Seven Keys to Effective Feedback - 4 views
ceciledroz on 05 Apr 15Week 9 - Lauren Geier (partner) This article is an important complement to any discussion on assessment: what kind of feedback will help our students improve? Wiggins describes feedback as "information about how we are doing in our efforts to reach a goal' and as such it needs to be goal-referenced, tangible and transparent, actionable, user-friendly, timely, ongoing and consistent. Wiggins elaborates on these key characteristics; often using sport to illustrate his point. He also gives examples to differentiate feedback from advice and evaluation and grades. This is a great article for teachers because it is very concrete and gives us very clear advice on how to improve the efficiency of our feedback. While some of these essentials may seem obvious, the feedback we give our students on a regular base might not meet all these criteria and it is an important read if we want our assessment to really help students progress.