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Annalisa Manca

medU | Home - 0 views

    MedU is the home to CLIPP - Computer-assisted Learning in Pediatrics Program, SIMPLE - Simulated Internal Medicine Patient Learning Experience, fmCASES - Family Medicine Computer-Assisted Simulations for Educating Students, and WISE-MD - Web Initiative for Surgical Education of Medical Doctors.

Context matters: emergent variability in an effectiveness trial of online teaching modu... - 0 views

    "It was observed that each institutional context formed a complex educational ecology. The intervention became interwoven with different educational ecologies so that it could no longer be considered a stable variable across the study. We suggest that researchers should conduct implementation-profiling studies in advance of any intervention-based research to account for the constructing nature of educational ecologies on their interventions and in doing so to more clearly differentiate between efficacy and effectiveness studies."
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