These dental assisting degree, diploma and certificate programs provide the necessary training students need to gain entry-level employment as a dental assistant.
Earnings for medical assistants vary depending on their experience, skill level and location. The mean annual salary nationwide for medical assistants as of May 2007 was $28,430.
Overall, there are two types of medical assistant -- clinical and administrative -- though there are many gray areas where medical assistants perform both tasks to various degrees.
"We suggest that the making thinking visible approach has potential to assist educators to become more reflective about their clinical reasoning teaching and acts as a scaffold to assist them to articulate their own expert reasoning and for students to access and use."
MedU is the home to CLIPP - Computer-assisted Learning in Pediatrics Program, SIMPLE - Simulated Internal Medicine Patient Learning Experience, fmCASES - Family Medicine Computer-Assisted Simulations for Educating Students, and WISE-MD - Web Initiative for Surgical Education of Medical Doctors.
Both work in a hospital or doctor's office, both make sure patients are comfortable and cared for, and both are relied on for the smooth operation of a medical office. But medical assistants and nurses are two distinct professions, each with a slightly different focus.
Patient Centered Learning: The solution is to permit alternatives to rigid institutions, utilize free internet programs, and have medical students assist practicing physicians by assisting practicing physicians in taking patient histories. These students would offer valuable, free services to doctors. At the same time, they would have a vivid learning experience by spending several hours each day interacting with actual patients.
The Cost Of Medical Education Would Be Negligible. The expense of healthcare is directly proportional to the cost of the doctor's education. With the institutional bottleneck gone, there would be a greater number of doctors, and the cost of healthcare would plummet.
"Overall though, the Dash system was successful in improving Dr. Williams' confidence that the implant was correctly placed. The iMedicalApps team previously reported on iPod Touch assisted orthopedic surgery. The Dash system is another method that will benefit patients via the use of mobile technology."
"There are a few guidelines that you can use to create an effective script for each of your videos. These scripts can be loaded onto your computer in a PowerPoint format and will serve as poor man's teleprompter to assist in your video presentation."
"This toolkit was designed to assist in creating a dialogue among current and future physicians about social media and issues regarding digital literacy and digital professionalism."
"The focus of this Toolkit is on creating written material intended for use by people eligible for or enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, or the Children's Health Insurance Program -- and by people who serve or assist them, such as family members and friends, outreach workers, agency staff, community organizations, and care providers. While the guidelines and advice we offer are geared to the needs of CMS audiences, most of them reflect general principles for effective communication of information that can be applied to any audience."
Whether your aim is to find a nursing school in Florida, a medical assisting program in Texas or a radiology course in California, these information resources and school search links will help you learn more about the health care career you're considering, and help you locate your school.