visualizations. "
PBL cases constitute an important component of undergraduate medical education. Thoughtful authoring of PBL cases has the potential to reinforce, rather than undermine, principles of patient-centeredness.
"PBL cases constitute an important component of undergraduate medical education. Thoughtful authoring of PBL cases has the potential to reinforce, rather than undermine, principles of patient-centeredness."
"Overwhelmingly, students enjoy CBL and think that it enhances their learning. The empirical data taken as a whole are inconclusive as to the effects on learning compared with other types of activity. Teachers enjoy CBL, partly because it engages, and is perceived to motivate, students. CBL seems to foster learning in small groups though whether this is the case delivery or the group learning effect is unclear."
Labyrinth is an experimental educational pathway authoring and delivery system being developed at the University of Edinburgh along with a number of other partners.
Users are presented with set or randomly selected choices as they move through a Labyrinth, each of which has a consequence for the user. Examples include virtual patients, quizzes, games and tutorials.
ePBLMs are actual patient cases in CD format that permits free inquiry. The learner can ask any question of the patient in any sequence and get the patient's response and perform any item of the physical examination in any sequence and learn the result as in the real clinical situation. Any laboratory and diagnostic test can be ordered in any sequence as well. Whatever can be done with the actual patient on history and physical and the ordering of laboratory tests can be done with the ePBLM. A separate "User's Guide" provided with each ePBLM can be used with any of the ePBLMs in the series and provides the key for free inquiry.
"This case reinforces the importance of interpreting test results with caution and with attention to the clinical picture. Effective communication between the nurses and specialists caring for the patient led to the correct diagnosis and a good clinical outcome. This clinical scenario and clinical problem-solving exercise emphasize the importance of looking at the "hole" picture."
100 Diagnostic Challenges in Clinical Medicine is composed of one hundred well-illustrated clinical scenarios and their appropriate investigations. A wide variety of specialties are covered including cardiology, neurology, dermatology, endocrinology, tropical medicine, haematology, metabolic medicine, radiology, ophthalmology, venereology, and infectious diseases. Presenting the relevant investigations corresponding to each case in an interesting and easy-to-read Q&A format concerning diagnosis and management